The Worst of Me

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The Worst of Me Page 6

by Lisa J. Hobman

  Nick rolled his eyes. “Yes. Yes I remember that. Okay, look, we were about to go on tour in Germany but I…kind of freaked out in the airport…I—”

  Cat lifted her hand to her throat and her heart did a funny little flip in her chest. She stepped back and stuttered, “W-what do you mean you freaked out?”

  He held his hands up in surrender again. “No, no. It was nothing. Ah…not exactly nothing, but nothing bad. I just had a kind of mini-breakdown and severe attack of anxiety. The tour, the paparazzi, the fans. It was all getting too much for me to deal with.” He dragged a hand through his hair and she was momentarily captivated by the long shiny strands. But he continued, “All that show-biz stuff has been going on for years so you’d think I’d be okay with it all but I’ve never liked that side of the business. All I’m interested in is the music.”

  Cat snorted again. “Oh, of course you are. The women clearly harass you into bed with them.”

  He winced at her words. “Yes, I know how it must have looked but ... things have changed. And I just had to take some time off and get my shit together.”

  She didn’t bother hiding her incredulous laugh. “Oh yeah? And how’s that going for you?” She remembered he’d asked her the exact same question when they last met.

  He held his arms out and gestured to the room. “Well, as you can see, I’m here, not Germany. It was something you said that made me think of coming here.” He smiled.

  She huffed, disgruntled that she'd had any involvement in his arrival in Gairloch. “Something I said? If I recall correctly I said I didn’t want your autograph or a photo which pretty much means I’m not interested, pal, so you’ve had a wasted journey.” She returned her hands to her hips once again and hoped the scowl she projected helped the message sink in.

  His nostrils flared and she watched his angular jaw clench beneath his stubbled chin. “Time for you to get over yourself, pal. I was talking about your description of this place and the fact that no one knew me here actually.”

  Heat rose from her chest to her cheeks and she cringed. “Oh, right. Right, sorry.” He seemed to visibly relax at her apology and took a deep breath in through his nose.

  But then something dawned on her and she pursed her lips again. “Oh, hang on. Right, I get it. So not only did you decide that maybe it was time the people here got to know who you are but you thought you’d bring your ten-shades-of-crazy fans here to ruin my home town, eh?”

  He tilted his head back for a brief moment and sighed. “Wrong again.” He placed his hands on his hips too, mirroring her stance. “No one even knows I’m here. Not even my band. All right? Satisfied?” His expression changed to one of smug triumph. All that was missing was nee ner nee ner.

  Catriona huffed. “You’ll have to leave. And soon. We don’t need to be put on the celebrity map, thank you very much. When people do find out you’re here—and let’s not pretend they won’t—all hell will break loose and that’s not fair on the people here, Nigel.”

  His lips made a hard line. “It’s Nick. And I have no intentions of people finding out. That’s the last thing I want, believe me.”

  She had purposely got his name wrong so he would really get the point that she wasn’t interested, and neither was anyone else in her town. “Aye, well you’d better make sure of that even after you’ve gone. If people know you’ve stayed here we’ll be inundated and not in a good way. I would never forgive you if that happened. You really do need to go.”



  He hadn’t thought this through. She was right—although he wouldn’t admit that to her. Stubborn cow. He hadn’t really considered any repercussions for the locals of him being there.

  His stomach knotted with guilt. “Look, I know how strange this must be. Some random bloke you met in a hotel—”

  She widened her eyes. “Random rock star you mean.”

  “Okay, some random ‘rock star’.” He made little inverted commas in the air with his fingers. “But I can assure you, I’m purely here for some R and R. I need to think things through. Decide if I actually want to be a random rock star anymore.”

  Her brow creased. “Seriously? That’s what you’re trying to decide?” She made her way over to the chair and sat after all.

  He sighed and flopped onto the edge of the bed. “Yeah. I don’t think I’m cut out for it anymore.” After a pause he went on, “I need to ask you a huge favour…Cat for short.” He smiled and hoped she would see the sincerity in his eyes. “Please…don’t tell anyone I’m here. Don’t say anything to anyone who calls looking for me. Please?”

