Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession Page 5

by Ann Lory

  “My intention was not to frighten you. I only wanted to meet the prima ballerina who has the grace of a swan and a beauty that rivals the red rose itself.” His voice was filled with warmth and admiration.

  Kelly had not been expecting that and was somewhat disarmed. She nodded her head slightly. “Thank you for your kind words and for the lovely flowers.”

  He held up a hand. “It is the truth I speak. I am newly arrived in town, but I heard the talk of the woman who adorns this stage and had to come see for myself if the rumors were true. How glad I am that they were accurate, and so I have attended each performance since. You are magnificent to behold and will soon be dancing on the stages of Mother Russia. I know it.”

  Kelly felt her face redden. She didn’t know what to say, so she smiled and changed the subject. “You are Russian?”

  “I am Mussek Chetvertka from St. Petersburg. I’m pleased to meet you, Kelly Matthews.” He held his hand out.

  Hesitatingly, Kelly slowly placed her hand in his, grinning and relaxing when his lips brushed the back of her hand. “A pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Chetvertka. Are you a friend of Jacques?”

  His eyebrows shot up and recognition dawned in his eyes. “I am. I was Jacques Devereaux’s teacher when he was newly... made I took him under my wing when his creator left him to wander alone.” He seemed to be trying to choose his words carefully.

  Another dancer hurried past outside the dressing room, waving quickly at Kelly. Kelly leaned down and picked up the rose she’d dropped earlier. “That’s how I knew about what you are, Mr. Chetvertka. My dearest friend was brought into your, um, ‘family’ by her husband, Dimitri. Well, by Gabriella, to be honest.”

  “Ahhh.” Mussek’s smile was pleased. “Well, then, I hope my being here does not cause you any discomfort. I am friend to both Dimitri Alexios and Jacques. My wish is that you and I can spend some time together since we share the same friends. Please allow me to call on you.” His voice had dropped to a husky timber.

  Kelly’s eyes widened; this vampire was asking her out. Did she dare? He did seem to know Dimitri and Jacques, after all. Jacques. Again, thoughts of him caused her heart to clench in her chest.

  Jacques was not a bad man or an evil one; he was just a jerk, and she needed to get over him. She smiled. A vampire jerk. It sounded terribly funny.

  Well, it was time to move on with her life and not let Jacques’s presence or words tempt her back into his arms. Besides, this man had been his teacher.

  “I am going to another after-performance party this evening, and I do not have an escort.”

  Mussek bowed deeply. “I am honored. I will wait for you while you change.” He stood and turned to walk down the hall outside her dressing room but stopped and glanced back at her. “By the way, so that you are aware, you cannot claim a public theater room, where everyone is welcome, as your home.” He winked at her. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  * * * * *

  Jacques was astonished as he watched Kelly walk in on the arm of Mussek, who was all smiles as he led her through the door. But what man wouldn’t be ecstatic to have an angel by his side? Wearing a vibrant red dress that clung to every curve of her body, and her hair falling in ringed coils down her back, Kelly was the most glorious woman in the room.

  Those thoughts brought with them unbidden jealousy. He growled low in his throat and watched as Mussek’s head lifted, the other vampire’s gaze immediately searching the area until it came to rest on him. Jacques inclined his head, and Mussek led Kelly in his direction.

  “Jacques, my friend, it is good to see you again so soon.” Mussek smiled. This was an inside joke since it had been the better part of a hundred and fifty years since they had last met.

  “And you, Mussek. It is always a pleasure.”

  His former teacher brought Kelly forward; she’d been staring wide-eyed between them the entire time. “I have the honor of escorting prima ballerina Kelly Matthews this evening.”

  Jacques vexedly noted that Mussek’s hand rested possessively at her waist. “Oh, indeed. I’ve had the pleasure of Miss Matthews.” She scowled at him. “Of course, it was just a taste.”

  Mussek’s brow furrowed. “I did not realize you two had been... that close.”

  Kelly stiffened as Jacques smiled at her and said, “You don’t mind if I steal your date for a dance, do you?”

