Vixxen Live Grey Eyes Collection

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Vixxen Live Grey Eyes Collection Page 1

by Sapphire R. Kheegan

  Vixxen Live

  Grey Eyes

  Sapphire R. Kheegan

  All rights reserved. Copyright 2012. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and/or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons dead or living, is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents











  You fell for me the first time we met; now I’ll love you for always. Forever searching to find you again it is you my Grey Eyed lover. - Pretty

  I’m walking deliberately out the bar door the night is brisk, but quiet. The street virtually empty, I’ll save the cab fare walk home. Another night same familiar faces with the same boring drab talk about what could’ve been, exaggerated accomplishments, and understated failures, but tonight one new face.

  “Hmmm,” thought my intense gaze would’ve stirred him to come over.

  Thought he would’ve offered to buy me a drink, talk the night away. What was I thinking? After all everybody’s full of excuses money is tight due to the recession, prices have gone up. Right, so because the economy is going down the tubes women don’t deserve to be treated like ladies anymore? All the wooing is gone so you simply ask for a pity shag is that it? No, if you want a real lady like me, all the niceties are still in order. Even if you meet me at a bar, I’m not what you think easy, no just lonely; needy for love, all the things those damn romance novels talk of. Is it wrong to want it, to search for it? I don’t think so. What’s a lonely lady to do in a little town like this? Meeting people with interesting conversation is next to impossible and well meeting interesting men even harder. You could’ve bought me a drink; you would’ve been smitten before the night was over...Grey Eyes you had to stay your course. Drinking your drink alone, pretending not to notice me. You noticed me, all men do. You probably told yourself all sorts of things to talk one out of walking over to say hello. Lets see I can probably come up with a couple, your so pretty and intimidating so you make me nervous or the typical I’m shy and have a fear of rejection. I’ve heard it all, nothing but sad pathetic reasons to not approach me. Well Grey Eyes, you and your mysterious ways. With your long slender hands and sharp features, you look intelligent and intense. I sense a satisfying lover too. Well groomed, don’t see that much around here either. I wonder what those initials on your cufflinks mean, a brand or your initials? I kept glancing over at you and your hands as you took long sips of your drink; caramel in color scotch was it? Clean strong purposeful hands, my my I lingered on those hands a little too long, dreaming. I wonder if you noticed? I tried to give you hints to come on over, was I a little too subtle? Well Grey Eyes, you must be a visitor here for a couple of nights, can’t wait to leave? I enjoyed looking at you and watching you from a far. Maybe next time your liquid courage will kick in, when the nights still young. I will dream of you tonight...its time to head home.

  I’ll take a quick short cut and I will be home in no time. The alley looks clear, small town nothing to worry about I think to myself. As my mind drifts off a little as I continue my walk home thinking of you, Grey Eyes. (Deep inhale) Naughty is what dreams are made of, I hope you come my way and let me touch your smooth white skin so clear and porcelain. Where are you Grey Eyes, as I walk down this long dark corridor, I think why don’t you appear. Its wrong isn’t it, but yet I so desire it. In that dark grey trench coat you had lying next to you... I think I can hear your heavy footsteps now. I feel chills running down my spine, fear and anticipation is so intoxicating. Your walking faster, I start to quicken my steps and suddenly here you are standing tall and handsome, with your Grey Eyes sparkling brightly in the poorly lit alley way. I knew you would come, you could see I wanted you from afar. Thank you, seeing you is turning this black night into grey. You reach for me leaning me up against the wet moist building it smells of salt and fumes. My breast heave and you come close laying your firm chest against me, and grab both of my hands and playfully place them above my head. Then you reach down and open my blouse and inhale beautiful from my neck down between breasts where you rest your eyes on my hard nipples. As you smell I feel the intense heat coming from your body, full of want and hunger.

  “Ah,” Grey Eyes you smell, as a man should, strong and fulfilling.

