Rocco: To accompany the Fallen Angel Series

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Rocco: To accompany the Fallen Angel Series Page 4

by Tracie Podger


  One evening I had sat with Joe in the kitchen, I heard Evelyn call out as she returned home. I hadn’t seen her in over a week. She stumbled as she came through the door, unsure at first how to behave around me. As usual her cheeks coloured as her father invited her to sit and tell us about her day. It had been her first day at work and I was pleased to see the animation in her face as she recounted her day.

  I passed her a coffee, as our hands brushed against each other I felt a surge of static pulse up my arm and my heart quickened. She pulled away quickly, drank her coffee and left.

  “Rocco, I want you to stay here. I hear rumours friends of José, the dealer, are not happy with his disappearance. I want to know my family will be safe,” Joe said.

  “Of course and you’ll have no trouble with them, I’ll make sure of that.”

  Joe was leaving on another trip to New York the following day and I was pleased that he was to leave me in charge. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be too far away from Evelyn. I had promised her ‘soon’ yet had no idea what that meant. I made a decision to discuss the situation with Jonathan.

  “Rocco, you have a call,” I heard.

  I made my way to Joe’s office and Jonathan handed me the telephone.

  “Rocco,” I said.

  “Hey, it’s me, Adriana. Geraldo has bought me a ticket to visit.”

  “He bought you a ticket to visit? When?” I asked.

  “I fly tonight, last minute thing. Don’t worry, I’m not cramping my big brother’s style, I’m staying with Camilla.”

  “Camilla? Who the fuck is Camilla?”

  “A cousin, distant I think, someone on Geraldo’s side. Anyway, we need to talk. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive.”

  “What do you mean we need to talk? Is Mamma okay?”

  “Yes, just some decisions about the farm. Don’t panic, I’ll call as soon as I arrive.”

  We said our goodbyes and I immediately telephoned Geraldo. Something didn’t add up. Adriana had never left the village other than the monthly trip to the city. There was no way she would be flying miles just for a visit.

  “Rocco, I was expecting your call,” Geraldo said after I had announced myself.

  “Why is Adriana coming here?” I asked.

  “Two reasons: your Mamma feels she is getting too close to a boy, an unsuitable boy, and she wants to talk about selling off part of the farm. It’s too much for her. I’m advising, of course, but she wants your thoughts.”

  “Okay, I think she should sell the farm. And as for Adriana, I want to know what boy.”

  “The boy will be dealt with, don’t worry about that. Now, how is life in America?”

  We chatted back and forth. He kept in contact with Joe so was well aware of how life in America was but it was nice to talk to him. We spoke about once a month normally but it was the first I’d heard about selling off part of the farm. I sighed, perhaps I should return, just for a visit to help. I trusted Geraldo of course but I hadn’t spoken to Mamma for a while.


  The following day a taxi deposited Adriana at the doorstep to the office. I was annoyed; I would have collected her. She was too headstrong and I was unhappy that she had made the trip alone.

  “Rocco,” she said as she flung herself into my arms. She then started to cry.

  “What’s up, why are you crying?” I asked, concerned.

  “I’m in love, Rocco, and Mamma hates him. Everyone hates him but he loves me and I want to be with him.”

  I sighed, so she had come all this way because she was in love and no one liked him.

  “Tell me about him.”

  Between her sobs she told me about an English man she had met, he was holidaying in Italy, backpacking his way around, and she had fallen in love with him. He was earning money by working in bars and restaurants. She wanted to marry him, not that he had asked her of course.

  “How can you marry a man when he hasn’t asked?” I said.

  “He loves me, I know he does.”

  “Have you slept with him?”

  “Rocco, what a question to ask. I don’t ask about your personal life, do I?”

  She was cross but I guessed the answer was that she had. Mamma must have found out and was probably distraught. No wonder she had been sent away. But America? I guessed Mamma had no idea of the trouble Adriana could get in to if she put her mind to it.