  “That would be up to Kelly.” Mussek gazed at her, but she continued to glare at Jacques.

  “Of course. Jacques is an old friend; how can I deny him a dance?”

  Jacques took her hand and moved into the ballroom, where others already whirled around the floor. He brought her flush against him, smirking when she gasped. She narrowed her eyes; he knew she was wishing that she could punch him again.

  “I see you are friendly to everyone but me. When are you going to stop being angry, Kelly?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. As a friend of mine told me, I can be very stubborn.”

  He glanced over at Mussek, who was watching their every move... and probably listening to their every word. Jacques didn’t like the fact that Kelly was with the other man. Ever since Dominique’s death nearly two centuries ago, Mussek had not been himself. His once-proud and firm morals had seemed to dwindle, and he had become... unpredictable in his actions. Jacques wondered if Mussek had finally moved on, but he planned to keep an eye on his old friend while Mussek was in Paris, especially since the former mentor seemed to be interested in Kelly.

  “I don’t like you being here with Mussek.”


  He reared back as if she’d slapped him.

  It pleased Kelly that she had surprised him. “You’re not my boyfriend, Jacques, and you’re certainly not my husband, so I can share an evening with whomever I wish.”

  He twirled her outside into the cool evening air, releasing Kelly as the curtains falling closed behind them. She shivered for a moment as she stared out over the balcony at a magnificent and huge moonlit backyard. Then Jacques swung her against him with a swift move, her body going pliant against his without her conscious decision.

  “Won’t you let me make things up to you?”

  Kelly felt her heart splinter, melt, and accelerate all in the same beat at the burning possession in his eyes, the determined set of his lips. His hands moved down over her shoulders, slipping the thin straps of her outfit from her flesh. He lowered his head and kissed a trail of heat over one shoulder. Strong hands circled her waist and lifted her so that she sat on the balcony ledge, but she wasn’t afraid. Jacques’s strength surrounded her; she knew he would never let her fall.

  He captured her lips with his. She couldn’t think to fight him anymore, couldn’t remain mad at him when his mouth and tongue were creating such delicious havoc. One hand moved from her waist and slid up her side to fondle her breast, pushing the material of her dress aside till he finally cupped the bared globe. His thumb played over her nipple, causing fissions of electricity to zing up her spine.

  Eyes closed, she arched toward him, shoving her mound into that warm hand, while he continued to make her dizzy with kiss after kiss. Her belly quivered as his hand skimmed over her and came to her thigh, gliding up and beneath her skirt, touching, caressing. Then his fingers brushed her moist juncture.

  Good God. Was that her moaning and mewling? She cried out as his fingers slipped inside her panties, and his digits moved over her, stroking, teasing. She clutched him, her eyelids snapping open to meet his fiery gaze.

  She was about to say his name, to surrender to him completely, but the loud clearing of a throat cooled both their ardor. Mussek stood a little distance behind them.

  Jacques brought Kelly’s skirt down, and he helped her to stand on the balcony as the other vampire spoke.

  “I think it time we leave for the evening. I can tell that you’re distressing Kelly.”

  Jacques’s smile was smugly satisfied. “That’s not distress, and you know it, Mussek. You’re very aware it i
s her need for me.”

  Kelly’s face felt on fire. She looked between the men, wishing a hole would open up and swallow her. Mussek glared at Jacques and extended his hand toward Kelly. She took it, her resolve back.

  “Will you take me to my hotel?”

  “Of course,” Mussek said, as if he were comforting a child, and then he turned a steely gaze on Jacques. “Find your own date, Devereaux, and leave Kelly be.” He led her away, but then they ran into Vincinni, who was about to scold her for exiting the party early she knew, but Mussek took care of the situation. While Vincinni fell under the man’s compulsion, Kelly glanced back toward the balcony.

  It didn’t feel good to leave Jacques this time; there were no feelings of him deserving her anger, just an ache in her heart. What was she doing? Shaking her head, she focused her attention on Mussek. After all, he was, by her request, her escort for the evening.

