IF: Nowhere To Run (Camryn Morgan Series Book 1)

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IF: Nowhere To Run (Camryn Morgan Series Book 1) Page 14

by Anjallia T. Chase

* * *

  "Same old shit over here!" Tucker shouted.

  The trees swayed in the wind.

  "Shit here!" Angelo shouted.

  * * *

  Monty heard that sound again. The tree tops crack, he isn't sure where he is going. He hastens his walking pace. If it is a wild animal, the last thing he needed to do is run.

  * * *


  * * *

  "Ah!" The scream from Simon made Monty's blood run cold. Angelo and Tucker ran towards Simon. Monty is too scared to move.

  * * *

  Angelo and Tucker ran. They just wanted to get away. They ran off a rock formation. Angelo lands on jagged rocks below and bounces into the Rio Grande. Tucker plunge into the river but gradually made his way to the surface. A park ranger leading a private tour, witness the men falling into the river and calls in assistance.

  * * *

  "There are two other guys up there and something..." Tucker said.

  "Help's on the way." The ranger attempts to calm him down.

  * * *

  Katrina is shaken but curious. What is that thing?

  "Leave" A loud whisper. "Leave Katrina. Leave now." It said.

  * * *

  Katrina opens her eyes.

  She couldn't stop shaking.

  Camryn's been lost for at least 20 minutes. The storage place is on Pleasant Valley Road. She couldn't see the street signs; making the GPS almost useless. She parks the car and walks to the corner. A group of workmen pulling weeds across the street two men watches her.

  * * *

  "Her? Oh no I only date hot women." Camryn looks at the Hispanic male," He's no Richard Armitage." She thought.

  The workman's arms were longer than his legs, his pudgy face is like dough rising in an oven, and he must be pregnant with an elephant from the size of his stomach. The conditioned entitlement of men never failed to amaze her. Regardless of how they look, they all think it's their right and privilege to date a Victoria Secret model. The more unattractive the guy, the more he tries to get a hot girl to prove himself.

  * * *

  She is thankful she could pull up an image of actor Richard Armitage ... How can one man be that hot? She thought.

  * * *

  It was a cool, humid day in Austin. Camryn's "to-do" list was getting longer instead of shorter. She took 6 ½ hours to clear out Anna's place, but it’s taken 6 ½ years to clear out her grandparent's storage unit 4352.

  Camryn wasn't sure what she would find in Grandma Sarra and Grandpa Ariel storage. They barely threw away anything, so she expected it would take a few weeks to go through everything.

  * * *

  The door rolls up on the storage unit, boxes, furniture, and lamps - she sighs. She had forgotten about the baby grand piano. She hopes it is still in good condition.

  * * *

  A few people offered to help her clear out the unit which Camryn had considered not accepting but now looking around the storage unit. She pulls boxes out of the unit. She made a section for donation, sell and keep.

  She unwraps the alto saxophone and smiles. Grandpa was an easy going jazz man. He paid his bills on time, showed up to every gig early, and only missed one gig in 40 years when he had a stroke.

  * * *

  She opens a box marked 'cloths' and quickly went through it

  "Yep, clothes." She said.

  Camryn removes a pair of tiny jeans and laughs; she couldn't believe she once fit into clothes this size. Her grandma kept everything, it's insane they how packed the storage unit. Camryn shook her head she wasted almost $10 thousand dollars paying storage fees.

  "What a colossal fucking waste of money," she said.

  Her phone rings "Hello." She said.

  * * *

  "Camryn! You are the best. Thank you so much for setting up my bed!" Miyu said.

  * * *

  "You're welcome. How did your shift go?" She asked.

  * * *

  "What I was thinking? Going back to work in an ER. I hate doctors' two-week notice given." Miyu said

  "I'm not surprised," Camryn said. She laughs.

  * * *

  In the back of the storage unit is a box marked “Camryn." She opens the box and removes a few photo albums.

  * * *

  "Yes. How's it going with my hot sexy sister?" Miyu asked.

  * * *

  "They're cool." Camryn laughs.

  Camryn meet Miyu a few weeks ago while attending an investment class. She's a fun, energetic person and Camryn making a point to make friends.

  * * *

  "Oh! So when is Shelby leaving for the shaman retreat?" Miyu asked.

  * * *

  "Shaman training. She leaves in a few weeks." Camryn said.

  * * *

  "All alone with Wesley." Miyu teases.

  "Yeah. I have a meeting around 3. Do you think we can meet up for dinner?" Camryn said.

  * * *

  "Sure if you don't mind eating dinner with Nicole and Daniel?" Miyu stated.

  * * *

  Camryn didn't care for Nicole’s company. She believes there is something inherently wrong with her. Nicole claims she has a demon for a lover; it's too twisted of an idea. Daniel the consummate victim of life, hearing him moaning about his latest crisis. They didn’t make the ideal dinner companions.

