Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 24

by David Papa-Adams

  Chapter XVII

  The Valley of the Orochi

  Nishga climbed atop the mound and slowly reached out and took hold of the crystal. It was a large pyramid shaped jewel that glittered in her hands, embracing whatever light fell on it. She placed her crystal close to it, and the two flared up like a beacon, lighting up the entire cavern. Then just as quickly the light faded, in Nishga’s hand the two crystals had merged into one, as had happened previously in the crypt of Kush; instead of being straight and narrow or tear shaped as the ones she had had before, it was circular. Nishga held it aloft, at its core could be seen an energy that expanded outwards enveloping her. To the others looking on, it was as though she was surrounded by light, which was then absorbed. Her body lifted off the ground and then gently returned to its original position.

  Talon watched stoically and was unsurprised that anyone with the ability to use an Orb could also have an understanding of the power of Crystals.

  Achil looked on concerned by what he saw and was about to intervene but was prevented from doing so by the outstretched wing of Talon. Only when Nishga had returned to her normal state were the others allowed to approach her. Andreas and Nicholas struggled up the mound of silver and gold anxious to see if she had been harmed by the experience. When they got to her she seemed momentarily dazed so much so that they had to help her down. There was more to jewels and encrusted golden statues about this hoard, it was indeed the wealth of an entire people, enough to buy not just an army but a realm. If they could transport that wealth back to Findolin it would be a triumph on its own or if incapable of doing that then at the very least prevent it from falling into the hands of the Guild Merchants. But that as Achil well knew was not their mission and they simply did not have the time to accomplish such a task. Once Andreas and Nicholas had left Nishga to recover, they began looking in awe round the trove.

  Nishga on recovering her strength used the Orb to speak to the Eagles. Talon had waited patiently for her and when sensing her thoughts informed her that come evening they would help them to the other side of the mountain. Taking them as far as the Valley of the Orochi, but he had said unfortunately after that they would be left on their own. His race had to be wary of flying over that part of the wilderness even at dusk, as it held many dangers, and that was why they could not range too far. They returned to the large cavern and waited for the day to draw to a close. The great Eagles told Nishga the story of how they came to be in Suberia. Of how the great ice storms had destroyed their lands, and fleeing from their old Eyries they had drifted for thousands of leagues in search of a new land to call home, they thought they had found a paradise not realising that an old foe had either also escaped to these fresh new lands or was already in habitation and that old foe, the Dragons did not share their territory. They had fought many battles but had managed to survive and flourish somehow, mainly as they lived beyond where any Dragon could fly. The travellers had arrived at a time when the Eagles were warring with their most vile adversary; Typhon was the mightiest of all the Dragons they had ever fought against. Nishga listened intently to the tale. Impressed by the courage of such noble creatures, their fight had been an eternal struggle to survive and their unwillingness to accept defeat against all expectation of it, was remarkable. They communicated with each other long into the day. Nishga explaining to the others the stories that were told to her, of the Eagles great flight, the many battles fought, of surprising victories and unsurprising defeats, after a while they were left to rest in the cavern as the eagles took to scout out the path they would take later.

  Achil sat still, almost brooding.

  “You know we could use that silver sphere to send that mighty hoard back to Findolin,” he said rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  Nishga looked up regarding Achil with some curiosity.

  “I don’t think that’s altogether wise, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was jealousy of the wealth of a civilisation or any people that helps to bring about their downfall. Look at the Merchant Guilds of the Imperium always seeking to have more. Could you imagine it, if they discovered that we had such a trove in our possession, greed would lend itself to becoming an obsession. Why should we make ourselves a bigger target than we already are?”

  “Nishga are you saying we should keep ourselves poor just so we don’t attract unwanted attention?” replied Achil, “How then would we achieve anything? The Mandrake will seize what they want anyway, and the idea behind having such wealth is to buy us time before their next incursion into our lands.”

