Sack: Eligible Receivers

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Sack: Eligible Receivers Page 9

by Sarah Curtis

  And there she was, standing off to the side, scanning the room. He weaved his way toward her.

  Ivy spotted him before he reached her. She gave him a finger wave then slipped between two people and around another small group. “I’m so sorry I’m late. The insurance adjuster arrived just as I was about to leave—he was supposed to come yesterday but never showed up. Then he took forever adjusting, or whatever the heck they do, making me late. And you know how much I—”

  “Ivy.” She stopped speaking and blinked up at him. “It’s okay. You didn’t miss anything important.”

  “Oh, good.” She gave him a relieved smile.

  They were only supposed to have a high of eighty and currently it didn’t feel warmer than mid-seventies, yet she wore shorts and a tee that solemnly swore she was up to no good. Old-school pink Converse covered her feet. Also, her hair was currently purple.

  And after their weekend, he was also now privy to the fact she was a natural blonde.

  “Wow, this place is slammed.” She stood on her tiptoes. “Oh, corn dogs. I’m starved.”

  Colt pulled her camera case off her shoulder and took her arm to steer her through the crowd. “Come on, I’ll buy you one. And if you play your cards right, cotton candy after.”

  “Make it a candied apple, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

  They were stopped a few times on his quest to get Ivy fed. She rolled with it, taking her camera case back and sneaking a few candid shots. She even started a conversation with a little girl who was in line ahead of them.

  Kneeling to the girl’s level, they chatted about hair and nail polish—Ivy’s was currently hot pink—heads bowed together, conspiring. Colt watched the scene until an unexpected tightening in his chest had him turning away. Yet another emotion to file in the Do Not Open ‘til After Retirement folder. Ivy was making that folder mighty thick.

  “Why does junk food always taste better at places like this?” Ivy had polished off her dog and was gnawing on the crunchy bit left on the stick as they strolled the perimeter of the gym.

  It was a rhetorical question, but he answered anyway. “Probably because it’s a treat. I bet you’ve never eaten a corn dog at home.”

  She pondered that a moment while she nibbled the last bit of batter then tossed the stick when they passed a trash can. “You’re right. I never have. Not even as a child.” She swiped her hands on her shorts. “The only time I’ve ever had a corn dog was at a fair or amusement park or the mall.”

  They made another circuit of the gym so Ivy could take some pictures before Colt asked, “Do you want to get a few outside shots?” Half the parking lot had been turned into a midway packed with carnival games.

  “I noticed this on my way in, but didn’t get a chance to see it all,” Ivy said as they walked down the aisle of games. “Who sets this up?”

  “I have a great group of volunteers who donate their time when we do things like this.”

  “This is a huge event. How often do you do it?”

  “More so during the offseason. This will be the last one for a few months. I just don’t have time once the season starts.”

  “Well, perfect timing for me then.” Ivy raised her camera and took a few shots. “I wonder what’s going on over there?”

  Colt looked to where Ivy pointed. A large group had gathered around one of the carnival games, cheering and shouting. “I’m not sure. Let’s go find out.”

  As they grew closer, the garbled noise turned more distinct, and he was able to make out chanted counting and shouts of encouragement among the hoots and whistles.

  “…thirty-six… thirty-seven… thirty-eight…”

  A basketball arced through the air and landed in the hoop. Again and again.

  And then he saw the player. Colt should’ve known. Only Linc could draw such a crowd.

  A collective boo filled the air as the ball hit the rim, bouncing out instead of in.

  “Forty-two. Not bad. Not bad.” Linc’s disembodied voice floated over the din of others. He emerged from the group accompanied by back slaps and well wishes.

  “Colt, my man, did you see that? Almost beat the record.” The brightness of Linc’s grin could be seen from space.

  “Record?” Ivy asked.

  “Jackson,” Colt answered, “a guy on the team. He holds the record for most free throws with fifty-six.”

  “Well, hello there. And who might you be?”