  She pursed her lips. “I didn’t give you permission to call me Cat.” Her face softened a little. “But…of course I won’t say anything. My lips are sealed. Not for your sake, you understand. The folks around here are great and they really don’t need all of your moronic fans descending on the place.” She sighed “It’s just…”

  He began to wonder if he should be worried. “Just what?”

  “Well, we do get tourists through here. I mean, it’s not the time of year just now really but we do still get the odd family or couple. I can’t promise that someone won’t recognise you. And then what will you do?”

  He really had not thought this through. “Look, I’d like to stay here for a while. Well, as long as it takes for me to think things through, anyway. Can you help me? Please? I need to stay out of the tabloids and I need to just be…left alone,” he pleaded with the woman who, to all intents and purposes, was a total stranger and owed him nothing, least of all loyalty.



  Cat realised the strange sensation in her belly was that of empathy for the long-haired rocker. Not that she would allow him to know that particular snippet of information. But he wasn’t quite as tough as his stage persona would have everyone believe; although she wouldn't admit to knowing anything about his stage persona. It’s not like she had researched him on the internet after they had first met or anything ... well not much. Rock music had never been her thing. She was classically trained and his type of music was sacrilege as far as she was concerned. Okay, there was a place for it but that place wasn’t Gairloch. She had heard of Sonic Idols but was by no means a fan. And her subsequent internet search on the band had brought up all sorts of images of him with sexy blondes on his arm or other famous people he was connected with. But she wasn’t in the slightest bit interested.

  Not remotely.

  At all.


  She sighed again. “I’ll not say anything, Nick. But I can’t guarantee that you’ll stay hidden. I’m not happy about you being here. Far from it. And I would rather you found somewhere other than my dad’s pub to stay in. My dad struggles to cope with Mum not being here anymore and he doesn’t need any additional stress. If you promise to find somewhere else to stay and you keep out of my way then maybe we’ll be okay. But I want you to leave as soon as possible. And I don’t just mean leave the pub. I mean leave the area. But for a wee while I’ll put up with it. I’ll put up with you.”

  She could see the anguish in his eyes and his crumpled brow. He was obviously in a desperate situation and she felt bad for him—although she wasn’t exactly sure why that was when he had wealth, women and pretty much anything he wanted at his disposal. But she would try to see things from his point of view.

  He smiled, relief washing over his features. “Thanks…Cat for short. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I promise I will keep out of your way. I’ll look for somewhere a little more…erm…discrete. And don’t worry…it’ll be as if we never met.”

  She returned his smile but a tiny pang of something she didn’t care to acknowledge tugged at her on hearing his words. The atmosphere suddenly felt charged between them. She realised she was staring into his eyes and his were locked on her too. His expression changed and he leaned toward her just enough for her to notice.

  She immediately stood, knowing she had to break the stran
ge atmosphere and silence that had gripped the room. “Right, Mr Random Rock Star, you’d better come down and eat. I recommend the haggis, neeps and tatties. I know it’s maybe a bit contrived but it really is delicious.” She walked past him and ruffled his hair as she did.

  His hands shot up to straighten his mussed up locks. “Oy! Don’t touch the hair.” He scowled in her direction as he smoothed it down. She laughed and shook her head as she walked away.



  Once she’d left the room he brushed through his hair and tied it back into a low pony-tail. Glancing in the mirror he noticed he was pale and drawn again. The events of the last few weeks had certainly taken their toll. Sighing disconsolately at his reflection he turned away and decided to make his way downstairs. The tantalising aroma of delicious savoury delights reached his nostrils and made his stomach growl in desperate need of satiation.

  “Now then, Nick. How are you liking your room?” Tam asked in his broad Scottish twang as Nick took a seat at the bar. “Did my Catriona sort out your issues?” He frowned.

  “Oh, yes, the room’s great thanks, Tam. She was just…erm…giving me some advice about the area. But this place is perfect. Very comfortable. Just what I need.”

