Taste the Heat

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Taste the Heat Page 15

by Rachel Harris

  He made her want to believe that they could be different. That he could stay faithful and they could have a real shot. Loosening the binds around her heart would be taking a giant leap; she’d be abandoning her entire belief system. But Jason Landry may just be worth it.

  The song ended. Drawing oxygen into her parched lungs, Colby turned to thank the musician. The old gentleman tipped his hat and gave her a sweet, missing tooth smile. “Y’all have a nice night now.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Court of Two Sisters had been just as magical as Colby remembered. Her parents had taken here there for her thirteenth birthday, and then again for their famous jazz brunch when she turned sixteen. The restaurant’s secluded brick patio, the tranquil mosaic fountain, and the canopy of trees lit with twinkle lights always made her feel like she was stepping inside the pages of a fairy tale. As she and Jason dined on fried oysters Rockefeller and juicy barbecue shrimp, a three-piece jazz band serenaded them. If she hadn’t already decided she was in love with the man, the romantic setting might just have pushed her over the edge.

  After dinner they strolled down Toulouse Street and then onto Decatur, past the familiar sights of Jackson Square. Clutching the painting he’d bought for her, Jason led Colby past the front of the Cathedral. When she realized they were heading in the direction of Café Du Monde, she bumped him with her hip. “I thought you said dessert was at the hotel,” she said with an exaggerated frown.

  It was entirely possible she was more than a little inebriated.

  Jason laughed and brushed his lips across her temple. “Oh, baby, that’s still on. This is just a snack. I have big plans for dessert.”

  A fresh onslaught of desire incited by the look in his eyes mixed with the rum already floating in her veins, and it was all Colby could do not to tackle him on the street. Instead, she followed as he got an order of beignets to go and then walked up to a mule-drawn carriage.

  “Private tour for Landry,” Jason said, sliding his driver’s license out of his wallet. He handed it along with a folded piece of paper to the flamboyantly dressed driver.

  “Hey boy,” Colby whispered to the sleepy looking mule. The mule responded by pooping into the bag attached to its backside. Lovely. Jason laughed and she sent him a wry smile. “It appears I have an interesting effect on the male species.”

  “That you do.” He kissed her lips and then handed her up into the carriage. “Now,” he said, settling beside her, “it’s very important that we enjoy this ride together while eating these.” He opened the bag of beignets and pulled out a big, fluffy, powdered-sugar-coated treat.

  “Very important?” she asked, eyeing the pastry with amusement.

  Jason nodded and leaned close to her ear. “Trust me. After we do this, I’m prepared to ravage you in our room.”

  Without another word, Colby snatched the beignet from his hands and took a huge bite. Sweet, airy dough hit her taste buds and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Mmm,” she moaned, taking another bite. “Oh my God, that is good.”

  She opened her eyes when she heard Jason groan. His hungry gaze was riveted on her mouth. And when her tongue darted out for the sugar that clung to her lips, he drew a sharp breath through his nose. In a strained voice, he told the driver, “We’re ready.”

  Obviously, the man had a plan. And she was trying to be grateful for all the thought he had put into their night. But as romantic as the carriage ride was, and as good as it felt to ride down the streets playing tourist in the city she’d missed (even if she never admitted it to herself), what Colby really wanted was to thank the driver for his efforts, jump out of the carriage, and race back to the hotel for Jason’s dessert.

  What she settled for, however, was the seductive graze of his fingers along the inside of her thigh. The slow skim of his nose along her throat. And the sound of his harsh breathing in her ear, telling her he wanted this as badly as she did.

  Finally, the ride came to a stop back where they began. Jason practically threw a tip at the driver before grasping her hand and hailing a nearby cab. “Bourbon Orleans,” he growled, ushering her inside.

  “Bourbon Orleans? You know that’s only—”

  “I know,” Jason interrupted, causing Colby to giggle. “This is faster.”

  The cab driver craned his neck around with a puzzled look. But after taking in the pair of them, he grinned. “Gotcha.”

  Five minutes later, they were back in their hotel room, tearing at each other’s clothes.