  When I smell you my body aches for your touch, a real man. You reach down and pick up my left leg running your strong hands up from my deep red stilettos to my shapely calves gliding over my womanly hips up my skirt. A deep moan escapes me... I want you and I want this. You knew me somehow Grey Eyes. How did you know what I needed, what I wanted?


  Unzipping your pants I can see how much pleasure your going to bring puss is getting wet, hurry my mysterious grey eyed lover. I need you inside me now.

  “Ohhh .”

  I kid myself such a vivid imagination...I will dream more of you Grey Eyes in my weak moments. Thank you for keeping company on the way home. Back to reality, opening her front door…”now where is my vibrator and a fresh set of batteries? its going to be a long night.”


  You are not my master, I am yours. - Pretty

  Its Saturday night and she is feeling like moving and shaking to any music! As long as its loud, a room filled with strobe lights glittering and everybody is having fun. No thoughts of work, no time to worry about bills or the car note, just feeling the rhythm deep deep down. I’m getting excited, as I smile a big toothy smile, its going to be a good night. I can taste my cocktail now, I think I’ll start with Sex on the Beach, its smooth and sweet just what I need to get the night started right. I lean forward and whisper in the taxi driver’s ear, club 9 on 25th street please. He grins to himself and gives me a quick wink in the rear-view mirror. I look good tonight in my just short enough to keep you guessing purple satin dress full view front with a long V neckline it was made just for you, I know Mr. Taxi Driver go ahead and take another peek. I’ll let you linger over my curves a little while longer, I’ll pay slow. Arriving just out front of the club and its Showtime, Pretty its time to step into the club, (inhale) walk confident and graceful and remember I am beautiful, call me Pretty!

  I glance coyly around the room sweeping my eyes from the floor back up to the eyes of each man that I see, as I head straight to the bar. That’s right, Pretty just walked into the room and all eyes are on me, sorry ladies its time for you to take your place inline behind me, because the men you thought were into you are second guessing their choices. Many will casually say they need to use the privy or grab a fresh drink, but you know it and I know it they are coming in closer for another look.

  “Tsk! Tsk! “

  Please don’t give me that look, lady in the red dress. Relax most of these men are not even my type, they will get the hint soon enough to keep on walking. I will turn down their drink and dance offers, then they will prance right back over to you sulking, because they will have to settle for you number 2. Listen to that music, my heart is jumping and my heels are clicking to the beat. I’m home where I can have fun and listen to music all night long! I’d better take a breather and enjoy my drink while its still chill. Looking around the room I can see my old friends, in our small town everybody is at the same clubs, bars, stores you name it. It is comforting at times, but a new face would be so good. A new face that might make my heart vibrate and my toes tingle, a new man full of the unknown. Take me away from this small town life just for a minute or two. Walk in his shoes for a w

  “Hmph”… there I go dreaming again. “Wait a minute, who is that?”

  Sitting quietly alone in the corner with a drink in his hand and a look of wonderment on his face. I can’t say I recognize him, but it is a little dark over there. Perhaps I should move in for a closer look, just a little bit.

  “Do I know you?” Don’t want to seem stalker like I’ll move slow covertly, but I don’t recognize that face. Is he watching me? I can’t tell that makes it even worse. Please light catch his eyes, shine his way just a little so I can see this unidentifiable man. Yes, thank you strobe light for that glimmer... I recognize you now, your back? Work brought you back to our cozy little town, so good to see you again Grey Eyes. Do you recognize me? Do you remember my face? I’ll bet you do, I hope you do. Maybe tonight will be your night Pretty. Maybe he will walk over here in a cool calm swagger and in a deep low voice offer me a drink, just maybe he’ll whisper in my ear how he noticed me when I walked in and couldn’t wait to talk to me alone. Or could he say join me tonight leading me out the door for canapés and cocktails, lets stare up at the stars together and chatter about trips around the world. Grey Eyes look at me, can’t you see me looking at you. I want to know you better.