  “Interesting expression,” said Nishga. “To buy time, especially since time is the one thing that no one can buy as no one can own it, though as you’re aware, from what I was taught by the Nashvilly, it may be borrowed or loaned out for a brief time. The thing is this; that hoard and the wealth it would bring, will not add value to us but will in the end only serve to devalue us. See it for what it is; like all things that are sought after, it will cause division among those that have it, and envy from those that don't."

  "If that's the case we could all do with a little division," said Nicholas.

  "Money is a tool unfortunately to the weak minded it becomes their God. And that is how it corrupts. A world ruled by money cannot fail to become corrupted, in the same way that a world ruled by the sword will always be in strife, and let us hope those two ailments one for greed and one for power are never combined. So I am not saying we should keep ourselves poor, what I’m saying is that we have a different set of values to the Imperium’s. And the seeking of riches beyond imagining is not one of them. We have learnt from our alliances that if our neighbour is strong then they will help us be strong. We all came together the Askalons, the Finns and the Dragon People not just because of the profit we would make from trading with each other, but because we wished to learn new skills from one another and aid one another in times of need. By uniting we developed the Dragon Chambers, and have defended the entire Kingdoms of Western Suberia. Let their lust for riches bring about their undoing. They will be devoured by their own greed and that in the end is what will destroy them. Trust me on this Achil though they would not understand it; our wealth is in our values, that is what makes us stronger than them, it's why in the end we will outlast them.”

  “You're probably right, pity though." replied Achil. "We could have built castles a plenty and furnished the most powerful army in Suberia.”

  "To do what with, so that we become exactly like the Mandrake, is that really what you want." said Nishga.

  "Not to become like them but so that we might defend ourselves better against them, and anyone else for that matter."

  "And then eventually we would have taken the fight to them and after all the bloodshed what then."

  "Nishga we've already lost friends a plenty, so after, it would be hoped we would have peace."

  "I think not, once you get a taste for conquest, you can never be satisfied with anything less. And the next empire that nations fear: will be ours."

  They fell into a sullen silence, the mound of riches that she lay back against did not just make her feel physically uncomfortable; in her heart there was something unnatural about it, as though it had no real purpose. No real value.

  As evening drew closer, Talon chose four eagles to take them into the Valley of the Orochi. The four of them expressed their gratitude for the aid they were given, and after taking from the mound what they felt they would need to complete their journey they struck out for the valley below. Riding on the backs of the eagles was different to when they had rode on the Dragons back. The eagles were ostensibly better fliers, their feathers were soft, comfortable not like the more hardy scales of the Dragon. And Ladon was built more for speed and battle; there was nothing soft about it.

  The Eagles long wings glided silently through the air, they descended slowly, circling as they went. They landed silently in the deep of the valley below, and leaving the four travellers to their journey and with one sure beat from their wings they majes
tically lifted into the air. The conspirators now faced a wide open valley that stretched out for many leagues in all directions. In the poor half light they could make out a fertile mass of tall grasses and wooded knolls. There was a stream running through its centre which flowed directly down from the mountain. And somewhere the Orochi slept or worse walked. They first made for a small rock formation and then on to a small woody knoll. By the time they had reached the wood, night had swallowed up the whole valley; and an eerie hollow silence had descended. Among the trees they felt safe, secure from prying eyes. The valley was free of wolves, free of bears, in fact there was very little significant life above the size of a rat, and the reason could easily be discerned. Nothing wished to trouble the Orochi. They walked until they found a small clearing in the wood where they huddled together.

  “We’ll need to get out of this valley by morning or hold up somewhere half way and then leave the following day,” said Achil.

  “To be honest, I’m all for leaving right now. There’s a strange sort of quiet about this place that frankly I find unsettling,” whispered Andreas.

  “I know exactly what you mean,” said Nishga warily. “And even though this sounds strange ever since we entered this valley I've felt as though we’re being watched.”

