by Rajiv Bakshi
I have recently taken car loan from the Bank. I had thought that all my ordeals were over now. But infact it was the beginning of my ordeals. Neither me nor my better half knew how to drive a car. So it was a long fifteen days course in a driving school for both of us. We had to shell out around Rs four thousand for car driving training for myself, my better half and my son. As soon as we got the “passing out” certificate from the driving school the real drama began. When I was at the wheels, my wife and son wanted to drive the car. When they were at the wheel, it was my turn to ask for the steering seat. My son wanted to impress with his fast driving. So it was always a game of sitting at the wheel for every one of us. I wanted to go to the office in the car. So did my wife wanted to go to the kitty party or bazaar in the car. My son was not behind, when he wanted to go to his college in car or wanted to go for a haircut around 20 kms from the house in the car. When I wanted to drive slowly, they wanted the car to run at high speed and vice versa when they wanted it slow, I wanted the car to be driven at high speed. There was always a quarrel when every one of us sat in our car.
To avoid this situation now I have decided once for all that one car (which I can hardly afford at present) is not enough for me. As such I have decided to buy two more cars – separate cars for my wife and my son.
Any bank willing to give me a loan ? We will see – playing the waiting game.
MBA after VRS
It was the best of times for some. It was the worst of times for others. The banks were magnanimous enough for announcing the VRS – Voluntary Retirement Scheme for all its employees. Some banks had given the option that they will retire/leave all those people who opt for this “golden opportunity”. Other banks were cautions enough and they did not go for mass VRS. They refused to “relieve” bright clerks / officers / AGM / DGM etc and those employees who were 50 years of age. For two long months when the scheme came in newspaper in the form of circular from the banks, there were meetings and counter meetings inside the bank premises, in the Zonal office, in the Head office, infact everywhere. Self appointed “leaders” who could work out the “pros” and “cons” of VRS gave deafening speeches. Anyone who had opted for this scheme made sure that at least one or two persons of his clan joined him.
The banks received applications under VRS in thousands. Some of the employees who had opted for VRS were under the impression that the management will crush them when so many employees will leave the bank.
But nothing like that happened. A branch, which “boasted” of seven managers, was left with only one manager and the working of that branch had improved in the next month.
There were both the pros and cons of VRS. No doubt the employees had to work harder and in trying circumstances but there was promotion galore in all the banks. Officers became Managers within 7 years and Manager became a Senior Manager in a short span of 5 years.
A colleague of mine had infact filled his VRS application much before the last date for submission of the same. He was “wise” enough. He had given strict instructions to his wife that if anything happened to him before the cutoff date for submitting the application she must submit the application to the higher authorities before performing his “last rites”. Horror of Horror that same guy is now the Senior Manager of a prestigious bank in a prestigious place.
Another person who had taken VRS in fact got 20 lakhs plus pension but he didn’t know how to “pass” his time. He used to come daily to the branch where he worked and made innumerable calls just to kill his time.
The most disgusting part of VRS employees is when some friend / relative ask him where he/she is working? Why did he go for VRS when his kids are still small.
One of the best answers came from such employee – he has taken VRS from bank but not from home as his wife doesn’t allow him to sit at home. She says that he must be out of the house at 9:30 A.M. and should not enter it before 6:00 P.M.
The funniest answer came from another bank employee. When asked what VRS meant to him? Pat came the reply ---it is “VAHLEY REHAN DI SCHEME”
Another inquisitive person when asked what were his plans after VRS. He quipped, I will be doing MBA after VRS i.e. attending “MARRIAGES”, “BHOGS” and “AKHAND PATHS”. He look forward to attend at least 25 MBA’s in coming months.
My Friend Ila
Hello, is it 271115? Ravi asked, “Yes, may I know whom do you want on line” said Ila. If the answer was from the one he wanted, he would talk with her for quite some time. But if the phone was picked by her sister, or her parents he would put the receiver down. This phone business had continued for more than six months. Ravi did not have the courage to tell Ila about his feelings. Ravi was working in a senior level in a private Bank. He had very few friends. But if he made some friends they were of lasting nature. Ravi was basically an introvert. On the other hand his wife Mini was a fun loving lady. She made friends easily.
Mini was teaching in a Convent. She had recently been transferred from Lucknow to Jammu on her husband’s promotion. It was her first year in school but she made friends easily. She came in contact with Saru. Saru was also bereft of friends. She was a soft spoken petite lady with perfect manners. She looked every inch a compere on a T.V.
That day Saru was very happy. Her sister Ila was to get medal on the Republic Day. The medal was to be presented by the Governor. Ila was exactly opposite to her sister. She was a fun loving girl. Nobody could make from her face that she also suffered from some deep problem.
Ravi was greatly impressed by Ila. In fact it was Ravi’s wife Mini who had introduced Ila to her husband. That day Mini was talking to her friend Saru and her sister Ila. All of a sudden Ravi’s car swept across them and he made a screeching halt. Mini as usual was her naughty self and said “what makes you put your brakes in front of 3 ladies”. Ravi just laughed. Saru pleaded with Ravi to come to their house for snacks. There he got introduced to Saru’s sister Ila.
