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Ricochet Page 12

by Jessica Wilde

  Jack made me want more.

  I immediately went for the shower when we walked into Jake's apartment and Jack didn't stay long. Where he went most days was a mystery to me and I was too prideful to ask. I know he helped Jake out with the books at the tattoo shop and I also knew he took on a few clients most days. He only helped train a few fighters, but that was really early in the morning and later in the afternoon.

  I guess he liked to keep busy. Or he just didn't enjoy being around my sunny disposition all the time.

  Either way, a part of me - a big part of me - missed him more every day.

  I was ready for work by the time Jake walked in. We hadn't discussed the scar again and he was willing to help me move to the next door apartment as soon as I was ready. The drive to McCall's was silent, but it was comfortable.

  "Have a good day, sis. I love you," Jake said to me as I slipped out of the car.

  "I love you, too, Jake."

  "Be good," he smiled.

  He waited until I was in the front door before pulling away. I promised myself I wouldn't cause anymore undue stress on my brother. He just wanted me safe and happy, even if that meant taking away a few privileges until we all could move on. I would cooperate in every way I could, but my time with Jack was just that. Mine.


  "I'll see you later, Molly. Make sure Jim knows I'll be in early tomorrow."

  "Sure thing, honey."

  I dropped off my apron and grabbed my purse, anxious to see the tattoo that Jack had drawn up for me. Six years ago, I would have no doubts that Jack drew something perfect for me. If anyone knew what I would like permanently drawn on my body, it would have been Jack. But after all these years, I didn't know anymore.

  I was almost out of there when a tall, built man in a dress shirt and tie walked in and looked right at me. He had cop written all over him and my gut rolled. From the way he focused on me and started right for me, he wasn't here to enjoy the delicious fried zucchini.

  "Arianna West?"

  I stumbled a little when he called my name, but talked myself out of freaking out completely. No doubt this had to do with Roger and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it unless he was here to tell me the fucker was dead.

  My feet froze in place at the thought that maybe Roger was done playing games and had followed through on his threats. Was it too late?


  "I'm Detective Sean Mackenzie. I was hoping you would have some time to answer a few questions."

  He held his hand out to me, a very large hand and I hesitated before giving him mine. Sean Mackenzie was extremely handsome, not Jack-handsome, but good looking enough to turn the heads of every girl in town for at least a few minutes. His eyes were a dark brown like mine but darker, as if the shit he had seen in his career was enough to dim any light that might have been in them. His hair was a dark blonde, right on the border of light brown, and spiked carefully with product. A clean shaven face that revealed one dimple when he smiled made me feel like this guy wasn't here to screw me over.

  But I had been wrong about these things before.

  "What is this about?" I was still nervous. So nervous my knees started trembling, but I wasn't about to run away and give him a reason to question my innocence in whatever the hell Roger had done now.

  "It's about Roger Dayton. You are his girlfriend, right?"

  "No. Not anymore. We broke up."

  His brow popped up in surprise and he whipped out a small notebook before he started furiously writing. "When was that?"

  "Several months ago."

  "And when was the last time you saw him?"

  I choked up. Couldn't speak past the dryness in my throat. The detective watched me carefully and his eyes flickered with curiosity.


  "Is there something you need to tell me, Ms. West?" he asked quietly, sensing my distress somehow.

  Suddenly, Molly's hand was on my shoulder, steadying me enough to help me take a breath. Her voice was more than a little bitter when she answered Detective Mackenzie's question. "The bastard beat the shit out of her several weeks ago. That's the last time she saw him and we all hope she never sees him again so you can turn your fine ass out of here and leave her the hell alone."

  He listened to every word she said, but his eyes never left me. I could feel them even when mine were focused on the floor in front of me.

  "Is this true, Ms. West?"

  All I could do was nod, then panic flooded me once more. If the police brought him in and he made good on his threat to my family... then all of this would have been in vain. That's if he hadn't already said something. "But, I'm not pressing charges if that's why you're here. I just want to live my life and forget about him."

  "Well," he said, "you might not have to because he has been missing for several weeks now. He's wanted for questioning in a fraud case. A local called in and said she saw a man fitting his description a while back so now I'm on the lookout to send him in. I've heard your name around town and I didn't put two and two together until recently."

  I needed to stay silent. I wasn't surprised by the fraud case and that would be enough to put him away for a while without my involvement. That charge would have nothing to do with me.

  "Is this the first time he has attacked you?"

  I hesitated, but decided not to lie. Lying wasn't going to get me anywhere so I shook my head. "No, Detective, it isn't. I just got out of the hospital several months ago. It was the first time since I had left him, though."

  "Please, you can call me Sean," he replied with a grin, but his eyes were filled with anger, completely contradicting his kindness. Anger at my answer? Or at me? "How long were you with Roger Dayton?"

  "What the hell is going on here?"

  I looked over to see Jack in the doorway, a mixture of shock and fury on his handsome face. His stature godlike - maybe like Ares readying for war or Adonis in all his beauty. My shoulders relaxed and my knees immediately stopped shaking. Even though he looked furious, the thought of him being near me was enough to destroy any fear I had of getting involved with the police.

