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DanielsSurrender Page 8

by Sierra

  Shannon carefully distanced herself. She found it amusing—and arousing—that Matthew had so much less endurance than she did. He was all but crying to come, and she hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet.

  Shaking out the hot cloth, she languorously began wiping the cream from his body. She knew from her own experience how the hot towel would combine with the icy mint to drive him out of his mind. He was moaning steadily now, sexy little growls forced out with each breath, as she carefully removed every bit of cream—and hair—from his lower body.

  Shannon couldn’t restrain a moan of her own when she surveyed his now naked groin. His penis seemed to rise majestically from the smooth, pale skin at its base, and his balls were plump and pink. They obviously needed to be licked, so she complied, and watched, fascinated, as they drew up, becoming hard and tight under the lash of her tongue.

  Once again he stopped her. “A minute,” he gasped. “Just give me a minute. Fuck, Shannon.” His eyes were shut tight, his mouth a thin line. He was utterly beautiful to her.

  She rubbed her cheek over the newly smooth skin of his abdomen and reassured him. “Almost done, babe.” Somehow it failed to relax him. Maybe, she mused, that had to do with the way her tongue kept creeping out to play with his navel.

  Lightly now, since she didn’t want him to blow, she licked at his cock, treating it like a giant candy stick. Following Daniel’s directions to the letter, she took him in her mouth, banding one hand firmly around the base of his cock to help him hold out.

  She only subjected him to a moment of this torture. It was obvious he couldn’t stand any more.

  Reaching to the counter behind her, she revealed the cock ring with a flourish. Matthew’s moan was every bit as dramatic as her gesture had been.

  “Hmmm. I’ve never put one of these on before.” She pretended to examine the toy, and then Matthew’s erection. The ring was black and stretchy, made of neoprene and studded with silver snaps to make it adjustable. Carefully, fumbling a little, both accidentally and on purpose, she began to experiment.

  “Let’s see…” She wrapped it around the base of his shaft. “Should I put it here?” She shot him a deceptively innocent look. He scowled back at her.

  “No? How about here?” She wrapped the band around his balls, pausing to give them an affectionate squeeze. He scowled harder.

  “I know!” She carefully wrapped the toy under his balls and over the top of his shaft, enclosing his whole package in a snug harness. “How’s that, Matty?” She fluttered her eyelashes—something she didn’t ever recall doing before—and waited for his answer.

  It was a while in coming, as he had to steady his ragged breathing and force the involuntary thrusts of his hips to stop.

  “It needs to be tighter.” He paused to suck in a much needed breath. “It needs to be tighter if it’s going to stop me from coming.” That seemed to exhaust his grasp of coherent speech, so she took pity on him and didn’t ask for more detailed instructions.

  “Is this better?” She pulled the snap two notches tighter and rubbed her cheek against his belly—and his reaching erection—while enjoying his incoherent gasping.

  “Fuck, fuck, yeah, better, fuck.” His voice had lifted an octave or so, so Shannon knew she’d finally found the right tension for him.

  Pulling back, she showered light, gentle kisses over his face, lips and chest. Finally pressing her lips warmly to the space just above his heart, she whispered, “Time to get dressed, babe. Daniel’s waiting.”

  Chapter Ten

  Daniel opened the heavy door to his home. Matthew and Shannon stood in the opening, looking every bit as delicious as dinner. Matt met his eyes in quiet anticipation while Shannon smiled shyly as he stepped back and allowed them in. Both were dressed as per his instructions. The idea of the toys they wore made Daniel’s blood hot. He wanted to drag them straight to his playroom.

  Instead he tugged at Matthew’s ponytail and kissed Shannon briefly on the cheek.

  “Follow me.” He spoke in a normal voice, but it wasn’t easy. They entered the dining room where he had dinner laid out for them.

  Shannon’s startled look and Matt’s raised eyebrow made Daniel chuckle. “I thought we could talk over dinner first.” He added wickedly, “We’ll all need the fuel.”

