A Perfect Catch

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A Perfect Catch Page 24

by Anna Sugden

  A burst of laughter cut through the haze of passion.

  A moan of complaint rumbled deep in Ike’s chest, vibrating against her already sensitized breasts. A matching whimper escaped her lips as she tried to maintain the intensity of their kiss.

  But the spell had been broken.

  Ike eased his mouth away from hers with a regretful sigh.

  Tracy’s pulse jumped when, instead of letting her go, his arms tightened around her. “Let’s get out of here and continue this where we won’t be interrupted.”

  His gruff voice sent a shiver through Tracy that had nothing to do with the cold.

  This was the moment of truth. The point of no return.

  She licked her lips, relishing the lingering taste of him. “Yes.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  Ike caressed her face, trailing his fingertips along her cheekbone and down to her jaw.

  “Yes,” she repeated more strongly. “Let me get my things.”

  “If we go back inside, we’ll get caught and distracted. People will want to talk to us.” He ran his thumb over her swollen lower lip. “Especially when they see this.” He smiled fondly. “Who knows when we’ll make it out of there again. I don’t want to lose the moment.”

  “Me, neither,” she said huskily. She wasn’t going to let this gift of another chance with Ike slip away.

  Unfortunately, a quick getaway wasn’t possible. “I’d love to sneak out the back way, but I need to let Maggie know I’m leaving.” She nodded at her feet. “Besides, these shoes weren’t made for walking through the snow.”

  “This is the part where I should sweep you off your feet and carry you to my car.” Ike grimaced at his bandaged arm. “Not going to happen. I can’t even drive you home myself.”

  Tracy smiled, her heart warmed. Always the gentleman. For the first time, that didn’t seem such a bad thing. “Thanks for the thought.”

  “I could give you a piggyback.”

  She laughed and pointed at the pencil skirt of her dress. “In this? I don’t think so. I’d have to hitch it up so far, your driver would get a view he wasn’t expecting.”

  Ike waggled his eyebrows. “It would give him some Christmas cheer, for sure. But you’re right, that’s a view I want to keep for myself.”

  The desire that had begun to cool spiked again as his voice deepened. “Give me five minutes. I’ll meet you round the front.”

  Ike pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips before stepping away. He opened the screen door again, but this time he also opened the back door. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Tracy walked sedately into the house; she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. Inside, her heart was pounding wildly and her body was willing her to hurry.

  She found her purse, boots and coat. She was about to go in search of her sister when she saw Maggie coming out of Joe’s bedroom. Tracy dashed upstairs to meet her.

  “Are you all right?” Maggie asked. “You look a little flushed.”

  “I’m fine. I’m going to duck out of here, though, and go home.”

  Her sister arched a knowing eyebrow. “Alone?”


  “With Ike?”


  “Good. Have fun.”

  “That’s it?”

  “How about ‘it’s about time’?”

  Her sister’s wry tone caused Tracy a moment of concern. “I don’t know if this is going to work out. The problems we had haven’t gone away, and...”

  Maggie put her finger on Tracy’s lips, silencing her. “Don’t overanalyze it. For once, just enjoy. You both deserve some happiness in your lives. Worry about what comes next later.” She grinned. “I’m the big sister. You have to do as I say.”

  Tracy laughed and hugged her. “Just this once, I’ll listen.”

  “I’m recording the date for posterity.” Maggie shooed her away. “Now get out of here before someone notices you’re leaving. I’ll cover for you. I’ll get Jake to drop your car off tomorrow sometime. Not too early.”

  “Thanks. You’re the best.”

  Tracy made it outside without interruption. Ike’s driver was already there with the engine running. Ike was leaning against the car, arms folded, waiting for her. He opened her door, waited for her to slip inside, then closed it and went around to the other side.

  “Five minutes exactly. I’m impressed,” he said as the car pulled away. “No problems getting away?”


  “Good.” He reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “No second thoughts?”


  “Very good.”

  Tracy leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Can’t wait.”

  Ike’s grin was wicked. “Wonderful.”


  THE MOMENT TRACY’S front door closed, Ike’s mouth captured hers.

  Hard. Fast. Deep. Hungry.

  She was a willing captive. Her back was pressed against the solid oak, while his hard body pressed against her front from her breasts to her thighs. Desire thundered through her veins. She reveled in the flames that licked out from her core, making every extremity sizzle and burn. Fingers, toes, the tips of her ears, the soles of her feet and everywhere in between.

  It wasn’t enough to merely be receptive to Ike’s passion, to let him drive her wild with his hand and mouth. She wanted to take as well as receive. To taste and tease and touch. To make him lose control. To overwhelm him with need.

  As the balance of power changed, he chuckled and shifted slightly to let her have her way with him.

  They weren’t going to make it upstairs. They weren’t going to make it out of the front hall. Hands explored. Fingers fumbled with clothing, removed layer after layer, then caressed the bare skin revealed.

  Even though it had been a few years, they slipped back into a rhythm born of familiarity. He knew where to nibble to make her gasp with pleasure. How hard to suckle her nipples to make her wet and ready for him. She knew where to scrape her fingernails to make him moan with need.

