Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 31

by Barbara Speak

  Holding Keith off from punching, Mike stood over him for less than a second before his knee slammed into Keith's face and a spray of blood landed on the mat right before his face followed it.

  He may have gone down, but I knew it wasn't over. The other two men had reached me and as hard as I kicked and punched it wasn't working.

  "LET ME GO!"

  I watched Mike jerk his head toward me and then all hell broke loose. He ran to the fence and screamed my name, just as Keith was getting back up.


  The crowd was going ballistic. I wasn't sure if he could hear me but just then he turned, dodging a blow to the head from Keith.

  He didn't waste any time after that. One fist after another landed, throwing Keith's head backwards. It was like watching a train wreck yet you can't look away.

  When balance became an issue for Keith, Mike took his shot and had him on his back, never letting up on each punch to his face.

  Security surrounded me and was forcing me up the stairs, while I tried my best to climb over them. I couldn't see what was happening and was losing control until I heard, "Let her go."

  The last time I had seen Jason he was in Mike’s corner of the Octagon.

  "I said let her go, she's with us."

  He held up some piece of paper and then I was being set down on my own two feet again.

  As soon as the hands holding me let up, I was running back toward the cage. Seconds later, Jason came to stand next to me as we watched the referee grab ahold of Mike and pull him off of a now very unconscious Keith Reynolds. His arms where still flying in the air as they drug him away meanwhile the medic came in to assess Keith.

  The place went insane around us as I jumped into Jason's arms screaming, "He did it!"

  "He sure did."

  I'm sure the ref wanted to make sure Mike wouldn't go after Keith again but holding him down wasn't going to work. He broke free and was climbing the cage wall at the same time I ran up to the other side, trying to get to him through it.

  People were going crazy. The crowd all started to chant something I couldn't understand as Mike jumped down, landing next to me. I didn't give him a chance to even catch his breath before I tackled him to the ground and slammed my mouth down on his. Tears fell from my eyes as I felt his lips touch mine. Everything disappeared. The people, the noise, it was just him and me and that's all I ever wanted.

  I pulled back just long enough to say, "I love you. I lied when I said I stopped. I never stopped. Please don't hate me."

  "I love you so much it fucking hurts."

  "No, you hurt because you were stupid enough to fight when I told you—"

  His hands grabbed my head and pulled me back down, cutting me off from saying anything else as his lips found mine again.

  Our perfect moment ended when I felt someone grab the back of my shirt. Before I could react, the officials had ahold of me and were pulling me off of him.

  All of a sudden I felt Mike take my hand and I grabbed ahold of it, begging him to not let me go.

  The officials kept saying something and pointing to the cage as Mike stood back up.

  He turned back to the cage and then demanded, "She comes with me."

  The guy said something back but of course we had no idea what, and then we were being shuffled through the crowd.

  I couldn't believe what was happening as he pulled me behind him. I looked around and took in all of the people screaming down at us—searching for our friends—but came up empty.

  The door opened and we entered the cage still hand in hand. Keith was still unconscious when they brought us to the center of the ring. I wanted so badly to go kick him in the face or at the very least spit on him but I didn't get the chance.

  When the microphone came out, the announcer started. We stood there completely clueless, waiting for them to declare Mike the raining heavyweight championship.

  He looked over to me and squeezed my hand lightly to get my attention and then mouthed the words, "You're mine."

  He was so badly beaten. I knew he could barely see, so I just smiled instead of trying to mouth something in return.

  The announcer finally raised Mike's arm up into the air and called out his name as I stood next to him more proud than I have ever been in my life.

  It was but seconds later the television and newspaper reporters wanted their turn at him. ESPN approached us, asking for an interview, then Fox Sports. All of a sudden we were surrounded with microphones being shoved in our faces. I tried to let my hand slide out of his; I wanted to give him his space but he refused to let go.

  "That was some fight, Harrison! Can you tell me what was going through your head in the first couple rounds?"

  "Reynolds clearly had the advantage. Can you tell your fans what changed, other than this little lady showing up?"

  "Ma’am can I ask your name and could you tell us what was going on ring side?"

  I couldn't believe all the questions and they kept coming.

  "Obviously you two are an item. How did you meet? How long has this been going on?"

  "Mike, would you be willing to let Reynolds have a rematch some day?"

  They wouldn't stop. Every detail was to be accounted for. Nothing could be left private. This was what Mike wanted to keep me from. Everyone would now know who I am and nothing would ever be the same again.

  Mike looked over to me, unsure of how I would take all of the attention, but with one more squeeze to his hand and a smile, I turned back to the media and started my new life.

  "My name is Marissa Johnson...

  Chapter 29

  Two Months Later

  "That sucked! How did you get me to even register for that?"

  Blythe wasn't happy about it, but I made her take almost every class with me. If I wasn't living on campus, I needed to see her as much as possible.