  Matt seated himself and Daniel guided Shannon to a place across the table. He took his place at the head of the table. No one spoke for a long moment, until out of the corner of his eye he saw Shannon begin to giggle. She was trying desperately to hold it in, to no avail. Finally admitting defeat, she covered her face with both hands and let out a loud belly laugh. It was contagious and Matthew immediately joined in. To his surprise, Daniel found himself grinning too.

  When they finally quieted down, Daniel poured them all a glass of wine. They each filled their plates with portions of tender steak, buttery mashed potatoes and glazed carrots. Daniel loved that his favorite restaurant delivered. He was hopeless in the kitchen.

  “Did you get approval from Meredith to put a bid in on Traverse City?” That question set the tone for the rest of the meal. Daniel wanted to keep it light, wanted to know if the three of them could sit around and enjoy good conversation. He was happy to discover they could.

  Shannon quickly relaxed and regaled them with stories of past students and what lacked in the public school system.

  “And then,” she announced dramatically, “the little brat shoved me up against the wall.” When her audience looked suitably horrified, Shannon merely rolled her eyes. “I know I should have been scared, but I swear even now the situation is just too ridiculous to take seriously. Here’s this little teeny-bopper trying to act all tough in front of her friends, and the entire class staring on in complete shock, and me not making a move to defend myself because I don’t want to get sued.” She shook her head. “Who knows how long we would have stood that way if another of my students hadn’t been passing by and pulled her off me?” Shannon laughed, and it was genuine and inviting. “And that’s why I switched to teaching elementary.”

  Daniel and Matthew probed and discovered she had myriad strong views on politics, religion and world events. She expressed those views with a wit that kept all three laughing. Daniel admired her intelligence, her ability to listen to an opposing view and debate it without getting angry.

  Matt, on the other hand, kept trying to steer the conversation away from subjects he found boring. Daniel envied his easygoing nature. At twenty-eight, he was the typical frat boy, never quite grown up, still out to party. He’d dived off cliffs, climbed mountains, surfed in Australia. He enjoyed life to the fullest, with a gusto Daniel wished he possessed.

  And then, without warning, he would say something so intuitive or so profound it left Daniel blinking and not sure if he’d imagined the moment.

  He saw nothing of his father, Old Stirling, in Matt. It was as if Matt went out of his way to not be like his father. It was something the two men had in common—less-than-stellar fathers who, through their action and inaction, set the tone of their sons’ lives, ensuring both men would run from their childhoods well after they became adults.

  Shannon touched Daniel’s sleeve and he realized the smile he’d worn only moments ago had vanished. Now his brow was furrowed and he was looking out one of the three floor-to-ceiling windows set in his dining room.

  “Are you okay?” Shannon asked softly, placing her hand on Daniel’s cheek. She didn’t know what had changed, but she found she liked Daniel all relaxed and amused. She liked that he didn’t condescend to her and he seemed to consider her opinions even when he didn’t agree with them. His own opinions were strong and well thought out, and expressed with a razor-sharp wit that could be as cutting as it was funny. She enjoyed his conversation, and found she wanted it back.

  A long second passed before eyes the color of blue sky flicked to her face. He placed his hand over hers.

  “I’m perfect,” he said. Wiping his full lips with a napkin, he pushed his plate a
way. The mood in the room changed, the temperature rising several degrees. Daniel made no move to stand. Instead he pressed Shannon’s hand a little harder.

  “Angel, are you wearing your gift?” Shannon’s eyes widened and she nodded.

  “Good. Show me.”

  Her heartbeat increased as she slowly rose from the chair. Turning her back to Daniel, she reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it slowly up to her waist.

  “Spread your thighs for me, baby. Let me see.”

  She moved her legs out as far as she could and placed her hands flat on the seat cushion. The position bent her over, lifting her ass high into the air.

  Strong fingers slid between her thighs and cupped her pussy.

  “Mmm… Bare. Perfect.” Daniel’s voice deepened as his fingers slipped through her slick folds.

  She’d been wet from the time she’d left the Worthington Group offices that afternoon, and his fingers against her bare skin felt so good. Now she wanted to cry out for him to fill her, but she didn’t. Instinct told her Daniel needed certain things from sex. Most particularly, he needed total control.

