Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 20

by Barbara Speak

  "I was a punk back then. I partied way too hard and only studied the night before exams. I'm lucky as hell I was smart and managed to do well."

  "Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one."

  We both turned to see Mike standing in the doorway. I didn't expect him so early and was nervous after the last time we talked. Thank God Chris broke the awkward silence.

  "What's up, man? How was the workout?"

  "Can't say it was easy. My mind was on a certain girl instead of what I was supposed to be focusing on." He said looking straight at me. "Do you mind if I have a few words with you alone?"

  Chris stood up from his stool and winked at me before he walked out of the room. It took a few more seconds of him staring at me before he said anything else.

  "Are you still mad at me?"

  I thought before I spoke. My first instinct was to tell him no and that I was sorry for snapping at him but I didn't do that. I said what needed to be said.

  "I wish you wouldn't have done it or at least would have told me. There's nothing like being blindsided with something like that. I felt stupid. Like I was a puppet and you were controlling every move I make."

  "I just wanted to protect you."

  "From my friends? I'm not your property, Mike, I'm your girlfriend. There is a difference."

  "I'm sorry."

  He walked over to the table where I was and grabbed Chris's stool to sit on.

  "I promise to never do something like that again. I'll talk to you first. I won't ever keep a secret from you again. I will tell you everything. You've become my best friend, Daisy."

  "I'm going to hold you to that you know?"

  "I hope you do. I just can't let anything happen to you."

  "Nothing is going to happen to me that will take me away from you."

  "You're right about that.”

  Chapter 17

  Word traveled fast and sure enough, by eight o'clock we had a house full of people. I think what shocked me the most was watching Avery walk in the door hand in hand with Jordan. I had no idea how they worked it out, or even what happened with Allison. Being away from all of my friends hit me hard. Life didn't stop for them like it had in my mind. I really thought I would go back and nothing would have changed. I was wrong. Hudson was even hanging on Blythe's every word. The only person that seemed to be exactly what I left behind was Talon.

  "Come here, Marissa. Man, have I missed you."

  He pulled me into a hug that felt so good to get. Talon was always one of those people that I could count on for anything.

  "I've been good. Therapy seems to be going great and it looks like I'll be back at school on Sunday."

  "No way! That's awesome. It'll be good to have everything back to normal again."

  "That's what's blowing my mind. How did everything get fixed? What happened with Blythe and Hudson and how the heck did Jordan get Avery back?"

  "You don't know?"

  "Obviously not. What happened?"

  "Shit hit the fan is what happened. Blythe overheard Allison telling some girl that it was all a lie. That she got what she wanted and knocked Avery off her pedestal."

  "NO WAY!"

  "Just listen it gets better. So Blythe obviously told Avery and the next morning at breakfast, Avery walked up to Allison while she was eating and just bitch slapped her in front of everyone."

  "Shut up!"

  "It was awesome. I'm sorry you missed it. Needless to say, Avery apologized to Jordan for even believing the rumor to begin with."

  "I wish I could have seen that, but what about those two?"

  I pointed to a very cozy Blythe and Hudson sitting on the couch alone.

  "Blythe got asked out by Mitchell Stanton."

  "Are you kidding me?"

  "Nope. Hudson lost his shit. There was no way he could sit back and let Mitchell move in on her. Not after he was the one who told Coach that Hudson cheated on his only daughter."

  "So are they back together?"

  "Not yet. Blythe is making him work for it."

  "Smart girl."

  "You do remember that she cheated too, right?"


  I was laughing as he pushed me playfully.

  "You need to get better. Sunday can't come fast enough."

  I was just about to respond when I heard, "Yes it can." Mike's voice came from out of nowhere until I turned to see him behind me.

  "Hey there, stud. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

  "I was just listening to my brother and Heather talk about the baby they decided to adopt."

  My jaw hit the floor.

  "Really? NO WAY!"

