Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 22

by David Papa-Adams

  Chapter XV

  The Great Wilderness Forest

  Achil looked back at the mega wall and then on into the deep mystery of the forest. He took out the map and laid it on the ground.

  “So here’s Shushy,” said Achil. “This must be where we are. According to the map the forest stretches all the way past these mountains in every direction, though there is an open plain to the other side. There’s also a river that dissects it here. What I suggest is that we use the forest as cover but that we follow its border never venturing to far within it. The forest across from the river is split into two territories one appears to belong to the Wolves, and the Roar Bears the other just says, danger do not enter. Further over in the shadow of the mountains are the Orochi and Typhon.”

  “The last thing we want is to have a run in with any creature out here,” said Andreas more than baffled by what he was looking at. “And that’s a symbol for a type of animal that I don’t even recognise.”

  The four of them gazed down at the map. The wilderness was a vast expanse of wild untouched land. In it still roamed creatures that had long since died out in the rest of Suberia. The deep conifer forest that they were about to penetrate held its own mystery. As the sun rose the forest seemed to come alive. In the distance they could hear the haunting sound of a large Deer, the deep resonant guttural whelp of something unknown. Achil rolled the map up and placed it back in his holdall. The sun's rays were by now filtering through to the forest floor as they set off beneath the trees. Andreas scouted ahead making sure their path was clear of anything inhospitable. Nicholas kept watch behind. All in all they did not feel threatened by the uncompromising sedentary trees that watched their every movement or the tightness of the air that stifled their every breath.

  “I find it strange that this forest is the most peaceful part of our journey so far,” said Achil.

  Nishga smiled, “Famous last words, let's see this wilderness through to the end before we say such things. After all within it are monstrous Wolves, giant Bears, and some other particularly vicious creatures that we can’t even name and you're saying this is peaceful. I think that shows exactly what we‘ve actually been through to get here.”

  Achil looked at her with a bemused frown on his face. “Perhaps I should have said thus far.”

  Close to the forest’s border they could look out and see the Mega wall. Though they knew walking beneath the trees afforded them cover from prying eyes, it was still ominously close. They wondered for many leagues, the forest never escaping the wall that guarded its outer edge. They had come to the conclusion that since the map had been drawn the mega wall had been extended to encompass the entire lands of the wilderness. They came to the conclusion that the only way through the forest would be to dissect it, pass through the very heart of it, and head towards the mountains. And as for Achil he was already regretting the words he had uttered earlier. The trees stretched out in all directions, giant columns with guarded secrets. It would be practically impossible not to get lost in such an environment. He looked at the map once more and remembered something that Telallamain had given to him; it was the compass, an instrument that always pointed north. He checked it against the map then called everyone together a decision had to be made.

  “I hate to have to break the news but that wall seems to go on and on. I think it's about time we considered an alternative route.”

  The others looked at him expectantly.

  “We have the North finder; we have the map, so we can easily make our way across the forest with these two things alone. Keeping a safe distance I hope from whatever might want to eat us,” he added with a dry smile.

  “Frankly it's about time we plunged right in, this skirting around the edges is not for me,” replied Andreas.

  Nishga and Nicholas also agreed.

  They set off in the direction of the Wilderness peaks. They were truly fortunate that they had the map with them. They intended to keep to the very edge of the forest so they had not paid much attention to the river or where it was situated. It was a natural barrier against the wolves and the bears, so they thought, as long as they stayed the opposite side of the river from where they roamed, they would be safe.

  They did not know that there was good reason why the Wolves and the Bears did not venture across the river.

  The forest floor was quite barren of vegetation, the lack of light discouraging anything that might try to grow. The floor was littered with dried out husks of cones and endless dried and rotting pine needles. On the base of one of the trees they did come across a curiously large fungus it was probably bigger than anything any of them had ever seen. Its white reddish tinge afforded some colour to a panorama that had been devoid of any, up to that point. Achil checked the map once more and pointed in the direction they should head towards, and set off at a good pace. The time past slowly and they could not tell how long they remained within the forest the only indication that day had turned to night was the deepening dark that surrounded them, which was only illuminated by Nishga's use of her crystal which gave off a shallow light.

