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The Old Ball Game

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by Frank Deford

  in World Series, 161, 164, 165, 168

  Masterson, Bat, 58–59

  Mathewson, Christopher “Christy” Jr., 170, 174, 196, 204, 218, 220, 224. See also under Mathewson, Jane Stoughton

  Mathewson, Christopher (“Christy”/“Matty”), 1. See also specific topics

  at 1924 World Series as reporter, 218–20

  aggression, 108

  on baseball, 51

  benefit for, 216–17

  characterizations of, 68, 133, 209, 221, 222

  in college, 32, 39, 52. See also Bucknell College

  death, 39, 219–23

  remembered after, 221–24

  death of brothers, 198

  as “debutante,” 3

  desire to be manager of Giants, 176

  early career, 3

  failure to prosper with Giants, 32

  family background, 73, 76–78, 198

  films, 130

  as first full-blooded American sports idol, 69

  forty-fifth birthday, 219

  gambling, 36, 125

  Giants’ purchase of, 3

  in Hall of Fame, 222, 223

  illnesses, 88–89, 137, 203, 205, 215

  managing Cincinnati, 132, 197, 205

  McGraw on, 133

  in media, 88, 167–68

  “muscular Christianity,” 36, 131

  nearing end of career, 176

  nicknames, 33, 53, 128, 135

  “Big Six,” 135–36

  other sports and games played by, 171–72

  checkers, 127–28, 171

  overview, 1–3

  performance, 47, 52, 60, 68, 105, 137, 151, 175

  personality, 68, 125, 127, 132, 133

  photographs of, 2, 33, 35, 52, 55, 131, 136, 166, 171, 195, 197, 200, 218

  in fine form, 113

  in World War I uniform, 202

  physical characteristics, 2, 5, 113, 127, 128

  as pitcher, 9–10,38–39,175–76

  fadeaway pitch, 38–39

  first major league hit (triple), 9

  “freak pitch,” 38

  no-hitters, 113

  popularity, 111, 133, 186, 190, 191, 209, 216–17, 221

  positioning his outfielders, 126–27

  as president of Boston Braves, 217

  product endorsements, 130, 131

  reaction to third defeat at World Series, 185–87

  reputation, 124–25, 133, 209

  return to Giants in 1901, 46

  in sanitarium, 216

  siblings, 77, 198

  sportsmanlike demeanor, 108

  sportsmanship, 132

  tombstone, 220

  tributes to, 221, 223

  World Series dominated by, 121–22

  in World War I, 202–5, 215–16

  writings, 129–30

  Mathewson, Gilbert, 77

  Mathewson, Henry, 149, 197–98

  Mathewson, Jane Stoughton, 71, 82, 92, 93, 105, 196

  almost trampled by mob, 145–46

  beginning of relationship with Mathewson, 39

  Christy Jr. and, 89, 145, 170, 173–74, 204

  concerns about Mathewson’s health, 217

  death, 224

  on Mathewson, 215

  Mathewson’s death and, 219, 220, 223–24

  on Mathewson’s presidency, 217

  McGraw on, 119

  McGraw’s concern for, 71

  photographs of, 171, 200, 218

  purchased shares of Giants, 60

  road trip to Cincinnati, 196

  wedding, 64

  Mathewson, Minerva Capell (“Nervy”), 62, 77–78, 130–31

  Mathewson, Nicholas, 149, 150

  Matson, Joe, 128–29

  Mauve Decades, 90, 91

  Mays, Willie, 103, 134

  McAleer, Jimmy, 126

  McBride, Harry T., 146

  McCormack, John, 100

  McCormick, Moose, 140

  McGann, “Big Dan,” 42, 159

  McGeehan, W. O., 221

  McGillicuddy, Cornelius (Connie Mack), 110, 118, 165, 167, 168. See also Philadelphia Athletics

