Omega's Unexpected: A Gay MPREG Romance

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Omega's Unexpected: A Gay MPREG Romance Page 5

by Tammy Knight

  “I wasn’t so bad? Hell, maybe we’ll have to have another round. I need to show you what an alpha can really do,” Jamie teased, baring his pointed teeth in a grin. Craig hummed thoughtfully, giving his rear an experimental wiggle before wincing.

  “I’ve never taken a pounding quite like that before. I think round two will have to wait,” the omega said with a sheepish grin. Jamie pressed Craig down against the mattress, sliding down his body with a mischievous grin.

  “Well, I could always blow you,” he said crudely, nipping at the skin of the omega’s navel as he slid lower. Craig reddened, biting his knuckle as he felt himself begin to stiffen again.

  “Y-you don’t have to,” the omega mumbled, his hips jerking up as Jamie gripped his length in his hand.

  “So, you don’t want it?” Jamie asked slyly, exhaling a breath against the bulbous head. Craig gripped Jamie by the hair, gritting his teeth against the desire to surge forward and force himself past the alpha’s lips.

  “I didn’t say that,” he forced out, a breath gasp spilling past his lips as Jamie sucked the tip into his mouth. Craig could feel the alpha’s tongue swish across him, whimpering as Jamie lowered his head just slightly before drawing back and released him with a pop.

  “You didn’t say one way or another, really. I like to be sure I’m not pushing any… boundaries,” Jamie grinned, squeezing the base of the omega’s manhood. Craig swallowed forcefully, trying to contain the desire to slap Jamie across his smug and smarmy mug. A flick of Jamie’s tongue later, and he was losing the will to be polite about the whole thing.

  “It’s not gonna suck itself,” Craig gritted out, tensing his hand in Jamie’s hair and guiding his head lower. Jamie made no move to resist, only snickering until he had a mouthful of the other shifter. The alpha moaned in the back of his throat, and the vibrations drew forward another jerk of Craig’s hips. Jamie pressed a hand against the omega’s stomach, harshly forcing him to still. “You son of a bitch,” Craig managed, his voice quaking. Jamie glanced towards him, meeting his eyes as the omega’s manhood pressed against the back of his throat. “What the hell, don’t you have a g-guh… gag reflex?” the omega rambled, throwing his head back and flinging an arm over his eyes. He twitched as he repressed the desire to roll his pelvis up towards Jamie’s hot and succulent mouth.

  “Oh, please, Craig. You know I have practice,” Jamie mumbled as he drew away, rubbing his jaw. “If you keep slamming your hips against my face, though, I’m not to be held accountable for any scars you end up with,” he continued, staring at Craig with an expression that could either be serious or mocking him.

  “I didn’t peg you as the type to willingly give another wolf oral,” Craig muttered sourly, feeling jealous in spite of himself and the saliva that coated his manhood. Jamie smirked, flicking the side of the omega’s length. “Ow! What’s wrong with you!?” Craig cried out, startling again as a strong hand wrapped around him again.

  “Green isn’t a good color on you,” Jamie teased, and Craig reddened in both anger and embarrassment. “It’s alright. It was all just practice for this moment,” Jamie added with a wink, taking the omega back into his mouth and sucking fiercely. Craig all but howled in pleasure, nearly doubling over as Jamie worked his oral magic on him.

  “Y-you… you’re such an asshole,” Craig gasped out, bucking up with another cry as he began to reach his peak. “If you don’t swallow my load, you can forget having another go at my tailhole,” he added huskily, shaking as Jamie met his gaze before taking the entirety of his length deep into his maw. Craig couldn’t help how weak he was for those eyes, he couldn’t help that seeing Jamie pleasuring him was the most beautiful sight he’d seen in the world. Without another word, he pressed a hand to the back of Jamie’s head to hold him in place as he began to spill his essence into the alpha’s gullet. Jamie made no effort to draw away, obediently swallowing every spurt of the milky substance. Craig was sure he had never orgasmed so hard in his life, and when he couldn’t take any more, he allowed his hand to slide off of Jamie’s head and grip the sheet beneath him. His body felt drained, comfortably spent, and shaking with the aftershocks of his orgasm.