  * * *

  "Camryn? Nicole rubs people the wrong way, but I think if you guys got to know each other, you would find you have a lot in common...please." She said.

  Miyu is sweet, but there is no fucking way she and Nicole had anything in common. Camryn thought.

  * * *

  "I’m sorry. I can’t deal with them today." Camryn stated.

  * * *

  “Seriously! You can deal with Costa but not with Nicole and Daniel?” Miyu asked.

  “I’ve had my absurd quota. Costa is an idiot. I don’t want to have dinner while pretending I don’t notice how much Nicole and Daniel hate each other. Let’s go have wine later this week. Okay?” Camryn said.

  “Okay.” Miyu is disappointed.

  Camryn is sorry for disappointing Miyu, but she's standing her ground and not having dinner with Nicole and Daniel. She hung up.

  She flips through the photo album pages and smiles. She remembers ridiculous kids in elementary school; she often would be the only black kid in class. Whenever an older black woman came to school, someone would ask her if that was her mom.

  * * *

  She missed her mom Gloria, and she also feels betrayed by her and her father, Ralph. Why did they hide she was adopted?

  * * *

  Camryn opens the large white envelope and her heart stopped... there in black and white her adoption papers. She scans the document: mother, Kara Westbrook age 26, father, Gabriel Holman age 15. Gabriel was too young. Kara was denied parental rights according to the paperwork.

  Camryn did not want to meet them, but she still needed information about the medical history. From what she's pieced together, Kara was Gabriel's Algebra teacher. She was the product of some one's unhealthy sexual liaison. She laughs at many people who were the result of such unions...in her case, it's also illegal.

  * * *

  She had purchased a kit online to test for medical conditions, and the results were so vague she felt ripped off. Her adoption was unusual; she is a black woman adopted by a black family.

  * * *

  She flips through the paperwork. She found an envelope addressed to her. Grandpa's handwriting...it was a link to a YouTube video?

  She found her original birth certificate, Miriam Westbrook Holman; she laughs at the name... she is not a Miriam.

  "Thankfully, my name was changed." She said, and glad she is alone.

  She is curious, what would be on the video? Her phone eats up too much of the battery to view videos, so this viewing must wait.

  * * *

  She promised Shelby to help her with the house cleaning today. She pushes the boxes back into the storage unit,
locks the unit and takes the adoption paperwork.

  Jensen loaded the remaining boxes into the truck. No one's heard or seen Andrew in weeks and his parents couldn't afford to pay rent on an empty apartment. Jensen found a disconnection for the electricity hanging on the apartment door. He couldn't shake the feeling Camryn has something to do with his disappearance. Andrew's car is in the parking lot. He found his Glock in the glove compartment. He and Noni argued she had no business giving Andrew his gun.

  Jensen checked the gun, and it had not been used. The car is clean, Andrew always cleaned the car...the problem... it is too clean. Not even Andrew's prints were in the car. The carpet had been vacuumed, and the inside is immaculate.

  * * *

  His instincts say foul play, but no evidence. Maybe he's looking for a connection with Camryn so he could speak to her. Jensen considers leaving the police force. He is losing faith he could do the job effectively any longer.

  * * *

  "Jensen!" The man said.

  "Hello, Macon." Jensen smiles.

  "I took a cab over, so I'm ready to drive Andrew's car over to the house." Macon smiled. "Hey, the guys came through, so now, we can offer a $10 thousand dollar award for any information about Andrew," Macon said.

  * * *

  "Good." Jensen smiled. He doubted this would help.

  Jensen got into his truck. Macon pulls out of the parking space and turns on the street. Jensen realizes he may never find out what happened to Andrew.

  Shelby extends her hand to show Camryn the 10 karat princess's cut diamond engagement ring with a platinum setting.

  * * *

  "Oh my God! It's beautiful and big!" Camryn said.

  * * *

  "I said the same thing when I saw his dick." Shelby laughs. "Will you be one of my bride's maids?" She said.

  * * *

  "Sure." Camryn smiled. She had to lose weight. She didn't want to be the fat one in the bridal court.

  * * *

  "We're still working out the dates. I want a September wedding, but Richard wants to elope. I'm a little worried about his sister, Katrina. She's one of those sisters that don't think anyone's good enough for her brother and they're close." Shelby said.

  "Richard has to deal with Wesley," Camryn said.

  * * *

  "I know. Yes, the house... walk through. Make a note of anything to fix or looks odd. "Shelby said.

  * * *

  "Alright. Give me a few moments." Camryn smiles and walks away from Shelby. Camryn believes it is a mistake for her to marry Richard, but she doesn't feel she can express that opinion.