  Colby’s hip bumped into a tray of chocolate covered strawberries. Room service must’ve brought them, but she’d had enough food for one evening. Lips followed fingers down the buttons of Jason’s shirt, eager to see and taste the muscles she’d so far only gotten to imagine. She pushed the sides open and threw the garment on the floor.

  She pressed her mouth over his racing heart, drunk on his scent. “Whatever the hell cologne this is, I approve,” she said, flicking her tongue over the flattened disk of his nipple.

  His body jerked, and he fisted his hand in the back of her hair. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Crushing his mouth over hers, he released her hair and slid his hands down her sides. Goose bumps sprung in their wake. And when his hands dipped lower, grasping the hem of her dress, a full body shiver racked her from head to toe.

  This was actually happening.

  He whisked the gown over her head.

  Jason trailed the pads of his fingers along the red lace of her bra. A muscle clenched in his jaw. “So beautiful,” he whispered.

  Colby released a shaky breath, and Jason grabbed her hips, pinning her in place with his hands. They hadn’t bothered with the lights when they fell into the room, so the soft lamp in the corner and the moonlight filtering through the plantation blinds were their only illumination. But under Jason’s intent gaze, Colby suddenly felt as if he could see all the way to her soul.

  It had been a long time since she’d stood like this in front of a man. A very long time. And now that she was, the only thing she could think about was all the pilates and aerobics classes she’d skipped over the years. She had curves. Breasts and hips, and an ass that was on the generous side of padded, thanks to her love affair with truffles and lasagna. Compared to Jason’s chiseled body, did hers measure up?

  Something in her face must have given away her thoughts because he shook his head. “Beautiful,” he said again, this time with more force as he pulled her toward him. The lace of her bra grazed his chest and he hissed. “So damn beautiful.”

  Then his mouth descended, and any thoughts she held about her padded backside flew straight out of her head.

  Scooping her up in his arms, Jason carried her to the huge bed, setting her down and climbing over her without breaking the passionate kiss. His tongue stroked deep in her mouth and she clutched the back of his head, demanding more. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and realized he still had his pants on.

  “This won’t do,” she said when they broke for air. She felt his smile as his mouth trailed kisses along her collarbone. Yanking on his belt, she made quick work of the button and zipper then shoved at the fabric.

  Jason chuckled and the sound zinged through her core. He palmed her calf, leaned up, and nipped her chin with his teeth. “I’ll be right back.”

  What the what?

  She didn’t even attempt to hide her groan of frustration, which only made him chuckle again. He slid his wallet out from the seat of his pants, grabbed a silver square from inside, and tossed it on the night table. Oh. Then, dark eyes on hers, he pushed his pants and boxer briefs down over his hips and stepped out.

  “So men really can look like that,” she said, too stunned to be embarrassed that she’d once again spoken her thoughts aloud.

  Jason exceeded every fantasy Colby had ever had. Long lean muscles. Curling dark hair. Washboard abs. And those mystical deep indentations above his hipbones. She pushed on to her knees and crooked a finger. “Come here.”

  He s
tayed in place, eyes raking over her, and she slid her bra straps off her shoulders. His mouth lifted in a grin, then opened as she reached around and flicked the clasp. Colby raised an eyebrow and repeated, “Come. Here.”

  Jason’s throat muscles worked as he swallowed hard. “I—” His hoarse voice broke off and he cleared his throat. “I told you I had plans for dessert.”

  She tilted her head, watching as he zipped open his duffel bag. “I kinda thought we were in the middle of that plan right now.”

  Had she misread some kind of signal? You’d think a situation like this would be pretty hard to misread but if anyone could misconstrue something like this, it would be her.

  “Oh, we are,” he confirmed, riffling through his bag. Relieved, Colby took a moment to admire his strong backside and sighed. Michelangelo’s David had nothing on this man. “I just thought we’d take things up a notch,” he continued, lifting what appeared to be a jar and a paintbrush.

