Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession Page 9

by Ann Lory

  He held the shirt open, and she took it from him, now flushing a bright red. He sighed with relief when she covered her nudity. Taking calming breaths, he stared at the fire for a moment to regain his composure and willed other parts of himself to ease.

  “I’ll go heat up some tea; it will help to warm you. Don’t leave the room, even if you hear me calling for you. I will come to you instead.”

  Her soft voice stopped him before he could get far. “Jacques? You didn’t finish telling me what happened outside.”

  Without looking at her, he continued his way past the door. “I will, when I return.”

  Kelly frowned and watched his retreating back. His voice had been gruff, raspy, and he had been very tense. What exactly had happened? Everything was so foggy.

  Shrugging, she sat, recovered the blanket she’d used earlier, and covered her legs. She snuggled into its warmth, and her nose brushed the collar of Jacques’s shirt, his scent immediately engulfing her. As she waited for him, Kelly rolled the hanging sleeves up to her wrists and gazed at the fireplace. When he entered the room again, he carried a dark wooden tray with a small pot of tea, a cup, and a saucer. Setting the tray down on a side table, he poured her a steaming cup and sat beside her, watching as she took a tiny sip.


  She nodded. “Much better, thank you.”

  He carefully settled her sideways into his embrace, and she grinned as his lips swept against her forehead. Heat enveloped her, and she almost purred like a contented kitten. “So, are you going to tell me what Mussek did or not?”

  He let out a heavy sigh and rubbed a hand over his head. She waited patiently for him to begin. “Mussek tricked you into entering the garden by putting you under his thrall. By the time I reached you, he had already drunk from you, was getting ready to finish creating a bond between the two of you by having you drink from him.” He paused, as if trying to find the right words.

  Kelly swallowed hard. “Something in me kept saying it was wrong, that it wasn’t you holding me, tasting me.” She frowned as if trying to remember. “He called me a name, but it wasn’t mine.”


  “That’s it. The woman he lost.” She clutched his arms, burying herself against him.

  She felt him nod. “I’m so sorry I failed you, Kelly.”

  She turned fully in his arms and faced him. “You didn’t fail me. After all, he didn’t get to complete his plan. You saved me, Jacques, and I have every faith in you.” He looked pained by her words, and she touched his jaw. “What? What is it?”

  His dark gaze met hers. “I really think you should go home, at least until I can take care of this. I’m going to confront him, Kelly. I have to. He’s proven he can no longer be trusted, that he is not the same man I once knew.”

  Kelly shook her head. “I won’t go. I won’t let him come between us. We’ll fight him together. I’ll be careful, Jacques. I promise.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I never thought that he would try to claim you in such a way.” She shuddered again, and he held her more tightly. “I will not let him harm you.”

  Surprisingly, she found herself laughing. “Let him try. I’ll boil rabbits in his cookware just like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction before he gets the chance.”

  He snorted. “This situation is not acceptable. I will not allow him near you. Mussek is clearly determined and willing to go to any lengths to have you. I’ll kill him before that ever happens.”

  She shuddered at his vehement declaration, then gasped when his lips ground down on hers. His mouth was demanding, searching. She was vaguely aware when her teacup spilled to the floor. She groaned and fell back on the couch, delighted at the hard feel of his body covering hers and the stiff proof of his desire prodding her between her legs.

  His tongue delved between her teeth, tasting the sweet nectar she offered. His fear for her overrode every good sense he had. He needed her.

  Jacques trailed kisses down her neck, her shirt buttons slipping open under his fingers. Then his hands moved over her perfectly shaped breasts, which filled his palms like they belonged there. He groaned harshly as Kelly arched her back, pushing her mounds invitingly into his fingers as the shirt fell away from her skin. He helped her remove the material completely, leaving her naked beneath him.

  The tiny buds of her nipples tempted him to taste them. Sucking one into his mouth, he held her tight, feeling her body spasm. She cried out when his tongue swirled around one pale pink tip, then the other. Her fingers twisted in his hair, and her legs swung over his waist, urging him on with his delicious torture.

  Jacques’s fangs lengthened at her ardent actions, at the way her heart quickened, pumping her life’s blood rapidly through her veins. All of it called to him. He groaned, on fire for the feel and taste of her, and tried to lift away from her. She refused to release him, holding him against her naked flesh.

  “No, Kelly.” He should have fed before she had arrived tonight, before the hunger clawed at him.

  She ran her hands down the length of his face, cupping his jaw, her eyes full of concern. “Jacques?” He couldn’t help but think, as she lay beneath him, that she looked like a sacrifice for his beast. Her eyes widened as she stared at his incisors, and he immediately clamped his mouth shut.

  “If you hunger, take from me.” Shaking his head, he once again tried to pull away, but she wouldn’t let him. “Please, Jacques. Let me help you.”

  Tangling his hands through her shiny tresses, he smiled, keeping his lips over his incisors. “You have no idea how much you thrill me, but after tonight... I-I don’t want to be like Mussek.”

  All thoughts shattered as she writhed seductively under him, baring the curve of her throat to him. “You could never be like him. What I give you is from my heart.”