  My legs couldn't move me fast enough. Sadie, Ash, Tony, Jason, Kate, Kara, Chad and Chris were all standing around Heather in the kitchen.

  "Cripple coming through."

  Everyone laughed but opened up the circle for me to enter. Once I got close enough, I balanced myself on my good leg as I pulled Heather into a hug.

  "I just heard. I'm so happy for you!"

  Heather squeezed me tight. I knew this was huge for her. She didn't let me go, even after I felt her body shake from crying. I held her as long as she needed and when she finally pulled back she was wiping tears from her eyes.

  "She's so beautiful, Marissa. She was just born last Wednesday."

  "This is amazing you guys. You are going to finally have the baby you have worked so hard for. How did I not know about any of this?"

  "None of us did, don't feel bad," Sadie announced.

  "I was just telling them, we went to talk to someone about adoption a year ago. We never told you guys because we were still not willing to give up hope that one day we could have one of our own. We even discussed foster care options. Our agent even wanted to know if we had ever considered international adoption. We hadn't gotten that far in our thinking. We just wanted a baby so badly. We filled out the paperwork and figured we could discuss it and exclude it later if it wasn't for us. We forgot all about it when I got pregnant again. In fact, I was going to call and have her take us off the list. Thank God I never got around to it. Anyway, long story short, the agent contacted us this morning and said there is a newborn in New Hampshire that somehow slipped through the cracks. I don't understand how, with as many people that have to be on the list but we saw a picture of her this morning and if it all works out she's ours."

  "If it all works out is the major factor here. Don't get all of your hopes up yet. We have a lot of red tape to cut through."

  Heather wiped more tears away but I'm guessing because she knew Jason was right. Adoption can't be easy, especially within the United States.

  "We can be happy no matter what, Jason. There is a good chance this baby will be yours and for that, we need to celebrate."

  Leave it to Sadie to bring everyone back into full party mode. Everyone grabbed their glasses and raised them in the air as Ash said, "To the best couple in the world. May God grant them the baby they more than deserve.”


  Everybody took a drink except Mike due to his fight coming up and me. I didn't think it was a good idea to mix alcohol with my meds. In fact, after my fall, I swore alcohol off completely rendering it the reason for my recent downfall of mishaps.

  I felt Mike's arms wrap around me and then he said, "I figured you could use a little me time."

  "How did you know?"

  He kissed my neck and said, "Anything for you."

  Heather showed us all a picture of the baby and she was just beautiful. I hadn't seen Heather smile like that in years. Ever since they started trying, a gloom lurked over her. Even when she was happy she still wasn't if that makes any sense.

  The guys decided to start a game of cards in the kitchen while the girls all sat on the couches in the family room talking. Heather would join in on the conversation every once in a while but mostly she just stared at the picture of the baby on her phone so we left her alone.

  Avery filled me in on the fact no one had really s
een Allison since the breakfast incident. She didn't drop out but was no longer attending any parties or eating in the commons. Serves her right. What a bitch.

  Meanwhile, Kara and Kate were laughing about something Brooklyn and Alex did at the park. Apparently they ganged up on a poor little boy who wanted to go down the slide. One would block it off until the other one got there to block it off and so on. I felt bad for the kid, but the two of them said it was something they used to do when they played there.

  Sadie filled me in on what the twins had been up to making me miss them like crazy. I may have felt like I needed to break free from them but I was so wrong. Kaden and Kendal will always be my favorite little people in the world.

  Blythe sat back and listened, but mostly I caught her staring at Hudson across the room.

  "You want him back, don't you?"

  That got her attention.

  "Why would I want that? If he and I were supposed to be together why the hell would we have cheated in the first place?"

  "Because you were both young and stupid. I'm not telling you to take him back but if you still love him, forgive him."

  "You didn’t know this but the truth is, I didn't cheat until I found out he had."

  "What? Why didn't you ever tell me that?"

  "I guess I was embarrassed. It's not a good feeling, let me tell you. When you trust someone completely and then find out they have been lying, it hurts."

