Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 8

by Barbara Speak

  Colt tried to make a joke to diffuse the situation but it wasn't working.

  "I think it would be a good idea for you to move, Mike, now! One thing you need to be clear of is the fact no one is going to stand between me and my sister. No one."

  I went to step out from behind Mike when his hand came out to stop me and he stepped to the side to stand in front of me again.

  "Let me make something clear to you. In no way shape or form would I step in the way of family. But you need to also understand one thing here. I will not let anything happen to her, ever. So if you even raise your voice to her or I see one single tear well up in her eye, a problem between you and me will be definite."

  The two of them stood there staring at each other until I couldn't stand it a second longer. I took a step again, this time not allowing Mike to hold me back and then another. I walked until I came to stand in front of a very enraged Bryan.

  "Can we talk please?"

  He didn't respond at first so I reached for him, lightly grazing my hand across his shoulder. His eyes never reached mine. They were still locked on Mike. He flinched when I made contact, which almost had my crying on the spot. But I knew Mike would lose his shit if that happened.

  "Bryan, please."

  He looked at me for the first time and just nodded his head. I turned back to see Mike's muscles tense and hated everything about this situation. Colt walked over and put his arm around Mike's shoulder saying, "Why don't we take a walk and see if anybody else has shown up yet."

  Mike didn’t move until I walked over, grabbed his face and forced his eyes on me.

  "Thank you, but I promise it will be okay after I talk to him."

  He dropped his eyes and when they came back up I could tell something in him had changed.

  "I'm so sorry, Daisy. I never should have brought you here."

  And then he walked away from me never turning back.

  What just happened?

  Chapter 7

  After I watched Colt go after Mike I held up my arm toward my room and asked Bryan if he would come in with me. I wanted more than anything to go after Mike and ask what that was about but I needed to deal with my brother first. Of course he flat refused and made me follow him.

  I walked five steps behind him until we were inside his room which was just down the hall. Once the door closed behind me, the awkwardness plagued the space. I waited for what seemed like forever until I had no choice but to break the silence, it was eating me alive.

  "You have to say something. I know you're upset with me."

  He didn't hesitate for a minute. It was as if the second he heard my voice the flood gates opened.

  "What do you want me to say, Mar? I called you five times this week to tell you I was coming in for this and you didn't answer once. Then when I thought something might be wrong, I drove straight to your dorm after I got off the plane. Your car was there, but no you and no answer AGAIN. Driving here I was worried fucking sick, and then I see you with one of my best friends from college. What the fuck do you want me to say right now because I'm sure you don't want to hear what I really think."

  Double shit!

  I sat down on the bed and felt like a piece of crap. My poor brother. All of this could have been avoided if I would just stop avoiding everything!

  "I'm sorry, Bryan. I really am. I should have called you back. There is no excuse for it."

  "But there better be a reason. Do you know how close I was to calling Mom and Dad when I couldn't find you today?"

  My eyes shot from the floor where they had been focused, straight to him.

  "Thank you for not doing that."

  "What the hell has been going on?"

  "Not what you think."

  "Not what I think? I just saw Mike go total caveman over you so I'm pretty sure it's exactly what I think."

  "I know he did, but that was just because he knew how scared I was of your reaction and he was just trying to protect me."

  "From me? You need protection from me? Since when? I have always protected YOU. Always."

  "Can I just explain all of this from the beginning?"

  "I would appreciate that."

  He was standing next to the window and turned for the first time, away from me. As if he couldn't even stand to look at me when he heard what I had to say. It burned.

  "I have had a crush on Mike since the day you brought me here. I have always wanted him. I know you warned me about guys like him but I saw someone different. He was funny and loyal to his friends and family. He just seemed like the perfect guy.

  “Years, Bryan. Years went by and he would barely look at me or pay attention to me. If I asked him a question, I got just enough of an answer to not be considered rude.

  “Last Monday Heather and Jason lost the baby. We were all over there and something happened."

  Bryan's whole body tensed up.

  "Not what you think. Mike and I talked for the first time ever. Like, really talked. We started to get to know each other a little better and thought hanging out for a while and seeing how it goes was a good idea. That's all that we are doing. We are two adults having fun."

  He finally turned back around to face me.

  "That's your story?"

  "That's it."

  Not really the whole truth but who tells their big brother all the details about a boy?

  "He's going to hurt you."

  His voice had dropped so I knew he was starting to calm down.

  "I know. But I'm going to hurt him too. Life isn't fair Bryan and neither you nor Mike can protect me from it."

  "You really did always amaze me, Mar. Just promise me you will go easy on him. He is one of my oldest friends."

  He smiled and my face lit up.

  "I think I can do that."

  He walked over and wrapped his arms around me. A feeling that will never get old.

  "No more secrets from me, promise?"

  "I promise."

  He pulled back and laughed. I had no idea what was funny and it showed on my face.

  "You have no idea, do you?"

  "All right, enough with the games. What don't I know?"