  She watched in confusion as he stalked toward her, holding the objects in his hands. He grinned and asked, “Ever used Chocolate Body Paint?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Long after Colby fell asleep, his father’s words kept Jason company. Shadows stretched across the floor as muted light crept through the blinds, and when dawn finally broke, and Jason looked down at the woman in his arms, he felt his world shift.

  He was falling for Colby.

  That truth didn’t terrify him as much as he’d expected. Probably because he’d suspected it all along. But it did bring guilt. For so long, Jason had been content only loving one woman in his life. Ashleigh was irreplaceable. When she died, Emma became his entire world, as she should have. But after a night of holding this woman in his arms, Jason realized he now wanted more. Companionship and a wife with benefits weren’t going to be enough for him. Would never have been enough with Colby. He wanted something real.

  Why didn’t that feel like cheating on Ashleigh’s memory?

  The vows he took may’ve said till death do us part, but the mother of his child deserved more than that. Or, so he thought. But after hours of torturing himself, the only thing troubling Jason’s heart was wondering if Colby could ever love him back.

  That might make him a bad husband, or maybe it was a healthy part of moving on. Either way, he was done guarding his heart. Colby broke through every line of defense he’d built up anyway. He wanted a lifetime of waking up with her in his arms, her long dark hair fanned across his chest. Of days spent laughing, teasing, and flirting. And nights spent just like the one before. Wrapping his hands around her sleeping body, Jason breathed in her floral perfume.

  A soft sigh escaped Colby’s silken lips. A smile touched his mouth as he lifted his head and glanced at the clock. Nine a.m. Colby had to be at the restaurant by eleven. With the thirty-minute drive back home and her having to get ready, it didn’t leave them much time.

  He pressed a kiss on the crown of her head. “Time to wake up, baby.”

  “Uh huh,” she muttered, flinging her long leg around his hip. She crawled up his body, burrowed deeper into the crook of his arm, and buried her head against his neck. Morning person she wasn’t.

  Skimming his fingers down the notches of her spine and over the gentle curve of her backside, he lifted her higher, loving the feel of her tight body pressed along his. Colby sighed again, her warm breath fanning across his neck. “I guess we could just stay in bed all day. I’m not on shift; you can play hooky. We’ll spend the whole day together.”

  Actually the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He hadn’t had enough of her yet. He doubted he ever would.

  After a short pause, Colby’s shoulders deflated. “Fridays are always crazy busy,” she said drowsily, finally lifting her head. She pushed her dark waves away from her face, and the warm, satiated look in her gray eyes absolutely slayed him. “As incredible as your offer sounds, I have to go in.”

  “You sure I can’t tempt you to stay?” He combed her hair to one side and dipped his head to the sensitive skin between her neck and shoulder. Last night he’d discovered kisses there had the power to put her in a very agreeable mood. “I’m sure there’s a little more chocolate left in the jar—”

  Scooting up, she slammed her mouth against his with a squeal. He chuckled, then proceeded to devour her, thrusting his tongue past her lips and spearing his fingers through her hair. Yep, the body paint had been an excellent idea. He grinned as his hands teased the surprising areas he’d uncovered thanks to the thick, sweet chocolate. Remembering how he’d licked and sucked it off her skin had a certain part of his anatomy jumping for round two.

  Today, he was buying stock in the company.

  “Shower,” Colby declared after another minute, sinking her teeth into the lobe of his ear. “Now.”

  He groaned. “God, that feisty streak of yours turns me on.” Her wicked grin said that was exactly what she was going for, and Jason slapped her ass as she leapt off the bed. “Consider me your love slave, woman. Your wish is my command.”

  “Hmm.” She shoved aside her wild tangle of hair, and her smoky eyes darkened as she rimmed her top lip with her tongue. “The possibilities could be dangerous.”

  Shooting to his feet, he grasped her hips and yanked her against him. “Bring it on.”

  The joyous, playful sound of her giggle as he stole another kiss was like an electrical jolt to his heart. Damn, he really was falling for this woman.