Ila was a young lecturer working in a college nearby and teaching Psychology. She cracked jokes at the expense of her sister and her friend. She said that she had seen most of the country in her NCC career.
Ravi got the phone number of Ila through his wife. He would continue to talk with her when no one was around. There were talks on psychology, literature, politics and sports. Whenever Ravi was free, he would dial 271115.
Ravi was once in a jovial mood and asked Ila whether throughout her life she would remain single. To this she just put the receiver down. Ravi felt agitated throughout the day, that why he had hurt the feelings of a young lady. When he came from the Bank that day he suddenly asked Mini “What is wrong with Ila. What makes her allergic to marriage?” Mini did not reply and changed the topic.
Ravi was bent upon finding the truth. That night at 11 pm, he again rang 271115. After a minute it was Ila on the other side with a husky “Hello”. “Hi” said Ravi. Ila felt sorry for her behavior previous day and apologized for putting the receiver down that day.
“Ravi I would tell you everything what you want to know about my life. You are one good friend in which I will confide about myself. You are one person who has understood me and nor degraded me. I doubt if you know that I was married about 5 years back said Ila. There was no remorse in her voice. “Then?” Ravi said, inquisitive to know about the truth soon.
“My husband was a doctor - a very reputed one whom the patients revered. But his parents and he always degraded me. There was no one in their family whom I could look upon as my own. My husband Anil was always busy either in his work or with the lady doctor and nurses. I felt so neglected during my six months stay in their house that I wanted to run away from life. I had decided either to live honorably or quit. Anil and I moved court for separation with mutual consent.
The divorce was granted after about 2 years. After that my life’s attitude changed. I am working as lecturer in a college maintaining my car and living comfortably with my parents and sister.
“Indeed a courageous girl - Bravo Ila” Ravi sa
id and put the receiver down and decided not to call 271115 ever again till he found a suitable partner for his friend Ila.
PS: Marriages are made in Heaven but celebrated on earth.
Sweet Temptations
Aridaman had just returned from foreign tour of USA. Aridaman had gone with his wife Pooja to stay with his son and daughter. The three months period passed in no time. The family went to Las Vegas, Seattle, Eugene, New York, and Grand Canyon. Aridaman and Pooja were seen off at San Francisco airport by their son Arvind and daughter in law Anjali. The partings are always tough! Especially when the parents knew that they will not be meeting their children for another year.
Aridaman had just retired from bank after completing 35 years of service. He was a carefree man leaving all the responsibilities to his wife Pooja. His only job in his life was to work and then give the pay packet to his wife on the last Thursday of every month. It was for the wife to pay all grocery bills, the telephone bill, the car petrol bill and other necessary evil bills. The motto of Aridaman was to enjoy life to the fullest especially after the retirement and settling of children. Pooja was still working as a teacher in a prestigious school in Ludhiana. The neighbors in the locality sometimes would say: Aridaman Kamai “works and slogs” and Pooja Lootai “wastes money”.
After landing in Delhi on 22nd January the couple proceeded to their hometown after a memorable three month stay in the United States. It was their third visit to USA. Aridaman and Pooja were greeted on phone by their relatives and friends.
Pooja had to join her school on 25th of January. On 26th of January Aridaman after coming from a morning walk felt a bit uncomfortable. In a casual way they went to Dr. Ohri who checked his BP. BP was almost normal. To be doubly sure Doctor suggested having ECG. But Aridaman was reluctant. Throughout his life he had never been to a doctor for a serious ailment. He never took drinks or smoked cigarettes. He was a regular fitness freak who would go for a regular morning walk. At last the ECG was taken and it showed abnormal signs. Doctor Ohri told Pooja that there was some problem in ECG which needed further investigation in specialized Heart Institute.
On 28th January Aridaman himself drove the car and went to the hospital with his wife. Doctor Mohan advised three tests immediately. The first test was ECG which showed some abnormality. Then it was ECHO test which confirmed that there was serious problem. Doctor Mohan advised admission immediately in the prestigious hospital of Ludhiana.
The phone calls were made to close relatives and friends and colleagues of Pooja. The colleagues of Pooja immediately rushed to the hospital. Brothers and sisters of Aridaman and Pooja rushed to Ludhiana.
Pooja immediately informed her son Arvind and daughter in law Anjali. Arvind was so confused to hear about his Papas illness that he did not know what to do. It was Anjali who took the decision. He got Arvinds air ticket booked to India. It was only a week back that Arvind and Anjali had bid their parents “Bon Voyage”. Arvind, a software engineer immediately informed his company about the emergency. The next available flight was taken by Arvind to see his ailing father. Anjali went to the airport to bid “ Bon Voyage” to her hubby. Arvind had always seen his father in a jovial mood. Never had he expected that he will see his father in a hospital with grown up beard, in hospital green attire, with glucose. Within 24 hours he was at Ludhiana. He had dashed straight from the Delhi airport to Ludhiana hospital with prayers in his mind. During young age Arvind had fought with his father a number of times over small issues. Mother Pooja was always there to reconcile. On the other hand Anjali was all alone in USA praying for her father in laws good health.
