Generations of Teelan Box Set

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Generations of Teelan Box Set Page 19

by G. E. Stills

  “I’ll go to Houston right away and take charge. I’ll have people standing by on Earth and Teelan to keep you informed. Both Bill and Angela were married, but I don’t think Steve and Marie were. I would recommend Suki to inform their families and friends. As for Blaise…”

  “She’s my sister. I’ll tell her. I’m not looking forward to our meeting.”

  “Are you okay, Kat?”

  “No dear, I’m not, but I’ll get by. Go.”

  Nolan departed with the courier. She contacted Suki and told her what had transpired. Nolan was correct. Suki, was the most compassionate of them and best suited to break the news. Leaving the lab, she scrambled into the waiting ground car.

  “This is an emergency. Blaise’s house at the greatest speed possible,” she ordered the robot driver. She had determined that she would deliver the dreadful news in person.

  Blaise opened the door with a smile on her face. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting a visit from you.”

  “We need to sit down, Blaise, I have something to tell you.”

  Her smile vanished. “Alright. Coffee?”

  While relaying the story, Kat watched tears form in her sister’s eyes. They overflowed, to stream down her cheeks. Her sobs expanded into weeping. The deep hurt that filled Blaise’s glistening eyes nearly shredded Kat. Scooting her chair closer, she gently stroked her hand on Blaise’s back. With her other hand, she scrubbed at the moisture in her own eyes.

  Leaning forward, Blaise buried her head in her arms, and continued to cry. Blaise’s muffled voice rose from between her arms. “Kat, I’m three months pregnant. Twins. A boy and a girl. Tom didn’t even know. I was waiting to surprise him when he returned.”

  A lump formed in Kat’s throat. She swallowed. “I’m so sorry Blaise.” She continued to comfort Blaise, by rubbing her back. “I don’t know what else to say, but I’m sorry and I share your grief.”

  “When did it happen? When did Tom…”

  “Less than an hour ago.” she answered.

  With her face hidden in her arms, Blaise did not see Kat’s eyes narrow and focus on a spot across the room. The haze of tears in Kat’s eyes vanished. Her gaze became diamond hard and icy cold. Her lips tightened. In a voice carefully modulated to disguise the raging fury that suddenly gripped her heart, she murmured, “Blaise, maybe you don’t want to hear this right now, but Tom and his crew bought us some time with their sacrifice. We will not squander it. That, I promise.”


  Kat stepped out of her front door. Her freshly washed hair hung damply to her waist. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fragrant scent of wild flowers. Beside her, a robot stood silent but vigilant. She both anticipated and dreaded the meeting scheduled to take place later. All her counselors and advisors would be there. They would recommend to her what they thought should done in the community here on Teelan, in space above and on Earth. Kat sighed and her lips tightened in resolve. She knew the decisions she made, affected two worlds and millions of lives.

  But we’re succeeding on Earth. Slowly, step by painful step, we’re succeeding. More and more, Earth’s vast resources, both human and material, are being directed toward outside invasion. The people of Earth are beginning to form a united front. This, rather than one nation pitting itself, against another.

  Life here on Teelan was nothing like what human settlers had faced on Earth. An army of robots took care of all the menial and labor intensive tasks. Teelan’s inhabitants were free to concentrate on supervision, research and experimentation. Kat smiled, thanks to Suki’s transmutation abilities, money was not even a factor. It was not even used here on Teelan. It was used only to purchase things on Earth that were deemed too low in priority to produce themselves. For the first few years, that had included foodstuffs, although the land here on Teelan was being cultivated now.

  Victor and others were out exploring, opening new territory. Mines and factories dotted the surrounding area, but when viewed from above, they were hard to spot because they blended in with the landscape so well. Every settler or family had a comfortable, although not fancy, home.

  Her thoughts returned to the upcoming meeting. Her advisors would offer council on how to proceed at nudging the people of Earth toward unification. Ultimately, though, the burden of decision and responsibility was hers and hers alone. Being Governor, was always a weighty and sometimes a thankless, job. She was the one that okayed the reshaping, if possible, and toppling if not, of governments on Earth.

  With a grimace, her thoughts turned to Emma, with her ability to render herself invisible, Blaise, with her capacity to teleport and Kyra, with her shapeshifting capability. Their aggressive temperament, made it easier for her to call on them to eliminate individuals or even groups, when she deemed it necessary. She tried not to dwell on the distasteful fact that it was she who authorized those killings. That she dispatched the messengers of death. Kat shuddered and then a look of determination washed across her face. This was just a part of her responsibilities, to eradicate any threat that stood in the way of the ultimate goal.

  Thankfully, she comforted herself, the ordered killings have become rare these days. Father, you charged me with a huge and often terrible task.

  At less than thirty years old, hers was a horrendous responsibility to bear. A smile stretched across her lips, when she thought of the endearing term used to describe her and the other women from the past. “The Old Ladies indeed.” She snorted.

