Taking Jake

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Taking Jake Page 11

by Kelly Moore

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Put some gloves on.” She motions to a box of gloves sitting on a small square metal table. Once I have them on, she hands me two vials. One is filled with a blue-colored liquid, the other one with tiny silver-looking beads. “Mix these two together when I tell you and then pour it into here.” She points at a small open port in one of the machines.

  She walks around to the other side of the room and starts pressing buttons on one of the panels of the ultrasound machine. Then she walks back over to what looks like a computer screen but is filled with a black-and-white X-ray of a human skull. The vessels are all highlighted in white. You can actually see the pulsating of the arteries as blood moves through them. There is one area in the middle of a vessel that is completely blacked out.

  “What’s this,” I ask as I put both vials in one hand and look at the screen.

  “This is a simulator of a brain filled with plaque and torturous vessels that are believed to cause Alzheimer’s. See this vessel below the dark area that is twisted?”

  I nod and feel Knox come stand behind me.

  “It’s my theory that if I can get this to straighten out, the serum that I’ve created will dissolve the plaque rather than pushing it somewhere else. The tricky part is getting this area untangled.”

  “Is that what I’m holding?” I hold out the vials.

  “Yes, but the tiny little beads are tracers. Without them, I can’t watch to see what it does on the screen. When they are injected into the port, they will light up the screen in green, and I can see the effect they will have on the vessels.”

  “Kind of like injecting a dye into the vessels,” I say.

  “Exactly.” She hands me a large syringe. “Once you’ve combined them, draw them up into this. This end will fit directly into the port and when I tell you to go, push hard until every drop is inside. Got it?”

  I look over my shoulder. “Do you mind giving me some room?” I nudge Knox with my elbow.

  He takes one step back. “If you touch me again, I will kill you.”

  I start to turn toward him, and Brooklyn stops me. “You can’t help me if you’re dead, Jake.”

  It takes everything in me to turn away from him. “Tell me when you’re ready.”

  She taps the keys on the computer and walks back over to the ultrasound machine and turns a few knobs, causing the machine to hum. “Mix them together,” she says.

  I pour the tiny beads into the blue liquid and swirl it around. I take the syringe and place it into the mixture and draw it up until it is all inside of it. I hold it up, showing it to Brooklyn. I glance over my shoulder, and Knox smirks at me. I don’t know if it would kill him, but I’d love to force feed him what’s inside the syringe.

  “Get ready,” Brook says.

  I line up the syringe in the port and wait.

  “Now, Jake.” She points at me. I push hard, letting the thick mixture flow into the port, then I step back and watch the screen. Sure enough, you can see it flow through the vessels. It accumulates at the tangled spot. Brooklyn joins me at the screen as she is nervously biting her bottom lip.

  “It stopped moving,” I say.

  “Just wait, give it a minute.”

  Swirls of motion cover the area below the tangled mess. The vessel looks like it starts to vibrate and slowly uncurls, sending a rush of green to the blackened area. Bit by bit, the black area fades and the green rushes through the rest of the brain.

  A big smile covers Brooklyn’s face. “What just happened,” I ask her.

  “It worked. It really worked,” she says and grabs me into a hug as she bounces up and down.

  “You figured out the cure?”

  “Well, it still needs to be tested on humans, but, yes, it looks like I’ve found the cure.”

  Her moment of happiness grows quiet as Knox comes into her line of sight. “I knew I could count on you to find the cure for me.”

  She lets go of me and faces him. “I didn’t do it for you, you bastard. If I had my way, you would never get your hands on it. I would enjoy seeing you slowly lose your mind.”

  He steps close to her and reaches out with his left hand and runs his fingers along her jawline. Her jaw clenches when he makes contact with her skin. “You and I in another lifetime would have made great partners.”

  I lose my fucking mind and yank his arm upward, causing his gun to fire into the ceiling. I bolt forward, knocking Brook backward and sending Knox against the wall. His wall-sized friend grabs me by the back of the collar, pulling me off Knox. He finagles his arm around my neck, holding me in place. Knox straightens his shirt and pulls his sleeves back down in place.

  “I think you are even more difficult than your notorious brother is to deal with. Take him to the vehicle and make sure he doesn’t cause any more problems. I’ll deal with him once Brooklyn here gives me what I want.” I watch as he walks over to her. “Maybe I’ll even take more than what I’ve asked for.” He looks her up and down.

  Now, there is no doubt in my mind that I will kill him. I squirm, and his hold gets tighter around my neck. “Don’t you lay a fucking hand on her!”

  He laughs and faces me. “Or what, you’re going to kill me?”

  “Even if you kill me, John will rip you apart limb by limb.”

  I see fear flash through his face, and then he waves at his man to take me outside. He forces me through the door as I struggle against him.

  “You can do this willingly, or I can choke you to death right here,” he snarls and applies pressure into my carotid artery.

  I give in, knowing if I’m passed out, I can’t escape and help Brooklyn. When I quit fighting him, he shoves me into the back seat of the SUV, but not before slamming my forehead against the outside of the door. A rush of blood gushes down my face as I slide into the middle of the seat. I press the palm of my hand into the gash to stop the bleeding. The door slams shut and locks. I try to open the opposite side, but the handle lifts without opening the door.

