Breaking Meredith_A Dark Romance

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Breaking Meredith_A Dark Romance Page 9

by Izzy Sweet

  Knew for a fact what happens to those who betray Lucifer.

  I’m running the computer programs I’ve designed specifically for tracking the banking information of our employees and nothing’s shown up so far.


  All of them are on the up and up. No bartenders skimming money from the till. Limited drug activity with the strippers, and no extortion rackets of the business. Everything there was moving along at a predictable pace.

  What changed that?

  The Yakuza are no more, at least in Garden City. Italians are here, but we’ve got them on our side… Well, as much as anyone is on our side. The Irish don’t even have a foothold here.

  It all comes back to who’s the most powerful.

  That’s us.

  But who has the most to gain?

  Lacing my fingers behind my head, I briefly check the gun that’s under my pillow. The smooth cold metal gives me comfort as I think over the night’s losses.

  The two men who did the insertion had nothing special about them, at least not from what I could see in the video. No tattoos, no outstanding facial features. They didn’t come up in any of my or the government’s databases on facial recognition.

  I’ll need to refine my search in the morning, because when all else fails, start over with a bigger fucking net.

  The quiet beep from my phone wakes me up instantly. It’s a sound I’ve ensured I pay attention to. It would do me no good to oversleep through a work day. Even if I was only able to get a few hours of sleep, I need to get back on the trail of the bombers.

  Heading first to the computer room that connects to my bedroom, I do a quick check on any results that may have come in through the night.

  Unfortunately, but as expected, we made the late-night news, as well as this morning’s news across the nation. It may be in little video bytes, but we’re still out there now.

  Damn. Neither Lucifer or I want this kind of attention.

  I check on the scan I have running on the government’s criminal database.


  Double damn.

  Tapping in a few commands into another program, I rerun the search of the security team at Lucky Tails and add the rest of the staff there as well. I run from Cherry and all the way down to the latest girl we’ve hired.

  Heading back through the bedroom, I stop off at the bathroom to take care of my morning dealings. Then I head down to the basement where I have my personal gym set up.

  Whether I feel like it or not, I make sure I never forget to do my workouts. It would not be wise to ever allow my body to slip out of its peak performance.

  Like my mind, I want to know that I will always be at the top of my game.

  Sweat profusely pours off me as I push my body up from another pushup. I don’t want the beefy look some of Lucifer’s other men prefer. I’d rather have a fit frame. One that can go for endurance rather than for pure raw power.

  The beep of my watch lets me know when I’m done.

  I’ve still not come up with any answers from last night, but if I can get back the type of explosive that was used in the bomb I will maybe be closer to knowing who did it.

  Heading back up the stairs, I stop at the door for Meredith’s room. Listening intently at the door, I wait to see if I can hear her moving around.

  All is silent though so I don’t open the door. I could just as easily check the monitors in my computer room to see if she’s awake, but for now I will give her some privacy.

  I head back to down to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. Looking out the kitchen window as I start up my blender, I see the dark sky through the trees hasn’t changed one bit.

  Walking back to my bedroom, I pick up my phone from the nightstand and head into the computer room. No calls have come in yet, but they will soon enough. I might as well prepare for the ones I need to make as well. The computer searches are still running so I head back into my bedroom and begin pulling clothes from the closet for today.

  Dialing the Fire Chief’s number, I listen as it goes straight to voicemail.

  “Call me back,” I say and then press disconnect.

  He’s going to be a problem if I don’t do something about him.

  Scrolling through the contact list, I select a nationwide florist. It’s not hard at all to get a lovely display of lilies sent to his house.

  Hopefully he understands I won’t be sending another bouquet to him if something unfortunate was to happen to his family.

  Next I call a friend I have on the east coast. It will be a couple of hours later there so I shouldn’t have any problems with him being awake.

  “Simon,” he says, picking up on the first ring.

  “Erik, how’s the city life treating you?” I ask as I tuck my shirt into my suit pants.

  “Good, it’s the city that never sleeps. Keeps me happy. What can I do for you?”

  “I need you to visit a friend’s dear daughter,” I say.

  “Where and when? You know this isn’t my type of bag anymore,” he grunts.

  “I know, I know. No wet work needs to happen. Just a friendly hello.”

  Erik is one of my more interesting contacts. A former government special forces operative, we met two years back when I needed a trusted contact in New York City. He was able to secure a very important package from a diplomatic attaché from France.

  When I first saw him, I was surprised at his seemingly young looks given his actual age. Even now he would not be out of place on a college campus somewhere.

  That he’s especially adept at seducing women into doing stupid things with state secrets is quite useful to me.

  “Where and when?” he asks me again.

  “Yale, and as soon as you can get there.”

  “Got it. What’s the time frame of personal contact? How much contact do you want? You know I don’t do the rough shit to women.”

  “No need, just have her contact her father for you. Try to be around when it happens. Be introduced.”

  “Got it. Look, I’ve got a job coming up in a couple weeks over in Ohio. I’ll be needing some intel and maybe a safe house.”