  Giving her space today to think was going to be hell, but it would be worth it. Colby needed to come to the same conclusions he had and he knew she had to do that alone. Away from him. The thought that she could decide to push him away was terrifying. It made him want to latch on and drag her with him everywhere. But this was something she needed. And along with his daughter, Jason would always put Colby’s needs ahead of his own.

  She rubbed her nose against his, crinkling it as she smiled. “Ready to wash all that sticky chocolate off me now?”

  He leaned back, giving her luscious curves a thorough examination. “I licked every inch of this skin last night,” he said, watching the spark of desire flare in her eyes. “But, you can never be too meticulous about this sort of thing.”

  Seizing her shoulders, he spun her around and tugged her back so she could feel exactly how the image of her tight, soapy body affected him. Colby hissed a breath. She reached around to clutch his hip, and Jason grinned.

  “Let’s get you clean.”


  The 985 was swarming with half-drunk women and overeager men, all looking to hook up. Colored lights streamed over bodies gyrating to a techno-remix of Taylor Swift singing about love. Colby pushed through a cloud of sweat, cologne, and stale cigarettes to one of the tables along the edge of the dance floor and plopped her exhausted butt on a stool.

  Robicheaux’s had been slammed, thus keeping the swarm of confusing thoughts and feelings banging around in her brain pleasantly at bay. When closing time came and Sherry suggested a girl’s night, Colby had jumped at the idea, shoving her aching feet into a cute pair of boots. Tonight felt like a Tequila night.

  Over the giant speaker to her right, the DJ’s seductive voice coaxed the crowd. “All right, ladies, hope you’re ready to shake it. For your line-dancing pleasure I’ve got Big & Rich’s ‘Fake I.D.’”

  A shout of feminine woots preceded the scrape of chairs as a horde of women, and a few brave men, poured onto the dance floor. Colby glanced at Sherry with a mystified expression.

  “It’s from the new Footloose,” she explained, her eager eyes following the crowd.

  “I know you know this one,” the D.J. continued as the music rolled in. “So come on out here and shake what your mama gave ya.”

  With the twang of the guitar and the pulse of the drum, cowboy boots began stomping in rhythm. Beside her, Sherry marked the time from her seat, shimmying and jostling the table until Colby gave her a good-natured shove. “Get on out there.”

  Her sister shook her
head, but the excitement in her brown-eyed gaze gave her away. “I’m fine. I can totally hang here with you—”


  Colby cringed. She never snapped at Sherry. It hadn’t been her intention to do so now. All day her tension and confusion had been building, crackling under the surface. Messing with her during the lunch and dinner services. Causing her to make mistakes. And now she’d officially lost it. When she’d agreed to come out tonight, it was in search of a much needed distraction—not to have a freaking babysitter.

  She forced a smile and tried again. “Go on,” she said, more gently this time. She lifted her chin toward the clapping crowd. “Go show ‘em how it’s done.”

  Sherry’s head tilted to the side and she shot a glance toward the dance floor. “If you’re sure…” Colby nodded, and she flashed a grateful grin. “I shall return!” Then she scooted off the chair and the girl was gone.

  Now it was time for Colby to get her drink on.

  She waved at a waitress passing by their table. “Excuse me, can I get a margarita, please?”

  “Sure thing, darlin’.” The woman sent her an authentic smile from behind a pound of makeup. Grabbing an empty glass from the table beside them, she asked, “Frozen or on the rocks?”

  “On the rocks.” She deliberated and then said, “Better make that two.”

  The woman winked. “You got it.”

  Turning toward the crowded dance floor, Colby tried losing herself in the chaos. But as they had all day, her thoughts drifted right back to Jason.

  Their night together had been amazing. But it proved what she’d feared all along—one night would never be enough. A summer with him wouldn’t be long enough either. The glorious ache in her chest wasn’t just some high from having sex again after the longest drought in history. The man had stolen her heart. And so had his daughter.

  Last night she’d had a dream she was teaching Emma recipes in her childhood kitchen. Emma wore Colby’s old checkered apron and the young girl called her mom. Colby didn’t know the first thing about being a mother—yet, being with Emma was so natural. As much as the domesticated scene had rocked her, Colby had woken up surprisingly happy.


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