Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 13

by Barbara Speak

  I looked up at Mike again and he was still staring at me. All three bridesmaids had made their way down the aisle and it was time to stand for the bride. I stood up from the pew, turned to wait for Sabrina to come out, and heard "hot damn" come from behind me. I spun around to find Mike's eyes focused on my ass. I wiggled it a little with a huge smile on my face. He drug one hand over his own until Colt elbowed him in the arm. I laughed and turned back around so I wouldn't get him in any more trouble.

  "He's got it bad."

  "Sadie, I hope so. You know how badly I want this to work."

  "I do. And after seeing him with you, I don't think you have much to worry about."

  Sabrina walked in the room and you could hear the gasps of air everyone took at first glance. She was by far the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Her gown was something you would see on a runway and she looked like the perfect model to showcase it. Her hair was loosely braided on the sides leading to the back that fell beautifully from a waterfall braid. Her smile was my favorite part. She beamed happiness. I turned back to see that Colt's face matched hers to a T. In that moment I felt hope; maybe one day I would get to experience what they have. It was absolutely beautiful.

  I glanced over to Mike who still was staring at me. We held each other's eyes so long that I missed Sabrina's dad give her away. Something about the way we stared at each other scared me but gave me comfort at the same time. I could feel how much he wanted me, but with that came the fear from us falling so hard so fast. Zoey telling me to not overthink ran through my mind. Maybe she was right. I needed to just live in the moment and enjoy the fact that Mike finally not only saw the real me but wants me even more for it.

  I was so in my own zone that I missed damn near the entire wedding. I snapped out of it just in time to see them kiss as man and wife. I looked back over to Mike and loved the happiness he had for the newly married couple. He looked so truly happy for them. I turned to see Sadie just as happy. Today was going to be a great day I could just feel it.

  Chapter 12

  The time between the wedding and reception was short. I guess Sabrina and Colt opted out of the “drive around in a limo bus, take pictures and get drunk” event.

  The wedding party stayed at the church after the receiving line where everyone congratulated them was finished. All of my friends decided to go to a bar nearby and kill the two hour gap. I wanted to go so badly but Mike asked me to stay with him, and as his date, I couldn't refuse.

  Once again I found myself sitting in a pew alone watching the wedding party laugh and have fun.

  After awhile I got bored and went in search of a bathroom. Finding one in the lobby, I washed my hands and pumped my hair up for a little more volume. My makeup was holding up so there was nothing allowing me to stall any longer. I turned to grab the handle of the door when it flew open and someone burst through it, pushing me back against the wall on the other side. It happened so fast that just when I went to swing, my hand was caught in midair, pinned to the wall above my head and lips came crashing down on mine. As soon as I realized who it was, a purr came from my throat as I massaged his sweet tongue with my own.

  "You look fucking sinful. Do you know what it was like for me, watching you for that long and not being able to touch you?"

  His hand went to cup my breast and I about climaxed on the spot.

  "I want you, Daisy. I want you so bad right now."

  He let go of my hand and picked me up off of the floor so my legs could wrap around him.

  "Tell me you feel what I do. I want you to tell me what you want, because I have no restraint in me right now."

  Could I do it? I wanted him so bad but after he talked up how amazing this experience was going to be, a public bathroom just didn't seem to be so romantic after all.


  He was kissing my open shoulder and pressing his hardness into me.

  "Baby, tell me."

  "Do you have a weird thing with bathrooms?"

  Everything stopped. He pulled back but didn't set me down.


  "The first time we did this we were in Heather and Jason's bathroom. And then there was last night in the shower in our bathroom. Now we are here in a church bathroom. Do they turn you on or something?"

  He openly laughed. A laugh I had never heard come from him. His hands then came up to cup my face.

  "You surprise me at every turn. I never know what to expect to come out of your mouth."

  "Glad I can amuse you."

  "You do so much more than amuse me Daisy. But you're right. This has been screwed up."

  He set me down allowing me to pull my dress back down over my hips.

  "I don't want you to think all I want from you is sex. I want you. That's just a bonus that's impossible to not think about."

  "So, you like my dress?"

  I had to change the subject. It was getting awkward. And then we were right back to it.

  "I love you in that dress. You are every man's wet dream right now."

  I wanted to say something about him being mine for the last two plus years but we needed to get out of this bathroom.

  "I'm glad you like it." I stepped around him and opened the door. Walking out, I said over my shoulder, "Maybe tonight you can take it off me?"

  He bolted out after me, picking me up and swinging me around causing me to scream.

  "You bet your tight ass I am. What I am going to do to you will blow your mind."

  I smiled as he set me back down, loving this playful side of him.

  "Daisy, can we be serious for a second?"

  There goes the playfulness.

  "Sure, what's up?"

  He looked at me so sweetly and said, "I'm glad you picked me. Even if it hasn't happened yet, I'm just glad it was me. Thank you for agreeing to come this weekend. I'm having so much fun with you here."

  "Aww, Mike, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now."

  He leaned down and pecked my lips before pulling back, smiling. "We are going to have so much fun tonight."