  She loved the idea. Shannon had never considered herself particularly obedient or submissive, but taking charge of a roomful of kids day in and day out eventually became emotionally exhausting. The idea of just being was more enticing than she’d have ever dreamed.

  She couldn’t contain a small moan as Daniel’s finger slid to the top of her cleft, swirling around her swollen clit before traveling down to her ass. The plug was small but incredibly snug, and she felt so full. When his thumb tapped against the end of the plug, she braced for him to pull it out. Instead he began to twist it in her ass.

  Her legs trembled as he slid a single finger from his free hand into her wet heat. He prodded, twisted and otherwise tortured her for what seemed like forever. She was so close to the edge she wanted to scream her frustration. She heard a series of deep, guttural groans and realized with some surprise they were coming from her. When she tried to suppress them, Daniel responded with a particularly diabolical twist of the plug.

  “Never hide your pleasure from me. I want to hear every little sound.”

  He leaned in and licked down the space between her cheeks, rimming her over the plug. Soft, butterfly strokes sent her arousal soaring. She’d never been touched so intimately before. Abruptly Daniel’s tongue and hands left her.

  “Take your dress off, angel, and sit back in your chair,” Daniel instructed before turning his attention to Matt, who was watching them avidly.

  “Pants down.” Matt had his pants unbuttoned and pushed to his knees practically before the words were out of Daniel’s mouth. His cock throbbed there, bound by the cock ring and so fucking hard it looked painful.

  Daniel placed his hand under Matt’s balls, rubbing them lightly, increasing the pressure of his fingers with each new groan escaped from Matt’s mouth.

  “You want to come, don’t you, Matty?”

  Matt shook as Daniel’s question rolled over him like silk.

  “Fuck yes.”

  Daniel brought his hand to the head of Matthew’s cock, running his thumb lightly against the damp plum head.

  “Does Shannon know I’ve fucked you?”

  He directed his words to Matthew, but his eyes were on Shannon. She looked so sweet, flushed and innocent as she sat across from them, bare and trembling. Her swollen lips parted and her tiny pink tongue darted out to moisten her lower lip. Daniel imagined her tongue on his balls and felt them draw tighter. Her eyes locked on his hand on Matthew’s cock and she slowly nodded.

  “I know Matthew wants you, Daniel.”

  Daniel let go of Matt’s dick. He stood and gestured for them to do the same. Matt shimmied out of his pants and rose, holding out a hand to Shannon. Silently Daniel led them out of the dining room and down a flight of stairs. This was it—for better or worse, he finally had them in his playroom.

  Daniel opened the door and led Shannon and Matthew in before closing it softly. Dim lights bathed the room in a soft glow. Taking Shannon’s hand from Matthew, Daniel led her to a straight-backed leather chair. When he’d seated her, he placed leather restraints around each of her wrists.

  “Matthew, bind her legs.” He gave the order as he grabbed each of Shannon’s knees and opened them wide. He knew the anticipation would drive them all higher, hotter.

  Matt went to his knees, shackling each ankle to the chair so that Shannon was immobilized. Daniel ran his hand down the front of his pants. She looked so fucking beautiful tied to his chair. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side, pausing to let Shannon and Matthew each look their fill. Then he flicked open the top button on his leather pants. Going to his knees next to Matt, he stroked his finger along Shannon’s inner thigh, letting his touch crawl along her skin before dipping between her outer lips. Gathering her arousal on his finger, he beckoned Matthew to come closer. He traced the outline of Matt’s lips with Shannon’s cream. When he was done, he licked Matt’s lips, sharing Shannon’s taste before pushing his tongue deeply into his mouth.

  Shannon’s sweetness mingled with a spice he’d come to associate with Matthew’s passion. When he’d kissed his lover breathless, Daniel rose to his feet and pulled down his zipper. Freeing his rigid cock, he guided Matthew with a hand on the back of his neck. Matt’s lips opened eagerly to take Daniel’s cock into his mouth.

  Most men gave oral sex very differently than women. Matt certainly did. He took Daniel’s cock all the way in, and his cheeks hollowed sharply as he sucked hard on the swelling flesh. He was rougher than a woman, harder. There was no tenderness.