  He wrapped his arm around her as they walked.

  “I’m sorry. Jacques... he’s a... is...” She couldn’t find the words.

  Mussek bristled. “He’s a fool! That’s what he is.”

  Kelly smiled at that. “I will agree with you there. Jacques and I... I thought we were more than friends at one point, but I was mistaken. Tonight... I...”

  His expression was understanding. “There is no need to explain. We have certain abilities, as you know. I am certain he brought you under his thrall. In fact, I was lucky to have arrived on the balcony when I did, or he might have seduced you completely.” His voice was filled with contempt. “I’d never have thought Jacques would stoop so low.”

  Kelly didn’t say anything. She knew she hadn’t been enthralled; it had just been Jacques being Jacques. That was all it ever took for her to be his. She changed the subject as they left the party.

  * * * * *

  “Thank you for coming with me this evening. I enjoyed your company very much.” Despite their brief appearance at the party, Mussek had been a pleasant companion on the trip to and from it.

  He walked her into the hotel lobby. “I will be at the theater tomorrow night to see you dance.”

  “That’s very nice to know. It pleases me that people enjoy my performances.” They stopped in front of the elevator. Kelly felt a nervous tension, uncertain what she should do. She didn’t want to invite him up, but she didn’t want to be rude, either.

  Mussek seemed nice, and he was handsome with his dark eyes and rich auburn hair. His thick Russian accent was attractive as well. He lifted her hand to his lips; she was disappointed that she didn’t feel the same rush of excitement that she did with Jacques.

  His mouth lingered for a moment, his eyes capturing hers. Then he stood and bowed deeply in a chivalrous gesture. “Till I see you grace the stage tomorrow evening. Good night”

  “Good night.” She watched as he moved across the lobby and out the door, the smile slipping from her face before she stepped into the elevator.

  Thoughts of Jacques once again permeated her mind as she traveled to her suite. She opened the door to her room and prepared for bed, groaning in frustration when images persisted of the interrupted scene on the balcony ‑‑ his caresses and the intoxicating kisses that turned her mind to mush.

  She heard a low chuckle in her head and knew it was Jacques reading her mind. She tossed the covers aside on her bed and flounced in. “Oh, shut up!” she groused, then shut the light off, pulled the covers up to her chin, and fought to go to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Kelly sat straight up in bed, covering her eyes from the brilliant morning light that streamed though the window. The banging sounded again. Kelly moaned, then stumbled toward the door.

  Flinging it open, she looked at the surprised man on the other side. The same one who had checked her into the hotel. “Oui?”

  “These arrived for you, mademoiselle.” He handed a bouquet to her before leaving.

  Closing the door, Kelly grimaced at the dozen red roses. Was Jacques apologizing for his actions last night? She reminded herself to be strong since she was still mad at him, of course.

  Removing the card, she gasped at its contents. Please honor me with your beauty and company tonight. Mussek. His contact information was below. She inhaled the scent of the roses as she pondered his invitation.

  Laying the flowers aside, she picked up the phone and dialed Mussek’s number. An answering machine picked up; his accented voice asked the caller to leave a message and stated he would call back.

  “Hi, Mussek. This is Kelly Matthews. I got the beautiful flowers you sent. Thank you. I would love to meet you tonight. It’s so nice to have a friend who shares the same interests. There is a small café just down the block from my hotel called Le Bistro. We can meet there after the performance, if that’s okay. If not, please call me. Thank you again for being so kind.”

  * * * * *

  Kelly sat at the café she’d directed him to. The waiter brought the menu; when she looked up, Mussek stood before her. He smiled warmly down at her and stopped her as she made to rise.

  “No, please don't get up. I can’t tell you enough what a pleasure it was to watch you on stage again this evening.” He kissed her fingers.

  “Thank you, Mussek.” Then she grew silent, clearly thinking over her next words. “I want to apologize again for last night. I wasn’t prepared to handle Jacques.”

  Mussek sat down across from her. “Please do not apologize. I find you very brave and intriguing. It’s not anyone who could be in company with...” His words trailed away briefly. “...our kind.”

