Second Chance Christmas Bride

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by Shelby Reeves

  Second Chance Christmas Bride

  A short story by

  Shelby Reeves



  10 years ago

  Today was supposed to be a great day. My plans for Lilly and I were set for tonight and I was excited to take my girl out on a romantic date for our six-month anniversary. Her smile would set my soul ablaze and get my heart pumping like it always does. Except, today I receive a text that she was sick. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, but she can’t help that she is sick.

  Only, the days following, I never heard from her. Stopped by her house a couple of times to have her parents tell me she wasn’t allowed visitors.

  I finally saw her a week later at school only to find she was avoiding me. The girl I fell madly in love with is suddenly avoiding me and I have no clue why. Why couldn’t she just talk to me instead of running the opposite way?

  When I finally caught up to her, she was visibly upset. “Lilly, baby, what’s going on? It’s been over a week since I have seen or heard from you and the moment I finally see you, you turn and run away?” Her eyes stay glued to the floor. “Have I done something wrong? If so, just talk to me about it.”

  “I can’t be with you, Braxton,” she blurts out, her words like knives to my chest.

  “What? Why not?” My heart is disintegrating. I love this girl with my whole heart and now she can’t be with me? I must be dreaming.

  “I don’t want to be with you anymore,” she murmurs what sounds like a lie to me.

  “Then why are you crying if you don’t want to be with me? I don’t by it, Lilly. What’s going on?” She starts to run away again but I grab her arm, halting her. “You owe me an explanation as to why you are breaking my heart.”

  “This isn’t going to work between us, Braxton. It’s better to end it now.” She breaks free of my hold and I don’t try to stop her this time. It’s clear she has made up her mind while I’m left with more questions than answers.

  It was painful to see her after that, but it didn’t last long because two weeks later she moved. So many times, I wanted to message her and ask her why she didn’t tell me she was moving. We could have made our long-distance relationship work until we graduated next year. Or maybe, she moved because of me. Either way, I will never know.

  One thing I know for sure is that I will never find another Lilly.

  Chapter One


  Ever listen to someone talk so much that you can’t help but to want to stab your eyes with the fork in your hand? Right now, it is very tempting for me to do just that. Tina, at least I think that is her name, is going on and on about some chick where she works and it’s getting annoying.

  “Did you hear anything I said?” she screeches, knowing I didn’t give a damn about what she was saying.

  “No, I sure didn’t.” I have always said that honesty is the best policy regardless if it hurts the person. Most people think it makes me an asshole, but in reality, I’d be an asshole if I lied.

  “Why are you such an asshole?”

  See what I mean? It never fails. “Tina, I could give two shits about the girl who you have been gossiping about for the last hour.” Rising to my feet, I throw some bills down on the table to cover the tab. “Have a good night. I’m sure you can catch a ride home.”

  “Braxton, you can’t leave me stranded!” I cringe at the sound of her voice. I can, and I will. Why did I ever consider a date with her again?

  My steps do not falter as I exit the restaurant.

  Deciding I need to get some more work done, I head to the office instead of going home. My dad and I co-own the top law firm here in Atlanta. Baker and Baker Law is the highest rated law firm in the South East. I can easily say I love what I do and have no regrets working alongside my father. I’m really lucky considering most people don’t like working with their parents. My dad is as easy going and laid back as they come. My mom passed away when I was real young, so I never really knew her. It hurts that I didn’t get the chance to know her. Dad still talks about her often which is a way for me to get to know the kind of woman and mother she was.

  It’s midnight when I finally call it a night. Sliding into my sleek black Audi, I debate whether I really want to go home or not. Going to a club and finding a woman to fuck tonight seems like a better idea. On nights like tonight I think about Lilly and wonder where she is. Many times, I have thought about hiring an investigator to track her down, but for some reason I can never go through with it. If she wanted to get in touch with me I am not hard to find. Lilly is the reason why it hasn’t worked with anyone else. It took me a long time to admit it. She shattered my heart that day and it has never been put back together since. Ten long fucking years I have pinned over her and it seems there is no end in sight for my broken heart. If she were standing before me right now I don’t think I could be nice at first. Everything I have wanted to say to her has been bottled up since the day she left me just simmering, waiting to be let out.

  That’s if I ever see her again though and that’s more than likely not go happen.

  As I put my car in drive to head home, I get a text from Ramon telling me to come hang out at Nico’s with him for a while.

  I guess I’m going to Nico’s.

  Nico’s is in full swing when I arrive. All of the girl’s eye fuck me as I leisurely make my way over to the bar. Sure, they are all hot, but I always look for the girl I give a double take. It means she has sparked my interest and looks promising.

  “Braxton!” Ramon shouts, waving me over. “How have you been man?” he asks when I reach him.

  “Been good. Busy,” I respond, then ask, “What have you been up to?”

  “Same old shit just a different day, man.” Ramon works out at a mechanic shop called, Customs. He should be managing that place now as long as he has been there. Ramon and I were best friends in high school and the only person I have kept in touch with since. He was there for me through Lilly leaving me.