  Ivy tilted her head to look up at Linc and gifted him one of her beautiful smiles. Colt’s jaw locked.

  “Hi, I’m Ivy.” She held out her hand.

  Linc took it but instead of giving it a shake, he started to bend forward. No fucking way. Colt snatched Ivy’s hand from his before his lips could make contact.

  They both looked at him as if he were insane. Ask him if he gave two fucks. No, he did not.

  “Ivy,” Colt said, pulling her closer to his side, “is rebranding Colt’s Kids and giving it a stronger media presence.”

  “I see.” Colt didn’t like Linc’s tone or the way he eyed his possessive hold of Ivy.

  “What?” Did that sound defensive?

  Linc held his hands up in a placating gesture.

  Guess so.

  “Nothing. Just hoping it brings more recognition to the charity. It’s a great cause.”

  Starting to feel like he was making a mountain out of a molehill, he gave Linc a brief nod. “Thanks, man, I do, too.”

  A boy walked up to them, holding out a ball. “Can I get your guys’ autograph?”

  Ivy snapped their picture, and they both signed while she snapped a few more.

  “Thanks!” The kid ran off.

  “I’m going to head out. Got a hot date tonight and I better get in a nap.”

  “Thanks for coming.”

  “Any time.” Linc’s face turned serious. “I mean that.”

  Colt nodded. “I know.”

  Linc turned his attention to Ivy. “It was nice meeting you.”

  She gave him another fucking smile. “Same.”

  Linc gave them his back and raised a hand, calling over his shoulder, “Later.”

  “Linc seems nice.”

  He knew it was a throwaway comment, but it still grated. “Yeah.”

  Ivy must have picked up on his mood shift. She took hold of his arm and smiled up at him. “Come on, let’s see if you can break the record.”

  She took a step forward, but his feet stayed planted.

  She looked back, and he shook his head. “Nope.”

  She let go of his arm and crossed hers. “There’s that all-encompassing ‘nope’ again. What does it mean this time?”

  “It means, I won’t play. It’s an unfair advantage. I have great aim.”

  Her arms dropped. “Why, Mr. P. Colton. Under that gruff exterior, you’re a big softie.”

  His ‘gruff’ made an appearance, manifesting into a frown. “No, I’m not.”

  She took the half-step that separated them and latched on to him again. He didn’t fail to notice she got so close her tits got involved, hugging his arm. “Yes, you are.”

  His frown deepened. “How do you figure?”

  “You could reign supreme, get all the glory, but you don’t. You want to give others a fighting chance. That,” she poked his upper arm, “makes you a big softie.”

  He turned so her front was flush against his. “I think we’ll have to agree to disagree.”

  Her lips tipped into a saucy smile. “Now you’re stealing my line.”

  “Hey, when you’re right, you’re right.”

  Ivy tugged his arm. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You won’t play basketball, I need to find another game so you can win me a stuffed animal.”


  Ivy stopped in front of the ring toss.

  She saw Colt eye the rows of long-necked bottles on the table before them and then the pyramid of soda cans stacked for the ball-toss game next door. “I think
I’d have better luck knocking shit down.”

  “Nope. You need to play this game.”


  “Simple. I want a giant banana and not a gray elephant.”

  “And should I ask why you want a banana rather than an elephant?”

  “The answer should be obvious.” She rolled her eyes for emphasis. “The elephant is boring and has zero personality. The banana, on the other hand, is giant-sized, which, in itself is fun. But look at his face.” She waited until Colt trained his eyes back onto the stuffed toy before continuing, “With googly eyes and his tongue sticking out, he’s full of character.”

  “Of course, it’s so obvious now,” Colt deadpanned.

  Ivy laughed. “Just be glad I’m not making you play the penny toss.”

  Colt looked over his shoulder. “You don’t want a monkey?”

  “I’ll admit he’s cute, but still not as cute as the banana.”

  “Hey, Mr. Colton.” A teen holding a stack of colorful rings came up to them. “You gonna try your luck?”