  The front door opens, and he gets inside, slamming the driver’s side shut. He turns in his seat and sticks a gun in my face. “Don’t try anything,” he says with a sick smile on his face. “I won’t bat an eye at killing you.”

  He turns back around and puts black earphones in his ear. I look around the back seat that is completely empty. Even the seatbelts have been removed. There is nothing I can use to escape. I lean back against the seat and watch as his head starts to rock with the music he’s listening to. I slowly lean forward, then snatch the cord to the earphones up around his neck, hoping like hell they won’t break. I grip them tight in one hand and yank his head backward. His large hands scratch at this neck, trying to free the cord that is biting into his skin and eating away his air. I keep a good grip in one hand and reach forward for the gun that is sitting in his lap.

  One of his hands grabs mine as I grasp the gun. I manage to get my finger on the trigger and squeeze, shattering the windshield. He leans forward and strikes me with his elbow, forcing me backward. My grip loosens, and he’s climbing over the back of the seat to get to me.

  It takes me a second to realize the gun is still in my hand. I raise it up and pull the trigger. My ears ring out in protest, and he collapses onto the seat with his head dangling in my lap. Warm blood covers my thigh before I can push him off me.

  Climbing over his dead body, I get in the front seat and open the door. I have no plan or any other thought other than it’s time to take out Knox.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I help Zoe into the back seat while Knox’s goon climbs behind the wheel. I slide in beside her, and she grabs my thigh, digging her claws in. I let out a yell, and her head jerks up. Her eyes lock on mine, and I swear I can see the pits of hell in them.

  “I’m about to squeeze a baby the size of a watermelon out of my vagina, and you can’t handle a few fingernails?” She’s breathing heavily with her contraction.

  “I’m fine,” I say,
removing her hand from my thigh and holding it in mine. “Just squeeze my hand as hard as you can.”

  She pulls her eyes away from mine but nods as she breathes through the pain. I hear the man in the front seat snicker as he turns over the engine and shifts into drive.

  “What are you laughing at up there? I’ll trade you places.” I wouldn’t ever let him touch Zoe, but it seems like a good threat.

  “Nope, I’m just fine where I am,” he replies.

  Zoe lets out a scream that fills the car, making the driver jerk the wheel and causing my ears to ring with pain.

  “Fuck, Zoe. Are you okay? You about busted my eardrum.” I place the tip of my index finger into my ear and wiggle it, trying to make the ringing stop.

  “John, I swear to God, I’m going to rip off your favorite part if you don’t help keep my mind off the pain,” she threatens.

  “Okay, okay.” I’m in full-on panic mode now. I don’t remember Brooklyn being this violent when she was having Jack.

  I pull my wallet out of my back pocket and open it to show her some pictures. “Here look at this.” It’s a picture of Brooklyn and the kids sitting on the grass in the backyard.

  She smacks the wallet from my hand. “I love those two kids to death, but I don’t need any reminders of children at the moment.”

  I pick up my wallet and put it away. “I hope Jake can handle you. You’re kind of mean, you know that?”

  Slowly, she turns and gives me the evil eye again. I immediately apologize.

  As another contraction starts up. The grip she has on my hand tightens, grinding my bones together. I want to pull it away, but I don’t. She needs me.

  I’m not a weak man by any means, but this is not the strength of a normal woman. This is Zoe who is currently possessed by a demon. I’m convinced that she is using every fiber of her being to hurt me in any way she can.

  I force myself to stay quiet instead of yelling out like I want to. So to deal with the feeling of my bones shattering, I join in on her Lamaze breathing.

  “What the hell are you doing, John?” she asks around labored breaths.

  I shake my head. “Helping you breathe.”

  “You’re going to pass out doing that.” The hold on my hand starts to release.

  “I’m fine. Just concentrate on the baby.” I am a little dizzy, so I lean my head against the headrest and try to find my bearings.

  Zoe starts rubbing her stomach. “Do you think Jake and Brook will be okay?”

  With my hand now free, I massage it, hoping to ease away any pain and bruising that may occur. “Everything will be fine. Jake will take care of Knox, and he will be with you before you know it.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she whispers.

  We pull up to the hospital, and I throw open the door. Stepping out, I reach out my hand for Zoe to take. She slides across the black leather seat and gets out, holding her swollen stomach. We walk slowly through the entrance doors, and I find a wheelchair for her to sit in. I’m damn near running through the hospital while pushing her in the chair.

  “John, you’re going to give me whiplash with the way you’re running. Slow down!” she yells.

  I slow my pace to a light jog instead of a full-on sprint. When we get to the maternity ward, I stop at the counter, but nobody is behind it. I bang on the top with my hand. “Hello? Pregnant lady in labor here!” I yell.

  Zoe places her hand on my arm. “John, it’s okay. We have time.”

  “We have time? Your contractions are getting closer and closer together. We don’t have much time.”