  “Send me what details you’re allowed. I’ll consider us even.”

  “Sounds good. Send me her information. I’ll go give her the Viking charm,” he says before he disconnects.

  Viking charm, he is so full of himself. But I can’t argue with the results. I can only be annoyed though that he’s right. He looks like a modern-day Viking. Tall, built, blue eyes and blonde hair.

  Shaking my head out of those thoughts, I go back into the computer room. I’m almost finished dressing. Only my tie needs to be done now. Sitting down in my computer chair, I upload the file to an anonymous email account and send it off to Erik. I don’t worry about his part of the job, he’s a professional.

  Now on to the Priest.

  “Father Coss.” his gruff voice comes through the speak phone, and I can tell I’ve awakened him.

  “I thought you of all people would be up early enough to enjoy your Lord’s blessings of birds,” I say with a laugh.

  “Simon Whitmore. I can damn you to hell… but I figure you’ve already came from there.”

  “True enough, Father. What is it I can do for you?”

  “I have not seen you since three Christmases ago. I believe it’s time to come confess your sins. You can’t be too careful. Never know when the good Lord will take you into his loving arms.”

  Fuck. Whatever the hell is going on must be a bigger issue than he’s willing to talk about on the phone, especially since he called Lucifer.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to send Andrew out? I seem to remember he’s a good catholic boy.”

  “Simon, come to the fucking church tonight,” he says and then he hangs up on me.

  Well, isn’t that just special of him. Whatever it is, the last time he had one of us come in it was big. Big enough that we’re still paying off the investigators for the armed Russians that invaded
a school in our city. All to get to one of our men’s daughter.

  Damn it all to hell.

  The computer flashes a bright red warning icon on my search program as it brings up suspicious information about someone from the search it’s running. I have it running on all the people who worked for Lucky Tails.

  There, on my screen, is a redheaded woman staring back at me from the latest picture we have of her.

  Cherry, fucking Cherry.

  Looking through the information, I see medium payments being deposited into her account over the last month. Each one doesn’t amount to a large sum, but when added together it’s as suspicious as can be.

  Maybe she’s the proverbial red herring? I don’t know.

  Rewatching the video feeds for the past week will take some time, but it can’t be helped. Especially since I need to watch her specifically. Damn, it could be anything with her.

  Pushing a command, I begin to break into her cell phone carrier’s information banks. I need to see everything she’s done for the past year on her phone.

  Pulling my cellphone out of my pocket, I scroll down to Peter’s name. I push connect and wait as it rings. It’s not too damn early, he better be up.

  “What’s up, Simon?”

  “Head to Cherry’s home as soon as possible. I need everything you can find in the way of electronics. Computers, safes, just about anything. In fact, grab some of the extra security guys we have and pack up the house.”

  “Cherry? What’s going on?”

  “She had suspicious deposits in her account for over a month and I need to find out why.”

  “Got it. I’ll head over there now.”

  “Good,” I say as I disconnect.

  Turning back to the screen, I download all of her phone calls and text messages for the last year and a half. No telling how long something like this could have been happening.

  I dial Lucifer. He picks up on the first ring.


  “Cherry had some suspicious deposits. I’m going to run a full-scale dive into her life. I have Peter on his way over to her home right now.”

  “Cherry?” he asks, and his voice is neutral in tone, but I can tell his little mannerisms. He’s perturbed.


  “Tell me immediately what you find.”

  “I’ll be late coming to the compound. Around lunch most likely. From there I’ll head over to see Father Coss.”

  “Sounds good. Be thorough investigating her life. We need to find out who the fuck would turn one of my employees against us.”

  “That’s my full intention. She may have been a red herring for all I know, but I don’t like the implications that would mean. If she was getting random deposits in her bank account, surely she would have spoken to one of us about it.”


  “Matthew, I need to ask you once more to keep…”

  “To keep what?” he asks after I trail off.

  “To keep him in his cell. There is no need to have him out in the world.”

  “He’s done his time there, Simon. Bring him home,” Lucifer says with finality in his voice.


  Disconnecting the phone, I slap it down on the table.

  I shake my head. I may have web-strings all around the damn city doing my bidding, but Lucifer is ultimately my boss and I know very well he has his own needs.

  If he wants the bastard brought out from the hole we buried him in, he’ll get it.

  Pushing a finger on the button, I wait for the one asshole even I find repulsive to pick up.

  “What?” a man snaps in the phone.

  “That’s a very rude way to speak to one of your benefactors, Governor Norton,” I say with a laugh.

  “Fine, what do you want?” he asks with almost a whine in his voice. Such a petulant man now that he’s been brought under our authority.

  “Tsk, tsk,” I say, “You really should be nicer to us. Since we are the reason you are sitting in the very chair you are sitting in right now. But that’s not the matter at hand. It’s time for you to try out one of the new perks that comes with your promotion.”

  “What?” he asks, confused.