  Colt reached into his pocket. “Need to win this beautiful lady a giant banana.”

  Ivy beamed. Being called beautiful by a gorgeous football star did not suck.

  Colt handed the kid a five. The sign read three rings for a dollar.

  “What if you make it on the first shot?”

  “Doubtful, but if I do, five bucks for a giant banana with personality is a steal.”

  Ivy chuckled as Colt accepted a stack of rings from the teen and got into a spread-legged stance for his toss. He let one fly and it overshot the bottles by a mile.

  He threw her a wry smile. “Guess I don’t know my own strength.”

  Tossing another one, gentler this time, it landed, side up, bouncing off the top of the bottle.

  “Maybe if you flicked it like a frisbee?” she said to be helpful.

  The look he gave her was half annoyed and half amused. He tried again with the same result.

  “You almost had it that time.”

  Now his expression was all annoyance. “Don’t humor me.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t. I was just trying to save your ego.”

  He took a step back from the partitioned half-wall. “You think you could do better?”

  Ivy huffed on her fingernails then buffed them on the sleeve of her shirt. “I don’t want to brag, but I was county fair ring toss champ, 2009.” He narrowed his eyes and she reluctantly admitted, “Okay, so maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but I bet I can ring one before you.” She’d been watching his technique and was a shoo-in.

  He set the remaining rings down on the edge of the wall, leaned a hip against it, and folded his arms over his chest. “What do I get if I win?”

  Ivy shrugged. “Anything you want.”

  Glancing over his shoulder at the kid and noticing he was watching their every move, Colt took a few steps closer to her and lowered his voice. “If I win, you’ll owe me a blow job.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “Men. So predictable.”

  Colt frowned. “What do you mean by that? Have you made a bet like that with a guy before?”

  “Well, no. I just figured it would be the typical male response.”

  Colt’s frown vanished, and he nodded. “So, tell me, Miss Ring Toss Champ, what do you want if you win?”

  Ivy pondered for a moment before snapping her fingers. “I know. If I win, you have to tell me what the P stands for.”

  “Fine, it’s a bet. And just to be a good sport and keep things even, I’ll allow three practice throws so you can warm up.”

  “How very gallant of you.” Ivy waved her fingers. “Step aside, kind sir.”

  Colt bowed and made a sweeping gesture toward the wall.

  Ivy picked a ring up from the pile, took aim, and let it fly. Then winced as it sailed far right of the table, landing at the teenager’s feet. “I meant to do that.”

  Colt grinned. “Of course, you did.”

  Ivy picked up another ring, this time concentrating on the bottle right in front, squinting her right eye as she took aim down her arm. She flicked her wrist and the ring sailed over the kid’s head.

  Colt barked out a laugh.

  Giving him a dirty look, she declared, “I meant to do that, too.”

  “Last practice throw.” He folded his arms, looking smug and a heck of a lot more confident. “I see a happy ending in my near future.”

  “Don’t get cocky. I’m making it with this throw.”

  Only she didn’t. Though that time she did manage to hit a bottle.

  Colt rubbed his hands together. “Let the games begin.” He picked up a ring, and using a new technique, tossed the ring so it arced up, falling to land smack dab on the neck of the bottle.

  Ivy’s mouth fell open. Then shooting him a glare, she accused, “You scammed me!”

  “I did no such thing. It was a lucky shot motivated by pure greed.”

  “And the little lady wins a banana,” the kid called out mimicking a carnival barker.

  “More than one it seems,” she murmured.

  Colt tossed his head back and laughed.

  Back against the wall, Colt thrust into her.

  They’d barely made it past his front door when he’d been on her, pulling her in for a deep kiss while his hands stripped her of her clothes. He hadn’t said a word, his movements quick, jerky, and rough, as though he couldn’t get her naked fast enough. One second her feet were on the ground, the next, she was airborne, her back hitting the wall as he held her under her ass and sank home.

  It was hurried, wild, fervent, and fierce.