  "She's nailed that one. I can't tell you how many assholes cheated on me before I met Tony. It was awful."

  "When I thought Jordan cheated it broke me."

  "I think we have all had at least one jerk cheat. Who hasn't?"

  Sadie looked at me after she said it and cringed. I shot back with one that said don't out me please. She smiled and then turned her focus back to the group. Sadie knew I had never had a guy hurt me. I was always the one to leave. It was safer that way.

  "So, Marissa, are you excited to get back to college life?"

  Kate was always the one trying to get me to live up my college years. I think she had so many good memories that she just wanted me to have that too.

  "I am. It'll be different now that I have Mike but I'm sure we will be fine."

  "Of course it will. He's got the fight in two weeks so he will be training for that and then he's got a break again. You'll be so focused on getting back to your friends and your classes that the time will fly by. You just wait. It will all work out."

  I think Kate is probably one of the most positive people I have ever met. She and Tony both think the same way. They believe nothing can come between true love. It's so corny to say it like that but that is exactly how I see them.

  "I'm sure you're right. I'll just miss being here. After the last few weeks it's starting to feel like home."

  Arms landed on my shoulders and then a soft kiss was pressed to the top of my head. I knew immediately who it was before he even touched me. Mike had a way of sneaking up on me from behind.

  "Glad you feel that way, Daisy. Maybe someday it can be for you."

  I opened my mouth to say something but Blythe cut me off.

  "Wow you guys move fast. You want her to live with you already? That's crazy. She's just turned twenty-two a couple of months ago!"

  Mike looked at me, smiled and then at Blythe.

  "You know when you know."

  And that was it. He bent down to kiss my head one more time. "Is there anything I can get for you?”

  "No, thanks. I'm good."

  "All right then. We're going to need to wrap this up in a little bit. It's getting late and I have to be at the gym early in the morning." And then he walked away.

  "You lucky bitch!"

  That put a smile on my face for sure.

  "You know I never thought any of this would happen either. So, I guess you're right; I am one lucky bitch."

  Finally, Heather looked up and said, "We all knew it would happen someday."

  "I had no idea. I was just the roommate who had to hear all about her dreams and what he was wearing or what he smelled like."

  Everyone laughed including me.

  "She's right. I'm sorry. I tortured you I'm sure."

  "Hey, it all was worth it, obviously. I mean, that IS Mike Harrison over there. We are in HIS house. And he is YOUR boyfriend. It's just insane to even hear myself say that."

  Sadie patted her leg and said, "Remember, he's nothing special. He's just like any other guy."

  "Speak for your own man. I think he's pretty amazing."

  She laughed and then said, "You would."

  When it hit midnight we had to say goodbye to everyone and clean up the mess.

  Mike was washing the dishes off when I heard him say, "That was a good idea, babe. Sorry it all came from me being an asshole."

  I was sitting at the kitchen table picking up all the playing cards when I looked at him. "It was a lot of fun but now I'm just tired."

  "No, ‘It's okay, Mike’? ‘Don't beat yourself up over it, Mike’? I get nothing?"

  "Keep beating yourself up. You deserve it."

  He dropped the plate he was washing in the sink so he could come grab me off my chair and carry me to the bedroom while I screamed, "Put me down!"

  "Not a chance in hell, Daisy."

  We landed on the bed together laughing. Mike lifted off of me to help me take off my brace and then he walked out of the room. I wasn’t sure what he was doing until I saw all of the lights in the house turn off one by one. I was just about asleep when he came back in and pulled me in his arms.

  "You are more special to me than anything I have ever had. Promise me nothing will change."

  "You know I’ll never leave you. What are you so worried about? You're starting to sound like a softy, Harrison. You might not want to let many people see this side of you."

  He tickled under my arms making me laugh and then kissed me softly.

  "I don't care about what anybody thinks of me."