  Tam patted his nose with his forefinger and nodded at Nick, giving him a knowing smile “Aye, well we’re happy to have you with us, Nick.” He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. “In spite of what my grumpy daughter may have said. Just shout if you need anything.” Cat had clearly made her dad aware of the situation he was in. “My Catriona will be over to take your order in no time at all.” He placed a pint of Gairloch Grinder in front of Nick. “On the house, Son.” He smiled and winked.

  Nick was astounded at how friendly and helpful these people were being. Well, friendly on Tam’s part…not necessarily Cat’s. He was used to people sucking up to him but this was different. These people were genuine. No expectations. No pretence. And it felt good.

  Cat came over and handed him a menu. He didn’t need to look. She had already sold him on the Haggis, neeps and tatties.

  “I think you already know what I’m ordering.” He grinned. “Thought I’d try your fine Scottish fare seeing as you made it sound so good.” She nodded and without speaking a word, whipped away the menu. Her long waves swooshed around as she spun on her heels and headed for the kitchen. He couldn’t help but notice the sensual curve and the mesmerising sway of her hips—not to mention her gorgeous round arse as she walked away. Her womanly shape was drawing his attention a little more than he cared to fully acknowledge. Shaking his head to dislodge his pointless train of thought he tried to turn his concentration to the rich, malty taste of his beer.

  Chapter Six


  His smile is really quite something, Cat thought as she sneaked a peek from the back of the bar. The rock star was chatting to Stan, one of the regulars, who’d gone over to introduce himself to the long-haired stranger sitting alone at the bar. Of course, Stan had no clue who or what Nick really was. Bless him, he was such a sweetheart. He loved it when new people came in and always made a point of saying hello. He was a lonely old soul and had been a little lost since his best friend, Hamish, had moved to Skye to be with his daughter and her family. Stan had been rendered friend and neighbourless which, at over eighty years old, was quite sad. Cat’s heart went out to the poor old timer.

  Scanning his face she noticed Nick’s blue eyes sparkled as he spoke. She hadn’t really looked at him like that before but he was quite a good-looking man—if you liked that kind of look…which she didn’t….at all. His hair was a bit ridiculous, admittedly, but his smile was warm; his jaw strong and angular. He seriously needed a shave, though. Designer stubble was just not her thing. It’d feel rough and tingly against my skin if he kissed me as I ran my fingers though his hair. Whoa! Where the hell did that thought come from? She shivered and something stirred deep down in her belly. She shook her head but continued with her appraisal. His shoulders were broad and she could tell he was well-toned from the fit of his T-shirt. Not that she was looking, you understand. It wasn’t as if she was single. She was…happy in her relationship.

  She didn’t find Nick a teensy bit attractive. And she had someone special in her life.

  While she watched she was torn from her reverie when the pub doors burst open and a tall, stocky, blonde-haired man strode in and straight behind the bar. He grappled Catriona into an embrace, kissing her vigorously, following this with a squeeze and a slap to her bottom.

  Nick looked over and raised his eyebrows as the heat rose in her cheeks once again.

  She scowled. “Camden Douglas! I’ve told you not to do that!” She slapped her boyfriend’s arm and pushed him to the other side of the bar.

  “Aye, well you shouldn’t have such a smackable wee arse, eh?” the brusque Scotsman exclaimed. Cat was unimpressed and in spite of herself she glanced over at Nick to see if he had reacted to what had happened. But he simply smiled and shook his head.

  She was horrified to see that Camden had taken up a stool at the opposite side of the bar next to the one just vacated by Stan. She held her breath and waited to see if he would recognise their esteemed guest.

  Camden glanced over at Nick, a look of confusion on his face. “Hey…do I know you?” He slid across onto the stool next to Nick. “You’re not from round here, eh?”

  Cat watched as Nick’s eyes widened in panic and the colour drained from his face. “No, mate. I’m from down south. Well, Yorkshire actually.”

  She rushed over to rescue Nick from her intrusive boyfriend. “You having single malt, Cam?” she asked, drawing his attention away from the terrified rock star who nodded in gratitude.