  "He's in love with you. You managed to get THE Michael Harrison to fall in love. Unbelievable!"

  He went back to laughing, still alone.

  "You're crazy. We don't even know each other yet."

  He continued to laugh, much longer than anyone should and then said, "I’m not going to stay here and argue with you. You will find out soon enough."

  When we finally hashed it out, my brother and I were back to good. With the only thing that was standing in my way of a good time this weekend taken care of, I was ecstatic to find Mike and start having some fun.

  Bryan knew what room Colt was staying in so we tried there first. A few knocks on the door later, it opened. Only it wasn't Colt but a stunningly beautiful red head. This had to be Sabrina and she was everything I had heard her to be and more.

  "Hey, guys!"

  "Hi, you must be Sabrina?"

  She smiled and said, "No that would be my twin, actually. I'm... just kidding, yeah, I'm Sabrina. It's so nice to meet you. I was just heading down to meet up with everyone."

  She was so pretty it was hard not to stare. Bryan must have noticed because he nudged me bringing me back out of the daze I was in.

  "Do you care if my sister and I tag along? We thought everyone might be here."

  "No problem at all. Colt text me that he was down in the bar area with Shawn and Mike. I think a couple of his other friends are here by now too, but I haven't met them yet."

  She walked out of their room closing the door behind her.

  "I'm Marissa, and this is my brother, Bryan. Sorry, we probably should have told you that before now."

  Her beauty had me feeling almost uncomfortable. The dress I had on was cute but her in her cut-off jean shorts and blue tank top still put me to shame. The natural color of her hair was one every girl would die for and it fell almost dow
n to her bra strap.

  "No way! You're Daisy?"

  I stopped walking and started to laugh.

  "You know about that too?"

  She laughed with me and said, "I've heard all about you this week. Mike doesn't shut up sometimes but I'm sure you know that."

  "What the hell is up with that name?"

  Both Sabrina and I looked at him and started to laugh again.

  "I don't think you want to see her that way, so maybe it’s best you don't ask."

  I watched as the light went off in my brother's head and then couldn't stop laughing when he said, "That's disgusting!"

  The elevator ride down was more of me asking questions about the wedding and Sabrina answering them while Bryan stayed quiet. Her eyes lit up every time she heard or said Colt's name. It was as if he found the very woman that would love him unconditionally forever and I was so happy for him.

  Once we got off the elevator and were passing through the lobby, I heard a voice I have known most of my life. Sure enough we rounded the corner and there he was, standing next to his wife. I didn't look any further in the room than him and started barreling towards where he stood talking to Angie.


  He spun just in time to catch me as I jumped in his arms.

  "Hey there, nugget! It's so good to see you. I didn't expect to get to see you here. What an awesome surprise."

  "I didn't know I would be here either until a couple of days ago."

  He let me go and I grabbed Angie into a hug as well.

  "You look amazing. I hope I'm lucky enough to stay that small."

  "You will be. God favors you already in the looks department. I don’t think He's going to fail you when you're pregnant either."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa! None of that talk for at least ten more years now."

  Angie was seven months pregnant with her and Dave's first. They weren't going to find out the sex which I thought was pretty cool.

  "Oh, Bryan, stop it already. She's an adult. Quit treating her like a little girl all of the time."

  "You wait until that baby comes out of you and then tell me if you think twenty-one is still an adult."

  I smiled watching my brother with his best friend and wife. The three of them were always fun to be around. My eyes wandered across the room where I found Shawn, Ashlee, Colt, Sabrina, Jason, Heather and Sadie. Immediately I noticed Mike was absent but I knew Sadie probably needed the help more.

  I walked over to the end of the bar and cleared my throat. Sadie whipped her head around and jumped off of her stool and into my arms.

  "I just found out you were here! I miss you."

  Sadie must have had a few drinks already trying to calm her nerves because she was being extra lovey which I always found hilarious.

  "How are you handling this?"

  "I'm fine."

  I looked at her ready to call her bluff but she was telling the truth.

  "I'm here if you need me."

  "Thanks, doll, but really, I'm good. Seeing him happy means the world to me. He deserves the best and it looks like he found her."

  We looked at the happy couple and she was right.

  "So, speaking of happy couples, how was the drive up?"

  "It would have been a lot better had I not freaked out about Bryan being here."

  "Marissa, what the hell is going on with you? You're not normally this wig out kind of person you're turning into."

  "Give me a break. It's not like these kind of things happen all the time."

  "Nope, just around Mike. I bet he finds it endearing. Keep it up."

  "That's not even close to being funny."

  "I'm just teasing you. Where is he, by the way?"

  "I just came down with Sabrina and Bryan. I thought he would be here."

  "We just got here too, but I haven't seen him yet."

  I looked around again and still no Mike.

  "You looking for Mike?"

  Colt came up from behind me, scaring me enough that I jumped three feet in the air.

  "I was, yes. Do you know where he is?"

  "Tony called and said they were pulling in a couple of minutes ago. He went out to meet them and help with the bags."

