Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 17

by David Papa-Adams


  The four of them were racing on. Behind them they heard a roar that echoed in the unforgiving congested environment of the forest, sending a collective chill down their backs. Something unearthly was heading there way. Achil could feel that the Manitou would soon be upon them. If only they could reach the edge of the forest by nightfall there might still be hope for them to escape their pursuer, running faster still. Nishga took the lead followed by Nicholas. Andreas and Achil were close behind. Evening was drawing ever closer and there was no sight that they were any nearer escaping the forest. Andreas looked behind him.

  “Achil either its getting dark early or something nasty is fast approaching.”

  Achil turned also as he did so his mouth dropped open at the sight of a dark cloud rapidly moving towards them. It would be on them in moments. He called for the others to keep going in the same instance he drew his sword pulling his shield in front of him. Andreas did the same. Nicholas seeing what was happening ran back readying his sword. Nishga jumped on top of a fallen tree and began to concentrate, coils of light appearing in her hands. The Manitou was on them. Achil’s sword sliced through it as though it were not there. It shifted shape becoming a bear; it reared up and swung round its heavy paw like a club landed full on Achil‘s shield knocking him to the ground. Nishga realising her opportunity thrust her hands forward releasing energy that hit the Manitou full on. The Manitou cried out and reeled back absorbing the full force of her power. Nishga tried again still the Manitou absorbed the energy. It turned into a black void with two penetrating red fiery eyes trained on her and like a hurricane moved to attack. Before it enveloped her, Nishga crouched down forming a bubble of energy around her. Her hands were above her head as if pushing against the Manitou as it struggled with her. But the Manitou was not finished yet. It turned into a monstrous creature, body and head of a snake, with arms that had claws like talons. Worse still it had wings. As it solidified Achil who had been stunned for a moment jumped to her aid closely followed by Andreas and Nicholas. All three began their attack from different sides. The creature swinging and missing as first one, then the other struck. Then once more the coils of energy emanating from her hands shot towards the Manitou hitting it in its midriff. The creature roared before turning back into a black void. Nishga quickly repeated the act. There was less energy but it was sufficient to force the creature back. It altered into a dark shadow and disappeared.

  The four of them stood peering into the dark not really believing that the attack of the Manitou had ended.

  “Is everyone okay?” Achil was more concerned for Nishga who had felt the full force of the Manitou’s attack.

  “I’m fine I just need time to recover that‘s all,” said Nishga, panting deeply from the exhausting encounter.

  “Nishga I’m afraid there’s no time to rest we don’t know if that creature will be back or not. Andreas see if you and Nicholas can help her.”

  Andreas picked up Nishga’s things as Achil had asked, and began splitting them up between him and Nicholas. They moved off at a steadier pace than before, the gloom of evening closing in on them and the Manitou having for the moment given up. They stopped for a brief period to rest in a small clearing of scattered boulders and withered trunks. Achil was beginning to feel more reassured, more relaxed. The last vestiges of light streamed through the trees touching the forest floor, Nishga looked less drained her spirits having risen after the success of driving the Manitou off. While sitting resting for a moment they heard a distant hum getting ever nearer and ever louder.

  “This can’t be good.” said Andreas. They all tilted their heads listening as the sound got closer. Then they saw through the trees a dark cloud coming towards them, that coalesced and took form, into a swarm of hornets.

  “Everyone move,” shouted Achil. They shot off running through the forest once more. The sound behind them closing in as they leapt hurdled and dashed through the undergrowth. Before coming to a complete stop, at the edge of the forest was an on rushing river. They looked from one to the other before the four of them took the plunge. As they submerged above their heads a dark mass emerged from the undergrowth flew over the river circled round. Then as if with an unnatural intelligence, in one motion swung round and disappeared off down river.


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