  Some chick steps between us and bats her eye lashes at Ramon. That’s all it took for him and she led him out to the dancefloor.

  Shaking my head, I head toward the bar in need of a drink. I’m a regular here and as soon as he sees me, he nods at me, immediately knowing what I’m going to order.

  The bartender places my usual drink in front of me and I smile at him as I lift my glass, silently thanking him. Glancing around the room, my eyes land on someone promising. She’s pretty, not gorgeous, but she will do. Her jet-black hair cascades down her back and when her blue eyes meet mine, I’m even more tempted. So far, her eyes are her best feature. I watch and wait patiently as she saunters over to me, ready to make her move.

  “Hey, handsome, I’m Tori.”

  I grab her hand and lift it, placing a kiss to the back of her hand. “Hi, Tori, I’m Braxton. Would you like a drink?”


  I call over the bartender and let her place her order, thanking him when he sets it front of her. “So, what do you do for a living?” I always get a little background on the girl before I leave with her. A guy has to have standards.

  After talking with her a few minutes, I realize this girl has no common sense at all. She is money hungry and will do anything for it. Frustrated, I pay my tab and excuse myself to go to the bathroom, when in reality, I’m bolting for the door. Women are fucking crazy.

  I also send a text to Ramon telling him I’m leaving.

  When I make it home, I drink more. I also think of Lilly. It happens every time and sometimes I wonder if I get drunk so I will imagine her face. Imagine us still together. Happy. I haven’t been happy in ten years because of her.

when I pass out, I dream of her.

  Of the life we could have had together.

  And in the morning when I wake up, my heart hurts all over again as if I was seventeen again and she had just left me.

  So, I do what I know will keep my mind off her. I work. Once I am showered and dressed, I scarf down some breakfast and then head to the office where I will be balls deep in my cases until I can’t think no more. Until my brain is a puddle of mush.

  Only this morning, Dad was waiting on me when I arrived. “Good morning, Dad.” I greet, sounding more cheerful than I am.

  He eyes me. “You look like hell, Son,” is his reply.

  “Thanks,” I reply dryly, wondering how long his visit is going to take. I love my dad, but this is not a good morning for visitors.

  “Long night I take it?” He asks, wanting to pry.

  “I didn’t sleep much,” I say, and leave it at that.

  He sighs heavily, and I automatically know what he is about to say. “Why haven’t you settled down with a woman yet? I would like grandkids before I die and in case you’ve forgotten, I’m not getting any younger.”

  Dad brings up this same topic every few months. Trust me, if I could get married and give him a grandchild tomorrow I would, but it’s obviously not going to happen since I don’t even have a girlfriend. “Not today, Dad. Please,” I beg. Today is not the day for him to remind me of what I want most yet can’t seem to make happen.

  Dad sighs again and reaches into his pocket. I watch as he sets a business card in front of me that reads, “Delilah Rothschild, Elite Matchmaking Services”.

  “Dad, I’m not going to pay some woman to match me with some girl who is probably crazy.” Is he out of his mind?

  “Mrs. Rothschild’s business is not like that. She is good at what she does and is very particular about the people she represents. Look into it, son.”

  He leaves my office without another word, leaving me staring at the business card wondering if it’s my last resort.

  Chapter Two


  I’m nervous as fuck as I drive toward my meeting with Delilah. Why the fuck am I doing this? I’ve always stayed away from dating websites because of all the crazy people pretending to be someone they are not. I’d prefer to meet my women face to face and introduce myself to them personally. Meeting with a matchmaker is something I’d swore I’d never do. I must really be desperate to be doing this. The truth is, I am longing for that woman to settle down with. Hell, I’m twenty-seven and single. I’m where I want to be in my career so now, I just want the perfect woman to settle down and have a big family with.

  I find an empty parking space across the street and whip my car in. Taking a deep breath, I climb out and stare at the building I’m about to be walking into. My hands tremble slightly so I stuff them in my pockets to hide the fact that I’m more nervous than I originally thought.

  I try to get a handle on my nerves as I cross the street. A little sign to the left of the door reads: Delilah Rothschild, Elite Matchmaking Services etched in gold. Let’s get this over with, I think to myself, forcing myself to enter the building instead of leaving like I want to do.

  The small brick building has a classy touch to it. You can definitely tell a high-class woman decorated. The lobby is spacious and has a lounging area that looks inviting. I head toward the small hallway and stop in front of the door that has a name plate that reads: Mrs. Rothschild, which is also etched in gold.

  I let out a breath I am holding and knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I hear from the other side of the door.

  I open the door and close it behind me. A fiery redheaded woman who looks to be my age rises from her chair to greet me. “Hello, I’m Delilah, you must be Braxton,” she greets with a polite smile. She is younger than I expected her to be.

  I hear a baby laugh and I look over to find a little boy playing in a playpen.

  “Sorry, I know it’s not very professional to have my son here, but I hate cancelling and I did not have a babysitter,” she apologizes.

  “Braxton Baker, nice to meet you. It’s fine. Sometimes you got to what you need to do.”