  "Good to hear. I don't want you to change a thing."

  He nuzzled in closer and within seconds he fell asleep. I wondered why he didn't hold me to our agreement from that morning. Shouldn't men be way hornier than us women? That's what I always heard, so it began to really bother me as I lay there with no interest in sleep any longer.

  I closed my eyes imagining he was touching me. His hands would take hold of my breasts and knead them as he brought his mouth closer and closer before he took my nipple into it. I must have made a noise because Mike stirred in his sleep. I stayed still for a little while before I dared to let my own hand drop down under my panties until I came in contact with a very ready area. The one thing I didn't count on in my not so well thought out plan, was to make sure he was still asleep. I learned very quickly that he wasn't when I heard, "You are the fucking sexiest thing in the world."

  My body went stiff as embarrassment flooded me. If I jerked my hand free he would know where it was and I would be screwed, no pun intended. Did he already? My question was answered when his own hand landed on top of mine.

  "Don't stop."

  He pushed my hand lower, until his middle finger applied pressure on top of mine and we took the plunge together. I was dripping wet, there was no hiding the fact that I was turned on. Humiliated, I went to pull my hand back but he caught me and returned it to rub my clit in tiny circles. That was it. I wanted him, all of him and I was ready.

  "I want you, Mike. I have never wanted anything like I want you right now."

  "We can't, Daisy."

  "Yes, we can. Nothing is keeping us from this anymore. It's you and me. Please say yes. Please."

  He abandoned my hand and sat up. In a pitch black room I could somehow see his frustration, but it in no way could have matched mine. He beat me to the punch though.

  "You still aren't healed yet! What if I hurt you? I can't even promise I will be careful. I haven't had sex in over a month. That sets a new record since I was fifteen! You turn me on more than anyone ever has and that scar
es me to fucking death. I have never been scared in my life but hurting you terrifies me."

  I sat up, forgetting all about being angry and grabbed onto him never wanting to let go. He wrapped me in his arms and then something happened that I didn't predict.

  I laughed, hard.

  "How is this funny?"

  It took some serious control for me to stop laughing.

  "We can't even make out."


  "When have we been able to have a normal, uninterrupted make-out session?"

  "That’s not funny, that's sad."

  "Yes it is, which makes us pathetic. We're both frustrated. That doesn't even make sense coming from someone who has never done it but I feel it too. God, I hate that I got hurt."

  "Me too."

  "Can we at least fool around? If I promise to not ask for sex again will you?"

  "Never in my life did I think there would be a beautiful woman in my bed, having to convince me to touch her. This is so screwed up."

  "Well, you made it that way."

  He didn't say another word. His body flew over mine and I knew then that he had given up his restraint. He didn't hold back when he ripped my tank top open. He had taken long enough when he turned the lights off that I had discarded my bra, now leaving me bare. I wish I could have seen his eyes, the want in them for me. But I could feel how strongly when he grabbed my face and buried me with his kiss. His tongue felt amazing touching mine. The desperation I felt for him had me grabbing ahold of his back and pulling him even closer to me. We were tangled in each other and even though I had never been experienced, there was no fear anymore. I just wanted to be a part of him. Not just mentally but physically as well.

  When his mouth left mine I missed it immediately. I was scared that rational thought would get in the way of desire but I was wrong. He was careful moving my leg to the side but he still managed to fit his body between them. Sliding down he drug his tongue from my collar bone, over to the side of my left breast and then underneath it. Who would ever think that the underside of a breast could be just as erotic as the nipple itself? When he circled around, coming between the two, I thought I was going to come unglued from the teasing. His hands grabbed on to them both, squeezing them together when his mouth came down, licking and massaging them with his tongue. As he took turns on each of my nipples, my hips began to thrust on their own. When I focused on what they were coming into contact with, a rush of excitement flooded me. I wanted him. The time had finally come where I was ready. As long as I have wanted him, he was finally mine. I loved the man who was going to be my first.


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