  “You're right,” said Nicholas who had started to look around with unease, “I also think we should carry on until morning and just escape this valley.”

  “I guess it’s agreed, we simply leave this place as fast as we can,” said Achil, pulling back some brush, in the hope of viewing the other side of the valley.

  From where they were the valley was like a very long, very large dark cavernous tunnel, its size indeterminable. As they set off across it Nishga joked that it was so dark she was sorely tempted to use her crystal to light the way. To which Achil remarked that she could only do that if he, Andreas and Nicholas were nowhere near her, as that would certainly bring the Orochi down upon them. A small slither of the moon began to rise over the mountains, which was light enough to make them visible to anything with sharp enough eyes to see with like the Orochi, unfortunately with its many heads it had an unlimited supply of sharp eyes. And just as the four of them were feeling rather exposed by this new light, the clouds also began to clear revealing what were numerous sparkling crystals in the sky. Achil gestured for them all to crouch down.

  “If the creatures sleeping we may be able to pass by unnoticed, if not…” said Achil his voice trailing off into the dark

  “If not, we get eaten,” said Andreas.

  Achil looked at him and smiled. “You know the rules if all else fails running away as fast as possible is always the best option.”

  They set off once more at a steady pace, heading towards a large rocky overhang that they had seen when riding on the backs of the eagles. As they approached the rocks they noticed that they were actually megaliths large standing stones arrayed in a circle, some of which had fallen on their sides and were broken. In the middle was a large alter on which was carved a serpent and an inscription. They decided they could risk a little light under the confined space of the ring of stones. Nishga lifted out her crystal and lit up the alter to read the inscription: ‘Sashnek to Druidier.’

  “What does that mean?” she said puzzled by the words.

  Achil turned to Nishga, “Sashnek to Druidier. Druidier is the place we went through to get to Osgaroth,” she gave him a puzzled look.

  “Come on Nishga your memories not that bad. When I had to pass the three tests, remember, otherwise we would have had to replace the two guardians of Druidier.”

  A look of recognition appeared on Nishga’s face.

  “I wonder how this place and that one are connected.” she began searching to see if there were any clues as to a link between the two.

  Andreas and Nicholas shrugged their shoulders and rested against the alter; they were not really interested in a pile of old stones. While Achil stepped outside the circle and stared into the dark. He had only caught sight of the Orochi once. That was when they had entered the plain of Findolin in their first battle with the Mandrake at the Siege of Findolin. It was an awesome creature, worthy of their respect. Typhon was a different matter, he had only heard tales of that Dragon. A mighty beast it was too. To have conquered that part of the Wilderness they were in was no small feat.

  “I can’t find anything that relates Druidier to this place,” said Nishga, who after inspecting the standing stones had joined Achil.

  “There’s something here I simply know it. It’s just too dark for us to find and we dare not risk any more light than we already have,” said Achil, his voice barely above a whisper. “Come on let's get the others and be on our way. This place will have to remain a mystery to us.”

  They stepped back within the circle and to their horror found that both Andreas and Nicholas were gone. Their holdalls were by the side of the alter but they were not. The two stood stunned for a moment.

  “Well that’s something I didn’t expect,” said Achil with a shake of the head.

  “Yes, typical of those two to do the unexpected,” said Nishga.

  “Nishga you're going to have to illuminate the area surrounding the alter. If I think what’s happened has happened, then we’ll find our answers there,” said Achil.

  Sure enough there were marks leading into the alter as though something had passed through it.

  “Right lets grab everyone’s things,” said Achil. “Now I want you to shine a light over here and brace yourself.”