  “You’re about as sweet as I expected,” Jamie mused aloud, wiping saliva from his chin before stretching out beside the omega. Craig glanced wearily at him, his eyes fluttering sleepily. Jamie tilted his head, lips curling in a grin. “What, you’re tired? Can’t keep up with the big dogs?” The alpha taunted. Craig said nothing, though internally he was waging a war with himself and his own emotions. He fully expected to be kicked out of Jamie’s bed and apartment at any given moment, and he could only hope he had enough energy to properly tug his clothes on before he was kicked to the curb. “Falling asleep in my bed isn’t really booty call protocol, Craig,” Jamie murmured, curling on his side and facing the omega. His worst fears confirmed, Craig parted his lips to try and manage an apology.

  “I… I’m sorry--,” he began, falling silent as Jamie quietly shut off the lamp that was illuminating the room. His night vision was exceptional, even among his own kind, and he stared confusedly at Jamie’s vaguely troubled expression. The alpha parted his lips as if to speak, snapping them shut before opening them again a moment later. He seemed torn about whether or not he actually wanted to speak, and Craig almost worried if he had some intentions of mockery. After a moment, however, Jamie smiled serenely, a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Don’t apologize. You’re my friend, first and foremost,” the alpha said softly, reaching out to grip Craig’s hand in his own. The omega wasn’t quite sure how to react, staring at their joined hands with a faint smile. Jamie wasn’t the kindest or gentlest alpha in the world, not by any means. Still, he knew how to make Craig feel worthwhile. It was one of the things the omega loved so dearly about him. In those small moments together, he could almost convince himself that it was possible that Jamie may actually return his adoration someday. “That doesn’t mean this is anything more than sex, though,” Jamie continued after a moment, sounding unsure of himself as he pulled the omega from his thoughts. Craig might have felt heartbroken if he had expected anything more, had truly ever expected anything more from his friend.

  He could pretend that Jamie was capable of loving him, but the terms had been clearly set before they made love. Screwed, they had just screwed around, Craig corrected himself mentally. He couldn’t even entertain the idea of using the ‘L’ word around his friend. He didn’t want to send Jamie bolting for the hills, and he felt fortunate enough to be allowed to stay in the bed at the alpha’s side. He was almost positive that he was too tired to manage the walk home. There was a vague sensation of discomfort with how sticky and sweaty the two of them were, but it wasn’t enough to stir him from his position. Their mingling scents was the most delectable aroma he’d ever had the fortune of breathing in, and even if the sheets were as filthy as the wolves themselves were, it was comfortable enough to settle into for the night. He yawned softly, his mouth opening wide as he mused whether Jamie expected a response. Did the conversation warrant a response? He could feel the alpha staring expectantly at him, however, and he rolled over with a bit more effort than he was truly happy to put forth. Jamie looked a bit concerned, which was more emotion than he’d actually expected from the alpha male. Well, he supposed he could humor the emotionally stunted male for a moment.

  “I know, Jim Jam. I’m not an idiot. I didn’t come into this expecting to sweep you off your feet. I told you before, this is just sex. I’m not going to go and catch feelings for you just because you blew me.” Craig mumbled tiredly, squeezing the alpha’s hand in his own. “This? What we have right now, lying in your bed together? Is more than enough for me,” he breathed, wishing more than anything that the words were true. He wanted so much more than casual sex, and he cursed himself for allowing himself to get so totally infatuated with his friend. Throughout Craig’s worries, Jamie was silent, shuffling around for a moment before drawing the omega into his arms. The older male r
ested his cheek on his friend’s shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut as he prepared to give himself to the undeniable pull of sleep. What more was there to say? Jamie had made his point, and Craig would at least pretend to be on the same page. In spite of his emotional worries, he’d never felt more physically comfortable in his life. Curling closer to the alpha male, the omega’s breathing evened out as he lay there, listening to the sounds of cars racing by outside the apartment building. The walls in Jamie’s apartment were paper thin, he supposed he should just count himself lucky that no one seemed to hear their little tryst. He didn’t want to be known as the skank who was fooling around with his best friend. Not that he felt any shame, but he wasn’t prepared to face the outside world with the intimate moments they had shared. It was just for the two of them, he and Jamie alone.

