Uniform Doll

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Uniform Doll Page 21

by Penny Birch

  ‘Wriggle your bum,’ Andrea ordered,

  Naomi obeyed, squirming her sex onto Andrea’s foot as the piss spattered out over her head. I pushed her head further down, right in, forcing her to lift her bum higher. Her wriggling became more urgent, her boobs began to swing, and a sob escaped her. Sam’s pee was dying, too weak to squirt out, but running in a trickle down one thigh. I pulled off a piece of loo paper, dabbing at her, and another, a long bit, dropping both into the loo.

  ‘Climb off,’ I ordered Sam, ‘and get behind me; I want my bum licked.’

  There was no hesitation. She obeyed, getting hastily down on the floor as I sank into a squat. Naomi was getting frantic, close to orgasm, as Sam slid herself under me. I sat down, right in her face, wiggling my bottom to spread the cheeks and get my anus over her mouth. She started to lick, right away, probing my bumhole. I could imagine the taste in her mouth, from experience, and it was so good, just knowing, almost as good as the feeling.

  My hand went to my pussy, rubbing as I forced Naomi’s head still harder into the bowl. She was wriggling her bottom like mad, gasping and panting into the toilet, her boobs quivering, to shake drops of pee from her stiff nipples.

  ‘Flush yourself, you little bitch!’ Andrea spat, and lashed out to slap Naomi hard across her bottom.

  Naomi’s hand came up, slowly, as if she couldn’t believe what she was doing. She couldn’t stop herself either, and it went to the plunger, and down. Water exploded around her head, gushing out, the level rising, over her face, swirling up until her hair was floating in it. My mouth came open at the sight, my bottom settling harder into Sam’s face, her tongue pushing deeper up my hole in response.

  My clitty was burning under my finger, my pussy pressed hard to Sam’s chin, my bumhole open and sloppy around her tongue. It was perfect, Naomi with her head down a toilet, Sam with her tongue up my bottom, for the third time, ecstasy and revenge, as I came, screaming aloud, clutching at my pussy and jerking at Naomi’s hair.

  I wasn’t the only one. Naomi had climaxed on Andrea’s foot as she was flushed, and her muscles were still jerking and twitching as my own orgasm slowly faded. Like mine, it took time to die, and she kept her head down the loo, even though I’d released my grip. When she did come up her eyes were still shut, with yellow water dribbling from her open mouth and her hair full of bits of loo paper.

  She spat out a mouthful, leaning forwards over the loo, swallowing, only for her throat to suddenly tighten. Naomi was sick as I was climbing off Sam’s face as, emptying her stomach down the loo in tune to some truly awful noises. I was grinning, although I did feel sympathy – some anyway – but I was also thinking of how it had felt to have my panties pulled down in a bar full of men, and of walking across Hampstead Heath with my trousers seat bulging behind me.

  It was enough, for me, more than enough. Not Andrea. She waited for Naomi to finish being sick, and calmly ordered them to clean up the mess. They did it, orgasms or no orgasms, crawling nude on the floor, using their panties as rags to mop up the pee and wringing the pathetic little scraps of cotton out over the toilet. I watched, thoroughly pleased with myself, yet still amazed at what a good beating can do to a girl, turning a haughty bitch into a grovelling, servile slut. I mean, I get that way, but then I’m a slut to start with.

  In the end I left them to it, feeling thoroughly smug as I went down the stairs to fetch myself another beer. The front room was a mess, with the girls clothes still on the floor and our empty beer bottles on the table. I chuckled at the sight, knowing that it wouldn’t be me clearing it up, only to stop short at the sound of an engine from outside.

  I ducked down, just in time, as AJ’s bike turned in at the drive. Near panic, I ran to the hall, peering out through the spy hole and praying she’d put it in the garage and come in that way. She dismounted, started for the front door, hesitated, and went for the garage. I waited, my heart in my mouth, listening to the grate of the garage door rising. She came out again, straddled the bike, kicking at the ground to roll it under cover. There was a pause, silence, and again the door grated, shut. I opened the front door, and just ran.


  I was in serious trouble, and no mistake. Sure, both girls had come in absolute ecstasy, several times, and it was going to be an experience they’d be masturbating over until their pussies were raw. That didn’t make the slightest difference.