  “You’re going to pardon someone, and I don’t give a fuck what you have to promise to get it done. You will get it done, or we’ll see how fast a governor can fall.”

  “There’s no way I can do that. It will cause too much of a wave for me to…”

  “His prison ID is 342563. He’s at the supermax prison upstate. Get it done, Norton. I don’t care if you have to suck the President’s dick during the middle of the State Of The Union. I’ll be calling you later this week to see how far along you are.”

  Pressing disconnect, I set the phone down.

  My stomach growls loudly as I look at the blended fruit and protein drink I’ve left on the drink coaster.

  Lifting it up to my lips, I drink it down as fast as I can and then head back out of the computer room to the kitchen.

  Meredith will be needing breakfast soon.

  Scrambling two egg whites, I bake a small plate of bacon with toast on the side. I’ve watched enough of her mornings over the years to know what she prefers after an emotional night.

  Filling a glass of orange juice up, I place it all on a serving tray.

  I knock lightly on the door before I push it open.

  Walking into the room, I spot her there, just starting to wake up from her slumber. She looks as ravishing now waking from a long, tumultuous night as she does when she is freshly out of a shower.

  Her pale blonde hair is a mess and her makeup is smeared in spots. But those pale pink lips, they look so inviting. So much trouble as well. Especially when I think of those damn teeth she has behind them.

  Pointing to the door to the bathroom, I say, “There are fresh towels in the bathroom and linens in the closets. I suggest you clean yourself up. You look like you’ve had a long night.”

  An incredulous look crosses her face and her eyebrows lift almost to her hairline.

  She gasps, “Excuse me?”

  “I don’t believe I stuttered, Meredith. You need to clean yourself up. You look like a common street-walker right now,” I sigh.

  Damn. I don’t think my words are coming out as they are meant to, but it’s not like I’m used to talking to a woman the morning after relations.

  No, I’m in new territory right now.

  Last time I had a woman stay the night it was accidental… It was the night that Meredith came to Lucifer’s house. I was so agitated by the whole ordeal that I called up the service I used for female company. I was so frustrated, that I forgot I left the woman tied to the bed frame.

  I went to my bed without using her and woke up to her screaming to be let go.

  So not only has Meredith cost me financially and mentally, she’s cost me the one female service group in the city who could be held to my standards.

  Damnable women, all of them.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Simon?” she asks with a hiss, and I can tell yet again I’ve said something too brutally honest for her.

  “No, I don’t kid or lie. If I have something to say to you, you can trust it will always be in full honesty. Now eat breakfast and get cleaned up for the day. It’s not healthy to sit here in your own filth.”

  She screams out her frustration as I walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

  As I twist the lock, I hear a thump against the door. Most likely a pillow.

  “I’ll make sure to have clothes for you this evening,” I say through the door before walking away.

  An hour later, I notice on one of my computer screens that the shower in her room is finally in use. She must have tried waiting me out in pure spite. That’s fine, she can be as stubborn as she needs.

  She’ll find that I’m the rock she will break against.

  I frown at the screen. I’ve done nothing but go over Cherry’s financial records for the last eighteen months.
Nothing odd shows up until three months after Lucifer’s ordeal with taking over his wife’s former husband’s financial issues...

  How did we miss something like that?

  Killing her was a mistake. Perhaps a costly one, for me.

  Checking the clock, I notice it’s getting closer to lunch time. Time to take care of the hellcat again.

  I return to the kitchen and prepare three sandwiches, a bag of potato chips, and some fruit. Balancing three water bottles on the lunch tray, I walk back to her bedroom.

  I open the door and check the dresser where I set the breakfast tray. At least she ate like a good girl.

  I try not to smirk, but I’m afraid when I look at the aggravation in her eyes my mouth quirks up into one.

  Setting the lunch tray on the dresser next to the empty breakfast one, I say, “I’ve prepared lunch for you and possibly dinner. I need to leave the house for a bit.”

  “So you’re going to leave me here like some prisoner?” she snaps out at me.

  “Yes.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “I’m bored,” she says.

  I point at the large flat screen television on the wall. “The remote is in the nightstand.”

  Turning to leave, I feel my hackles rise as I hear her leave the bed in a rush. Whipping around, I snatch the fork she has raised in her hand.

  I have no clue where she was going to stab me, but I make sure she doesn’t get the chance.

  Pushing her hard, I send her sprawling back onto the bed. I watch as her hair falls into her eyes then I stalk forward and grab at both of her wrists.

  “Meredith,” I growl. “This is your final warning for the day. If you do something else, I will make sure you know last night was just a warmup for the real deal.”

  Her sputtering and cursing becomes so unladylike that I force both of her wrists into my one hand.

  I push my free hand over her mouth and say, “Be quiet before I stick something in your mouth to silence you.”

  Seething with rage, her eyes try to murder me. Fat lot of good that will do her. I’m onto to her games.

  “Good girl,” I say, when she stops fighting my hands. “I’ll be back tonight.”


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