A Little Street Magic

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A Little Street Magic Page 15

by Gayla Drummond

  “Of course. Would you care to freshen up before I escort you to the prince?”

  “No, I’m already late. Better go on in.” Was there dirt on my face? Probably. I’d face-planted three separate times, the third thanks to Bone. I was pretty sure he’d done it on purpose, too.

  “As you wish.” Edrel’s lips were twitching.

  “You can laugh. I won’t be offended.”

  He took me at my word, and proved to have a nice laugh, low and friendly sounding. Edrel didn’t overdo it either, but he was still smiling when we reached Thorandryll’s study. “Your Highness, my lord, Lady Discord has arrived.”

  I walked in, and instantly wished I’d taken my guide’s offer to take the time to freshen up. Lady Celadine’s sneer was a scorcher, as she gave me a raking once over before turning to Thorandryll. “She’s not fit to be in our presence.”

  Okay, it appeared I was wrong about the reason for the meeting. “Sorry I’m late.”

  Kethyrdryll, standing behind the desk and to one side, smiled. “It appears there was situation.”

  I headed for the empty chair beside Celadine’s. Too late to go clean up now. “A baby monkey mistook one of my dogs for its mommy. My dog wasn’t thrilled.”

  Thorandryll, elbow planted on his desk, dropped his forehead into his hand. Face hidden, his shoulders began quivering. I was just amusing the hell out of everyone.

  “You smell.” Celadine leaned away from me, her nose wrinkled.

  “Yeah, like dirt and trees. You’re an elf. Deal with it.” I slouched back in my chair, stretched out my legs, and crossed my ankles.

  Thorandryll cleared his throat while lifting his head. His eyes were bright, and he wasn’t quite pulling off the sternness he was trying for. “Lady Celadine has made a breach of contract complaint.”

  “We found and returned her stolen mirror. It’s on display at the museum, just like it was supposed to be.”

  She rounded on me. “Don’t pretend ignorance, girl. It was returned without its occupant.”

  “You hired us to find your stolen mirror. You didn’t specify ‘spirit still attached’,” I pointed out. Splitting hairs, just to watch the tips of her ears turn red. “I didn’t remove the spirit from your mirror. The demons did.”

  Her glare would’ve melted steel. “You filthy little guttersnipe.”

  Thorandryll finally achieved his stern face. “I’ll thank you to remember where you are, Celadine.”

  She lifted her nose, turning to look at him. “What can you possibly see in this, this...She’s...”

  “Quiet.” Celadine zipped her lips, and Thorandryll looked at me. “The spirit was transferred to another mirror, which you also retrieved. Why didn’t you turn that mirror over to her?”

  “It didn’t belong to her.” I waited until his eyebrows drew down before saying more. “Actually, the original mirror probably doesn’t belong to her either.”

  Thorandryll’s eyebrows returned to normal. “And you determined that how, exactly?”

  “I didn’t determine anything. The gargoyle queen did. She helped us retrieve the second mirror and something else.” I held his stare. I’d been impetuous, acting on Petra saying the mirror spirit belonged to my bloodline the way I had. But I wasn’t going to back down. Backing down showed weakness, and I couldn’t appear weak. Not to any elves. “Petra said that the mirror and spirit belonged to my bloodline. Mr. Whitehaven said he wasn’t going to argue with her. Are you?”

  “Gargoyles do not lie,” Kethyrdryll murmured.

  “If the spirit belongs to my bloodline—by the way, Cernunnos is the one who stuck the poor guy in that mirror, and according to Petra, he’s one of the gods I’m descended from—then I’m kind of wondering how she,” I flipped my hand at Celadine. “Managed to get her hands on it.”

  “Through great expense,” she snapped.

  “Got a receipt? Or was it expensive to hire a burglar?” I smiled at her. She sneered back, the tips of her ears lobster red. “A spirit that’s also a grimoire doesn’t sound like something that goes on the auction block often.”

  Thorandryll sighed. “How did you acquire the mirror, Celadine?”

  “I paid dearly for it.” She didn’t meet his eyes.