  My drink is empty, been empty for a while now I got the hint I’ll go get my own refill. Nothing like standing in line at the club to buy yourself a drink, damn this line is long as hell! I’m about ready to reach over the counter and pour my own drink... Grey Eyes where are you when I need you? I know that if you and I were standing here together the line would part and we would have drinks in hand. The women would move aside just to let your tall smooth slender body brush past them, leaving their nostrils full of your manly essence. They know handsome when they see it and their pheromones are turning on as you walk by. I know where their thoughts are going, mine are too. You stand close to me grabbing my hand vanilla and chocolate intertwined, as we push our way from the bar, full drinks in hand a refill for me and I knew it whiskey on the rocks for you.

  Back at the table your table in the dark corner, you take a sip. Whiskey the type of drink that makes your mouth water and tighten showing your hard jaw line and Adams apple in one sip, you are making me purr. I wait for you to put your glass down, Grey Eyes I think what took you so long? You gingerly run your fingertips over my cheekbones lightly sweeping aside my curls. I inhale quietly trying not to show how heated my desires truly are for you. You watch me as I carefully uncross my legs opening them wide enough for you to come closer. I see your slight smile, you quickly take the opportunity to brush against my inner thighs and settle your hands round my waist. Grey Eyes look at me, look deeply into my eyes. We should be together, we belong together can’t you feel the heat between our bodies. Can’t you feel my longing for you? Reaching for my nape you gently place sweet kisses on my neck and shoulders, my body shudders at the slightest touch. It feels as if your undressing me, not possible we are at the club, sitting in a corner right? Grey Eyes you’ve whisked me away to some far off place I feel completely alone with you in a place all our own. Keep kissing me, soft kisses across my warm ample breasts. Go on keep going, its okay its just you and me swaying to the music in the dark. I can feel my body push up toward you suckle my breasts please. I’m begging you Grey Eyes don’t let me go not yet. I want the loving only you can give me. I feel your wet whiskey soaked lips tease my nipples, then deeply you swallow the whole nipple wrapping your tongue gently around it. Soft moans are growing within me, yes Grey Eyes it would be my pleasure to cum for you.

  “Bump! Ba-Bump!”

  The clubber next to me nudges me again with her arm, all right already I’m moving forward! This line has to go on for days; it should not take this long to get a drink! Now where was I, before clubber girl interrupted my dream... I’m noticing, as I get up to the bar counter, your seat is empty.

  “You left? Are you gone? Grey Eyes where have you gone too now?”

  I wanted to talk to you this time, it would have been nice just to say hello. Until we meet again, I’ll be looking for you if only in my dreams. Thanks tattooed bartender guy, keep the change.


  I will take the lead, lay back and let me show you the way. – Pretty

  I’m trying not to stare at the clock, its one of those long boring workdays. Even the Internet cannot keep me entertained; the day is dragging on and on. Pretty stop it! Its so annoying when I bounce my crossed legs a mile a minute only happens when I’m bored. At least my legs look good. That tattoo really turned out nice, I love the way the black panther is wrapped around my ankle staring up at me, nice touch yellow eyes and all. Thought I’d match a little with my tall shiny black heels dressed up with lightning silver stems. I do love heels and they make my legs look sexy and my buttocks delightful.


  I’m still here at work. Hitting the keys on the keyboard trying to look busy, clearly I’m not. My inbox is full and calling my name, but I’m not listening to it. I want nothing to do with work today. Just a tall glass of m-m-m-m that can make me feel full and satiated. “Knock! Knock!”

  Who is that bothering me while I’m trying not to work. Quick! Look busy turn off the solitaire and put on my work face. Come in! Oh! Its him... the director, and my doesn’t he look good today. He is so clean and smooth-shaven with his wavy dark brown hair and big smiling brown eyes, looks like he’s been out tanning, bronze looks good on him too. He is so appealing to me as I gaze at him moving wherever he goes, that firm buttocks can take me places I know it. He gives me a slight smile, I know I please him that is why he is always calling me on the intercom. He has commented on my picture in the hall one too many times. And lets not get started on these daily personal office visits he gives me, its almost like clockwork when he knocks on the door.