  The office door opened, Adriana took a slight step away from me as I turned to look.

  “I, erm, I’m sorry. I’ll come back later,” Evelyn said.

  She backed out of the office as quickly as she could. It wasn’t hard to miss the shock on her face though.

  “Who’s that?” Adriana asked.

  “Joe’s daughter. Wait here, I need to see what she wanted.”

  I followed Evelyn and watched as she ducked down an alley. She leant against the wall and angrily brushed tears from her eyes.

  “Bastard,” she whispered.

  “Who? Me?” I asked. I had startled her.

  “She’s my sister, Evelyn. You ran before I could introduce you,” I added.

  “Oh, I…” She didn’t finish her sentence before I closed the gap between us.

  My hand snaked around her neck; my fingers pushed her chin up so she would look me in the eyes. I was powerless, I needed to kiss her. My lips gently brushed against hers as her hand grabbed the hair at the nape of my neck and pulled my head closer to hers. Before our kiss deepened I heard laughter. I raised my face. Evelyn was better than a kiss in a dirty alley.

  “What did you want to see me for?” I asked.

  Her arms fell to her side and she sighed. I took a step back, placing a respectable distance between us.

  “I wanted to see a movie tonight. I need a car.”

  Evelyn had never been to the movies on her own and she had no need to ask my permission to use a car. I was aware—no, hoped—her request was just an excuse to see me.

  “Who are you going with?” I was responsible for her safety, it was important that I knew—or perhaps I wanted to be sure it wasn’t another man.

  “No one. I just want to do something this evening.”

  “You can’t go to the movies alone, Evelyn.”

  “I can. I don’t exactly have a list of friends to invite, do I?”

  There was bitterness to her voice and I felt sorry for her. She didn’t have a list of friends; I was aware how isolated she had become. Partly because she had taken over her mother’s role and partly because our life meant friends were not welcome.

  “How about dinner?” I asked.


  “Yes, you know that thing we do in the evenings. I’ll pick you up at seven,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Okay, that would be lovely,” she replied.

  I gave her a brief kiss to her cheek; I wouldn’t cheapen her any further by mauling her in an alley like a whore. If I was to do what I wanted, to have a relationship with her, it needed to be done right.


  Adriana had planned an evening with the distant cousin, someone I was yet to meet. I took myself back to the house I was staying in. I had a couple of hours before I was to meet Evelyn and as I lay on the bed after my shower I started to panic. I ran through various lines in my head, excuses should anyone report back to Joe that they had seen me with her.

  I was just entertaining her as a friend, as the daughter of the man that held my safety in his hands.

  I decided it was safer to drive my self, there would be less explaining to do, so grabbed the keys to the Mercedes before leaving the house. It surprised me to feel nervous; my palms sweated a little as I made my way to the house.

  Although Paulo was stationed at the house, he was under my command; he wouldn’t talk unless I told him to. I let myself in the front door and walked to the kitchen following the subtle scent of her perfume. Evelyn was sat at the table; she wore a white dress with big red flowers on it. The colour set off her olive skin—sh
e looked stunning, like a fifties pin-up.

  “You look beautiful, Evelyn,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she replied before lowering her head to conceal the blush.

  I chuckled. “Come on, we don’t want to be late.”

  I placed my hand on her lower back as I guided her to the car, opening the passenger door and helping her in. Nerves started to get to me and in one way it agitated me. Why was I nervous? I fiddled with a packet trying to shake loose a cigarette.

  “Do you mind?” I said, forgetting for a moment that she might.

  “No, of course not. Where are we going?” she asked.

  “A little place I know. Quiet, but you’ll like it. They have the best veal.”

  We settled in a comfortable silence as we made our way to Great Falls. Fredrico’s was just the place I needed. It was secluded, out of the way and I knew we would have the privacy I desired.

  We were ushered to a table at the back of the restaurant; bread and a small bowl of oil were placed on the table. I tore off a piece of bread, dipped it in the oil before offering it to her.