  Nishga did as she was asked. The serpent carved into the side of the alter lit up. Achil ran his fingers down its scaly back as he got to the tale end which was in the shape of a rattle, he noticed that it was loose he applied pressure and sure enough the front of the alter fell back and the floor beneath them dropped down forming a ramp that they fell into. They found themselves in a shoot, sliding first one way then the other until they went flying out at the bottom. They were both fortunate enough to land on something soft, Achil on Andreas and Nishga on Nicholas. Nishga lit up the chamber they were in. Along the walls were frescos of Dragons in front of which stood a man with a long staff wearing a long robe. From his neck hung a crystal which sent energy through the head of the staff which was shaped like a serpent, from its eyes emanated a shaft of light, which held the Dragon in awe. The creature was unlike anything they had ever seen before five times the size of the man, its teeth were savage as were its long scimitar shaped claws. It stood on two legs with a long tail.

  Nishga lit up the entire chamber, dust was thick in the air. No light had shone in that place for many a millennium and it showed. To one side of the chamber hanging on the wall was a long robe. Nicholas went over to pick it up only to have it crumple to dust in his hands. Behind the robe hidden from view had been the long staff. It was made from some metal, in the serpents eyes were encrusted two rubies. Nicholas passed the staff to Achil who in turn passed it to Nishga. Her crystal glowed at its touch. The eyes of the serpent for a brief moment began to flash.

  “Can you sense anything Nishga?” asked Achil.

  “The staff is the key, it holds real power. I can feel it,” she said.

  Achil studied her a moment, he wondered if that was too much power for one person to hold. Then from the other side of the chamber Andreas called out to them. He had found a small opening enough for them to squeeze through, it led into a tunnel.

  “It looks like the only exit out of here, so since there are no alternatives we had better be on our way,” said Nishga.

  Holding onto the staff she led them down the tunnel. There were more frescos of Dragons, Eagles and a creature that looked similar to the one they had fought against in the forest. The tunnel went on for many leagues; there were shafts on either side of it, which none of them had the desire to investigate. And just as they were giving up hope that they would ever escape that dark hole it began to wind its way up steadily. As they approached its ending Nishga felt a rush of cool fresh air o
n her face. The light from her crystal began to fade as they made their way out into a small cave. At its opening it became apparent that they had travelled further across the valley than they could have hoped to. They came out onto a steep incline of a mountain.

  “Where to from here?” asked Andreas.

  “We should make our way back down through the trees and out into the open, I think we should aim to get to the other side of the valley before daybreak if possible,” said Achil.

  They slowly made their descent back into the valley. The trees offering some limited protection. Once at the base of the mountain they made their way along the valley. That feeling of being watched came back to them once they were out in the open. Fortunately that part of the valley had an embankment, beneath which they found some cover of sorts. It was in the shape of a trough; they travelled along it as far as they could before it swung round and headed away from the direction they were going in. With some effort the four of them clambered up the side to peer over the top. The sky had begun to turn mauve as dawn was quickly approaching.

  “What do we do? If we get caught out in the open we’re sure to be seen,” said Nicholas, staring out over the long grasses.

  “I don’t think we can remain here, it’s way too dangerous,” replied Achil.

  “Look I think we should take our chances, at least make a break for those trees over there.” said Nishga, gesturing to a small area of woodland that meant they would have to go backward rather than forward.

  Andreas peered with uncertainty. “The sooner we’re out of this valley the better. If I know anything about Dragons it's that they’ve got an acute sense of smell, the winds picking up at the moment, its blowing against us. With how many heads that Dragons got, it's not going to need to see us.”

  The others looked at him a shudder running down their spines. There was nothing for it. Setting off at a good pace they ran off into the valley basin toward where the stream ran and then proceeded along its edge, at least the sound of the rushing water would mask there arrival at the other end of the Valley. The closer to the valleys end the lighter it got. By the time they had reached the other side of the valley there was the sound of bird song all around them, the valley had come alive.