  brought Athletics back to preeminence, 212

  Freedman and, 46

  as ideal managerial model, 43

  Mathewson and, 10, 46

  McGraw and, 162, 174

  McGraw as managerial rival of, 20

  Philadelphia franchise taken over by, 43

  photograph of, 162

  McGinnity, Joe “Iron Man,” 88, 119, 120

  aggressive behavior, 46, 146

  as coach, 141

  Frank Chance and, 146

  games won and lost, 68, 106

  Mathewson and, 60, 67

  McGraw and, 57

  as number-two Giant pitcher, 69

  photograph of, 55

  as pitcher, 141, 161

  replaced by Marquard, 161

  McGraw, Anna, 73

  McGraw, Blanche Sindall, 174

  after McGraw’s death, 223–24

  background and life history, 92

  biography of McGraw, 224

  Chase and, 206

  in Cuba, 170–72

  death, 224

  family of origin, 92

  Jane Mathewson and, 64–66, 82, 172, 224

  Jane Mathewson’s first meeting with, 65

  living in New York, 60–61, 64, 66

  and Mathewson’s death, 220

  on McGraw, 7, 65, 173, 210

  McGraw’s courtship with, 92–94

  McGraw’s first meeting with, 92

  McGraw’s marriage to, 94

  McGraw’s relations with, 71, 94–95, 100, 153, 196, 213, 215

  in Paris, 211

  photographs of, 171, 218

  road trip to Cincinnati, 196

  traveling with McGraw, 71

  McGraw, Ellen Comerford, 74–75

  McGraw, John, Sr., 73–74

  McGraw, John Joseph (“Muggsy”/“Johnny”), 1. See also specific topics

  aggressive behavior, 53–54, 86–87, 89, 108–10, 114, 142, 192, 211–12. See also umpires