  “How are you today?” I ask him sweetly.

  His look back at me is very seductive we are drifting into new territory now you and me, I think this work day might turn out alright.

  He gestures toward my computer stands up grandly, and within two steps is standing behind me moving my mouse for me. He leans in closer, peering at the computer screen taking me to some obscure website that I could care less about, because I am drowning in his scent. He leans in further I can feel the warmth from his firm chest as he gently brushes my arm. Now he is bending down a little so we are almost side to side and I keep my eyes on the computer, if I don’t I know I would have a hard time keeping my lips off of his. He is still navigating the mouse, but slowly getting closer to me, I can feel his need swelling up within him. He wants me and I am so willing to open myself to him. He slowly stops clicking the mouse and looks over at me still staring at the computer. And he whispers, “you are so beautiful.”

  I smile shyly and look down at the keyboard. He quickly cups my face in his hand and asks me for a kiss? I’ve longed for that kiss for so long, finally its here. His lips press firmly against me then softly he lays a delicate kiss on my parted lips. It felt like heaven as he continued kissing me down my neck. Slowly pushing the chair away and holding me close to him as he nibbled the back of my neck. I could feel his hard chest on my back, his quickening breath made me gasp for air. The hardness I felt between his legs on my backside, made my body scream for more. He pressed me forward against the desk as his hand reached around and flicked my nipples. He slid his hand beneath my blouse and gently caressed my hardening nipples. I breathed deeper with every stroke of his hand, wanting more and more of this wonderful man, the director.

  “Director please tease me until I cum, I want to be wet so you can slide inside me. ““Oh! Director don’t stop,” my blouse fully open and breasts exposed. H

  e continues to gently caress. I feel him lift my skirt up and bend me over the desk, as I lean in I hear his pants unzip so quietly. I hope he knows what I want. It’s that place that many women think naughty, but not me the pleasure is exquisite for you and me. Dare I ask him or even tell him what I want. Director read my mind give me the
pleasure that I need. “Ahem, Ahem! The report can you print off a copy for the meeting this afternoon?”

  “Oh yes, Director I will get that printed for you right now,” I say loudly and firmly. As I shake off my daydream and get back to business. I can see you gazing at my blouse, see something that pleases you? I could please you if only you gave me the chance.

  “Here you are! “

  “Thank you, see you at the meeting in about an hour,” he says and quickly walks out the door. Next time, Pretty next time he’ll have the courage to take you to far off places. Next time he’ll stay to hear me scream his name.


  No matter how far away I feel the tension of your need. - Pretty

  Almost home from a long day of shopping! That pedicure was just what I needed to start my day out right. My toes feel good, fully pampered massaged and painted. How my feet feel right now is what they mean by dancing feet, light, sensual, and free. Mine are dancing right now in my shoes, I will set you free in a minute be home soon. My day out was fantastic filled with glitzy shops and tea-filled stops, I got those intense purple heels I wanted and those beautiful earrings with the silver. Those earrings are going to make my red pashmina look elegant, give it just the right amount of pop! Not too bad, the prices were right and I feel good. I guess I’ll go home and check on Tom. What else is there to do on a Sunday night? Just go home and relax. Maybe have a big glass of white wine to unwind and flip open that book I’ve been meaning to finish. What a nice day just focused on me, all about me. It is so good to be home.

  “Hey Tom, I know your hungry!” Oh so hungry. That cat is so vocal! I wonder where he gets it from, its not like he is going to starve to death anytime soon. He’s fed now so I can take off these clothes and slip into my silky smooth nightie, the pink one with lacy black trim... that one, well it just feels good. Shoes and such all put away neatly in the closet, now where is that glass of wine. Mmm… I can taste it now, maybe I should grab the whole bottle? Nice and dry not too sweet just the way I like it. Thank you master vintner in Italy, you just made my night.


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