  They raced toward an overhang of rocks beneath which was an alcove with some rather large boulders to the front that would afford them some protection from any prying eyes that might be waiting in the rapidly growing light to discover them. When they made it over to the rocks and clambered inside. In the distance they heard a mighty roar followed by another and another as though some creature were announcing to the day that it was alive and free. The four of them lay huddled together; outside they could hear another loud roar, then the giant steps of some mighty animal. As each step was taken it was like thunder, the land trembling beneath it. A shadow suddenly passed over, Nishga stood in the opening of the alcove, the cloak she wore keeping her from being seen. Behind her was Achil, Andreas and Nicholas who were all pressed up against the walls of their small protective shelter desperately trying to remain concealed. The creature moved into the valley. Its progress was slow but steady stopping every now and then to check its territory for intruders, each head turning this way and that while others would feed off of the leaves of trees. The creature made its way down to the stream where different heads in turn immersed themselves and drunk fully.

  Nishga watched the scene with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

  “What now?” asked Nishga.

  “Should we make a run for it while we can?” asked Andreas.

  “You must be joking,” said Achil. “With that many eyes, the creature would spot us right away. Nishga can you use that staff, it might be our only hope of escaping with our lives.”

  “In time maybe, but there’s no readers manual like you might get when building a boat or for sword play,” said Nishga.

  “We don’t appear to have any cover from here to the pass that leads out of the valley. I hate to have to be the one to say it, but we could be stuck here all day," said Achil.

  The four of them peered down at the Orochi its terrifying giant form both disturbing and awesome to look upon. It's many heads writhing and twisting like serpents ready to strike. It's long flat grey body with its even longer tale. Its legs were long trunks that could move with a greater dexterity than could be thought possible for a creature of that size. Every so often a head would seem to turn and stare right at them, and then turn away.

  “We’re going to need a decision soon,” said Andreas. “I think we’re in a precarious position it's too dangerous to remain here. At the moment we haven’t been discovered more due to luck than anything else. That’s not going to last.”

  As they watched the Orochi it began to move away to a different part of the valley. The creature was doing its daily round of the vast territory it covered. Making sure there were no invaders.

  “I can’t see where it's gone,” said Achil excitedly.

  Nishga stepped away from the entrance to the alcove.

  “It's alright I can still see it. It appears to be descending right down into the heart of the valley.”

  From where she was, she could see the many heads of the creature bobbing up and down as it walked deeper into the valley beneath them until they disappeared from view altogether.

  “It's gone now let's move,” cried Nishga.

  The four of them leapt clear of the outcrop of rocks, and made a mad dash down to the pass. Each footfall taken was one closer to safety. Though burdened by their things they made their way quietly and quickly to the open valley floor, rushing across tall grasses, not caring about the trail that was left behind them. The Orochi would discover on its return that something had passed through its territory but by then it would be too late, they would have already made their escape. In front of them was a great open cavern dug out of the mountain face by the Orochi, the perfect place to watch the pass in and out of its domain and to guard against intruders.

  “Come on, pick up the pace, we’re almost there,” cried Achil, seeing Nishga struggling, he reached out and took her holdall from her.

  Nicholas and Andreas were moving ahead, Achil had chosen to keep to the rear every so often he would look behind him making sure they had not been seen. There were some fallen boulders that had to be negotiated before entry into the pass proper. The mountains above them stood like mighty silent sentinels. Both had steep inclines but for the gaping cavern in one of them that had been carved out of the rock. The Orochi was nowhere to be seen, their escape from it had proved a success. The creature was in some far flung corner of his valley and they were practically free. The four of them turned to look behind them, with a rush of excitement running through their bodies they were almost through. They could see the pass narrowing in front of them, so narrow that the Orochi would not be able to pass through it, and beyond that an open plain leading out of the lands of the wilderness. There was no wall at this end for obvious reasons, the Orochi was a territorial creature which kept to and guarded its lands vigilantly. With the pass too narrow for it to pass through, the creature became the perfect buffer, the perfect wall, against anything else that might wish to cross into the Mandrake Imperium. Suddenly there was a loud thud the ground beneath them shook. The four stood in bewilderment at the sight in front of them. Slowly a large three horned head rose above mighty wings, it was Typhon. Typhon who knew no boundaries, thick scales covered its entire body. Large heavy plates ran down its back like the serrated edge of a blade. Its talons were the size of a man, curved ominously; its eyes were as malevolent as they were cunning, opaque in colour as though the creature were lifeless. Its long tail had two horns that looked as sharp as any sword could be. Its wings once folded, lifted and rested on its back. The creature took a thunderous step forward and roared. The sound echoed down the pass. Just behind the creature was the narrow opening leading out onto the Imperium. They had only been a few steps away from escaping the worst excesses of the Wilderness, but now tha
t way was barred. As the creature moved forward they moved back. Achil, Andreas and Nicholas drew their swords. The creature stopped a moment and let out a booming guttural sound as though it were laughing.