  alcohol consumption, 89, 210, 211

  “baby tactics,” 109

  background and life history, 73–82, 86

  in Baltimore, 39–54

  with Baltimore Orioles, 21–32, 42, 44, 86

  on baseball, 51, 83

  baseball skills and performance, 27

  batting averages, 8, 21, 45, 79, 85

  birth, 74

  captivated by baseball, 74

  characterizations of, 56, 66, 174, 211, 223

  childhood, 67

  death, 39, 214, 223

  remembered after, 221–24

  on the demands of baseball, 82

  depression over leaving baseball, 211–13

  education, 74, 81–83

  ejected from game for having conniption fit, 8–9

  family life, 72, 86

  finances, 94

  fires Robinson, 191

  first marriage and daughter, 73

  George Bernard Shaw on, 211

  as Giants’ manager

  first game, 57

  first managerial triumph, 24

  managerial reputation, 45, 105

  health problems, 71, 85, 210–11, 213

  homes, 178, 218

  horse racing and, 23

  injuries, 71, 86

  knee/leg, 45–47, 53, 66

  last baseball game seen by, 214

  living in New York, 60–61, 66

  marriage to Minnie Doyle, 86–88

  Mathewson contrasted with, 1–2, 57, 66, 73

  Mathewson’s awe of, 7, 8

  Mathewson’s discussion of baseball with, 66–67

  Mathewson’s first encounter with, 1, 3, 8–9, 51

  Mathewsons living with, 66

  Mathewson’s relations with, 57, 72, 126–28, 132

  media and, 57–58

  memoirs, 24

  Merkle Boner, 142

  money loaned to
Oriole franchise, 54

  as most famous athlete in America, 7

  nicknames, 5, 7, 53, 135, 171

  other sports and games played by, 171–72

  overview, 2–3

  personal losses, 88, 89, 211–13

  personality, 82, 85–86, 89, 94, 107, 114, 172

  photographs of, 6, 22, 55, 79, 162, 166, 171, 208, 218

  physical description, 2–3, 5–6, 21

  as pitcher, 67

  reaction to third defeat at World Series, 191

  religiosity, 93

  rumors of suicide of, 190

  in St. Louis, 43

  start of big league career, 21

  suspensions, 53, 89, 108, 110

  tips on technique given to Mathewson, 67

  took over the club, 56

  tour of Europe, 83

  tricks, 27–29

  trip around the world, 173–74

  umpires and, 28, 87, 89, 109, 168–69, 192

  women and, 61

  McGraw, Minnie Doyle, 86–88, 92, 94

  death, 87–88

  McGrawism, 110

  McGreevey, Nuf Ced, 179–80

  McGunnigle, Bill, 99

  McKechnie, Bill, 195, 196

  McKinley, William, 47

  McRae, Manager, 129

  media, 58–59, 145

  use of players’ first and last names, 58, 59

  Memorial Gateway to Mathewson, 223

  Mencken, H. L., 22–23

  Mendez, José, 170–71

  Mercer, Steve, 185

  Merkle, Fred, 140, 147–49, 151, 160

  at 1912 World Series, 183–87

  embarrassing mistake, 141–43

  McGraw and, 139, 142, 143

  photograph of, 183

  Merriwell, Frank, 34–37, 128

  Meusel, Irish, 159

  Meyers, “Chief,” 130, 163, 175, 184–85, 187

  Mill City, 78

  muckerism, 36

  Muggsy Ball, 103–4

  Murphy, Charles F., 207

  Murphy, Tom, 25–26, 42, 55

  National Collegiate Athletic Association, 35

  National League, 16, 29, 87

  batting averages, 40

  downsizing, 41–43, 68

  peace pact between American League and, 107

  playing rules, 105

  New England League, 38

  New York. See also specific topics public transportation in, 104

  of the Roaring Twenties, 95–98

  Sunday baseball in, 62

  with two teams, 42

  World Series in. See World Series, of 1905

  New York Athletic Club, 148

  New York Giants. See also specific topics

  alternative names for, 4, 56, 57, 103

  characterizations of, 52, 151

  early victories, 9

  New York’s attitude about, 105

  other cities’ animosity toward, 107

  performance, 51, 105

  purchased by Freedman, 17

  termination in 1957, 222

  New York Herald, 15

  New York-Pennsylvania minor league, 76

  New York Times, 14

  New York Yankees, 178, 209, 213

  franchise, 63

  vs. Giants in World Series, 114

  New-Yorks, 4, 56–57

  newspapers. See media

  nicknames, 134–35. See also under specific individuals

  Norfolk, 10

  Norworth, Jack, 50, 102

  O’Day, Hank, 140, 142

  Odiva (“Goldfish Lady”), 173

  officiating, 47

  Old Orioles, 25, 28, 30, 106, 114

  Oldring, Rube, 167

  Olean, 76, 79

  Orange Athletic Club, 59

  Oriole franchise, 54


  Baltimore, 7, 8, 10, 16, 20, 83

  Brooklyn ownership, 42

  games played against, 27

  Keeler in, 25–27

  names for, 42

  performance, 41, 45

  removed from National League, 41–42

  O’Rourke, “Voiceless Jim,” 20

  parade, baseball, 125

  Pastor, Tony, 30

  Patch, Dan, 69, 111, 130

  Patten, Gilbert, 34–36

  Perritt, Pol, 202, 205

  Pershing, General, 217

  Pfiester, Jack “the Giant Killer,” 139, 140, 147

  Philadelphia, 16, 37, 107

  Giants’ road trip to, 71

  World Series in, 164–69

  Philadelphia Athletics (A’s), 43, 46, 54, 100, 115–18, 137, 178

  vs. Giants in World Series, 154, 161–69, 189–91

  Mathewson on, 193

  in World Series of 1905, 116–22

  Philadelphia team, 10

  “pinch hitter,” 129, 137

  Pinkerton’s, 161

  pitchers, 47, 50–51, 113, 138

  skills required of, 14

  stationing, 40–41

  pitching, 67, 138

  Pittsburgh, 16, 107, 141

  Pittsburgh Pirates, 43, 68, 105, 139

  Pius X, Pope, 174

  Plank, Eddie, 43, 118, 164, 190

  Po Reilly’s, 18. See also Sons of Erin

  poems, 49–50, 137–38

  Polo Grounds, 5, 9, 17–18, 57, 180, 189–91, 202. see also World Series

  attendance at, 5

  record crowd, 162

  benefit game on Sundays at, 132

  Blanche McGraw at, 224

  capacity, 107

  Cubs vs. Giants at, 145–47

  description, 103

  final Giants’ game at, 224

  finances, 102

  fire that took down, 154

  history, 102–3

  Mathewson and McGraw’s first encounter at, 1, 3

  McGraw at, 97, 107, 214

  McGraw injured at, 70–71

  photographs of, 22

  1908 playoffs with Cubs, 140

  rebuilt after fire, 154

  tore down, 155

  vendors at, 102

  Pond, Arlie, 83, 85

  postseason, 16

  product endorsements, 130, 131

  profanity, 28, 30, 109

  Protestantism, 51, 64

  Pulliam, Harry, 89, 108, 110, 142–44, 148

  “purification plan,” 29

  Rader, Benjamin, 133

  Raymond, Bugs, 157–58, 177

  Raymond, Mrs., 158

  Reiser, Reverend Mr., 82–83

  religious conflict, 51–52, 64

  Rice, Grantland, 133, 155

  Rickey, Branch, 193, 216

  Roaring Twenties, 95–98, 113

  Robinson, Brooks, 134

  Robinson, David, 222

  Robinson, Ray, 124

  Robinson, Wilbert “Uncle Robbie,” 20

  as captain, 23

  Johnson and, 44

  McGraw and, 7–8, 10, 23, 24, 86, 87, 160, 191, 212

  Rockne, Knute, 210

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 37, 48

  Rose, Pete, 134

  Rothstein, Arnold, 152

  Roush, Edd, 195–96

  Rowland, Pants, 192

  Royal Rooters, 179–82

  “Rubber Leg” (Mathewson), 33

  Runyon, Damon, 128, 158

  Rusie, Amos, 152

  Russell, Lillian, 92

  Ruth, George Herman “Babe,” 99, 115, 133, 153

  Cobb and, 219

  fame and popularity, 207–10

  home runs, 208, 209, 212–13

  Mathewson on, 209

  McGraw and, 208, 209, 219


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