“Steven’s not in danger,” Rachel said. “I know that.”
Melanie narrowed her eyes. “How do you know that? Rachel, in the space of ten minutes, you’ve lied to me twice. Please tell me the truth.”
“Francis took him! He told me earlier. That’s how I know.”
After Rachel dropped that news, Melanie rushed into the living room. She picked up her purse and dug around for her phone. “You slept with a married man but that doesn’t make you an accessory. You’ll be painted as a home wrecker but that’s not punishable by law. But, Rachel you have to go to the cops. There’s a massive manhunt and people are combing the forests when Steven is all right. Let me call Chase. He’ll know what to do.”
Rachel waved her hands to get Melanie’s attention. “No. No, you can’t do that.” She chewed her bottom lip. “Let me think and figure this out.”
“What’s there to figure out?” Melanie found her cell phone.
Rachel rushed over and snatched the phone out of Melanie’s hand. “Since you can’t leave well enough alone, come with me.” Rachel gripped Melanie’s wrist with surprising force and tugged her toward the master bedroom.
Rachel’s king-sized bed was made and there were ten pillows artfully arranged on the eyelet comforter. But, Melanie’s eyes were trained on the toys on the bed. She noticed flashing images on Rachel’s television screen. It was on the cartoon channel and the subtitles were on.
Toys were on Rachel’s bed. Subtitles on. That could only mean one thing.
Melanie shook her head. “No. Don’t tell me. Please don’t tell me you have Steven here.”
Rachel nodded. “Francis dropped him here when I got in from work. I couldn’t say no. Steven’s grandparents are going to pay a huge ransom for his return. A ransom I plan to collect for me and Francis.”
“Rachel, you’re out of your mind if you think you can get away with this,” Melanie said. “Give me my phone. I’m telling you, Chase will go easy on you.”
“I can get away with it, and I will.”
“Where is Steven?” Melanie gritted out. “I’ll take him home. Just give him to me. I promise I won’t implicate you.”
Rachel appeared to consider Melanie’s words. “Fine. I’ll give him to you.”
Melanie hugged her. “You’re doing the right thing.”
Rachel looked doubtful but she pointed toward the closet. “Steven’s in there.”
Melanie’s heart pounded in her chest. “You locked him in the closet? Who are you? Right now I feel as if I don’t know you.”
She slowly made her way to Rachel’s walk-in closet and peered inside. She could not see anything. Melanie turned on the light switch but the bulb must have blown. Melanie battled claustrophobia but she crept further into the space. She needed to get to Steven. Melanie thought she saw his feet underneath Rachel’s dresses. She stooped down.
Her hair blew from a sudden gush of wind. The door hit Melanie on the butt. She stumbled but did not fall.
Melanie swung around but Rachel had quicker reflexes. Rachel was on the other side of the door pushing it close. Melanie pushed back. “Quit playing. Let me out of here.”
Rachel stuck her head through the crack. “I’ll take your phone with me. Can’t have you calling your cop friend.”
“Let me out!” Melanie screamed.
“I’m sorry,” Rachel mouthed and slammed the door shut.
“No!” Melanie scrambled to her feet. She wiggled the lock.
She pushed against the door with all her might but she was stuck. No. Please, God, no. Hysteria set in. Melanie pounded on the door. “Don’t lock me in here. Rachel let me out! I can’t be in here. Rachel! Rachel! Please. Help me! Let me out!”
“If that isn’t a Kodak moment, I don’t know what is.” Chase pointed toward the woman and child vacating the second floor condo. It was dark but he knew that bleach blonde hair anywhere. Her back was turned and she was locking her front door. He crept into the parking lot.
Most of the residents were home and the lot was silent. Perfect.
Judd whistled. “It can’t be this easy.”
Chase laughed. “Sometimes it is. Unless my eyes are deceiving me, that is Rachel Morrison holding Steven Ashton’s hand.”
“And, she has a duffel bag and her purse,” Judd said. “Looks like we came just in time.”