  She nodded, grinning. “So, I believe it is safe to say that you will not join me in a meal this evening.”

  He laughed. “I am afraid not, but thank you.”

  “You’re missing out, Mussek,” she commented, waving her fork at him as her food appeared in short order.

  “It has just been many years since I have been able to converse with a mortal in such a way.” Highly amused, Mussek watched as she ate. They discussed when he was last in Paris, and he felt so free in being able to talk about his life with this breathtaking woman. He had yearned for such companionship for so long ‑‑ was it finally within his reach?

  She was the very essence and embodiment of Dominique. Nothing would stand in his way of making her his. Not this time. He’d lost his beloved once; he wouldn’t lose her again.

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed the performance tonight.”

  “It has been quite a while since I have seen someone as talented as you are on the stage. Of course, there are many who are skilled, but not everyone holds the true fire and passion within.”

  Kelly's eyes widened. “That is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me.”

  “Then I will make certain to tell you such things often.”

  Kelly’s grin ignited something deep in his soul. He watched spellbound as she lifted her glass to salute him, then took a quick sip. “I’m afraid if you do that, Mussek, my head will swell and float away.”

  Kelly was shocked at the coldness that enveloped her as Mussek covered her hand. Although Jacques's touch was also cool, it always felt full of warmth to her. Kelly shivered, and Mussek immediately released her, as if realizing just how chilly his touch was.

  “I apologize. Sometimes I forget I’m not as cozy as I used to be.” Looking at her empty plate, he then motioned to a vehicle parked just up the street. “Please join me back at my home. We can have a glass of wine and continue our evening.”

  Kelly dabbed at the corners of her lips with a linen napkin. “I don’t know. It’s getting late.” And she didn’t want him to misunderstand. She might not be as inexperienced as Cassie had been, but she wasn’t easy either.

  Mussek rose. “I only wish to show you my collection. I have items from ballets a couple of hundred years ago that I think will interest you. Props, costumes, and art I’ve come to possess over time.”

  Kelly was excited. “That does sound wonderful; however, I do not want you to have the wrong impr
ession, Mussek. Please be aware that I am not looking for romance but would love to spend the evening with you as friends, sharing the same love of the dance.” She thought she saw a flash of disappointment, but the look vanished as he quickly smiled.

  She grabbed her purse, argued amicably with Mussek as he paid the bill, then allowed him to escort her to his vehicle. Once they arrived at his home on the other side of the city, he showed her to his parlor, where a cheerful fire waited for them.

  “Please have a seat, and I will get the wine before we see the collection.” He indicated a chair, and Kelly nodded, making herself comfortable. He produced a bottle and glasses from a small liquor cabinet. Pouring her a drink, then for himself, he raised his glass.

  “What shall we toast to?” His dark eyes focused intently on her as he gazed at Kelly.

  “Let’s see...” Kelly thought for a moment, “To the ballet that we love so much.”

  “Hear, hear.” They clinked glasses; then he sat on the floor before the fire and made desultory conversation before rising and leading her to another room, wine still in hand. “Come, join me. See what I have.”

  She did, wandering around the room with him, finally sitting on the carpet. She was delighted at the old dancing shoes ‑‑ some a brilliant red satin, others a soft pink ‑‑ along with men’s shoes. Her hands ran over the satin laces of each slipper, touched the sheer material of the male and female costumes. He pulled forth a dress from a garment box, sealed in plastic for protection. He had a story for everything. The dancers. Their lives. It was amazing.

  After a few hours, Kelly leaned back and sighed, perfectly content. She took another sip of wine and smiled widely at him. “This is wonderful, Mussek. Everything is fabulous. When I retire, I will give you something of mine to keep, so you can tell someone else about me a hundred years from now.”

  She was startled when Mussek’s hand closed over hers and set her glass aside. He pulled her to him, tugging her the short distance across the rug, so that she practically fell into him. Then his lips came down over hers, and he sipped seductively at her. Kelly was overwhelmed, surprised by this sudden turn of events.


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