  As he began to drift off, he felt Jamie shift a bit, and the omega struggled to keep his breathing even as he could just feel those eyes devouring him. What was on his mind, now? Did he want to continue pressing the issue? The omega would rather just sleep and think up a way to manage facing the other male in the morning. Jamie cleared his throat, and ever still, Craig could only wonder what the alpha was doing.

  “Are you awake, C?” The alpha asked quietly, his breath warm on the omega’s face. Craig opted to ignore the question, not wanting to carry on with any further conversation about the lack of meaning in their coupling. “Craig…?” Jamie tried again, and Craig almost gave in to the tenderness of his voice. However, as he remained still and silent, the alpha only continued to shift and shuffle around a bit. He felt Jamie’s hand on his cheek, could feel his hot breath against his lips. “You’re so beautiful. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve someone like you, but… I thank God for you every day,” the alpha confessed to the omega who was still feigning sleep. Craig’s chest bloomed with warmth, but as much as he wanted to reply to the sweet and sincere comment, he knew Jamie would never say something so soft if he knew Craig could hear him. Going soft was one of Jamie’s deepest fears, as ridiculous as it was. Nonetheless, even if they weren’t meant to be mates, maybe deepening their friendship was good for the alpha. The older male was sure things couldn’t get any better in that moment. It was perfect, serene and tender. Though their second round had been a bit rough and lewd, the whole vibe he got from Jamie had been gentle and kind for most of the night.

  He was startled from his thoughts as lips pressed to his temple, and finally, the alpha male seemed to settle in for the night. Craig could feel the alpha’s grip tightening on him, and he couldn’t help the faint smile that settled on his face as he finally allowed himself to let go of his troublesome worries.


  He woke with the realization that he wasn’t the only one in his bed. He blinked his eyes open blearily, not sure who he’d managed to drag home in that particular instance. Last thing he remembered, he had been with Craig, and- oh. Oh no. He glanced down to have his worst fears confirmed, eyes widening as they took in his best friend, the man he loved-- no! Didn’t love! It was just Craig. Just Craig curled tightly against his side, his expression peaceful as he snored softly. Feelings that he didn’t want to deal with at all, let alone right then, swept over him. God, Craig looked so peaceful, and he couldn’t deal with the pounding in his chest and the unwelcome throbbing between his thighs. He had a thin layer of some sticky substance covering the lower half of his body, and he could easily guess where it had originated. He grimaced, his body shaking in anxious agitation as he tried to decide the best way to deal with the situation. The first thing to do was wiggle his way out of bed without waking the omega male. He inhaled a breath that was supposed to be calming, but it only caught in his throat as he slowly began to edge towards the side of the bed. Craig murmured in his sleep, releasing his vice-like grip on the alpha male. Jamie held his breath, continuing to edge away until he was free of the tangled confines of his sheets. He hit the floor with a dull thump, jolting upright with fear in his eyes. He stared at the stirring form in his bed, sighing with relief when a loud snore ripped itself out of Craig.

  “Okay… okay, oh my God, what did I do?” Jamie whispered, fumbling around in his weed stash and rolling a joint. He placed it between his lips, allowing it to dangle as he grabbed his lighter, slipping out of the bedroom. His floor creaked with every step he took, and he cursed himself for the squalor he lived in. Shaking his head, he lit up and drew in a deep drag off the blunt. He wasn’t sure what to do, not by any means, but he had to get some semblance of an idea before Craig woke up. He realized belatedly that making his mind even cloudier wasn’t likely to be helpful in that instance. He wet his fingers and touched them to the end of the joint, idly placing it on his windowsill while he continued to pace back and forth through his apartment. He knew a shower would probably be well received by everyone involved, and as much as he hated to admit, he needed to rub one out something fierce. He rolled his eyes at himself, edging back into his bedroom for the briefest of moments to grab a pair of briefs and jeans. He watched Craig closely for signs of being awake, or even vaguely aware of what was going on. When he was sure the omega was still just short of being comatose, he shuffled into his bathroom and eased the door shut. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, the stubble on his chin making him feel like he looked haggard. The look of utter devastation on his face certainly didn’t help his outlook. He bared his teeth at himself, marching towards the shower and flinging the curtain open. He turned the water on as hot as it would go, waiting for it to acheive an appropriately scalding temperature. It took a few moments, and he knew he had a short time period-- the water never stayed lukewarm for long, let alone hot.