Chase swerved the patrol car and parked directly behind Rachel’s Ford Bronco to block her in. The realization that if he had pulled in a minute later he would have missed her, hit him. Chase knew it was perfect timing set up by a perfect God. He turned the headlights off. By Rachel’s unhurried stride, she had not spotted them. She had not thought to look down into the parking lot or she would have seen them.
A sign of her confidence. Or stupidity.
“Let’s do this,” Judd said. He jogged over to the staircase, hiding in the shadows.
“Thank you, Lord,” Chase whispered before exiting the vehicle.
As a habit, Chase tapped his gun at his side then felt the side of his belt buckle for his mace. He stood across from Judd who would give the signal.
As soon as Rachel hit the last stair, Judd nodded. Chase jumped out of the shadows. He grabbed Rachel and Judd grabbed Steven.
“Rachel Morrison, you’re under arrest …” Chase read Rachel the Miranda Rights and led her to the patrol car. Besides a sharp intake of breath, Rachel surrendered without a fight.
He looked behind briefly to see Judd hoist Steven in his arms and grab Rachel’s duffel bag.
Both men walked with their chests puffed out. They were both glad and relieved for the outcome in this case. It would feel good to ring the doorbell and see a mother reunited with her son.
Chase smiled. These are the days he loved his job.
“C’mon little man. You’re going home,” Judd said.
“You do know he can’t hear you,” Chase pointed out. He opened the rear door and put Rachel inside. She rolled her eyes.
Judd bounced Steven in his arms. The little boy laughed. “I know he can’t hear but I feel he understands. Right little guy?”
Steven rested his head on Judd’s shoulders. Chase chuckled.
Judd sat Steven in the front seat between them.
Chase patted Steven’s arm. The little boy smiled at him. His missing teeth made Chase’s heart melt.
Judd called into the station to relay the good news and to call off the manhunt. Chase sped through the deserted streets. Getting Steven home was their top priority. Rachel Morrison could rot for all he cared.
Melanie crossed Chase’s mind. He would send her a text to let her know the good news.
By the time Chase pulled into the Ashton’s property, Steven was asleep and drooling on Judd’s leg.
“Poor little fellow. He’s had an eventful day,” Judd said.
Rachel still had not uttered a single word. She had not even shed a tear. Yet. But, she would.
Chase had not put the gear fully in park when Judd opened the door. He scooped Steven into his arms.
The front door flew open. Nadine scurried toward them with her arms opened wide. “Steven! Steven!” she yelled.
Judd shook Steven awake. When the youngster spotted his mom, he squirmed. He stretched his arms out and kicked his legs. Judd had to put him down. Steven moved like a tornado and catapulted into his mother’s arms. Nadine twirled him around splattering his face with kisses. Chase, Judd, and the other officers present wiped their eyes.
Judd pumped a fist into the air.
“Good job,” one of the officers said. A small applause broke out.
Nadine broke away from Steven to give Judd a tight squeeze. Chase was taken aback by her show of emotion. Judd hugged her tight basking in her thanks and praise.
“I had a hand in it too,” he mumbled. Chase went to the patrol car to wait for Judd. Chase flashed the lights. He wanted to leave before Nadine spotted her husband’s mistress in the backseat. At least Rachel had the good sense to cro
uch so she was hidden from view.
Chase’s mind wandered to Melanie. He had forgotten to text her. He would. As soon as he got to the station.
Judd walked over and peered inside. “I’ll find my way back. I want to see Nadine settled.”
Chase eyes widened. “Since when …” He shook his head but kept his thoughts to himself.
“Why did you do it?” he asked Rachel once he pulled away from the Ashton’s residence.
Her lips poked. “I’m not talking to you. I want my phone call.”
Chase shrugged. A phone call would not save her from jail time. She was an accomplice. Rachel and Francis would be behind bars for a long time. He turned on the radio. Dare You to Move by Switchfoot played on Joy 88.1 FM. Chase turned up the volume. He loved this song. Chase sang along to that and to the Newsboys’ God’s Not Dead. He praised until he arrived at the precinct.