  If my plan had worked I’d have been fine. Naomi would have been alone, and she’d have fallen for Andrea’s lesbian traffic warden act. She would have gone along with my suggestion of taking the cane to be let off her fine, and I’d have had the satisfaction of watching her beaten, and of having tricked her, with no risk to myself. It hadn’t worked like that, and if both Naomi and Sam had got far more than I’d ever hoped for, it had been at the expense of my supposed lack of involvement. Then there was AJ, maybe Andrea too, depending on what had happened at the house.

  So I didn’t go back to my flat, but to Uncle Rupert’s house. The first thing I noticed was that the alarm light on his answering machine was on, with ten messages and the memory full. That was odd, and I was about to play them back when the phone rang. It was him.

  ‘Jade?’ he demanded as I answered.

  ‘No, it’s a burglar,’ I quipped.

  ‘Very funny,’ he said. ‘Look, listen. I’m coming back tomorrow, and Sarah’s coming with me, to stay.’

  ‘To stay?’

  ‘Yes, for good. We’re engaged . . .’

  ‘Well . . . congrats.’

  ‘Thanks, but never mind that. Look, I don’t think she could handle my collection of magazines and stuff, and as for the uniforms . . .’

  ‘She’d freak!’

  ‘You are not joking. So look, I need you to take them down to your flat –’


  ‘Not the mannequins, just the uniforms, my collection too, the magazines anyway. She won’t mind the books, but above all, you’ve got to take the photos we took of us . . .’

  ‘They’re back?’

  ‘Yes, there’s this bloke . . . Look, never mind that. Do it, please. Use cabs, and I’ll pay you back.’

  ‘Hang on a minute, I –’

  ‘Just do it, Jade, please! I won’t have a chance, and she means so much to me.’

  ‘Well . . .’

  ‘Good girl, I knew I could count on you! Look, we’re in a restaurant and she’s only gone to the loo, so I’d better go. Bye.’

  He put the phone down, leaving me holding the receiver in my hand with my emotions whirling in my head. I was happy for him, of course I was, but this was the man who’d fucked me, only days before, and with who I’d built up one of the most intimate and trusting relationships of my life. It was impossible not to feel jealous, and hurt, but I was still going to help.

  Not that I was exactly happy about carting several boxes of spanking magazines across north London, but there was a worse problem than that, the reason I was at his house in the first place. AJ and the girls were sure to come to my flat, and while I was perfectly capable of lying low and pretending not to be there, if I was humping boxes up and down the stairs there was every chance they would catch me.

  All I could think of was to get the stuff ready in the hall, and then to go late at night, when hopefully the girls would have given up. If they hadn’t, well, that was my bad luck. After all, I was going to get it anyway, or so I kept telling myself.

  Actually, it was going to be far worse if they caught me soon. That’s just the way it works, and while I was quite happy to take a good beating in some club at a future date, I really didn’t want to catch the full force of their vengeance while Sam and Naomi were still smarting from their punishment.

  There would be Andrea too, and while I was pretty sure she would be able to stick up for herself, I was equally sure she’d want a word with me for dropping her in it. I knew what she liked to do to girls, and that was in play. I could handle her, maybe. I could handle AJ, just about, or Sam and N
aomi. All four together and I’d be in real trouble. I was close to panic, just thinking about it, and I was cursing myself for not just accepting what they’d done to me. Revenge works two ways after all, and I was at one major disadvantage.

  Because of that, and trying to sort out Uncle Rupert’s huge collection of filth, it was nearly an hour later that I realised that there was a problem. He and I had a date with Heather for the Wednesday, and Sarah was definitely not the sort who would happily join in with her fiancé for a kinky foursome with his niece and a nurse. I was going to have to cancel, which I really didn’t want to do. As I lugged the last of the boxes of magazines down the stairs I was really cursing Rupert.

  There were twelve boxes, each packed to the top, and I was running sweat. I’d had to stack them too, and my head was swimming with an endless succession of images of girls in various states of undress, most with their bums red or else stuck out for spanking, and with their faces set in expressions of pain, shock, misery or contrition. Normally I wouldn’t have minded, anything but, only with my head in a complete whorl already it just made things worse.