  “Who did you purchase it from?” I shivered, because the prince’s voice had turned icy. She mumbled some name. “I’ll contact him, and ask where he obtained it.”

  As he began to reach for his phone, she shot me a look of pure, narrow-eyed and teeth-bared hatred. “He stole it.”

  Thorandryll put his phone down. “You purchased stolen goods, and dared to trouble me over the rightful owner’s heir claiming those goods?”

  “Uh oh, somebody’s in trouble,” I sang under my breath. The prince shot me a dark look. “Sorry.”

  “I have possessed that mirror for...”

  “You can keep the mirror,” I said. “I don’t want it. The spirit though, maybe his body’s gone, but he’s still a person. This, in case you didn’t catch it, is America. We don’t allow slavery here.”

  “Yet, you kept it.”

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  “Then where is it?” Celadine’s knuckles were turning white as she clamped onto her chair’s arms.

  “He’s somewhere safe, where no one will be able to use him.” I had an idea. “And he’s staying there until I can talk Cernunnos into freeing him.”

  All three elves simply stared at me. I flicked a pine needle off my jeans. “So, are we done here? I have a party to get ready for.”

  “Insufferable, smug little bitch.” Celadine raised her hand, fingers beginning to move.

  “Do not.” Thorandryll’s glare froze her. “I don’t want my study destroyed when Miss Jones retaliates.”

  I wondered what she’d been about to do. He kept talking. “Unless you care to dispute it, my decision is that Miss Jones retains ownership of the spirit as her family property.” He narrowed his eyes. “And I really wouldn’t dispute it, Celadine.”

  She sniffed, rose, and curtsied. “Your Highness. May I take my leave?”

  “Please do.”

  Celadine left, but not without shooting me a final venomous glare. Once she’d cleared the room, I prepared to get up. “If that’s all...”

  “Please stay seated, Miss Jones.”


  “We have another matter to discuss.”

  Oh, joy.


  I settled back into the chair, re-crossed my ankles, and smiled. Thorandryll smiled back. Kethyrdryll clasped his hands together, a faint smile on his lips. No one said anything. I gave it a few seconds before pulling my phone out of my coat pocket to check the time.

  “It’s four-thirty, and I have somewhere to be at seven. I’m going to need time to take a shower and dress. So, spit it out.”

  “I’m afraid you made an enemy.” Thorandryll gestured at the doorway while sitting back.

  “She’ll have to get in line behind the demons, thanks to you.”

  His smile disappeared. “It was never my intention to make you a target.”

  “Maybe not, but hey!” I did double finger-guns at him and winked. “You did.”

  “I paid a high price for my error. Do you ever intend to forgive me for it?”

  I was in the mood for another Come to Jesus meeting. “I honestly don’t know, because that’s not the only mistake you’ve made. You know, before you came along, my life was pretty simple. I found stuff, located missing people, and ashed the occasional vamp. Now, I have to keep a constant watch for demons, reporters, and your mother.”

  Kethyrdryll’s lips were pressed in a tight line, his dark blue eyes slightly wide. Thorandryll’s eyebrows had drawn together. “There’s been something different about you lately, Miss Jones.”

  “You’re absolutely right. I’m not the same girl I was, and congratulations, you played a part in who I’ve become.” I paused. “I have responsibilities I never thought I would, to my clan and my allies. I
have to worry about my family being harmed or used. But I’ve also learned a lot about who I am, and what I am. I’ve finally decided to own it.”

  “I see.” The smile on Thorandryll’s face made it clear he thought I was just talking. Making noise that didn’t really mean anything.

  I studied him for a moment before shaking my head. “I don’t think you do. I didn’t choose any of this, except for my adoption by the clan. But here I am, and you’d better listen up: I will not be manipulated any longer. Not by you, not by your mother, not by anyone.”

  “I’m not going to be controlled according to what others think is best, or because they’re afraid of me or what I may do in the future. What I am going to do is this: I’m going to protect the people I care about. I’m going to keep doing my best to help people. If that’s not to your, or anyone else’s liking, tough cookies. Newsflash: I’m not your bitch.”