Chase helped Rachel out the car and led her into the station. He rubbed his eyes. Lord, he was tired. He wanted Rachel booked and paperwork completed in record time. He yawned. Chase pictured his king-sized bed waiting for him at home.
Again the urge to text Melanie hit his brain. Okay, he would text her as soon as he delivered Rachel over to another officer. Someone else could take her statement. His bed was calling.
Unfortunately, it was a busy night for Charlotte County PD. Chase ushered Rachel into the interview room. He would get her confession and take her personal items during booking. There was a huge desk in the middle of the room with two chairs on each side. Chase undid Rachel’s cuffs and pointed for her to take one of the chairs nearest to the wall. Rachel dropped in the chair and rubbed her wrists.
He took out his notepad and sat in one of the two chairs closest to the door. “Ready to talk?”
Rachel folded her arms. “Not without my attorney present. I need my phone call.”
Chase gritted his teeth. “Sure. It’s your right.” His chair scraped the floor as he stood. He pointed to the phone on the side of the desk.
“Make your phone call. I’ll be back.” He left the room to use the restroom.
Call Melanie. The thought hit him hard. God was telling him to call her. Chase reached for his cell phone and pulled up Melanie’s contact information. He pressed the CALL button. After a couple rings, it went to voicemail.
“Melanie, this is Chase. I’m at the precinct. I shouldn’t say this but you’ll hear it soon on the news anyway. We took your friend, Rachel, into custody. I’m going to be taking her statement and that could take all night,” he said. “I’ll call you in the morning.”
Chase swiped the END button. The thought occurred that Melanie’s relay service might take too long. Chase quickly composed a text message.
Chase hit send, then slipped his cell phone into his pants pocket, and reentered the room.
“Skip Wilson will be here in ten minutes,” Rachel said.
Chase resisted the urge to moan. Skip Wilson would have him here for days. With his purple and green suits and weird-colored ties, Skip looked like a clown. But, it was all for show. Skip was lethal and thorough.
Chase uttered a prayer. This case was cut and dry. He banked on Skip advising Rachel to let Francis take the fall. Skip would seek a plea deal for a lighter sentence. Chase believed Rachel would jump on it but that was for the prosecuting attorney to handle.
Right now, he needed Rachel’s statement.
Chase took a seat. Rachel glared.
Call Melanie.
Chase furrowed his brow. I did. He pinned his gaze on Rachel. “Did you see Melanie today?”
Rachel’s head bent into a nod before she shook her head. “I didn’t see her.”
Chase tilted his chair. “That’s odd because Melanie told me she was going to your place.” He tried to remember if he had seen Melanie’s car in the parking lot. But he could not. Chase had been too focused on Rachel and Steven.
Rachel met his gaze. “She must have changed her mind because I didn’t.”
She was cool, this one.
“How long did Melanie stay? Did she know about Steven?”
“I said I didn’t see Melanie.” Rachel showed him the middle finger. “Do you need your hearing check? Should I sign it? I didn’t see her.”
Okay. She wanted to be hard. Chase jumped to his feet. He snatched her up and took her out into the hall. “How about I put you in holding?”
Rachel tripped over her feet. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll scream police brutality.”
Rachel’s threats did not bother him. Chase knew he was not hurting her. He tossed Rachel into the cell with two other regulars. One was Shaquanda, a prostitute who loved girls.
Shaquanda licked her lips. She jabbed Brandy, the huge redhead next to her, in the arm. “Look at the candy Officer Chase brought us.”
Rachel dug her heels in. “Please no. Don’t leave me in here.” Her lips quivered.
Chase eyed her. “Did you see Melanie today?”
Rachel snuck a look at Shaquanda and Brandy. She looked back at Chase and nodded. He stifled a laugh. He could smell her fear.
Chase led Rachel back into the interrogation room. “No more stalling. Did Melanie know about Steven?”