  She hooked one leg around him, pulling him tighter against her, and wound her arms around his neck.

  He responded by caressing his hand down her side, over her hip, following the curve of her bottom.

  He gripped the back of her thigh as if to lift her, then swore. “This won’t work. My arm. I can’t hold you.”

  “You don’t need to.” Her smile was inviting and full of sexy promise. “We can take this...lower.” She nipped at his bottom lip. “Much lower. Horizontal.”

  He grinned. “I like the way you think,” he murmured against her mouth, before letting his tongue dance with hers.

  They slid down the door, slowly, until they lay side-by-side on the hall runner. Though the thickness of the rug protected them from the wood floor, the coolness of the pile was almost icy against her heated skin.

  Tracy shivered.

  Ike rolled and covered her body with his, warming her. Always the gentleman.

  She knew he couldn’t stay like that for long, though, because of his injured arm, so she quickly reversed their positions and rose above him, her knees beside his hips.

  “I like the way you think,” Ike moaned again, as her slick, wet core settled against his hardness. “But if you do that, this won’t last very long.”

  “Oh, dear.” Tracy leaned over to press her lips to his, deliberately rubbing herself against his length. “That would be a shame.”

  His breath hissed through his teeth. “You can’t...”

  “I can’t?” She widened her eyes in mock innocence. “What about this?”

  She leaned forward again, nibbling at his earlobe, then swiping her tongue along his jaw. His erection throbbed against her.

  “Tracy. I’m warning you...”

  “Hmm. Not that either?” She slowly slid backward over him before lowering her head to kiss her way down the corded muscles of his neck and along the ridge of his collarbone.

  The delicious friction of his hardness between her legs fueled her own desire, making her hotter and wetter. Back and forth she went, until they were both panting and desperate.

  Suddenly, it wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel him deep within her.

  “Protection?” she gasped.

  “Don’t move.” He reached out and grabbed his pants, shaking the wallet free. “In there.”

  Once he was covered, Tracy lifted herself above him. As his tip nudged her entrance, he surged up against her, but she refused to be rushed. She slid slowly down his smooth, hard length, inch by tantalizing inch.

  Ike’s jaw clenched and the tendons in his neck stood out as he tried desperately to hold on to his control. “Payback is a bitch,” he gritted out.

  Her laugh sounded sultry in the silent hall. “I look forward to it.”

  She hadn’t expected that payback to be instant. Ike had other ideas.

  He reached between them and began to rub the swollen bud where their bodies joined. Using his other hand, his fingertips trailed a teasing path from one breast to another, circling her nipples, but not quite touching them.

  Need clawed at her. God, how she wanted him. Wanted this.

  Completion was within her reach, but she stopped herself from tumbling over the edge.

  A bead of sweat trickled down her back. Two could play at that game. She wasn’t coming without him.

  Tracy began to ride him. Raising herself slowly until he almost slipped out of her, then plunging down again.

  Ike retaliated by cupping, then squeezing her breast and flicking his thumb over the taut nipple. His other thumb rubbed harder at the core of her desire.

  That familiar rhythm took over, turning the game into something far more serious. They moved as one. Harder, faster. Pounding, straining, reaching.

  She experienced a momentary thrill as he tensed beneath her, then poured into her with a guttural shout. The sensation of him pulsing deep inside drove her to her own completion. She cried out as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. The sensation was so great that her limbs went numb and she collapsed breathlessly on top of Ike.

  Victory had never felt so sweet.

  * * *

  TRACY WAS BACK in Ike’s arms and back in his bed. If this was a dream, Ike was happy to stay asleep.

  Okay, technically, he was back in her bed, but he wasn’t quibbling over that minor detail. Not when he was curled around her delicious, warm body. She still fit perfectly against him; her breast filled the palm of his hand and her bottom pressed against his stirring erection. He breathed in her scent, which tempted him to flick his tongue over that sensitive spot just below her ear.

  Tracy hummed with pleasure, though she didn’t wake up. She wriggled, settling herself more tightly against him. His body hardened further. He shifted, trying to ease the ache in his groin. Nothing doing. Only Tracy would be enough.

  How could he still have anything left in the tank after last night? After the quickie in the front hall, they’d dashed upstairs to her bedroom, where he’d taken things much, much more slowly. He grinned. Oh, yeah. Payback was one delicious bitch.

  When they’d recovered enough to move, they’d realized it was already midnight and they were both starving. They’d had snacks at the kitchen table before they’d snacked on each other on the kitchen table. Back in bed, the curves and planes of her body shimmering in the moonlight had reignited his hunger.

  Ike nibbled the back of Tracy’s neck. No other woman had ever affected him this much. He couldn’t get enough of her. The taste of her, the smell of her, the feel of her.

  He moaned softly.

  “Is your arm hurting you?” Tracy asked sleepily.

  His arm? Nope. Not a twinge. “It’s fine,” he murmured.

  “Hmm. Not your arm. I wonder what else is paining you.”

  Ike chuckled. “Really? You can’t tell?”