  They kept on moving deeper and deeper within that wooded crop, keeping to the direction set by the North finder, and every so often they would be stopped by the sight of a strange print in the earth or an even stranger cry in the distance, but still they kept on going until an unfamiliar and harrowing shriek brought them to a standstill, Achil gestured for them all to crouch down. He motioned to Andreas to move off in one direction while he would swing round in the other. As they approached; the sound got clearer and louder. Achil could see Andreas further over behind one of the trees. He pointed first to his eyes and then toward the direction of the sound. Andreas nodded and the two set off. They would get a closer look at what creature it was that moved without fear in such a place. They crept forward and drew nearer and nearer, then from behind a fallen tree trunk and some young saplings appeared the head of a large bird. It was about as tall as Achil and it was eating a small deer it had just caught. Tossing its head back as it swallowed large chunks of it. Achil looked across at Andreas, who was waving vigorously at him. Baffled Achil just shrugged after all it was only a bird and since it was already eating it did not pose a threat.

  Andreas began to get more animated throwing his arms in the air in frustration, “By all the gods it's right behind you.”

  Achil turned round and sure enough up on the fallen tree was a vicious looking creature two long arms with two longer legs. Covered in a thick coarse black fur, it eyes were reddish with a yellow tinge, its ears were pointed pinned right back on the side of its head with tufts of black fur extending them further. Each limb had long claws bent round like scythes. It had a long snout and gaping wide fangs that barely fitted into its jaw. It was staring right at Achil who stood only a few fathoms away. It suddenly leapt forward over his head landing full on the bird's neck ripping into it, the two creatures thrashed about as Achil and Andreas made their escape. Racing back to Nishga and Nicholas who were standing perplexed at their two friends who went running passed them waving their arms in the air for the others to follow them. In the distance behind them they heard a loud wailing screech then silence. Nishga and Nicholas did not need another invitation to follow the backs of their friends as they disappeared deeper into the forest; they tore off after Achil and Andreas. Once more the four found themselves hurdling fallen trees dodging passed the ones that loomed uncompromisingly in their way. Nicholas looked back to see if they were being chased and tripped over, Achil stopped and turned to help Nicholas up, hauling him to his feet as he did so everyone slowed expecting something to come racing toward them.

  “What happened?” said Nishga who was gasping for breath.

  Andreas whose heart was still racing like a hammer in his chest looked ashen. “What in Suberia was that?”

  Achil looked at the both of them unsure of what to say. “I have never seen anything like that before and whatever it was; one thing's for sure it's not friendly.”

nbsp; The four of them stood in silence, their breathing had slowed. From where they had come from could be heard another unearthly sharp high pitched scream, ice run down their backs as the call was answered from all around; first to the right of them, then to the left of them, and finally in front of them. Achil gestured for them all to move off.

  “Whatever those things are, we need to be as far away from here as is possible before nightfall,” said Achil, he had started away at a steady pace.

  The others kept pace with him, the forest had taken on a more unwelcome, unwholesome feel, and they wanted to be rid of it. Achil knew that such creatures like the one they saw would be nigh on impossible to see at night which meant they needed to find a place to hide out in, where they could not be discovered. The question was could they find such a place, since they did not know the forest and those creatures certainly did, the likelihood was that nowhere was safe.

  “Nishga if we are attacked then we should use every weapon in our arsenal,” said Achil.

  “And that includes my Crystal. You're right I think the Mandrake Imperium is the least of our worries right now.” She spoke with a stern resolution.

  Achil nodded, “Everyone I think we should make for the river. If you recall from the map it cuts this forest in half. We should follow it. It's probably our best option, in fact it maybe our only option.”

  “At least there’s a bright side to what you're saying Achil,” said Andreas.

  “What’s that?” asked Nicholas.

  “That we still have an option,” replied Andreas dryly.

  They moved at a steady pace listening to the groans and moans of the forest as they went. Since their initial run in with the strange creature and the horrifying unnatural screaming that had followed it; they had heard nothing untoward. The trees were keeping their secrets, and whatever creature they had run into, was keeping itself a mystery also. Achil told them all to keep together and keep close; there was no knowing what waited for them in the gloom of the forest or within the shadows of the trees.

  “Do you think we saw another of those Manitou things?” asked Andreas.