  When we got to the reception, I walked in alone in an effort to find the table with all of my friends before the bridal party was introduced. Colt made sure we were seated right next to the head table. Sure enough, everyone was already feeling no pain by the time I sat down.

  "How was sitting there watching them get pictures taken?"

  "Funny, Bryan. How was the bar? Get enough shots in you yet?"

  "Hell no! We're just getting started. Get a drink, Mar, time to play catch up."

  He was drunk. So drunk that I was sure he would be passed out long before the end of the night, if he kept up the same pace.

  Tony walked over to me and took my hand, leading me to the bar.

  "So, are things okay now?"

  I smiled and said, "Better than okay."

  "Good to hear, kid. He's always been the one to stay alone. He preferred it that way, less drama. I don't want to see either of you get hurt but I really have faith in this. I think you can be the one to change it all."

  "Thank you, Tony. It means a lot."

  "No thank you necessary."

  "I feel like I'm living a dream."

  "That's what happiness feels like. Like it can't be real and it's got to come crashing down around you because nothing can stay this good. But you’re wrong. It can be like this forever when you find the right person. You just have to hold onto it with all you've got and never let it go."

  "I need a drink after that one. That was deep, old man. I didn't know you had it in you." I was teasing him and he knew it.

  "I am getting soft, aren't I? Maybe I'm the one who needs a drink."

  When we got back to the table, the microphone came on and the DJ said it was time to bring in the wedding party. Sure enough, the doors swung open and the bridesmaids came through, but they were alone. Weird! Nothing happened for a second and then came the guys, all carrying Sabrina and cheering. Sabrina was lying on her side like Cleopatra making everyo
ne laugh. Once they put her down, the DJ announced her and Colt as they walked out onto the dance floor hand in hand. Everyone else went to sit down at the head table and then Colt and Sabrina joined them.

  "They're pretty cute together. I never would have thought he would have gotten over Sadie but he did."

  Everyone looked at Heather like "What the hell would make you say that out loud with Sadie right here?"

  "What? It's true."

  Nobody said anything and then we heard, "It's time for the toasts."

  The maid of honor went first and it was sweet but boring as hell. We got to know how she and Sabrina met, how long they have been friends and how they were roommates in college, nothing about Colt. Everyone clapped but then it was Mike's turn.

  He stood up with the microphone in hand. A low mumble was heard across the room forcing me to glance around. Every girl was practically drooling over him. Jealousy flooded me, but I forced myself to remember that I was one of them a week ago.

  "Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming tonight to celebrate this amazing day with my best friend and his new bride."

  I turned back in my chair to find Mike smiling at me.

  "For all of you that know Colt, he is one of a kind. For those of you that don't yet, I feel sorry for you. No, I'm just kidding. Colt and I have been through a lot of amazing times together but nothing came close to the day he met his bride. I got a phone call with him screaming, “You're never going to believe this!” and I didn't. Colt had always been a ladies man, and to hear that a girl shot him down was hilarious. Shortly thereafter she became his everything. It was all I heard about for what felt like forever.

  “The first time I got to meet Sabrina I knew right then and there, he found his one. You know, I never really believed there was that one person out there made for just you. The person that will take your bad with your good and just love you no matter what. But here lately, it seems I have more faith in that idea. Watching my best friend get to have everything he's ever wanted, there just isn't anything better than that.

  “Oh and Sabrina, thanks for loving him like you do."

  "My pleasure."

  Everyone laughed.

  "So, if you all could raise your glasses in honor of the bride and groom. I love you guys. Here's to a lifetime of happiness! "


  Everyone clinked their glasses together and started talking again. I personally wanted to sneak away and kiss my man. What a perfect speech. Did I just claim him? I guess I did. He was mine if I was his. Wow! My mind was going a million miles an hour.

  "Hey, beautiful, whatcha thinking about?"

  Speak of the devil.

  "Well hello there, handsome, great speech."

  I was still sitting in my chair but not after I heard, "Couldn't have been that great if you’re still sitting there instead of giving me the kiss I've wanted ever since we got here."

  I stood up, grabbed the back of his head and yanked him to me, giving everyone a show.

  "Damn, girl!"


  "Get it!"

  We heard screams from every corner but I didn't care. Obviously Mike didn't either when he dipped me, making the moment even more dramatic.

  Finally, he stood me back up and we both laughed as the room erupted in applause.

  "I adore you, Daisy. I really do."

  "Right back at ya, stud."

  "I guess I need to get back to my table. I just hate being this close yet that far away from you."

  "Come on, I'm right here. Anytime you want me, I'm yours."

  "Can you say that to me every day?"

  He started to walk away when I shouted out, "For how long?"

  He glanced back over his shoulder and mouthed the word "Forever" before walking to the table to join everyone else.

  "You two are sickening!"

  I turned to see Heather giggling at her own comment.

  "Jealousy doesn't look good on anyone."

  Everyone was pointing at her laughing as I sat down triumphantly. She didn't say anything back but she did wink, letting me know she was okay with my joke.