  "Don't bitch. You need that credit and hey, at least I'm here to help you."

  "You mean do all of my homework for me?"

  "Nice try."

  "I thought so. Anyway, what's the plan for tonight? There's a huge frat party out at the Sig's house, you want to go?"

  "I can't. Mike gets back tonight and I want to surprise him with dinner."

  "You know you're turning into a housewife before you're even a wife, right?"

  "Jealous, much?"


  We both laughed as we headed out to the parking lot. I saw Gabriel walk past us and we exchanged a simple smile. He and I never really talked about the details, but I was sure to thank him for what he did for me.

  Blythe brought my attention back when she said, "I just want to say, I know it wasn't easy convincing him to let you stay here and finish school but I think it was the right choice."

  "He's getting used to it. He only fights a couple of times a year and I don't need to be at all of his promo stuff. Besides, I have my own life that I want to live and he respects that."

  "He may respect it but he doesn't like it."

  We both laughed again knowing she hit the nail on the head as we stopped at my car.

  "I know I tell you all the time but I'm just glad you're back."

  "Me too."

  “Hey, wait up! Were you really going to leave without even saying hi today?”

  I turned to see Talon walking over from the sidewalk.

  “I didn’t see you or you know I would have.”

  “So, I was wondering what you guys had planned this weekend. Michelle is going to be here and I thought we could all get together for dinner or something?”

  Michelle was one of the girls from the bar that night in Chicago. They have been dating ever since.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll check with Mike but I don’t think we have made any plans as far as I know.”

  “All right, check and then get back to me. I need to get to my next class but call me.”

  “What am I, chopped liver?”

  “I talked to Hudson.” He turned and started walk
ing away before he said over his shoulder laughing, “You’re already going.”


  I opened my car door while I smiled and said, “You know you love him.”

  Blythe smiled back at me knowing it was the truth and then walked away.

  Man, it felt good being back.

  I stopped by the grocery store on my way home and grabbed everything to make shrimp pasta, Mike's favorite.

  Four days was way too long to be apart and I couldn't wait to get back to the house and start cooking.

  I parked the car in the garage and then started carrying all of the groceries into the kitchen and setting them on the counter. It was literally my third trip when I first noticed the Daisies in a vase next to where I was putting the bags.

  I stopped what I was doing and just stared at them wondering how they got there. I knew when I left for my first class that morning the counter was cleared.


  I left the bags and started walking through the house looking for anything else that was different.


  When I got to the foyer, I saw his bags and my face lit up. He was home early. But where was his car?

  "Mike, where are you?"


  I opened the bedroom door and heard the shower running. He must have just gotten home, leaving there no time to make dinner like I had planned.

  Before I could talk myself out of it, I shed my clothes and walked into the bathroom completely naked.

  Opening the shower door I found Mike standing under the water with his head tipped back and his eyes closed. I didn't want to scare him so I stepped in letting my body brush against his slightly.

  His hands jumped out and grabbed ahold of my waist as he opened his eyes and simply said "Wow!"

  "I'm glad you're home."

  I picked up the bar of soap and started to wash his chest with it.

  "You ruined my surprise, you know."

  "I don’t know, this is a pretty good surprise if you ask me."

  "I was going to make you dinner."

  "I prefer this, no offense. I've had your cooking."

  I slapped him lightly in the stomach before I argued back, "Then you can forget about the shrimp pasta I was planning on.—"

  "Whoa, hold up, you were going to make shrimp pasta? How do you know how to make that?"

  "I called your mom."

  "I take it back, get out and go cook, woman. I'm starving."

  "If you're sure…"

  I lifted my leg to step out of the shower when he playfully pulled me back in to him.

  "Not so fast. I’ve been gone for days and I don't even get something as small as a kiss?"

  I didn't say anything before I brought my lips to meet his.

  What was meant to be a small loving gesture turned into a passionate can't get enough kiss.

  His hands began their hunt for a favorite place on my body where mine already knew where to go.

  The second I came in contact with it he grew in size.

  "Somebody's happy to see me."

  "Somebody? Daisy, really, you have to get comfortable with calling it what it is."

  "Not this again."

  "Just say it once for me. Tell me what you want."

  "I want you to stop making me say the word, dick."

  He tilted his head back and laughed, "I guess I did ask for that, didn't I."

  "Yes, you did."

  He grabbed the soap from me.

  "Can I wash you off?"

  I knew the routine well enough that I turned my back to him and lifted my hair with one hand while his arms wrapped around me.

  We had taken showers together every day since Japan, which made for very lonely showers when he was gone.

  "I missed you."

  "I missed the hell out of you too. Tell me about your picnic yesterday with the kids."

  "Oh, Mike, it was so fun. We went to the park and played for hours until it started to get dark and they got scared. I can't believe how fast they’re growing up."

  "Yeah, did you get to see Faith again? She's becoming a little person already. Jason was showing me videos on his phone."