  So I stopped and ate, helping myself to a steak from Rupert’s freezer and an expensive bottle from his cellar, which I felt was the least I deserved. That made things seem clearer, and it made me braver too. By the end of the last glass I had resolved to take control of the situation with AJ and the other girls. They could punish me, yes, but under my own terms. After all, it was my right, or so all the literature always says – the submissive partner has ultimate control.

  I still waited until midnight before calling a cab. By then I’d finished a second bottle of wine, and was well pissed. I was wet down my panties too, from the endless succession of punished girls in the magazines, the images rising up in my head, again and again. If Rupert had been there I’d have been begging for a spanking, a hard one, an undignified one, over his knee with my bumhole showing. Then he’d have fucked me, good and hard, with me on all fours, the way he’d done me before, in front of Heather. Better still, he could have done it up my bum, spanked and buggered, the same utter degradation he liked to give Sarah.

  If the cabbie hadn’t rung the bell I’d have masturbated right there, on the floor of Rupert’s hallway. I already had my skirt up, and of course I was still pantiless, which was another thing that turning me on. Unfortunately he did, just as I was getting my boobs out, and I was forced to cover myself up with frantic haste, all the while babbling assurances that I’d open the door in a moment. I was blushing, and I’m sure he noticed, a huge, fat man with a sweaty red face and hands, in jeans that could barely contain his gross belly and a shirt with the buttons straining to reveal slices of pallid, hairy flesh.

  ‘You all right, love?’ he asked, smoothing what remained of his hair over the bald dome of his head.

  ‘Fine,’ I answered. ‘I had to get all these boxes downstairs. I’ve got to get them to Turnpike Lane. You couldn’t give me a hand with them, could you?’

  ‘Yeah, all right,’ he answered, eyeing the stack of boxes doubtfully. ‘If they’ll fit.’

  They did, just about, but I ended up sitting in the front with him while both the boot and back seat were crammed with boxes. Some of them hadn’t even been shut properly, and although I’d put the top mags in upside down, I wasn’t at all sure he hadn’t guessed what they were. That really had me blushing, and thinking of the cab driver Zoe had made me jerk off. If he had noticed he didn’t say anything, but kept up a steady flow of chatter all the way to my flat. It was well gone midnight, but I had him park a good way up the street first, still feeling uneasy. I was right to be. AJ was there, her motorbike propped up right outside my flat. Parked almost opposite was Naomi’s BMW. My heart went into my mouth. I was for it, really for it.

  I was going to ask to be driven back to Highgate, only for Naomi’s face to appear at the cab window. She was a state, both cheeks blotchy with bruising, but she was grinning.

  ‘Hi, Jade,’ she said.

  ‘Er . . . Hi,’ I managed.

  ‘Good to see you, doll,’ she answered, and pulled open my door.

  I just sat there, staring, wondering what I could possibly do. Naomi whistled, and waved. In response Sam climbed out of the BMW, then Andrea. I was starting to panic, terrified at what they’d do, imagining the four of them taking out their anger on my body, all thrashing me at once, probably ruining me for a month. That wouldn’t be all. They’d bog-wash me, and it wouldn’t just be pee in the toilet. They’d tattoo my pussy as a slut, with a needle and biro ink. They’d make me eat my own dirt. They’d pierce my pussy-lips . . .

  ‘I . . . er . . . could you give me a hand with my stuff?’ I asked the driver, really piteously.

  ‘Couldn’t your mates help?’ he said.

  ‘I’d like you to, please?’ I begged. Behind me Naomi laughed.

  He gave me an odd look, questioning, doubtful. I leaned close, right up to his ear. He smelled of cheap after-shave and hair gel.

  ‘I want to suck your cock, big boy,’ I whispered.

  I hoped it was the right thing to say, desperately. Not that I really wanted his gross cock in my mouth but sucking him off was a lot better than what the girls would do to me, and it was the only way out I could see. He looked at me as I sat back, biting his lip in doubt.

  ‘I mean it,’ I assured him. ‘I do.’

  ‘Yeah, sure,’ he said, ‘and as soon as I’m out the car you friend pulls a knife. I ain’t stupid, darling.’

  ‘I mean it! I swear!’ I babbled. ‘If I was going to do that, would I have brought all the boxes? Do I look like a mugger?’

  ‘No,’ he answered, ‘but they do.’