  It was kriffing hot.

  She was coming before she even knew what hit her. “Yes!”

  Legs locking on his hips, back arching, she drew out every last ounce of her orgasm until she was left limp, her whole body tingling.

  Colt face-planted her neck, his breathing harsh as her fingers played with the hair at the back of his head. She loved how soft it was and the way the short strands rippled over the pads of her fingers.

  “I’ve been fantasizing about doing that all day.” He kissed up her neck to her lips, capturing them, then deepening into a smooth, languid kiss.

  He carefully dropped her legs, supporting her by her waist while sliding out.

  “Fuck.” Though the curse was softly spoken, it made it no less powerful.

  She was about to ask what was wrong when she felt why dripping down her thigh.

  His hand hit the back of his neck. “Fuck. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s okay. I’m just as much to blame. I wasn’t thinking, either.”

  He looked up. “I promise I’m clean. I had a physical that included a full blood panel. I haven’t been with anyone since.”

  “I’m clean.” She didn’t elaborate, knowing he didn’t want to know. “And I’m on the pill so we’re good on that front as well.”

  He slowly nodded. “Okay… good.”

  His expression turned pensive.


  He brought a hand up, cupping her face, and rubbed his thumb over the apple of her cheek. “I was just thinking, if this had happened with anyone but you, I’d probably lose my fucking mind. We hear so many horror stories of women trying to trap athletes by getting pregnant.”

  “I would never intentionally do something to hurt you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. I’ve never met a more honest and open person. You wear your feelings like a second skin.” He brushed her cheek again. “I trust you, Ivy.”

  Touched, she swallowed down a lump of emotion. “So, we’re good?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  Needing to lighten the mood, she threw him a sly smile. “Does that mean we can ditch the condoms from now on?”

  His lips quirked into a small smirk. “I’m game if you are.”

  “I’m totally game.”

  “Good.” He hiked his jeans over his hips, then scooped her up.

  She threw h
er arms around his neck. “Where are we going?”

  “Bed. Fucking you without a condom is something I want to experience again.”

  “Have you ever done it without one before?”


  She thought about that revelation as they made their way up the stairs and kept thinking about it as he walked them across the bedroom and laid her on the bed. But those thoughts came to a halt when Colt stripped and joined her. Then other things demanded her attention.

  Like Colt’s lips.

  His hands.

  His cock.

  And how amazing it felt having sex without a condom.

  “Wake up, beautiful.”

  Ivy was awake but hadn’t wanted to emerge from the warm blankets to face the day. It was much more enjoyable thinking about the night before. Especially the part when she paid on their bet and the look on Colt’s face as she did. After she had finished, Ivy wasn’t sure who’d been more turned on, but it was definitely she who reaped all the benefits.

  But now, the aroma of coffee had her opening her eyes. Colt stood at the side of the bed in workout clothes, hair wet, holding a to-go cup aloft.

  She stretched her arms over her head. “What time is it?”

  “A little after nine.”

  She sat up and reached for the cup. She got a whiff of vanilla and excitedly took a tentative sip to test the heat level before taking a larger one. Nectar from the gods.

  “You’re up and about early.”

  “I wanted to get a workout in before you got up. I have plans for us today.”

  That got her intrigued. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “I’m going to teach you the fundamentals and rules of football.”

  Okay, less intriguing. “Oh… Fun.”

  He sat on the bed by her feet and hugged her legs over the covers. “I’m going to teach you about going deep, how to get good penetration, taking it up the middle, scores, and completions.”

  “Are you sure we’re still talking about football?”

  “Yes, doesn’t that sound exciting?”

  “Only if we’re not still talking about football.”

  He chuckled and stood, swatting her foot. “Get dressed and meet me downstairs.”

  She took another sip of her coffee and set it on the nightstand before climbing out of bed. She padded to the dresser and grabbed some clean clothes from her bag then made a beeline for the bathroom. No morning sex meant she needed a cold shower.


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