  She nods in agreement. “Please, have a seat and we will get started,” she says, gesturing to the gold colored leather chair beside me.

  “How old are you?” I ask.

  “I’m twenty-five, Mr. Baker. I’m aware my age might have you worried, but I assure you I’m good at what I do,” she answers smoothly and confidently.

  This woman seems more professional than any woman I have met her age. “I hope so,” I say, laughing nervously.

  She passes some papers over to me. “Here are some forms to fill out. You are welcome to take them with you and bring them back later or sit in the lobby. Anything you tell me or write down is completely confidential. If you have any questions or concerns with the woman I have matched you with, please do not hesitate to meet with me. Do you have any questions so far?”

  “How long will it be before I find out who I am matched with?”

  “A month. Not only do I run a background check on you, I do a full psych evaluation, you will need to pass an STD test, fill out the compatibility form and personality test. I make sure I am very thorough so both parties are in a safe relationship.”

  Whoa, I never expected that. “Okay, I will just fill these out in the lobby. Thank you.”

  I leave her office and head back to the lobby, taking a seat on one of the gold plush couches. It takes me a good thirty minutes to fill out the papers and hand them back to her. My nerves still hadn’t settled by the time I got to my office.

  I buried myself into my cases to keep my mind busy and not check my phone every five minutes as if a month from today is tomorrow.

  A whole freaking month? Fuck me.


  It’s been thirty days. I’ve been trying to refrain from checking my phone every five minutes to see if Mrs. Rothschild has called.

  It’s midday when my cell rings.

  “This is Braxton,” I answer with my usual greeting.

  “Hello, Braxton. This is Delilah from Elite Matchmaking Services. I am just calling to let you know that I have found a match for you.”

  “That’s great. What’s her name?”

  “Lilly,” she says, and my heart starts pounding in my chest.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I huff, wondering if the universe hates me.

  “Is there a problem, Mr. Baker?”

  There sure as hell is a problem. Of all the names she could have said, she had to say hers. “Is there any way I can meet with you today?” I have to know if it’s her or just a coincidence.

  “Sure, we can meet now if you’d like?”

  Perfect. “I am on my way.”

  I hang up and bolt from my chair.

  I am back in her office in record time. I needed answers.

  “I need you to tell me more about…Lilly,” I say, swallowing past the lump in my throat.

  “Well, she is twenty-seven with red hair and green eyes. She is a native of Atlanta, although she moved when she was in high school, and has recently returned. No kids, never married. Is there anything else you’d like to know?”

  It’s her. What are the fucking odds. I lean back in the chair speechless. Stunned.

  “Mr. Baker?”

  “I know her,” I murmur. “We dated for six months in high school before she broke my heart.”

  Delilah is silent for a moment, I guess so she can process what I just said. As her eyes hold understanding, she replies, “My advice to you is to meet with her and see if there is still chemistry between the two of you. Maybe you can forgive her of her past mistakes and you both can try again?”

  I want to see her, but the problem is I don’t know if I can handle it. “Can I think about it?” Time is what I need.

  “Sure. Will you let me know tomorrow?”

  “I will have an answer to you by tomorrow,” I confirm.

night, is going to be hell, I just know it.

  All night I paced back and forth, changing my mind again and again. The thought of calling dad crossed my mind, but he would only encourage me to meet with Lilly like Delilah did.

  I barely slept as my decision weighs on my mind. Did I make the right choice? Would I regret it if I didn’t go see her? It shouldn’t be this hard to decide should it?

  By the time I arrived to work in the morning, I have made my choice. Picking up my phone, I call Delilah’s office before I change my mind.

  “Elite Matchmaking Services, this is Delilah,” she greets.

  “This is Braxton, I think I have made up my mind.”

  “Oh? What have you decided to do?”

  “Can I ask you something first?”


  My heart is beating wildly in my chest. “What if it doesn’t work out with her? What happens then?”

  I hear a soft sigh. “Braxton, nothing in life is ever certain. I fully believe that you and Lilly were matched together for a reason. You can’t worry about all of the what if’s in life or you will never actually live, you will just be. But to answer your question, there are two options. You can either be matched again or I can refund you your money back. The choice would be yours.”

  “I will meet with her,” I say before I chicken out.

  “Good, you are making the right choice. You will have to trust me in order for this to work, Braxton. Come by the office this afternoon and we will go over some things, okay?”

  I agree to meet with her later and hang up and exhale. Now, I am more anxious to see her. My only hope now is that I made the right decision.

  I wonder what her reaction to seeing me again will be?

  Chapter Three


  My heart is pounding in my chest as I wait for her to arrive. Lilly, the girl I never expected to see again, is going to be on a date with me. I have even more questions now. When did she come back to Atlanta? Why has she not tried to get in contact with me after all of these years? The universe must be playing a fucking joke on me.

  I hear an audible gasp from behind me. “You have got to be kidding me,” she grumbles, just as surprised as I am. She takes a seat in front of me and the anger that has been simmering finally erupts.


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