“She showed up at my door even though I texted and told her not to come,” Rachel said. She pushed her hand in her pocket. “I was shocked to hear her knocking on my door. And to answer your second question, Melanie didn’t know about Steven. She didn’t know about any of it.” Rachel slumped. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how I got caught up in any of this.”
Chase knew Rachel was ready to talk.
Call Melanie interrupted his plan.
This time Chase obeyed. He pressed the CALL button. He crooked his ear. What was that sound? It sounded like … a vibration? His eyes narrowed.
Rachel’s hand was in her pocket. Her face betrayed her. Chase held out his hand. She removed the phone and placed it in his palm.
Fear sliced through him followed by a rage unlike any he had ever known. Chase knees weakened but his voice was eerily controlled. “Rachel, why do you have Melanie’s phone?”
“Yea, though I walk through the shadow … Of the valley.” Melanie trembled. She was curled on the floor with her hands covering her face. No, that was wrong. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil …” Melanie shuddered. She had banged on the closet door until her hand bled. She screamed but no one heard her.
This was her fifth time repeating Psalm 23 and it was not helping.
“Oh, God. I’m going to die in here,” Melanie cried. She had no idea how long she had been confined. Her hair was soaking wet from sweat and tears. Her throat felt scratchy. Sweat dripped from her face and trickled down her breasts. She used her shirt to dry off. “Why won’t You help me?”
I am here.
Melanie sniffed. “I know but I’m scared.”
She kicked her feet to bang on the door. “Help!” she screamed. “Somebody help me.”
Help is on the way.
Melanie was too distraught to listen to His voice.
“Help! Help!” she screamed. How did she know if her voice still worked? Melanie had screamed so much, she could be hoarse and not know it. Nevertheless, she grabbed a shoe and banged on the door.
She broke.
“Mama! Mama! Help me!” Melanie battled hysteria. Memories of another time plagued her mind. She swayed to the past. “God, this is too much. I can’t … I can’t stay in here any longer. Uncle’s going to beat me because I have to pee and I can’t pee the floor.”
She swayed to the present. “Rachel locked me in here. I was trying to help Steven … I … Lord, I … Help me!”
Trust me.
The smell of camphor balls hit her nose. She felt closed in. She could not breathe. Tears slid down her cheeks. She used her hand to brush them away.
Trust me.<
br />
Melanie had no other choice.
She grabbed onto God’s soothing voice. She opened her mouth, “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord.”
That’s right. She did not need her Mama to help her. She did not need Rachel. She had God. He was with her all along.
Melanie released short staccato breaths until her strength and sanity return. “He will not suffer my foot to be moved. He never slumbers nor sleeps. I will trust in You, Lord.”
Help is on the way.
Melanie nodded. It had taken her hours but she got it. She slid to her knees and bowed her head to pray.
She felt a whoosh. For a minute she thought it was the Holy Ghost but then a beam of light fell across her feet. Melanie looked up into a pair of green eyes.
She wobbled to her feet and fell into Chase’s arms. She knew she looked a hot mess but she was too happy to care. Melanie released her fears and her chest heaved from the weight of her tears. She cried and cried welcoming the feel of Chase’s strong arms.
He kissed her hair. He brushed her hair off her face and kissed her forehead. He kissed her cheeks. Then he found her mouth.
Hungry, Melanie welcomed the feel of Chase’s lips on hers. She grabbed his head and deepened the kiss. She took on his strength until Chase tore his lips off hers.
“You found me,” she said.
“God led me to you.”
Melanie nodded. “I know He did. I was hysterical but He kept saying, ‘Help is on the way.’”
“Rachel locked me in here,” Melanie said. She touched her chest. “She has Steven.”
Chase nodded. “I know. We caught her, and Steven is safe at home. Rachel told me what she did to you.”
Melanie’s heart ached for her friend. “She didn’t mean it.”
Chase eyes hardened. “Rachel’s in her right mind. She knew what she was doing. We’ll leave her in the hands of the court.”
“I’ll put her in God’s hands,” Melanie said.
Silent Praise Page 6