  "Just asking some questions, Jack," Sean answered with a lazy smile.

  Jack quickly strode over to me and put his hand on my other shoulder, his eyes only leaving mine to flicker over to Molly who just nodded once. She wasn't about to leave my side either and the united front I was a part of made me sigh with relief.

  This was the "we" Jake had been talking about.

  "Were you aware that Ari was attacked a couple weeks ago?" Sean asked Jack suspiciously, as if Jack had anything to do with it. Nothing about his tone indicated what he was trying to discover about me or my friends, and the familiarity he had with Jack was obvious. He did nothing to hide his dislike for the man who would defend me at all costs.

  Jack looked down at me, searching for my permission to tell the detective whatever he needed to. I trusted Jack with my life, so I nodded and his lips slowly curled into a grin that was only for me. He thought this was progress. He was wrong. This was just avoidance.

  Jack turned his attention to Sean, a frown in place as he said, "Yes, I was. Her brother, my sister and I took care of her. Why?"

  "Roger Dayton is missing. Your brother doesn't have anything to do with that does he?" Sean asked me.

  "How long has he been missing?" Jack snapped when he saw the panic on my face.

  "Several weeks."

  "Well then why the hell would Jake have anything to do with it if he has been missing that long? If the police can't find him, what makes you think we would be able to?"

  "She was close to him so I was just asking, Jack."

  "She's not close to him anymore, Sean. He used to beat the hell out of her and you can be damn sure he won't be doing it again. She got away so don't bring this shit back down on her or I swear to God -"

  "Calm down, Jack. I'm just doing my job." Sean turned to me, stepping a little closer into my space.

  Jack immediately shut down, but
his hand dropped to my waist and he pulled me closer to him. I should have felt tense at his touch, the anxiety from the conversation should have saturated the rest of me, but I couldn't stop from melting against him. The power radiating from him should have made me cower. It should have after what I had been through.

  But it didn't.

  Instead, I felt safer in that moment than I had my entire life because that power was on my side.

  Sean's eyes were on Jack's hand at my waist and his lips pursed slightly before he told me, "If you hear from him, see him, get the smallest feeling he is nearby, you call me. I'm here to help and I want to keep you safe."

  Jack's arm constricted around me and I was sure I heard a low rumble in his chest, but I was too distracted by the thought of feeling Roger near me again. Icy anxiety filled my veins at the image my mind conjured up of Roger standing over me once more with his power. His power wasn't strength and determination, it was information and arrogance and that kind of power was terrifying. Almost unbeatable.

  Molly quietly mumbled something to Sean that I couldn't hear and didn't care about. Sean said his goodbyes, shook my hand for longer than I thought was professional, and smirked at Jack.

  A Jack, who looked even angrier than he had before.

  "This ought to be interesting," Molly chuckled before turning back to the kitchen and leaving me in Jack's arms.

  "You doing okay, Ari?" he asked, the warmth in his voice melting away some of the chill.

  I stared at his chest for a minute before his fingers gently lifted my chin. I didn't want to look in his eyes because I knew without a doubt he would see the courage I had been trying to show him had faded away almost completely. He refused to let me turn away and when I finally locked in on his gaze, the usual breath taking aqua blue color of his eyes was darkened to an almost midnight blue.

  "Talk to me, babe," he whispered.

  My breath noticeably hitched and the midnight blue pulled me in further. "I'm okay."

  He watched me for several long seconds, looking for any sign that I was lying. I wasn't. He made me feel okay. Whole. And for a split second, I thought maybe he felt the same about me. Then he released his hold on me and stepped away.

  "You ready to go?"

  I nodded before I followed him out of the pub only looking back once to find Molly smiling widely with both of her thumbs up.

  If only she knew the truth. Jack could never want me the way I have always wanted him. I was like a sister to him. He protected his family. Period.

  Molly's words kept coming back to me. Keep telling yourself that.


  The car was deathly silent except for the low rumble of the road underneath the tires of Jack's truck. My mind raced over the information Sean had given me while I sat in the passenger seat staring out the window at the few buildings we passed on the way to West Ink. By the time we pulled into the parking lot, Jack was more tense than I had ever seen him before.

  "How long had Sean been there before I arrived?" he asked slowly.

  I turned my head to see that he was staring out the windshield, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly. He hadn't shut the truck off yet and neither one of us made any move to climb out.

  "Not long. Long enough to ask a couple questions, but that's it."

  His lips pressed into a thin line before he asked, "Did he make a move on you?"

  "What?" I gasped, almost laughing at the absurd question. "Why the hell would he do that? He was just doing his job."

  "Yeah, well Sean isn't known for only doing his job," he grumbled.

  "Is there something wrong with him? Is he dangerous or something?

  Jack grinned and rolled his eyes, "God, no. He isn't dangerous at all when it comes down to it, but he's a natural flirt. The guy is just looking for a girlfriend and doesn't discriminate very often. Be careful with him alright? He isn't doing his job if he is trying to get in your pants."

  "And why the hell would you think I'd even let him near my pants?"

  "I don't think you would, but the guy is a charmer."