  “Here, taste,” I said. I let my fingers linger on her soft lips.

  “The oil is from my family farm,” I told her.

  Joe had decided that was a way to help support my family. He purchased all the oil they could make, giving my mother a decent income.

  “Tell me about them?” Evelyn asked.

  Perhaps the anguish on my face as I thought of my family was obvious. “You don’t have to,” she added.

  I tried hard not to let my emotions show as I recalled that night and what followed.

  “My father was murdered, Evelyn. My brother too. They came early one evening, dragged them from the house in front of my mother, my sister and me. I watched as they were taken away. I never saw them alive again. I’ll never forget my mother’s screams as she tried to wrestle with them, before they threw her to the ground.”

  It was difficult; the years had not diminished the anger I felt. For a long time I had wanted to bury my brother next to his father, to give him a resting place and somewhere for my mother to mourn him. For me, that was the ultimate insult. They had returned my father but not his son.

  Evelyn held my hand in hers. The whole time I had spoken she’d ran her thumb over my knuckles. I stared at her hand, so delicate in mine.

  “I waited years and then I got my revenge.”

  “And then you came here,” she said.

  “Yes, your father knew my uncle. My mother sent me here to protect me, to make sure I was safe.”

  “I’m glad she did.”

  Menus were placed on the table and our conversation returned to normal topics. She was easy to chat to, we laughed and ate—it was nice to be able to enjoy a normal evening with her until the conversation turned to her father.

  “Speaking of your father, I don’t think he would be pleased to know you were here with me,” I said.

  She sighed and I was aware of the shift in atmosphere; we finished our coffee in silence. When it was time to leave I took some bills from my wallet, left them on the table and held out my hand. We walked from the restaurant but instead of heading to the car I led her to a small park area and sat on the bench.

  “Thank you for tonight. I’ve really enjoyed myself,” she said.

  “It was a pleasure, Evelyn. It’s nice to be able to relax and enjoy myself.”

  My arm was slung over the back of the bench and my fingers ran across the top of her shoulder. I turned towards her. Her eyes, so full of trust, fixed on mine. Her lips parted slightly as I leant towards her. She placed her hand on my cheek and I leant into it. I wanted her—I wanted to love her.

  Our kiss was deep and her hands gripped the front of my shirt, pulling me towards her. She would have given herself to me there and then and it was that thought running through my mind that made me stop. I pulled away.

  “I need to get you home, Evelyn, it’s getting late,” I whispered.

  “I don’t have a curfew,” she protested.

  “No, but if we stay here any longer I’m going to do something we both might regret.”

  As soon as the words left my lips, I regretted them. It wasn’t what I meant. I had no time to explain and no words to convey how I felt, how conflicted I was. She stood and walked back towards the car. I sat for a moment with my eyes closed. The situation was dangerous—she was dangerous. She was like a drug to me and I wanted her. I hated that I wanted her, because I knew—deep down I could never have her. We drove the short way home in silence.

  Before the car had pulled to a stop, she reached for the door handle. I placed my hand on her thigh. I needed to explain.

  “Wait, you misunderstand me.”

  “What do I misunderstand, Rocco? You kiss me like you mean it. You tell me ‘soon’ and leave me for days on end. You play me like I have no feelings.”

  Her voice had risen in anger and I wanted her even more then. My cock strained against the zipper of my trousers, my heart pounded in my chest as I looked at her face, her eyes no longer trusting but full of spirit.

  “Oh I mean it, Evelyn. Every second your mouth is mine don’t you think I want more? Don’t you think I want to throw you down and take you there and then? I want your body; I want every inch of you. I want to taste you, to fuck you. I want to own you. I want to be your first.”

  “Then why don’t you?” she whispered.

  “Because your father would kill me.”