  Shannon let out a whimper when Matt’s tongue licked underneath Daniel’s tight sac, lips parted. Daniel glanced at her, and his voice was a wicked rumble.

  “Do you like watching Matt suck me off, angel?” He looked back down to Matthew, running his hand over Matt’s head and tugging at his ponytail. “Come on, Matty, show her how I like it.”

  Matt’s eyes rolled over to meet hers for a second before his mouth found new vigor and his lips went firm around Daniel’s dick. Daniel pumped in and out of Matt’s mouth, over and over, Shannon watching all the while.

  She was wriggling in her seat, making soft, needy little noises. Much more of that, much more of listening to her passion and feeling Matt try to suck his soul out through his dick, and Daniel would be the one losing control.

  “Angel, you need to stay perfectly still if you want to come.” Daniel stepped back from Matthew, his cockhead hitting his belly. He knelt again next to Matt. Facing Shannon, Daniel pushed her knees as far apart as possible.

  Damn, he had to taste her again. He needed to slow things down, to draw out the pleasure. He couldn’t ever let this happen again, so he wanted to savor every sight, sound and taste.

  He leaned forward, running his tongue along Shannon’s thigh, scooping up the honey glazing her soft skin. He nodded to Matt and the younger man joined him. Together they laved a trail of fire along her upper legs and into the creases of her thighs. Two tongues lapped at her clit and she gasped out a breathless moan, arching against her restraints.

  Daniel loved the taste of her, loved the way she pushed into their caresses. He loved feeling Matt lick her with him, and he ran his tongue slickly over the younger man’s for the sheer pleasure of hearing his moan join Shannon’s. He placed his first finger inside her perfect, hungry little pussy. Matt mirrored him, movement by movement.

  Daniel stood and directed Matt to scoot directly between Shannon’s legs. Moving around them, Daniel knelt at her side. He wrapped a fist in her hair and gently tugged her head back, leaning over to kiss her. He brushed her lips, licking them, nibbling them, pulling them into his mouth and sucking on them. She moaned into his kiss. His hands drifted down to her nipples, and he began to pull them away from her body. She twisted in his hands, and he rewarded her by rolling each nipple until it puckered. Eyes on her swollen nipples, he reached into the front pocket of his pants.
  Shannon’s eyes grew wide and Daniel knew she recognized what he held in his hand. Bending to her breast, he took one aching nipple into his mouth, sucking gently, then biting it a bit harder. She yelped, then gasped as he clipped the clamp onto her protruding nipple. Pain flared in her eyes, and for a moment he thought she was ready to wave the white flag. In seconds, though, the pain glazed into confused pleasure, and he repeated the same ritual on her other nipple. Standing up, he grabbed each full mound in his hands.

  “Angel, you look so fucking beautiful.” The silver clamps had short chains that dangled with small crystal pendants. Daniel knew the decorations tugging relentlessly on her hyper-sensitive skin would work her into a froth of excitement.

  Shannon’s voice was desperate. “Please, Daniel, I need to come.” Her words were punctuated with sobbing breaths and soft cries that turned his cock to marble and tugged at another organ to the north of it.

  “Make her come, Matty,” Dan whispered. Matthew immediately latched on to her swollen clit, and Daniel bent back down to catch her scream in his mouth as Shannon’s orgasm slid down their throats.

  “Stand up, Matt,” Daniel ordered, breathless from Shannon’s orgasm. He moved Matt over to a raised platform against the wall and guided him into a kneeling position with his back to the wall.

  “Grab the ring above your head.” Daniel kept his voice low and firm. Matthew complied and grasped the ring. The position stretched his torso out. His cock, pulsing with the need to come, bobbed red and angry against his stomach. That yearning flesh called to Daniel, but he wouldn’t give in. Not quite yet. If Matthew and Shannon were going to be his lovers tonight, then he needed to test them. See how much they could take.

  Matthew couldn’t take his eyes off Shannon as Daniel walked back to her, carefully releasing her from her shackles. Her nipples, swollen around the clips, made his mouth water. Daniel led her to Matt and told her to kneel, then proceeded to a chest of drawers, taking out condoms and lube.


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