  "Like you?" I chuckled, feeling the tension in the cab of the truck seep away.

  Jack smiled and winked, "Not near as good at it."

  I was grateful for the darkness surrounding us because I blushed furiously before yanking on the door handle and all but jumping from the truck.

  Jack laughed as he walked around the front to join me. "You ready for this?"

  God, how I wished he was asking about something completely different than the tattoo he was about to put on me.

  I smiled and led the way through the front door, giving him my answer as clearly as the words would have.

  We walked into the lobby and the woman sitting behind the front desk looked up to greet us. Her smile was radiant when she saw us standing in the doorway and she squealed as she shot out of her chair and jumped up and down.

  "Oh my God! I have been dying to meet you. I'm Reggie," she said excitedly and came running towards me.

  Her black hair bounced with every step and the large chunk of bright red matched her bright red shoes. She was beautiful and the tattoos and piercings she sported only added to her character. At first glance, you would think she was a broody type, but her smile gave it away. She was me. The me I was three years ago without a care in the world.

  "Nice to meet you. I'm Arianna."

  "Oh, I know. I would have met you sooner except I'm usually here during the day and rarely at night and I have been out of town off and on. These guys don't like me heading home when it's late and I know I had just missed you a few times, but now, finally! Jake and Jack have always talked about you. I feel like I know you already."

  Jack cleared his throat behind me which drew Reggie's attention. She blushed a little, then scowled and rolled her bright green eyes over my shoulder at Jack before reaching out to pull me into a hug. She was taller than me and curvier and I was fiercely jealous of her in every way.

  But I immediately loved her.

  "These boys talk more than we girls do," she whispered into my ear. "I'm glad you are finally here because they both missed you madly."

  "Reggie, how long has this guy been waiting?" Jack asked, exasperated.

  Reggie and I both turned to the waiting area to see a man sitting with his head back on the couch, nearly asleep. It didn't look like the guy was too anxious about his wait time.

  "His girlfriend is in the back getting her sleeve finished, Jack. Calm down, would ya? I've got it covered."

  I turned to Jack who just shook his head before picking up the stack of mail on the front counter.

  "So," Reggie chirped. "Are you getting a tattoo? A piercing? OH! If it is a piercing, can I please do it? I don't do any tattoos here because I can't draw to save my life, but I kick ass at piercings. Nipples, belly buttons, ears, lips, but I think my favorites are a guy's -"

  "Reggie!" Jack called frantically. His cheeks darkened to a perfect shade of pink before he shook his head. "I swear to God, you were born talking."

  "So what? I'm making friends with the one and only Arianna. Excuse me for wanting to get to know her," she replied with what I could only assume was her best sarcastic tone. She turned back to me and rolled her eyes again. "These boys don't ever have fun anymore. It's like they need to get laid or something."

  I couldn't stop the giggle when she winked at me right on cue to Jack's shout.

  "Oh for the love of - get back behind the counter and play the quiet game for the next five minutes," he said, pointing to the rolling chair she had exploded out of only a few minutes ago.

  I felt the blush on my cheeks from thinking about Jack needing to get laid, but I was more concerned about the way he was treating Reggie who had been nothing but kind to me. Then I saw the expression on his face. Amusement and adoration. He loved Reggie despite his complaints about her overactive vocal chords.

  "Okay, okay," Reggie sang with her hands up in surrender. She pulled me into another hug and whispered so o
nly I could hear her. "Leave me your number and we'll have a girl's night. I can tell you every juicy little thing I have seen working with these guys."

  "I will," I smiled.

  She turned away and threw Jack the finger with a huge smile before plopping back down in her chair.

  Jack shook his head, then put his hand at the small of my back and nudged me forward. "Tell Jake that Ari is with me so he doesn't worry."

  "Got it," Reggie said with a salute. "It was nice meeting you, Ari, and I know we will be seeing each other a lot."

  Before I got the chance to respond, Jack was practically dragging me down the hallway to the back rooms.

  "What is the matter?" I asked when we stepped into a small room with tattoo equipment and drawings hanging everywhere.

  "Nothing. Reggie just tends to talk a lot and I want to get this started."

  "She is really nice. And lively," I chuckled.

  "Yes, she is. People don't expect that when they first see her with all the tattoos and piercings. Then they are in shock by the time they are getting their tattoo and their ears are bleeding."

  "Oh, come on, Jack. She isn't that bad," I said with an irritated sigh.

  He wiped a hand down his face and grinned. "You're right. She isn't that bad and she sure knows how to run the place. We've known her a long time and we love her."

  "How did you guys meet her?"

  He frowned and held my gaze, debating on whether or not to tell me the answer to my question.

  "She was living on the streets. Had been since she was fifteen years old. I met her when I first moved away from… well, you know. She hit it off with Amanda and has been hanging around ever since. When Jake moved to town, we asked her to help us out and she learned how to pierce pretty much anything and get information out of pretty much anyone." He chuckled quietly, his eyes looking at something behind me, but not really looking. Like he was lost in a memory.

  He shook it off a second later and shrugged. "She is only twenty two, but she's been through a lot in her life and she's a good friend to have. I think you'll like her."


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