  “Yes, we do. Jake’s not here yet.” I can see the pain etched on her face. It’s not labor pains though; it’s the pain she feels when she thinks about the father of her child missing being here for this. It fills me with pain because Brooklyn had to go through the same thing when I was locked away.

  I kneel down to her level. “Zoe, I know you don’t want to hear this, but there is a chance that Jake won’t make it. This baby is on its way. There is no stopping it. But I promise that I will be here every step of the way.”

  Tears fill her eyes, and she nods her head while biting her bottom lip. “I know. I’m just praying that he makes it in time.”

  “Can I help you?” a nurse asks as she rounds the corner.

  I jump up to my feet. “Yes, she’s in labor.”

  The nurse smiles kindly. “How wonderful. Has your water broken yet?”

  “Yes, about ten minutes ago.” The second she gets the words out, she lets out a scream while holding her stomach.

  The nurse jumps into action. She takes Zoe’s wheelchair and pushes her down the hallway, into a room.

  “Dad, you need to put this on.” She hands me a gown.

  “I’m not the dad,” I say, pulling my arms through the yellow sleeves of the gown.

  She helps Zoe up and sets her on the edge of the bed. “I don’t care who you are, just get it on and get into position. This baby is coming now.” She digs around in a drawer and pulls out another gown. “We need to get this on you, honey.”

  Zoe nods while breathing heavily. I turn my back while the nurse helps Zoe undress and get into the gown. When I’m told I’m in the clear, I make my way to the side of her bed, sitting down in the empty chair at her side.

  “We’re going to do a quick check here,” the nurse says as she lifts the sheet on Zoe’s lower half.

  I jump and quickly turn my head to look at her face. Her eyes land on mine, and she giggles. “What’s the matter, John? Feeling a little uncomfortable?”

  “A little bit,” I answer with wide eyes.

  “I’m going to get you moved into a birthing room and call the doctor. This baby is coming now.” The nurse lowers the blanket back into place before running from the room.

  “John, I can’t do this,” Zoe cries.

  “Shhh, you can. It will be okay. I promise, Zoe.” I hold her hand and offer any support I can.

  She shakes her head. “No, he’s not here. He’s not going to make it.”

  I use my free hand to push fallen hair out of her face. “Jake will be fine, and he’ll be here as soon as he can. I’ll help you with this. I mean, we do look a lot alike,” I joke. “Pretend I’m him.”

  She cries harder. “You don’t look anything like him.”

  “We’re twins for God’s sake!”

  “We’re ready to move you now,” the nurse says, walking back in with another nurse behind her.

  I stand and move out of their way, staying close behind them as they push Zoe’s bed out of the room and down the hall.

  As I’m following along, I hear nothing but screams — screams from other women in labor and screams from Zoe. I feel like it’s judgment day and I’m being led to the gates of hell.

  Please hurry up, Jake, I silently pray.

  Chapter Twenty


  Knox is hovering too closely for comfort as I frantically write down everything I did in my journal. My skin starts to crawl when I feel his breath on my neck.

  “Your brain makes you so enticing. I love a woman with a beautiful mind. John is a very lucky man.” His voice oozes with vile intent.

  “Don’t even think about touching me or you will never get what you want.”

  He brushes the hair off my shoulder. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind about what I want from you. I may be willing to lose my mind for a woman like you.”

  As I stand from my desk chair, I roll it backward, making him move. He pushes the chair out of the way and snatches me by the waist, pulling my body flush with his.

  “You are a fucking wildcat.” He makes the mistake of putting both of his hands in my hair and pressing his lips to mine because it frees up my hands. I shove him far enough away from me to plant a knee in his groin. He crumples over in pain.

  “I told you not to touch me. You’re lucky John isn’t here, or it would be much more than your balls aching right now.”

  He coughs out a few times trying to
regain his composure. He takes a step toward me, and I hold out a filled syringe in front of me. “You touch me one more time, and you will never get this cure, and neither will anyone else.”

  He stops, but he laughs. “You would never hold back such a great cure for mankind.” He shakes a finger at me while he’s smiling. “That’s your problem you know. This entire thing, including missing out on your husband for years, is your fault. You have this need to cure the ailments of the world but have never once considered how it would affect you and the people you love. Did you not think people would kill for your knowledge? Or, the people that would lose money because of your knowledge would not try to shut you down? You’re trying to save a world that is full of greedy men like myself. If it wasn’t me after you, there would be someone else more ruthless.”

  “Good thing I don’t do it for people like you. I do it for the Jakes of the world. He’s still alive because of my cure, my hard work, and dedication. Unlike you, he makes the world a better place. He deserves a life free of illness. You deserve nothing but misery.”

  His face fills with anger as bright red covers his pale skin. “You don’t think I’ve had enough misery in one lifetime?” he yells. “You know nothing about me!”

  “I know you’ve paid to have people killed, including John.”

  “Your precious John took my money willingly. So what makes him any less evil than me?”

  “John has a heart. You don’t,” I spit out in anger.

  He walks away and starts pacing the room. “I had a heart once, and it was ripped out of my chest.”

  “That’s hard to believe,” I snort.


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