  There was a moment of silence; we were both desperately trying to control ourselves. I meant every word I’d said. Right at that moment I wanted to rip that pretty dress from her body, I wanted to fuck her, to make her mine. I wanted to take her virginity and shout from the fucking rooftops that it was mine—she was mine. If only the risk was my life, I would have done it. My mother’s face flashed through my mind. If Joe sent me home, she would be burying another son. I sat back in my seat.

  She pushed the car door open so violently it sprung back and caught her shin; her cry of pain tore through me. I opened my door and ran around the car, by that point she had limped to the front door of her house. She fumbled with the key, not quite getting it into the lock so I leant over her shoulder, took the key from her and opened the door. Without a word she walked in, closing the door behind her.

  I stood looking at the closed door. As much as I would be eternally grateful to Joe for taking me in, I would never be able to have the one thing I desired. I walked back to the car, wound down the window and lit a cigarette before driving home.

  “Fuck,” I shouted as I exited the car, slamming the door so hard the window rattled.

  I was angry with myself and angry at the situation I had found myself in. I opened the front door and headed straight to the bedroom. I fell on the bed fully clothed and thoughts whirled through my mind. I could smell her and I could taste her on my lips. Her scent was driving me mad. I didn’t get any sleep that night.


  The following morning I sat with a coffee in the courtyard out back and watched the sun rise. I had thought, pondered and argued with myself the whole night. I’d made a decision. Leaving my coffee cup on the small metal bistro table, I grabbed my car keys and left the house. I needed to see her. I had to take the risk.

  As I approached Joe’s I saw Evelyn on the other side of the road. She was dressed conservatively, and despite the sunny day, wore a cardigan. I had to drive a little way before being able to make a U-turn and it was then that I saw her walk up the steps of the church. I sat in the car wrestling with my decision.

  When I could wrestle no more, I walked to the church door, quietly entered and stood at the back watching her. Her head was bowed; her hands were clasped in her lap as she sat in a pew just a few feet away from me. Before the service had finished she stood to leave, heading my way. She was alongside me before realising I was there. I reached out and pulled her into the alcove I’d been hiding.

  “Here for forgiveness?” she spat, that feisty spiri
t showed in her face.


  “For what we’ve done?” There was a hurt tone to her voice.

  “No, for what I’m about to do.”

  I took her hand and led her to the car. Opening the passenger door, I guided her in. Neither of us spoke as we made our way back to my house.

  Before the front door had closed behind us, I took her hands and backed her to the hall wall. Our kiss was feverish, she moaned and the sound reverberated through me. There was no going back as I led her to the bedroom.

  “Is your sister here?” she asked.

  “She’s staying with a cousin.”

  I took a deep breath. As much as it was clear she wanted me, I had to take it slow. I unbuttoned her cardigan, sliding it from her shoulders before reaching around and finding the zip of her dress. The dress pooled around her feet and she crossed her arms over her chest. I peeled them away, holding them to her sides. I wanted to look at her, to admire every inch of her body. I smiled as the blush crept up her chest.

  After pulling my t-shirt over my head, I took her hands and placed them on my chest; for some strange reason it seemed important that she touched me, that she felt my heartbeat under her fingertips. She traced the tattoos and I held my breath as her hands lowered to the top of my jeans. She undid the zip and they fell to the floor, my cock sprung free. Her eyes widened as her hand reached down and closed around it.

  “You can stop this anytime you want. Just say the word, Evelyn,” I whispered.

  She swallowed hard, licked her lips before reaching behind and unclipping her bra with shaking hands. She kept eye contact as she hooked her fingers on either side of her panties and slid them down her legs. Her body shook with nerves or excitement, I couldn’t tell, as she stood before me naked. She was beautiful, stunning, and curvy—a hundred words ran through my mind, none of which could describe how perfect she was.

  Closing in on her, she had no choice but to back up until her legs hit the side of the bed. I held one arm around her waist as she gently fell. With a nervous giggle she shuffled on to the bed until she was lying on her back looking up at me.


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