  She reached back, sliding her hand between their bodies, and wrapped her fingers around his aching length. “Well, I did have this little hint...”


  “Large hint?”


  “I can make this better. If you’d like. If it would help.” Her hand started to move up and down. Slowly. Deliberately.

  He moaned again. “Is this what you call Helping Hands?”

  “I do like to provide a personal service, uniquely tailored to your needs.” Her low, sexy laugh hardened him further. Her grip tightened, her actions gathering speed. “Who knew that talking business had such an impressive effect on you?”

  A strangled laugh escaped as his nerve endings sizzled. He strained, trying desperately not to explode. Knowing it was only a matter of seconds, he covered her hand with his, stilling her motion. “Not yet. Not without you.”

  “That can be arranged,” she said huskily, guiding his erection to meet her hot, slick wetness. “I’ve done my part, now it’s up to you to do yours.”

  “With pleasure.” Resisting the urge to plunge inside her, he removed his hand from hers and trailed it over her hip and between her legs.

  When he found her sweet spot, she gasped, then sighed. Her butt pressed harder against him, in response to his fondling, and the tip of him slipped inside her.

  Her body language and her moaned words of encouragement told him she was ready.

  Suddenly he couldn’t wait any longer. He plunged inside and she clenched around him, doing the job her hand had done only moments before.

  They moved together in perfect sync, in a dance they’d done many times before. Deep, hard stroke after stroke.

  His release built in him. Desire raged out of control. He fought to hold on, but it was a lost cause. He felt her contractions ripple tightly along his length.

  Her release was the final encouragement for his own and he erupted within her.

  * * *

  AN INSISTENT PADDING on her chest woke Tracy the second time.

  She opened her eyes to see Poppet working on the bedcovers. Finally, as she did most mornings, the little tuxedo cat turned full circle a couple of times, then settled down. Her green eyes watched expectantly, in case anyone might be thinking of replenishing the empty food bowls.

  Glancing at the clock, Tracy saw it was still early, so she stroked Poppet’s head until the cat’s eyes drooped. She turned her head slightly to see Ike lying on his side, facing her. His deep, even breathing told her he hadn’t been disturbed by her cats, even though Moppet was curled up in the crook of his knees. His hand cradled Tracy’s hip firmly, as if even in sleep he didn’t want to let her go.

  Surprisingly, that didn’t bother Tracy as much as it once had. She wasn’t restless, eager to slip out from his possessive touch. In fact, she felt...contented. As if this was where she belonged. More importantly, as if this was where Ike belonged.

  This felt right.

  A little niggle of unease tugged at her breastbone. The problems between them hadn’t been resolved. They’d got this far last time.

  This time would be different. She wouldn’t let her fear of the future overwhelm her. They’d work on their relationship together. They’d find a way. They’d compromise. It wouldn’t be easy, but then, she’d learned from her business that nothing worthwhile ever was. She and Ike would probably fight—they were both too strong-willed and stubborn to avoid that—but they’d also make up. Her lips curved.

  “I’m a recuperating man. I’m not sure I can manage whatever wicked idea is making you smile like that for at least a few more hours,” Ike said sleepily.

  “Who k
new an injured arm could affect your stamina?” Her smile widened. “Luckily for you, I don’t want to disturb the cats.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You don’t fool me. You’re as worn out as I am.”

  “Well, I did have to do all the work to protect your arm.”

  He nipped her shoulder. “I seem to remember doing more than just lying here. Especially the third time.”

  “Hmm.” She tapped her lips with her finger as if thinking. “I’m not sure I recall that one specifically. You might need to refresh my memory.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure.” He yawned. “As soon as I get my energy back.”

  “How about I fix some breakfast?” Tracy sat up carefully, trying not to disturb Poppet.

  “Should I be flattered by how keen you are to abuse my body again?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, net boy.” She smacked his chest. “I was thinking that you might be as hungry as I am, since neither of us ate much at the party.”

  “Now you mention it, I’m starving.”

  She slipped out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown. “Feel free to take it easy and recharge those batteries. I’ll bring breakfast back up here.”

  “Don’t be too long.” His eyes were already closing. “I’ll keep the bed warm for you.”

  Tracy practically skipped downstairs, with Moppet and Poppet scampering after her. She hummed to herself as she fed the cats, then prepared a breakfast tray.

  She was defrosting some cheese scones in the microwave when she wondered whether her sudden burst of domesticity—dashing around, making Ike breakfast, deliberately including his favorite things—was a step onto that slippery slope.

  A vision of her mother doing the same thing for her father popped into her head.

  Tracy slashed her hand through the air, wiping that image from her mind. There was an important difference between the two situations. She wasn’t doing this because she had to or because Ike had ordered her to. She was doing it because she wanted to. What’s more, she knew that under different circumstances, he’d do the same thing for her.

  She thought back to when she’d been married to Hank. With the benefit of hindsight, Tracy realized she’d been repeating patterns of behavior she’d learned from her mother. Her ex-husband had expected certain behavior and she hadn’t questioned it—partly because she hadn’t been strong enough, but also because she simply hadn’t thought she could.


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