  Kethyrdryll burst into applause, and I shot him a quick smile. Thorandryll seemed frozen, but recovered and turned his head to glare at his twin. The other clapped a few more times before dropping his hands and managing to suppress his smile.

  The prince turned back to me, a frown etching deep lines other either side of his mouth. He suddenly looked far older than thirty. “I’m afraid my focus on the future has caused my missteps with you, Miss Jones. I, too, only wish to protect those I care for, and the innocent.” He leaned forward, crossing his arms and resting them on his desk. “I don’t believe it’s too late for us to come to a working agreement.”

  “I’m not going to marry you, and unless you start treating all other species with the common courtesy they deserve, I’m not going to be your ally.” There, stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Your Highness. I crossed my arms and waited for his response.

  For once, Thorandryll seemed to be at a complete loss. He was silent for several seconds, his expression neutral as we watched each other. With a single shake of his head, he finally spoke. “Firstly, please accept my sincere apologies for my actions, and the repercussions they’ve had for you.”

  Behind him, his brother’s eyebrows shot upward. I had to pretend to cough, to cover my mouth before I smiled. Dropping my hand, I picked a few pine needles off my coat. “Are you asking for a clean slate?”

  “Yes, I am. Please.”

  So polite. I looked at him again. “Okay, you’re forgiven, but don’t expect me to forget.”

  “Thank you, and I don’t.” Thorandryll took a deep breath. “This is a new world, and a new time. I’ve been allowing the past to rule me, when choosing to fully adapt is the wiser choice.”

  Well, that sounded promising. Enough for me to offer him a smile. “Great.”

  He straightened, unfolding his arms and sitting back. “We need to show a united front, Miss Jones. Not only for your protection, but for ours—the whole of Santo Trueno’s supernatural community. Lord Derrick and I are the faces of that community now, but you’ll be joining us soon.”

  “Not by choice,” I pointed out. “I’d still be flying under the media radar, if not for you. And just in case you’re thinking it, no, I’m not going to pretend to be your girlfriend.”

  A half-smile crossed his face. “I’ll ban the hunting of shifters.”

  “Good idea, but you should’ve already done that.” I hadn’t heard about any hunts. Then again, I didn’t know every shifter group in the city.

  “You’re correct, I should have. I’ll rectify my mistake.” Thorandryll gave a nod. “The Council is small, and in need of new blood. We’re hidebound, too few of us willing to attempt forcing changes through.”

  I held up my hand. “I do not want to be on the Council, if that’s where you’re heading. I have enough on my plate.”

  “Then would you be open to accompanying me to a meeting, now and then? I think it would be good for you to gain an understanding of the Council and its members.”

  Ugh, endless meetings with bickering supe politicians? Let me think: Nope, with a side of hell, no. “I’ll think about it.”

  Heh, maybe I was cut out for politics.

  Thorandryll nodded. “I’m afraid it won’t be an easy process, yet I believe it’s time we give seats to the leaders, or elected representatives, of each supernatural species.”

  I was speechless, because that was A Really Huge Thing. My eyes went from him to Kethyrdryll, who was beaming. He nodded. I found my tongue. “Are you serious?”

  “Deadly serious, Miss Jones.”

  Uncrossing my ankles, I sat up straight. “Can you make that happen?”

  Thorandryll nodded. “I swear by Danu it will happen.”

  He’d sworn by Danu before, and Logan had said elves didn’t do that lightly. I felt like jumping to my feet and doing a touchdown dance. Instead, I smiled. “When you get the first shifter on a Council seat, I’ll declare myself your ally.”

  “Do you have a preference as to whom?”

  “I know exactly three shifter leaders. Terra’s only been Queen a short time, and she’s young.” She was also busy, what with making changes to the clan rules, living on her own—well, as much as she could—and of course, having a live-in sweetie. Which left me with one name. I hoped O’Meara would go for the idea. “Nick’s dad is a jerk. How about the Rex?”

  “I believe he’s a good choice.”

  It occurred to me that Thorandryll might be playing a deep game, because his about-face was truly unexpected. Pretending to be ready to get with the times, and using honey instead of vinegar to get what he wanted. That would be sneaky as hell, therefore, right up his alley.