  I’d be satisfied to be just a wife and mother. I don’t think I could do it without Nolan by my side. Shaking her head, she banished the often tormenting, terrible thoughts to the back of her mind.

  She let her gaze drift over the immaculately manicured yard and her fantastic view of the valley below. This was one of the most desirable locations in the surrounding hills looking down on Kiesar. She thought about the beautiful house behind her. Not an elaborate mansion, but a very comfortable home, with every convenience she could think of. Two housebots took care of everything inside, along with caring for the children. Six, took care of the yard outside.

  Okay, she grinned. Being Governor has its perks too. Not every resident on Teelan has a personal robot, let alone three. Five she amended, counting the two that helped her at the lab.

  Her attention centered on her children. Out in the yard, five-year-old Katie, and four-year-old Brett were playing. She smiled when she saw Katie with a red-blossomed flower tucked behind her ear. Her hair, a little lighter than Nolan’s, was getting long. Katie’s violet eyes were a mirror of her own. Their daughter was stooped down tending to her flower garden. With a toy spaceship in each hand, Brett, with flame red hair and green eyes, ran around the yard pretending the ships were flying and making rocket noises.

  Kat’s gaze shifted up from her children to the valley below again. Kiesar, had become a thriving community, as had Planar and Thomasville, the two other towns. In total, there were over forty thousand people living here on Teelan now she reminded herself. Another nearly, ten thousand lived and worked in near space above.

  And to think after the obligatory computer download, each resident receives along with his or her implants, every one of them would be considered a genius on Earth.

  She next focused her attention on her lab. She had continued her father’s research in gene splicing and creating, with a few differences. There were no apes producing baby after baby. The genes that produced the various abilities each of them had, proved to be fully inheritable. On top of that, they mutated too, so it was a guess as to what new abilities would show up in the children.

  Her splicing experiments were carried out on the female residents here on a strictly volunteer basis. Most of the women were pregnant, some for the second or third time. Most of them had submitted to her gene insertions and manipulations.

  Her attentions focused on Katie and Brett once more when the subject of gene manipulation entered her mi
nd. Katie, had not only hers and Nolan’s genes, but Suki’s too. Brett had Blaise’s genes in addition to theirs. She wondered when Katie would start displaying her abilities.

  I wonder what they’ll be. Usually, the children start to develop them between five and six years old. The next generation on Teelan will be very unique and talented.

  “Hello, babe,” Nolan’s voice in her mind broke her train of thought.

  “Hi, love,” she answered back. She could not help looking up in the sky.

  “That’s right beautiful. I’m looking down at you right now.”

  She saw the bright object high above in orbit, its near kilometer length visible even in the daylight, and knew it was the ship Nolan rode in. She blushed slightly, when she recalled the ships name. The PD Katrina. It was one of the five spaceships its size that bristled from bow to stern with weapons of many different types. The scientists here developed new ones seemingly every day. Each ship had a crew of a thousand. Three more of the giant ships, were in various stages of production.

  When the Men-gar return next time, they are in for a nasty surprise.

  “I see you’re in your house coat. Open up Kat, let me see.”

  She felt her cheeks heat with a blush. She knew what he was asking. “Nolan! Someone else may be looking.”

  “I don’t think so, but in any case, I don’t care. Open up let me see,” he coaxed.

  “I’m getting fat damn you.”

  “Babe, if you keep arguing, I’m going to spank you when I get back down there.” He chuckled.

  “And I probably won’t care if you do.” She giggled.

  “Kat, please with sugar on top,” he whined.

  “Oh, alright.” She untied the housecoat and reached across with her hands. She spread the housecoat wide, revealing that she only wore panties and displayed herself for her husband up in space. “There my wonderful naughty man. Are you satisfied?”

  Though she was flattered he wished to view her near nakedness, she was certain it wasn’t the only thing he was looking at. He was viewing her growing baby bump. The baby she carried contained her genes, Nolan’s, and Emma’s.

  I wonder if the baby will have Emma’s gorgeous dark skin?

  “You’re beautiful love. I can’t wait to see and touch you.”

  “Seeing…and more pointedly, touching, is what got me in this condition.” She laughed.

  He chuckled again. “I didn’t hear you complaining while I was touching.”

  “No.” she admitted, and blushed more. She wrapped and tied her housecoat.

  “The kids?” he asked.

  “They’re fine. Missing their dad, about as much as their mother is missing him. When will you be down?”

  “The trials on the Katrina are nearly complete. I should be down tomorrow, or the next day for sure. Then I’ll have two weeks before the Victorious, is ready for tests.”

  “Two weeks. I won’t know how to act having you around for two whole weeks straight. I may have to camp out at my lab to get a break from you.”

  “I saw that grin, babe. I’m sure we’ll find something to do during that time.” His wicked laughter came through loud and clear and left her with no doubt as to what he was thinking. “Well, duty calls. I have to go for now. See you soon my beauty. Give my love to the kids.”

  The PD Katrina passed from sight as its orbit took it around the planet.

