It's Better This Way

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It's Better This Way Page 8

by Travis Hill

  Tony Galliardi - Evan’s scout partner (40-ish?)

  Mom (Jenna White) - owner of the Farm (56)

  Jerry Glavin - council (61)

  Deena Samuels - council (wife of Dana) (37)

  Dana Samuels - council (wife of Deena) (33)

  Mitch Duncan - council (51)

  Ben Valera (Benny) - council (30)

  Kim So - council (?? Looks 25, probably 50+)

  Thad Danvers - council (husband of Walter) (47)

  Walter Danvers - council (husband of Thad) (43)

  Heika Ramsel - council (70)

  Branda Hager - Evan’s sometimes-girlfriend (28)

  Ellie Hager - Branda’s 8 year old daughter (8)

  Colonel Eric Hardaway (50) - US Army

  Sergeant Waters (34) - US Army

  Corporal Charles Hackett (26) - US Army - bookish/nerdy

  Corporal David Hamida (31) - US Army - Former citizen of the Farm


  Arn - interior gate guard (40) - dated Tony Galliardi previously

  Kenny - interior gate guard (37)

  Dane Bodeker - Evan’s friend (36)

  Dredge - blacksmith (?? No one knows, looks anywhere from late 20’s to early 40’s)


  I do feel guilty that I didn’t write any more. That I haven’t written more since. This was intentionally written as a stand-alone story, and I immediately moved on to other books, not really expecting anyone to read, let alone like this little story. Though readers have clamored for more of this universe since the beginning, it wasn’t until I received a review that claimed this story is up there with Hugh Howey’s “Wool,” that I decided it was time to get going on a sequel.

  (I know, I know. Before you scoff, and trust me I scoffed A LOT when I read it… okay I actually squealed like a forty year old girl because Hugh Howey is to me and a ton of other self-published authors, kind of like Justin Beiber is to tweenage girls. I do not in any way, shape, or form, believe I am on the same level as Hugh Howey. I have many more mountains made out of vanquished author skulls to climb before I can even see him on the horizon.)

  I’m about to write both a prequel and a sequel to “It’s Better This Way.” They’ll be just as dark and morally vague as this book is, but that’s what happens in a post-apocalyptic world. One story will be the first year after Evan escapes from Boise, to right around the time he arrives in Corvallis to try and find his sister. The other is the story of Tremaine, and how all that nasty business with the crazy, religious husband and wife team came about. And was settled.

  One last thing I’d like to mention, if it wasn’t obvious, is that I’m a huge supporter of the LGBTQ community. My stories always seem to end up having someone or multiple someones that are LGBTQ. I’m not trying to preach, I just write what I know, which is rule #1 according to every author ever, and what I know is that LGBTQ persons are part of my everyday life. I’m related to a few, I’m friends with a lot more, and as far as I’m concerned, the sooner we get beyond arguing whether it is a choice or not (hint: it isn’t), the sooner we can focus on things like building spaceships that will take us to new star systems. I’m a firm believer that we cannot achieve a feat that requires the resources of an entire planet, an entire species, to be able to travel the stars, until we learn to live together and stop being assholes to each other (me included).

  If you disagree, well, come tell me about it at Or email me:

  [email protected] / [email protected]

  I reply to every email, even if the email contains enough hate and venom to make my head explode as if vaporized by a bull weapon.

  If you liked this story and want to see what other stories I have that you might like (go ahead, get the samples, I’m all for getting samples before I spend money), then have a visit here: (I’m also available at Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, you get the idea)

  If you are one of those twitter persons I keep hearing about, I am:


  If you are on Facebook… well, I actually don’t like Facebook all that much. But… I suppose I have to have some Facebook in my life:

  Thank you!

  Travis Hill

  May 17, 2013 November 13, 2013


  The main reason I am able to have this page at the back of a book I have written is because of my wife Carly. She has supported and encouraged me the entire way. She’s my true BFF. And she wants to call most of the stories I write “REVENGE FIST” (probably in all-caps as well). I politely inform her each time that while the title is supremely awesome, and that I love her very much, it probably doesn’t fit . One day… I might write a kung-fu story or something…

  Cherise Kelley, my first professional editor… thank you. And if any readers find errors, I’m sending them to do donuts on your lawn with their cars while shouting at you with a bullhorn.

  Janifer Anderson, Brandi Hedden, Kendall Nellis, Kathy Estridge, and the entire Tonight Show Band. These people actually read this story and gave me feedback (or just didn’t tell me it was awful), and Jan gave me great editing help. We are now BFF’s forever.

  Jeremy Irons, Brenda Larsen, and Priscilla Bingham, three of my professors at the College of Southern Idaho, for kind of forcing me to write for a living. You three knew I would be terrible at everything else, and you were right!

  My brother for not smashing a brick into the back of my head late at night when I’m writing while I have my noise-canceling earbuds in and I’m almost too tempting of a target. I know he thinks about it sometimes. He’s my brother. That’s what brothers do.

  Jeff Johnson for listening to me babble like an idiot about ‘how awesome this new story I’m writing is!’ almost every night.

  Killswitch Engage and DevilDriver. I rarely listen to anything else when writing. PLEASE come to Boise, Idaho one day. I might be the only one that shows up to the concert, but I’ll pay for at least four tickets if that will help.

  And finally, Amazon for the Kindle, and furthering the popularity of the e-reader and e-book revolution. I still love my dead tree books, but these days, my Kindle gets all the coffee stains, jelly smudges, and cookie crumbs. No doubt my books are happy to get a break from my inability to read them without nearly ruining them in some way.




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