  Camden grinned lasciviously. “Aye. Single malt, hot lips.”

  She rolled her eyes and poured his whiskey.

  Unfortunately her boyfriend was persistent. “Nah ... I’m sure I know you. Either that or you look like someone I know.” He shrugged his shoulders and downed his measure in one go. “Hit me again, baby.” He waved his empty glass at Cat.

  “Coming up, Britney.” She smirked.

  Camden guffawed, his deep voice bellowing through the air. “Och, shit. It was the pigtails and short skirt that gave me away, eh?” His attention turned to Nick once again. “She’s the girl I’m marrying, you know? She adores me…although she thinks I’m too eager.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. He had clearly had a few drinks before he arrived.

  Nick nodded. “Is that right?” He went back to drinking his pint.

  “Aye, I reckon she’s waiting for one of those pretty boys from a famous band to turn up and whisk her away.” He winked at Nick who glanced over at Catriona. Once again, surprise-surprise, her cheeks had heated to something near boiling point.

  Cat noticed that the wide-eyed stare of panic had returned to Nick’s eyes and she flicked a bar towel at her boyfriend. “Don’t be so daft, Cam. I don’t even listen to that type of music.” She rolled her eyes at Nick.

  Camden wagged his finger at her. “Aye, well then how come you were searching on the internet a wee while ago for…och, what were they called now? What were they called? Sonic and the hedgehogs…no…Sonic—”

  “Cam, shut up!” she snapped in a bid to interrupt before the cat was out of the bag…so to speak.

  Camden scrunched his face. “Well, there must be a bloody good reason, Missy! I’m a great wee catch me! I’ve got land, money and a huge co—”

  “Camden Douglas! That’s enough! Now go on home, will you? I’ll see you tomorrow when you’ve sobered up,” Cat insisted.

  Her jovial boyfriend pouted and blinked up at her, fluttering his eyelids. “Are ye no coming around tonight?” he slurred through his pout.

  “Certainly not when you’re in this state. I have standards, Camden.” She folded her arms across her chest and gave him a scowl like the one she had dished to Nick earlier.

  She could see Nick smirking in her peripheral vision



  Nick watched as Camden held his hands up in submission. He turned toward him and whispered, “She won’t sleep with me, you know? Making me wait ‘til we’ve knied the tot.”

  Nick chuckled. “I think you mean tied the knot, mate.”

  Confusion briefly drifted across Camden’s face. “Aye…that’s what I said…anyway.” He dramatically looked around for ear-wiggers and dropped his voice to a whisper again. “She’s a…you know…‘V’ word.” He winked at Nick, distorting his face into a strange expression and then wobbled his way to the door, only looking back to blow a kiss at his frustrated girlfriend.

  Oblivious to Camden’s rather personal divulgence, Cat walked over to stand in front of Nick. “I’m really sorry about that. Believe it or not he’s a really sweet guy when he’s not wrecked. He’s having a rough time with his family just now and tends to use whiskey to relax. There’s no harm in him, though. And I don’t think he actually recognised you. I think it was the drink talking.” She turned to stack the glass washer.

  Nick shook his head, keeping a very straight face in light of Camden’s revelation. “Don’t worry about it. Hopefully he won’t twig who I am. But if he does we’ll just have to kill him.”

  Cat swung her head round. “Wha—?!”

  Nick’s grin was wide and he laughed heartily, shoulders shuddering, at the reaction he’d gotten out of her.

  She made a funny growling noise. “You’re kidding.” She slapped her forehead. “Stupid Cat.” With a blush to rival the hottest coals she retreated once more to the kitchen.

  Nick sat mulling over Camden’s parting shot. So this feisty, auburn-haired, green-eyed goddess was a virgin, eh? He remembered where he was and what the area was like and figured a nice girl like her didn’t want to give it up to just anyone. But she’d been away at uni…although if she was with Camden before she left maybe she had simply remained faithful to him. Hang on… Why the fuck am I even thinking about this shit? It’s got nothing to do with me. It’s not like she’s going to turn up at my bedroom door tonight. God, I need to get a fucking grip. Seriously.


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