  * * *

  The kitchen is large, Camryn opens the refrigerator it's clean. She turns on the faucets, and the water pressure seems normal. She stops at the bottom of the stairs. The closer she got to the top of the stairs the cooler it became.

  * * *

  ... This cold. Camryn pushes the bedroom door open and scans the room. The room is large. The French windows made the windows appear elegant---well at least it will be more elegant with a new coat of paint. She attempts to open a window, and it wouldn't budge as nails were placed in the window frame.

  * * *

  She opens the closet. Inside is an outline of a door with the wavy appearance like water. She believes she is looking at an actual portal. A rush of cold air swirls past her. The bedroom door slams shut.

  * * *

  She isn't alone.

  * * *

  Across the room by the window stood a small pale man. He is 5'5, short light blonde hair and is wearing tee shirt and jeans. His eyes were gray and bloodshot. He looks like he had been sick.

  * * *

  "You are?" She asks.

  * * *

  "Zachary." He said.

  * * *

  "Hello Zachary, I'm Camryn." She said.

  * * *

  "I know. I had to fight to stay here to deliver this message. People had this house blessed, exorcised and blessed some more. I take my duty as messenger serious. I was sent to warn you." He said.

  * * *

  "About?" Camryn said.

  * * *

  "They know a secret about you. “He said.

  * * *

  "Story of my life Zachary...People know secrets about me, and no one ever wants to tell me. What's the secret? Or are you like everyone else keeping information about my life to themselves?" She asked.

  "Over 250 years ago a powerful, influential witch named Abigail Crawford dominated this world. She's your ancestor." Zachary said.

  * * *

  "I'm a witch? ...been called one of those before...and called a lot worse. What people, names please you fought to stay so make your effort count." Camryn said.

  * * *

  "Your abilities. People want to stop you from embracing your power." He said.

  * * *

  "You said a mouth full," Camryn said.

  * * *

  "Camryn. This isn’t a joke. There is one in this world; her name is Minerva Scott. She's working against you. You must learn now how to use your abilities. “Zachary said.

  “Zachary, I have spent years hearing these abilities are evil and of the devil. I’m chatting to another ghost…which I also have been told are the inhuman spirit’s pretending to be people. Pretending to help me when it’s all designed to deceive, confuse and make me turn away from God.” Camryn said.

  "Camryn, this coven is coming. Minerva's half of the coven hope you'll never embrace your abilities. This will make removing you easier. I didn't listen to the warnings. It’s a decision you will have to make for yourself. I hope you choose to be a warrior.” Zachary said.

  He walks back into the closet and through the portal.

  Warrior…. She doesn’t know if she has a warrior in her.



  SHE LOOKS OUT THE WINDOW. She could see the strobe lights from the police cars. She returned late from her appointment, and the police arrived to verify her location.

  * * *

  She misses her sexy body. She researched ways to make herself miscarry. She only became sick but never lost the stupid baby. She doesn’t understand why people lie so much about pregnancy. It’s not beautiful. It’s not sweet. It’s a lot of hard work.

  * * *

  "Damn it, Kara!" Taylor said. "These people are looking for any reason to toss your ass in jail?" She said.

  * * *

  Kara yawns. So bored! House arrest with her bitchy step mother and spineless father. She had entertained herself a few moments by stealing things and getting it blamed on the maids. She had started a few fights between Taylor and her father Mitchell, but it stopped being fun.

  * * *

  "I'm eight and a half months pregnant! Where am I going to do? It's not like I can hid for a long time now, is it? "She yawns and waddles away from the window.

  * * *

  Mitchell Westbrook made millions of dollars from the stock market and various projects. He is conservative and dull in Kara's assessment of her father. She enjoys watching him struggle to create some angle explaining away his daughter's behavior.

  * * *

  His bully machine called attorneys got her out of prison and in-home confinement at least until the baby is born. Now they are dealing with lawsuits from five boy’s parents. She scoffs. It wasn’t a bad ratio only five boys couldn’t keep a secret. She's attractive. Had no problems getting a man and even now with all her legal battles ...two guys asked to marry her.

  * * *

  She knew Taylor and Mitchell's schedule's and invite one of her finance's over for sex when they were gone. She is under house arrest and pregnant. She has needs.

  * * *

  "You're having a girl." Mitchell looks at the ultra sound photo. "Picked out any names yet?" He asked.

  * * *

  Kara shrugs. "The nurse in my doctor's office. Her name is Miriam. I guess I can't call her state's evidence." She scoffs.

  * * *

l frowns. He hated his daughter attitude about her pending court case.

  "The judge agreed to wait. He's withdrawn the order to test the baby until she's born. Dr. Maddox testified you almost miscarried twice the procedure may cause you and the baby more harm at this moment in time. "He said.

  * * *

  Kara didn’t care.


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