  Dinner was served and then the bride and groom were called onto the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple. Colt led Sabrina to the center and then spun her into his arms. He began rocking her back and forth even before the music started and the way they looked into each other’s eyes melted my heart. “Angel Eyes” by the Jeff Healey band started to play and the whole room was silent other than the initial "Aww". We watched as two people so in love showed it in front of a room full of admirers. It was absolutely beautiful.

  After they finished, the dance floor opened up to the remainder of the crowd. People were rushing to get out there while I stayed in my seat sipping my wine. Sadie even tried to pry me out of my chair but it wasn't happening. I loved just sitting back watching all of my friends be happy. I know that sounds corny but it's not often in life that there's no drama. When you can just sit back and take in the fact that all is good, it's a moment to cherish.

  "They're playing our song."

  Once again he surprised me.

  "Excuse me? I didn't know we had a song."

  "We do now. Come dance with me."

  Mike held out his hand for me to take. Once I listened to what was playing, I was more than willing to let him take me anywhere.

  Jason Mraz sang “I'm Yours” as Mike pulled me close to him. Our bodies swayed to the rhythm but I was lost in his eyes. He just stared at me as every word was sung. For all of you that know this song, you know it's not a slow dance kind of beat but Mike made it one.

  "This is our fate, Daisy. I'm yours."

  I closed my eyes and prayed to never wake up. I took a deep breath and then forced myself to open them and make sure I wasn't dreaming.

  "What was that for?"

  "I didn't want to pinch myself in case it hurt."


  "To make sure this isn't a dream."

  "I feel the same way but I can assure you, this is very real between us."

  "What are we going to do? I don't want to be like the books I read where the couples are in love by chapter two. It always takes time, always."

  "I'm not sure why we were just compared to fictional characters but I'm not really worried about how everyone else sees us. The only thing I care about is never losing what I feel when I'm with you."

  "Are you sure you have never have had a girlfriend?"

  "No, I really haven't. Am I that bad at this?"

  "You're perfect for me."

  "That's all that matters."

  Everyone was having a blast. Sabrina's friends mixed in with ours and all hell broke loose. Shots were being done. Dancing never seemed to stop. It was one huge party with Colt and Sabrina in the center of it all. Mike and I at times were on different sides of the room but I was perfectly okay with it. I had time to visit with my brother and Dave, along with everyone else I didn’t get to see often. Heather seemed in good spirits even though I could tell by the way Jason never left her side that they were still coping from their loss.

  "Excuse me, everyone."

  We all turned to see Sadie standing next to the DJ booth with the microphone in her hand.

  "I was asked by the bride to sing a little song for all of you. I couldn't turn her down but I also haven't done something like this in a very long time, so please bear with me. Okay, here it goes. Colton Jennings this song is to you from Mrs. Sabrina Jennings."

  To be honest, not many people took her seriously or even stopped talking to listen to her introduction. All of that changed when the first verse from Sara Bareilles's song “Choose You” came out of Sadie's golden voice. The room stopped. Not a sound was heard other than what magic Sadie was providing for our ears. Some low voices were starting to be heard but it was only the words, "Wow" and "Amazing" making me feel so proud to call her a friend. This song choice had to be so hard to sing in this situation for Sadie but she killed it. Mike came from behind me
and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  He kissed my shoulder and very softly spoke, "Isn't she just incredible."

  "Yes, she is."

  We watched as she stole our breath away. I glanced over to Colt but he and Sabrina were lost in each, other wearing smiles that would make for the perfect picture.

  The final words came and the room went crazy. Screams and shouts were almost deafening. Colt and Sabrina both walked up to Sadie hugging her as I clapped right along with everyone else.

  "Wasn't she incredible? I want you all to know that even though I just met Sadie yesterday, I am and will always be forever grateful for this. Thank you."

  Sabrina was crying, wiping the tears away while Colt just held her.

  "That was really cool of her to do for them."

  I turned to face Mike. "I can't believe she did it, but wow! I'm glad she did. That voice is not something she should hide."

  "Baby, I think she stopped singing when she didn't have anything to sing about anymore. She's happy and that's all that matters."

  "You’re absolutely right about that."

  Sadie came back over to all of us a dark shade of red.

  "Please don't make a big deal out of that. I did it for Sabrina. Apparently Colt always told her how much he missed my singing. It made them happy and that's all that matters."

  Mike and I looked at each other and started laughing.

  "What's so funny?"

  I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried so Mike responded, "It was just something we said. It wasn't about your singing I promise."

  She just looked at us funny and then walked over to the bar for a drink.

  "That was funny!"

  "Yes, it was. Now what do you want to do? Get another drink, dance, we could go spend time with your brother?"

  "I really just want to spend time with you, if that's okay?"

  "Best answer I could get."

  He took me out on the dance floor and we slow danced to every song they played. It didn't matter if everyone else was jumping around us, we were in our own little world and I never wanted to leave.

  Eventually the night came to an end and everyone had to head back to the hotel. A shuttle drove us—thank God—because none of us were in any shape to drive. No one wanted to stay up and party anymore. Everyone went straight to their rooms and was ready to pass out. Well, everyone but Mike.


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