  “Just a quickie,” he mumbled under his breath, slipping into the shower. As the thin layer of filth from the night before washed off him, his skin began to redden from the sheer heat of the water. He ducked his head, allowing the water to cascade over his head and along the sides of his cheeks as he stared bleakly at the floor of his shower stall. His erection had yet to abate, and though he had planned to deal with it, he felt dirty jacking off while his best friend was in the next room. The point was essentially moot, considering he’d just screwed around with said friend the night before. Part of him wanted to deny the obvious truth to himself, but there really was no other explanation for waking up naked and covered in your own juices while your naked buddy snuggles you. “A quickie,” he repeated, bracing himself against the shower wall and wrapping a hand around his length. His motions were methodical, intended to get the job done as quickly and as effectively as possible. If he allowed his thoughts to wander, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to drag himself back to the present. Flickering images of the night before raced through his brain, though he admittedly had some trouble piecing together what was real and what was fantasy.

  Finishing with a grunt, the alpha male finished washing himself off before stepping out of the shower and toweling himself off. He still felt dirty, but that wasn’t likely to get better any time soon. Jamie shimmied into his jeans, hesitating at the sink before swishing some mouthwash. He could brush his teeth after he cobbled together and ate some breakfast. Was that the appropriate thing to do? Make breakfast? All he had in the house was potted meat and relatively stale bread. God, if he was going to be entertaining a special guest, he should have at least bought some real food. He narrowed his eyes at the thought, slipping through the bedroom where Craig still rested. The alpha glanced at the omega male, his expression softening for the briefest of moments. He was going soft. One thing he never wanted to do is go soft. Jamie Briggs was the neighborhood tough guy, the risk taker, the heart breaker. The only problem was that he had no desire to break Craig’s heart. They had agreed that it was a casual affair, and as much as Jamie tried to tell himself that it was all as simple as that, he knew reality was rarely so cut and dry. Had he potentially ruined the only connection he had in that damn town? Had he screwed up the one friendship he thought he could rely on? The one he was going to make damn s
ure he could rely on?

  “Soft, soft, soft,” he grumbled, shuffling into the kitchen. He rummaged through the cabinets, quietly praying that some other food had magically manifested besides the tiny tin cans of odd tasting meat and God…was the bread moldy too? As embarrassing as the whole situation was, he didn’t want to kill the omega. He had some saltine crackers, and those things never went bad, did they? It would have to work. He popped the lid on one of the cans of meat, spooning some out as a spread for the crackers. He stared at his small meal, balefully musing that Craig deserved filet mignon on a silver platter, and he was essentially serving a dog turd on a paper plate. He took a tentative bite of one the crackers, making a face as he forced himself to swallow. He jolted as he heard a sharp cry from his bedroom, forcing himself to remain still. Craig was probably assessing the damage for himself, and likely wasn’t any more pleased than the alpha himself. Jamie worried, granted. What if the rats had infested the place again? That was moderately more upsetting than realizing you slept with your friend, right? Breathing a sigh, Jamie shuffled towards the bedroom and glanced in to see Craig looking at himself with a sneer of disgust. “Feel free to use the shower,” Jamie said awkwardly, and Craig yelped as he fell out of the bed with a jolt. He hit the ground hard, and the alpha cringed a bit before realizing he was still carrying his white trash peace offering. He looked for a place to put the plate, settling for allowing it to drop to the ground with a plop. It wasn’t as if his apartment could be any more of a pigsty, and he had damage control to do.


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