  “What we saw was like nothing I’ve seen before in any forest I’ve ever been in,” replied Achil.

  “Did you notice that when that thing called out, if that was its call, it was answered.” said Andreas hesitantly looking around as though worried that his words might be overheard and bring the creature down upon them.

  Achil could see in his face that he was more agitated by their encounter than others they had had.

  “I’m sure everything will be all right, we’ve fought worse things than this before.” he said trying to reassure his friend.

  “I know it's just I’ve got a bad feeling about this one. How did it get so close to you without you realising it.”

  “Perhaps we were the ones that had stumbled across it. It may have already been there hunting that large bird about to pounce when we popped up. Besides we have Nishga to protect us.” said Achil trying again to hide his own concerns.

  Andreas nodded as if satisfied by Achil’s answer for the time being.

  Achil signalled for them to slow and stop to rest a moment in a clump of fallen dried out dead trees. Whose insides had mostly been eaten away, Achil quickly checked the North finder to make sure they were still going in the right direction and with the gloom deepening they were now fairly certain that the most important thing for them was to find some form of shelter.

  “Do we spread out and look for cover or remain together?” asked Nishga.

  “I think we should remain together,” said Nicholas.

  “Agreed,” replied Achil. “If we can't find anywhere safe we should take to the trees at least we won’t be spotted up there.”

  They began their search for a secure spot to hide. In the deepening gloom, it was not long though before necessity made them form an opinion of where they could stay rather than where they should stay. They split up and climbed up the nearest trees. Achil and Nishga up one, Andreas and Nicholas up the other. They went as far as they could go among the branches. The tree Achil and Nishga were in had a part of it sheared off at the top by what probably had been a lightning strike, since the tree was so large the area broken off cradled them quite easily. It was blackened, hard but also afforded them a pronounced cover on three sides. Achil took his sword and cut off some of the smaller branches to make a small roof, and to cover the exposed area to the front. Once finished he had made them a reasonable shelter. They could look out but anything trying to look up and in would not have been able to view them especially in the dark. As for Andreas and Nicholas the tree they had hidden in needed to be worked on before the two felt properly concealed. Andreas decided to weave some of the taller smaller branches together, like a hammock and helped Nicholas do the same. The two of them were still exposed to the elements but at least any creature looking up from below would not be able to see them. The four of them now settled into their respective little nests. They took out from their holdalls some food and drink, and made themselves as comfortable as they could be and waited for the night to pass. It was not long before haunting cries echoed throughout the forest. Nishga awoke clutching at Achil’s arm. Achil’s eyes were already open reflecting what little light there was, she wondered if he had gone to sleep at all. He patted her hand gently so as to calm her. Below them more cries broke the dark, the strange screeching clawed at their souls. Through their tiny haven they could make out dark shapes moving beneath them. Sometimes they moved on all fours, sometimes upright taking long giant strides. They passed their location, as they did Achil could feel the malevolence like a shadow passing over his soul. Soon this commotion drifted off in another direction. The wailing sounded more remote then barely perceptible. At one time they heard a long sharp uneven screeching sound, the same type of sound you get when cats fight against each other. That soon died away. Nishga remained awake her eyes wide open but they were still unable to penetrate the dark. They listened to every sound the forest made from the hooting of owls, to the distant loud Roar Bears, but nothing went passed them, again that night. In time Nishga’s racing heart eased, her body relaxed and she fell into an uncomfortable sleep. She was woken by Achil who was softly easing her head away from his shoulder.

  “Sorry Nishga,” he said, gradually standing up to clear their makeshift roof away, drowning them in the warm morning sun.

  “What do you think those noises were last night?” asked Nishga.

  “Nothing we should concern ourselves with now,” said Achil. “I wonder how Andreas and Nicholas got on.” He was just about to call out to them when Andreas’s face popped up from beneath the branches.

  “If you two are quite ready that was the roughest nights I’ve spent in a long time. And what in Suberia was making all that noise?”

  Nishga gave him a wry sort of smile, “Nothing we should concern ourselves with now.” she said glancing up at Achil who smiled took her by the hands and helped her to her feet.

  “How did Nicholas get on?” asked Achil.

  “He’s fine, the poor lads waiting for us at the bottom of the tree,” said Andreas.

