Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 27

by David Papa-Adams

  Chapter XX

  In the eye of the Storm

  The next day Andreas and Nicholas were up early, after a quiet word with Nishga they made their way down to the harbour area. They crossed quiet streets and placid parks where they were greeted by large wooden cranes standing over skeletal wooden ships which were made to appear that much bigger as they were cradled within wooden platforms. The din of tapping seemed to fill the air. There was a guided tour of the ship yards at noon which the two went on. The man giving the tour was a portly gentleman with short cropped hair and sharp sparkling brown eyes he gestured in an animated fashion throwing his arms around and had an immutable infectious laugh. He wore a brightly coloured waistcoat beneath which was a white braided shirt. His brown khaki trousers hung comfortably over soft leather shoes; he exuded enthusiasm for his patrons. Nicholas and Andreas slowly retreated to the back of the group, studying, inspecting, and recording in their minds where everything was. The harbour’s natural jagged rocky formations were due to the meeting of two seas. Nature had thrown up its own barrier to stop the clashing of waves. Large mounds of sediment had collected together and over time had created the unusual rocky formations and natural harbour. Two large thick bony looking rocky lines stretched out to sea like the tales of leviathans, one in the shape of a scimitar the other much straighter. Trees had sprung up on both like tufts of hair on a balding head. Nicholas and Andreas looked at each other. The perfect place to hide would be beneath those trees. The guide shouted out for the stragglers at the back to keep up. They were taken to see the ships, row upon row of them moored against the key. The sails had the insignia of the Imperium, a wolf's head inset a full moon and the black curved pentagram inset a full moon with a red background. They followed their guide over to the depot area. Numerous large sheds big enough to house ships twice the size of the ones already anchored off shore.

  “Everyone gather round,” cried the Guide. “You are about to see something that not many people have witnessed in this marvellous empire of ours. During our recent travels into the barren lands we discovered a people that use a type of metal that does not displease the god of the sea and remains unblemished by the touch of sea water. Our shaman and alchemists have studied the craft to create such a metal, and came up with the vehicle you’re about to see. We call it the ‘Deep sea Warrior‘, it fits about six comfortably, eight at a push. The much larger version will have the ability to go on extended voyages to the most distant of lands. It is to be taken down to the docks today to be moored up ready for trials.”

  A large roller door began to slowly rise, and there set back in the shadow was something tubular. A cover hanging over it was pulled away. To the wonder of everyone they could see a long cylindrical object, in the shape of a shark. What was extraordinary about it was the fact that it did not have sails nor did it have a deck to walk on, it was perfectly encased and was made of metal except to the front. Where there was a thick bulbous transparent glass bubble. As they walked round they could see two rotary blades to the rear, between which was the rudder, the ship if it could have been called that worked on the same rowing principle as the ferry boats that ran along the canals and the carriages. As everyone looked more closely they could see two men within it. One was at a large wheel, turning it first one way then the other. Someone from the group shouted out that the rudder to the rear was moving, while the other person sat turning a lever. There was a mighty clanking sound as one of the rotary blades also began to slowly turn. Nicholas and Andreas watched in amazement at this new creation of the Imperium. They stared at one another with a look that said they now knew which ship to steal, if they could just get close enough to it.

  The guide then took them out across what he referred to as the ‘Crabs Claw.’ Which was one of the natural jetties, at the end of which was a tall building and by means of glass optics was capable of sending out a stream of light that helped guide ships into harbour; known as ‘the Pharos light house.’ It was only manned at night or in poor weather, during the day, and at other times it lay dormant. When they reached the light house they could see how far Jinopolis stretched across the coast line. It was a beautiful city, well planned and well-constructed. From the end of the jetty they could see the Colossum lifted to incredible heights, also as they stared across rising up above all other buildings were the towering Structures at the heart of the city, a clear sign of its wealth and opulence, and of course The inescapable Golden Palace which stood atop a raised hill. It was breathtaking. Andreas and Nicholas looked on with a grudging respect of what the Imperium had achieved. As the guide directed the group to make their way back, Andreas and Nicholas took the opportunity to sneak behind the light house unnoticed.

  “That ship if we can steal that, we should be able to reach the cove, and truly be on our way home,” whispered Andreas.

  Nicholas looked pensive, “How many guards do you think there will be guarding it.”

  “Once we start the fire there’ll be utter mayhem. Everyone will be too busy to think about anything other than putting the fire out. If we had enough men with such a diversion we’d even be able to take one of the bigger ships. No one would realise the things gone until it was too late. But timing is everything. You heard what that man said the light house operates mostly at night. Let's keep low and make our way over to that wooded area, stay there till nightfall then under the cover of dark creep back into the harbour area and the ship yards. With the light only looking out to sea we should still be able to move freely at night.”

  Andreas gestured to Nicholas to follow him. As the two moved off they kept as low as they could beneath the long grasses and brush; the two of them crawled over to the small wooded area just off the path. Behind the trees they could both look out onto the harbour and the city. Now all they had to do was be patient and wait.

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