  “Love you, hon.” She blew a kiss into the sky. He did not answer, but then he knew her feelings just the same.


  She jumped when Angela blipped into being in front of her. “Sorry auntie, Kat. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Hi, Angela. Give me a hug.”

  After a brief embrace, she held seven year old Angela at arms length. She’s looking more like her mother every day.

  “Mom’s coming over for a visit.” Angela rolled her eyes. “She’s bringing my pain in the butt brother with her.”

  She chuckled at Angela’s reference to her twin brother, Tom.

  Typical sibling rivalry.

  “I heard that Ange,” Tom said, coming around the corner of the house, with Blaise following behind. Tom was already the spitting image of his father in his facial features and blue eyes. The thatch of curly and bright red hair on his head left no doubts as to whom the mother was. He pointed a finger at his sister and a small storm cloud formed over Angela’s head.

  Before Angela could react a deluge of water crashed down on her, drenching her completely. Her blond locks, dangled limp and dripping. Her flowered sundress clung to her deeply tan skin. Tom broke up in laughter.

  “M-o-m,” Angela complained, while wiping water from her violet eyes.

  “Tom be nice to your sister,” Blaise, admonished, while hiding her grin.

  “She started it,” Tom whined.

  Angela blipped from her spot and materialized behind Tom, shoving him stumbling forward. “Poop head,” she cried. “I’m soaked to the bone.”

  “Children, behave,” Blaise, admonished again.

  Stifling her laughter at the kids, Kat tried to redirect Blaise’s aggravation. “Hi, Sis. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, just keeping busy trying to prevent these two from killing each other. Got some coffee ready?”

  “You bet.” She gazed at Blaise’s belly. Seven months if she remembered right. This baby was artificially inseminated with hers, Nolan’s and Blaise’s genes mixed. Every one of the Old Ladies had at least two children. Though they still weren’t married, even Kyra had managed to keep Victor around long enough to get knocked up, her words…twice.

  She hid her smile when she saw the look of frustration that had washed across Blaise’s face. For a moment, her thoughts drifted once again to the children here on Teelan and the wide variety of abilities they already demonstrated.

  The coming generation is going to keep things lively and interesting around here. Note to self, add more teachers and robots to instruct children on using their abilities responsibly. I need about three more of me to handle all my duties.

  She swallowed a chuckle. Yeah that’s just what Teelan needs is three more of me. Delegate Kat, she reminded herself.

  “Let’s go get that cup, Sis.” She put her hand in Blaise’s and directed her toward the door.

  “Children, play nicely. That’s your aunt’s orders,” she instructed in mock sternness. “Katie, Brett that goes for you too.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” all four children said respectfully.

  ‘Ma’am, it seems like I just got the former Seeker crew to stop calling me that. Now it pops up again.

  “Six, watch them,” she instructed.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the robot answered.

  Shaking her head and smiling, she ushered Blaise in the door.

  Just before Kat crossed the threshold to follow her sister, she cast one last glance into the sky. She thought of the mighty empire she and the others had created. Yes when the Men’gar return to earth the next time they are in for a nasty surprise. Kat entered the room and closed the door behind her.





  The right of G. E. Stills to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him/her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it was published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  Cover Design by

  Rue Volley

  Edited by

  Elizabeth A. Lance


  All rights reserved

  Published by

  Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing, LLC.

  Novi, Michigan 48374

  For my SciFi fans


  Aaron breathed a quiet ‘thank you’ into the air. The threat of the Men-gar patrol ship had been alleviated when his beams finally caused it to explode. He had been orbiting while surveying the planet below. The men-gar ship surprised him and fired the first shot. Only his lightning fast reaction had prevented complete disaster. His shields had deflected the brunt of the first attack and allowed him the opportunity to fire back.

  Then my ship’s shields failed, he reminded himself.

  The battle, though brief, had been deadly. He had destroyed the Men-gar patrol vessel, but his ship had not escaped unscathed. Aaron examined the instrument board in front of him, trying to ascertain which ship controls still functioned and which did not.

  In dismay, he glanced to the side at the smoking ruins, all that remained of the escape pod and his emergency environmental suit. His ship’s automatic repair capability had quickly patched the hole in its hull, but not before the damage had been done.

  First things first.

  He triggered the implant located under the skin of his left ear. “Control, this is Aaron of PD Emma. I have come under Men-gar attack,” he reported in a professional emotionless voice. “Men-gar ship destroyed. My ship damage is extensive. I am in orbit around planet x-45. Will need to set down there and await rescue. Standby for further transmissions as more information becomes available. Aaron out.”

  Transmitting was near instantaneous when he was within a few million kilometers of the control base at Houston on Earth. However, from his current location, hundreds of light years away, he was certain his message would take almost a week to reach them.

  Through the remaining remotes, located on Emma’s outer hull, he studied the damage. One of his main engines had been reduced to a mass of twisted metal. The operation of the other was questionable. A cloud of vapor pointed out telltale leakage into space of his precious fuel.


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