Doctor Mohan fixed up angiography on the next day. The doctor called Arvind who was outside the operation theatre that there was blockage of all arteries. Stunt would not do. The verdict by the Doctor was given that there would be open Heart Surgery on 4th February.
During the intervening days the money was to be arranged which was to be deposited in the hospital before the operation. The blood bottles had to be arranged. The guests who had come from far off places had to be looked after. Aridaman had never been admitted to the hospital before. He was totally brain washed by the team of head surgeon Doctor, anesthetic and junior doctors. Doctor said that it was a complete safe operation in India with a success rate of about 100 percent.
Pooja’s sister Renu visited the hospital three days before the operation. She had promised Aridaman that the operation will go well successfully. But when sorrows come they do not come alone. Renu got severe heart attack in Delhi on 2nd February and she was no more. This news was never told to Aridaman. Doctor Mohan had told all the relatives not to tell this news to the patient. Pooja could not attend the cremation of her sister which was two days after this date. Arvind went to Delhi to attend the cremation and returned on the same day.
3rd February was the birthday of Aridaman. He had never expected to celebrate the birthday among Doctors, Nurses, Ward boys and relatives. This was probably the first time that no cake was cut on Aridaman’s birthday, no dinner party with Pooja and children, no receiving of phone calls, no net and no gifts.
The only smell was a typical hospital smell which only a patient and his close relatives could smell. Aridaman gave Victory sign from his bed to his son Arvind and wife Pooja. All the doctors, nurses, ward boys; relatives were greeting the birthday boy.
Doctor Mohan who had worked under Dr. Trehan had vast experience in his medical line. He was daily performing two or three such operations. But an operation is an operation whether a small or a serious one. The patient is under the Doctor’s knife for four to five hours with complete anesthesia. Aridaman had been close friend with Dr Mohan’s father. Dr Mohan’s responsibility to his patient increased when the father told his son about his friendship to the retired banker.
Aridaman was taken to the operation theatre on 4th February a day after his birthday at sharp 9 A.M. Seeing his son, wife and other relatives with his moist eyes, he entered the operation theatre with chanting of Almighty’s rhymes. What happened for the next six hours was unknown to Aridaman. Only the relatives knew that the operation was successful and all blockages were removed. Arvind, Pooja and other relatives heaved a sign of relief. He was discharged from the hospital after thirteen days.
After a month with great difficulty, Pooja broke the news to Aridaman of Renu leaving them for heavenly abode. Aridaman could never believe it. She had been his favorite sister in law and she had given him a lot of blessings and courage to him to face the troubled times. But he never thought that he would never meet Renu again. Such is Life – unpredictable and harsh, at times.
After two months another news was in store for Aridaman. Aridaman’s son who was back in U.S.A emailed his father that “Papa, while you were being operated, we were having grilled sandwiches in SWEET TEMPTATIONS – a nice joint near the hospital! ” giving justification that “he was hungry”. Aridaman was shocked and emailed back that “while his father was being cut at the operation theatre, how could he cut the sandwich, to which he replied back – “Go to the joint and try it out yourself”. After few days Aridaman along with Pooja made it a point to visit this nice joint and ordered grilled sandwiches. The sandwiches stood by its joint name – Tempting and the incident of having them at the “time” became a sweet memory for the family.
PS: The love of family is the greatest love of all.
The Last Ride Together
Bipan Jha had retired from Electricity Board of Assam ten years back. He was leading a comfortable retired life in Paltan Bazar of Guwahati. He was the President of the Senior Citizen Society, which used to meet on every Saturday in a Park near Fancy Bazaar. The members of the society consisted of old and not so old men who were all well placed in life during their career. Some of them were Retired Colonels, another group was of Retired Bankers and some of them were businessmen.
Every Saturday the group of Senior Citizens met over a cup of tea and few snacks sharing their life experiences. Bipan Jha had never been out of
the North Eastern States throughout his life. At the age of 68 when he received call from his son Manik that he was sending his ticket along with that of his wife to Montreal his joy knew no bounds. His son Manik was working in Canada for the last eight years in an insurance company. About five years back Manik had got married to a girl from Punjab. It was love at first sight. Manik had met Preeti in Canada. Both of them convinced their parents and the marriage was solemnized in Guwahati. Preeti was a fashion designer and was doing pretty well. She had stayed in Canada all her life. Her parents had migrated to Canada about forty years back and were in transport business.
Manik had got Canadian Citizenship on account of his marriage to Preeti. Manik had filed the papers for his father Bipan Jha and his mother. The D date for departure was set. All the members of Senior Citizen Club gave a hearty farewell to their President Jha. Jha had got permanent residency for Canada. He had initially decided to visit Montreal for six months with his wife.
Bipan Jha and his wife were traveling to Canada and in fact by air to a foreign land for the first time. They had got many instructions from their son and daughter in law. Manik and Preeti were there at the airport to receive their parents. Bipan Jha and his wife Savitri were so happy to be the guest of honors of their son and daughter in law.