  Then again, if every species did get a Council seat, let him play his game. I glanced at Kethyrdryll, who was smiling at his brother. Or maybe he’d been busy, and after having been assumed dead, was working Thorandryll’s relief and joy at his return to the max.

  Whichever it proved to be, I would deal with it. “Then when the Rex is on the Council, I’m your ally. Is it okay if I mention it to him?”

  “Please do. I don’t think he’ll take my word without the confirmation of someone he trusts.”

  “Yeah, being snooty and homicidal toward shifters does tend to make them a teensy bit leery of you.” I earned a brief, reproving frown from Kethyrdryll for that. Didn’t intend to apologize.

  “Now, to mark the occasion of our agreeing to work together, I’d like to offer you a gift.” Thorandryll lifted his hands before dropping them to his desk top. “What would you have of me, Miss Jones?”

  I hesitated, feeling my eyes narrow. Was this a trick? A way to get me into his debt? But he’d said “gift.” “Like what?”

  “What do you desire?”

  Logan. I managed to keep from grinning, but there it was: I had what I desired. “I can ask for anything, and you’ll let me have it, no strings attached?”

  “Yes.” He smiled, but there was a worried edge to it.

  “You’re kind of taking a big chance there, dude. What if,” I looked around. “I wanted your sidhe?”

  Thorandryll’s face lost some color. “Is that what you desire?”

  “Nah, just wondering.” What could I ask him for? I dropped my eyes and picked more pine needles off my coat and jeans. The royal twins stayed silent, letting me think. I wondered what time it was.

  Nothing was coming to mind. I wouldn’t mind not having a mortgage, but if someone else paid it off, it wouldn’t be my house any more. It would, but not really. The clan was happy, so I couldn’t think of anything to ask for them.

  Oh, but wait. I let the idea solidify before looking up with a smile. “I know exactly what gift I’d like, and it’d be good press for a guy who’s running for mayor.”

  Thorandryll relaxed. “And that is?”

  “Two of the biggest issues in Santo Trueno are the homeless, and stray animals. My mom does a lot of charity work for the homeless. The city shelter puts down hundreds of dogs and cats every month.” I crossed my legs and bounced the top one. “You guys are really good with animals, and space isn’t a pro
blem for you.”

  “No, it’s not.” Thorandryll turned his head. “Keth, would you...”

  “I’d be delighted to take charge of the animal situation.”

  The prince smiled, looking at me. “And I’ll be honored to offer your mother all of the assistance I can.”

  I clapped my hands together. “I may even vote for you now.”


  “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Logan was sitting on my bed, watching my attempts to pick out a dress and shoes.

  “Shifters are going to be on the Council, starting with O’Meara.” Semi-formal. I scanned the handful of dresses in my closet and sighed. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  He was in black dress slacks, a white shirt, and navy blue suit jacket. “I’m not quite getting from A to B on my own here, Cordi. You said Celadine was there?”

  “At first.” I had been rushing during my first attempt at explaining. Hm, I couldn’t wear the gown I’d gotten for Thorandryll’s ball. Not my black and green mini-dress either. “Is showing skin at a vamp party considered an open invitation to being bitten?”

  “I doubt it. How does Celadine tie in with shifters getting Council seats?”

  Little black dress it was. Mine was a simple, knee-length, sleeveless sheath style. “Oh, she was bitching about getting the mirror back without the spirit.”

  “Okay, what happened with that?”

  I gave him a more complete account while slipping into the dress, and deciding on my black heels. “And then I said ‘Newsflash: I’m not your bitch’.”

  Logan was laughing. “How’d he take that?”

  “He was speechless. Kethyrdryll gave me a standing ovation.” I left the closet and posed. “How’s this?”

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  I preened for a second. “Needs some jewelry. Anyway, we had a talk, and I told him I wouldn’t consider being his ally until he started treating everyone with common courtesy. Then he blew me out of the water with putting the leaders, or elected reps, of each species on the Council.”

  I chose a long, sparkly necklace of crystals in varying size—Christmas present from Mom—and diamond studs. “I hope it’s okay I suggested O’Meara.”


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