  Nishga stepped forward with the staff and raised it towards the creature and began concentrating. The creature hesitated as two lights shone out from the serpents head. The creature backed away thrashing its tail hard into the ground. Earth and debris flew everywhere. Still Typhon was blocking their path. As Nishga moved forward the Dragon took a step back. It was as though there was an invisible barrier between it and them, preventing it from attacking. The Dragon struggled to free itself, to control its own mind. Nishga faced the creature their two minds locked together.

  “Run,” she shouted. “This is your only hope I cannot keep the creature at bay for long, I can already feel my hold weakening. Escape while you can.”

  “We’re not going to leave you,” shouted Achil.

  “I’ll be alright, now run. I cannot fight the Dragon and argue with you at the same time, leave.” said Nishga raising her voice above the din.

  She began moving forward toward the Dragon this time forcing it back against the rock face. A gap appeared behind her, large enough for the others to flee down, but still they did not move.

  Once more the creature raised itself and with a loud roar it smashed its tail into the cliff wall blasting part of the mountain apart. Achil lifted his shield to protect Nishga and himself while Andreas and Nicholas had managed to escape the barrage by racing through to the other side. They tried to get back to Achil and Nishga but another thrash of the Dragons tail, and the side of the mountain crashed down around them blocking their path to their friends. There was another roar and the creature rose up hanging in the air above Achil and Nishga like a serpent about to strike. The strain telling on Nishga’s face as she fought to keep control. She raised the staff forcing the Dragon back once more. They backed slowly away into what was now a blocked pass. If Achil could manage to clear a path for them, they might still make it through to the other side. But the Dragon was not finished yet it raised itself up putting all its force into breaking Nishga’s hold. Suddenly the eyes within the head of the serpent seemed to blaze violently, expand out and explode. Nishga was flung back, the staff snapping and splintering apart as it erupted from her grasp. The Dragon had also been flung back but was quick to recover. As it made to pounce on Nishga, Achil jumped forward in front of her, sword at the ready. The Dragon paused for a moment reared up and was about to fall on Achil when leaping on top of it from behind was the Orochi. Knocking Typhon to the side, quickly the Dragon turned to face its new adversary. The two great monsters reared up and smashed into one another, each roaring as though two thunderous storms had clashed, each trying to gain the ascendancy over the other. The sound was deafening, with each movement the ground shook, as though trembling at the frightful contest occurring above it. Achil seized the opportunity to escape. He grabbed hold of Nishga and hauled her up, they both made a mad dash toward the other end of the pass and began climbing over the mighty wall of rocks that were now blocking their exit. Behind them they could here the roars of the two creatures fighting with one another. As they reached halfway, they could see Nicholas and Andreas who had climbed up from the other side and were calling, encouraging them to hasten. Achil went back to help Nishga, who had tired after her ordeal with the Dragon and hauled her up. The mountain seemed to be collapsing all around them. The four of them jumped clear, on the other side and raced out of the pass. They were through. Surely now they were on the final leg of the journey.


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