  I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to leave just yet to go find him when I saw Sabrina was coming our way.

  "How are you, Sadie? You look just as beautiful as always."

  Colt looked at her with admiration and I knew then that their connection would never be broken. Watching Sadie's reaction only put a smile on my face. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a huge hug.

  "You're still the same stud you always were to me too. Thank God you snagged her up when you did, though, I can't imagine her staying single for long."

  "She's the best there is. No offense."

  I laughed at how quick he recovered but more from the mortified look he now had on his face. Sadie pulled back and said, "I wouldn't have wanted to hear anything else from you. No offense taken."

  "Are you being a jerk already to your guests?"

  Sabrina was officially here and this was about to get crazy awkward, right?

  "Come here."

  Colt grabbed Sabrina and pulled her to his side.

  "Girls, this is the absolute love of my life, Sabrina. Sabrina, this is Sadie and Marissa."

  Sabrina didn't blink before she pulled Sadie into her arms.

  "It is so great to finally meet you! I have so many things I want to thank you for."

  Sadie wrapped her arms around Sabrina and the two seemed to be comfortable instantly.

  "I didn't do anything that deserves a thank you, so there will be none of that. I'm just so happy for you both."

  I felt comfortable enough to walk away but changed my mind when I watched Heather and Jason round the corner on their way over. I was truly amazed that Heather was even here. Her procedure wasn't that long ago and I would have thought she would have wanted to stay home and rest.

  "Hey, guys!"

  "Marissa! You came! Mike wasn't sure he was going to get you to agree to it."

  Did Mike tell everyone everything?

  "What else did Mike tell you, Heather?"

  Jason nudged her and gave her a look to shut her down from answering the question.

  "Don't you stop her, I want to hear."

  "Too bad it's not her that knows the details."

  His eyebrows went up and down and I wanted to crawl under the nearest table.

  "Don't tease her, babe. She's got her hands full already."

  "Speaking of Mike, have you seen him?"

  I was getting the feeling he was avoiding me from the way he left earlier and I wanted to fix whatever it was that caused it.

  Jason looked around while Heather said, "We haven't seen him since we got here. You don’t know where he is? I thought you two would be glued together from the way he talks about you lately. Don't you find it crazy how he turns the switch and all of the sudden you are here? I mean, I don't mean that as a bad thing at all. I'm just saying..."

  "Heather, stop. My brother is finally acting on this. Don't fuck it up for him."

  "I wasn't saying anything that she doesn't already know, Jason, so don't yell at me. You know Mike is insane when it comes to her already. What do you want me to do, lie to her?"

  They were acting like I wasn't even standing next to them anymore which made me want to do just that.

  "Sorry to cause issues here, guys. I'm just going to go find him now. I'll see you in a few."

  They both stopped arguing and smiled.

  "I'm sure wherever he is, he will be happy to see you."

  I smiled back and started my journey to find the one man that was going to make me smile like no other. It made everything better knowing Jason supported whatever was happening with his brother and me.

  I passed by Sadie, Colt and Sabrina, all laughing and apparently having a good time. My brother, Dave and Angie had found their way over to Shawn and his wife making the old group look very muc
h like a flashback of three years ago.

  Once I went through the lobby and found the entrance doors to the parking lot, I knew I was close. Chills ran up my spine knowing I was going to get to kiss him now in front of everyone and it wouldn't matter. Just as my foot hit the pavement I heard his voice and a smile spread across my face.

  "She is going to be what breaks me, Tony, can't you see that?"

  "I do, but it's not a bad thing. Just talk to her. She'll understand that you're doing this for her, even if I think you are making a huge mistake."

  I was just about to round the corner and come into view when what Tony said stopped me dead in my tracks. What mistake?

  "It's not a mistake. She can't handle my life and it would be selfish of me to drag her into this. She is putting it all on the line for me. You don't know what I saw. How bad Bryan blew up at her. How her school treated her. It isn't right for me to put her through all of this. How many times do I have to explain this to you for you to see?"

  "You can talk until you're blue in the face and I still will never agree with you. That girl is the one you have wanted for years, Mike, years! We all have seen it. Why would you let anything stand between you and what you are finally admitting you want? You finally get to have her, dude. I think you are scared and being a bitch about it. Did you not learn anything from me trying to protect Kate? I lost her! And you will too. Let's hope if you are stupid enough to make the same mistake that she will take you back."

  I couldn't hear anymore. Everything in me wanted to run to my brother and beg him to take me home but there was no way I was going to let someone else decide my future.

  I burst around the corner and into the eye line of Mike but was facing Tony's back. Mike's eyes about fell out of their sockets as he noticed my hands on my hips and the very pissed off look on my face.

  "What the hell is the problem? And I believe I'm the person you should be talking to not everyone else!"

  Tony's back went board straight and then he turned to me.

  "I think she's right and it's time for me to join my wife inside."

  He turned back around and patted Mike on the shoulder.

  "Just tell her, dude. She can take it, I promise."


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