  The three of them climbed down to find Nicholas munching on some dried fruit that he had managed to keep safe. Achil got the map out once more had a look at the North finder to gauge their direction. The four of them quickly moved off toward the river. As they left, scattered on the floor where they had been standing were some crumbs left by Nicholas. They made way through the forest as quietly and as quickly as possible behind them they were shocked once more to hear the loud screeching call they had heard the day before. It was coming from the direction of where they had left earlier that morning. Without hesitation or barely a glance to one another the four of them picked up the pace, the next time the call echoed all around it was much closer much sharper. They fled knowing that the barren forest floor offered them scant protection. They ran past a tree where one of the creatures had been lying in wait, they had known that t
he invaders to their domain would make for the river. It jumped to the ground and gave out a sharp scream. Achil unleashed an arrow that stifled the cry immediately as the creature dropped to the floor dead with its throat pierced. But he had been too slow in the distance they could make out others racing towards them.

  “Do we fight?” said Andreas.

  “Not yet.” said Achil, “the rivers not far if we can get there before they catch up to us we might just get away.”

  The race was on. The river was close but the creatures were rapidly catching them up, more had joined their number. As the river came into view Achil sensed something was wrong. Their escape had been too easy.

  “It’s a trap,” he shouted. “We’re being allowed to get to the river. Everyone prepare yourselves.”

  A cry rang out and just before they reached the river's edge a large net went up. Achil had already placed an arrow in his bow. Andreas and Nicholas had drawn their swords and a coiled light erupted from Nishga’s hands burning a gaping hole in the net forcing it to collapse to the ground. Achil unleashed an arrow at one of the creatures as it jumped out in front of Nishga. The arrow landed with such power that it knocked the creature back through the air. Another two appeared right in front of Andreas and Nicholas who swung their swords round and cleaved their heads off. Suddenly the four of them were at the river. Looking back they could see many more of the creatures converging on them. They plunged into the onrushing river. Grabbing hold of any fallen log or jetsam they could. There holdalls puffed up with air maintaining their buoyancy. Now they were at the mercy of the river. At the waters edge the creatures glared at them silently, their eyes mad with rage. They backed ominously into the tress and were gone. Achil watched as Nishga thrashed about trying desperately to stay afloat he managed to reach her and push her up onto a fallen tree. She climbed atop it still gasping and spluttering out water. Andreas and Nicholas had both managed to join them. The three of them holding on to its trunk, while Nishga steadied it making sure it did not roll.

  “Well good of you two to join us," said Achil. “Not that you had any choice.”

  “Do we swim to the other side of the river or stay where we are,” cried Andreas.

  “Assuming we don’t run into those things again, I suggest for the time being we stay where we are. The rivers pushing us in the wrong direction we need to push against the flow.”

  They struggled hard against the river fighting to make headway, slowly moving forward fighting the current. It was not long before the idea of remaining in the river was turning into a bad one. The cold water was proving more than a discomfort; their tired limbs were starting to give up the fight. Nicholas could feel his muscles tighten up as could the other two. Nishga from her high perch was offering them some comfort but then she did not have to suffer the chill or maintain any form of momentum forward. At first they had all been so excited by their escape from the creatures, that they had not noticed how cold the water was and how fast it was pressing against them. Realising that this was one fight they could not win and that there was nothing to be gained by remaining in the river, they put off at the opposite bank. They had a choice to make some sort of raft so that they could all float on the river or continue forward on foot. Actually the choice was an easy one. None of them could face those creatures again and nor would they have wanted to; when they could just as easily be free of the forest by the evening if they travelled on foot.

  This side of the river and that part of the forest was according to the soaked map bear and wolf country, so each knew the importance of not giving their position away. The thick mantle of trees afforded them some protection. It was uncanny how that part of the forest took on a different feel to it. Even the sounds were less chilling.

  The endless crop of timber felt less inhospitable than recent events had allowed them to believe. It was indeed a shock to all of them when they came out into the open air without further incident. Staring out they could see the sun beginning to set. A golden streak ran along the river like a road leading into a large far off loch that lay at the bottom of a distant mountain. There was a flat plain in front and far off in the distance they perceived a rocky outcrop, since it was likely to be the only place to afford them some shelter for the night they headed toward it.


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