  He nodded his head towards Naomi, who had been taking the conversation in with interest. She did look just the sort to mug him, it was true, boots, leathers and a tatty white tee-shirt with no bra underneath.

  ‘We’re no muggers, mate,’ she laughed. ‘She’s just jerking you around. Come on, Jade, let the guy get on with his work. We’ll help you with your stuff.’

  ‘No . . . really,’ I managed, almost in tears as I turned to the driver. ‘Look, help, please. They’re going to beat me up.’

  ‘That I believe,’ he said, glancing to where AJ, Sam and Andrea were walking towards us.

  ‘Help me then, please, please!’ I babbled, clutching onto his arm. ‘Just come up with me. I’ll suck you, anything!’

  Naomi heard, and laughed, turning to the others.

  ‘Hey, girls,’ she called. ‘This you ought to hear. Jade says she’ll suck this fat bastard if he’ll keep us off her!’

  ‘Less of the fat,’ he said, and that was it. He was on my side.

  He hauled himself out of the car as the three girls approached, leaning one huge arm on the roof. Andrea was actually taller than him, but he probably weighed as much as any two of them together, maybe any three. There was tension though, for a moment, and then AJ laughed.

  ‘Let her,’ she said. ‘She’ll hate it. We’ll be back, Jade, be sure of it.’

  She turned on her heel, Sam and Naomi following immediately, Andrea after a moment’s hesitation. I climbed out of the car as they walked away, praying they’d just go, and leave me to talk my way out of what I’d promised. They didn’t, all four of them climbing into Naomi’s car, with the windows down, watching me.

  My skin was crawling at the thought of sucking his cock, but there was nothing I could do. He drove the car close to the flat, double banked. We unloaded it together, carrying the boxes up the stairs to my flat, and all the while with the four girls looking on and making jokes at my expense. My cheeks were burning, and I was close to tears, in such a state that I didn’t even realise how much I’d be showing as I climbed the stairs in front of him until it was too late.

  ‘No panties, nice,’ he drawled.

  It was stupid, because I was going to suck his cock anyway, and he was bound to make me get my boobs out, so it shouldn’t have mattered much if he saw up my skirt. It did, and I rea
ched back instinctively, trying to block his leering view as I clutched onto the box I was carrying one-handed.

  That was a mistake, a big mistake, because the moment I took my hand away from under the box the bottom collapsed. About twenty spanking magazines fell out, to cascade down the stairs, Flushed Cheeks, Slap!, even Girls in Shame, which is the one where they make the girls wet themselves while they’re beaten.

  Inevitably that was what he picked up. It was open too, at the centre spread, a full colour photo of some poor girl with her red bum bare over some dirty old man’s lap and piddle dripping out of her lowered panties. I could think of nothing to say, and he just stood there, drinking the filthy picture in.

  ‘Fuck me!’ he said eventually. ‘Weird! You into this shit!’

  ‘No!’ I answered automatically. ‘They’re . . . they’re my uncle’s. He’s getting married, he . . . he wanted me to look after them . . .’

  ‘Yeah!’ he drawled. ‘Sure. I believe you.’

  ‘It’s true, honestly!’ I babbled. ‘They’re nothing to do with me!’

  ‘Oh, yeah?’ he went on, and picked up something else.

  It was one of the packs of photos, and it had spilt. He held one up, a picture of me, quite unmistakably me, naked, my bum as red as a cherry as I sucked on Rupert’s cock.

  ‘Your uncle?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes . . . No . . . I mean, not really,’ I stammered.

  ‘You dirty bitch!’

  ‘No . . . you don’t understand . . .’

  ‘Oh, I understand all right, love. You’re a fucking pervert, that’s what I understand. Now get in there.’

  I went into my flat to sit shivering on my sofa, my head spinning with emotions; disgust, fear, but above all, the most agonising sexual humiliation I’d ever felt. Before it had been easy. I could suck cock, with my eyes closed, pretending it wasn’t happening. I could even have swallowed his stuff, maybe. Now it was different. He knew what I was like, and he was sure to make me put out, really put out. He might even want to fuck me, and I’d have to let him. Even that I could just have tried to blank out. I’d done it before, when a boyfriend had let a mate fuck me. No, it wasn’t the thought of a fucking that had me, but of him wanting to spank me, because if he did that it was going to turn me on.


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