  "Heather met up with us for dinner but she couldn't make it to the picnic because Faith had to take a nap. Gosh, she is the prettiest baby, Mike. It’s crazy how lucky they got with her."

  I noticed his hands were starting to move a lot slower than they typically worked and then my thoughts were confirmed when I heard Mike yawn behind me.

  "You're tired, baby, why don't I wash you now?"

  "Sounds good to me, I'm beat. Long flights always wear me out."

  I turned around and so did he, letting me scrub his back and neck.

  The bruising wasn't too bad from this fight but I still made sure to soften up when it came to those areas.

  My hands rubbed his butt muscles and then reached around to clean the one thing I had been desperately wanting lately.

  I took it back in my hand and started to slowly pull and twist when I heard, "God that feels good."

  I continued what I was doing but started to kiss his back and shoulders also.

  "Just let me take care of you, okay?"

  I moved around him, coming down to rest on my knees as his hands found their place on the back of my head.

  Taking him in my mouth had become a lot easier with practice and I loved nothing more than seeing the pleasure I could bring him.

  It didn't take long before he was letting go of my head and bracing himself on the wall in front of him, screaming cuss words as he violently came in my mouth.

  I stood up and kissed him lightly on the cheek before he said, "Now I for sure need a nap."

  I for sure didn't see that coming. Normally he would have been all over me—begging—and I have would have had to tell him no, that I'm not ready.

  Lately it didn't make sense. I had been practically throwing myself at him and he was backing off.

  "Okay. Go get some sleep and I'll wake you when dinner's ready."

  He lifted me off the ground and said, "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

  "Every morning in a text."

  He set me back down and then opened the door and grabbed a towel. "As long as you're reading them, I'm all good,” he said, and then he got out, leaving me in the shower alone.

  I finished washing my hair and then got out to start the dinner I had promised, but was no longer excited to make. He was just as he had said, asleep already when I got to the bedroom to get dressed.

  Tip-toeing out of the room, I closed the door behind me and went to put the groceries away.

  An hour and a half later, dinner was done. I hadn't heard a peep from Mike so I walked quietly over to the door and slowly pushed it open, expecting him to still be asleep on the bed. Instead what I found was nothing I that I ever would have expected.

  The room was filled with candles and I mean filled, they covered every possible surface and standing on the other side from me was Mike.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Come here."

  I walked over to stand in front of him nervous for the first time. His hands reached out and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me to him.

  "You’re not going to think tonight. You’re not going to do anything but feel, okay?"

  That wasn't worded as a question.

  "Mike, I—"

  He cut me off before I could tell him I was ready. "I know, Daisy. I'm not going anywhere no matter what. This isn't me forcing you. This is me loving you. Did you hear me? I have never shown you how madly in love with you I am. So, all of this, this is me proving it. I love you and I will love you until I take my last breath because you are everything—"

  I never let him finish, either. I simply jumped into his arms and wrapped my fingers around his head before I looked him in the eye and said, "Then show me."

  His chest rumbled and then I was being carried to the bed and laid down on my back.

  I couldn't believe this r
oom. He must have used the entire time I was cooking to do all this, and it was absolutely beautiful.

  I lifted my butt so he could pull down my pants and then sat up so he could take off my shirt. I never bothered to put a bra back on after our shower so it didn't take long at all for me to be naked again.

  Mike didn't give me an option to strip him. He simply dropped his pajama pants and all his glory was available to be seen.

  God, I love his body. It is a true sculptured work of art. Not many men can get to look like him, even after years of dedicated workout routines. It is a true blessing and something I will always admire.

  He crawled up the bed over me, and placed my nipple in his mouth. When he grazed his teeth over it, my pelvis practically shot up fifty feet.

  The more that he pulled and licked, the harder I bucked under him.

  I felt his left hand brush lightly across my skin, moving down between my legs. I dropped both knees to the side, opening myself up to him and lifted my butt up off the mattress the second he came in contact with me.

  I had never been so turned on and practically came unglued when I felt his finger drop between my folds and enter me.

  We'd been fooling around lately, letting me gain more confidence of the fact that I was in control at all times. Something I was ready to test.

  Just the feeling of him diving into me had me want more. I wanted to feel him as deep as I could get him. I actually burned to feel more.


  He lifted himself off of me immediately, as if I was going to actually tell him to stop.

  "I'm sorry, baby, was that too rough?"

  "No! Not at all. I need more. Please."

  The look in his eyes was almost primal. He wanted to take me, I knew it, but he was scared to go too far.

  "Are you sure? We don't have to do this. You can just lie here and let me take care of you."

  "I'm ready."

  "I just want your first time to be—"

  I pushed him further off of me and tried to sit up, but he wasn't having any part of that.

  "Wait right there! What did I say?"

  I wasn't mad at all, I just didn't want any part of us to be in denial. If we were going to do this I wanted us to be honest with our past.


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