  He groaned; it sounded painful even to his own ears. Bending his head, he gently touched his lips to her collarbone, then licked toward her rapidly beating pulse. His teeth sank into her tender flesh, loving the way her essence flowed across his tongue; then he jerked in surprise as he felt her hand glide in his pants and wrap around his already throbbing cock. It was so unexpected. While she filled him with her life’s blood, he thrust himself into her palm, thrilled as her fingers pumped up and down his shaft, her other hand playing through his hair.

  Feeling himself close to coming, Jacques sealed the tiny pinpricks at her neck. He was about to stop her tantalizing movements on his erection, but her mouth claimed his, her tongue rolling and battling against him until he came. His body convulsed atop hers, grinding against her slick and wet hand, pushing between her legs, as if he were already buried deep within her.

  Finally he met her eyes. More than at any moment before, Jacques desperately wanted her to share eternity with him, but as that thought crossed his mind, the image of Gabriella’s eyes staring into his, red lips stained with his blood flooded his mind. Unfortunately, memories of his vicious maker reminded him of Mussek as well.

  He kissed Kelly’s lips tenderly. “Thank you, mon ange.” Her smile was soft and satisfied, drowsy even. “Stay here tonight.” She murmured her agreement, and he kissed her again, until she fell to sleep in the warmth of his arms, exhausted.

  Jacques listened to the rhythm of her heart and the sound of her even breathing. She was so lively and full of passion; he knew it would be selfish to take everything she wanted to give him, especially as there was no guarantee she wouldn’t regret receiving the dark gift. He still had some weeks to spend with her, and he intended to make every one of those nights memorable. Then he would let her go. But until that time, Mussek would not be allowed to take this time away from them, from him.

  Grimacing, he picked her up in his arms as the hours of the early morning ticked away and took her to one of the many guest rooms for the remainder of the night.

  Chapter Ten

  Kelly couldn’t help the grin that seemed to be etched on her face. She stepped into the elevator, watching as the doo
rs closed and Jacques pressed the button that would take them up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. His dark gaze roamed over her and she could see appreciation light his eyes. It made her think of the way he’d looked last night as he’d pleased her with his hands and lips, drinking from her, and how she’d brought him to climax with her hands.

  The memory made her insides quiver and her blood run hot in her veins. A dark eyebrow arched on his face as he looked at her. Kelly stiffened as she tried to remember all the things Cassie had shared with her about a vampire’s heightened senses; she wondered if Jacques’s keen sense of smell had picked up the fact that she wanted him. The thought embarrassed her a little, and she quickly tried to divert her thoughts.

  “So, here we are at 3:30 in the morning and not another person around. It still amazes me, sometimes, that you can get in anywhere whenever you want.”

  Laughing, Jacques shrugged. “It is a gift I possess.”

  Kelly smiled, beaming at him. “Some guys have it all, I guess.” She watched as his indulgent expression gradually grew serious, and he gently brushed his fingers along her cheek.

  She cupped her hand around his. “You look sad all of a sudden.” She hoped he wasn’t dwelling on how Mussek had nearly claimed her; she’d rather Jacques thought about their love play instead.

  Shaking his head, he grinned reassuringly and kissed her forehead. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  The elevator stopped, and they stepped out onto the deck. A gentle breeze touched her hair, lifting the strands around her shoulders. As she walked ahead of him toward the railing, the shimmering lights of Paris came into view. When she finally reached the edge, she let out a contented sigh. The entire city seemed to shine just for her.

  She could see the Arc de Triomphe illuminated in the distance, the inky black waters of the Seine running its course through the city, and a boat slowly gliding along the river. Her chest expanded as she tried to take in all the beauty. She looked at Jacques when she felt his hand cover hers. Squeezing his fingers affectionately, she couldn’t help but think how romantic he was, how everything was perfect, and that it was he who had given it to her.

  Thank you, Jacques. She could tell she’d surprised him with her soft mental words; Kelly was still trying to get used to the idea that she had this skill. His black eyes probed hers.

  Kelly, I assure you, the pleasure is entirely mine.

  She went into his embrace, letting everything about him wrap itself around her heart.

  Her eyes were jewels, trapping him in their brilliance.

  “Jacques, I have to tell you something.”

  His hands brushed through her hair, marveling at the silken feel of the golden tresses slipping through his fingers. He kissed her gently, his tongue playing across her lower lip.

  “I lo--” Her words were cut off by the sound of harsh laughter behind her.

  Jacques growled, his fangs lengthening rapidly, and his eyes were no doubt glowing. He immediately shoved Kelly behind him, glaring up at Mussek. Kelly gasped, her fingers digging into Jacques's back, as the other vampire hovered above them, auburn hair wild around his face and long black cape billowing in the wind.

  Jacques hissed. “What do you want, Mussek?”

  “Why, her, and...” he paused, a delighted smile smearing over his face. “And you dead, of course.”

  Jacques heard Kelly cry out as he pushed her away, trying to send her beyond Mussek’s reach. He snarled; then he and Mussek rushed each other. They fought in midair, long talons slashing and barely missing, both trying to gain an advantage over the other.

  “I have had enough of you, child.” Mussek’s voice was full of venom. He caught Jacques around the throat, but Jacques swiped his hand down the side of Mussek's face, laying his cheek open and causing the older vampire to shriek in pain and rage. Unfortunately, Mussek’s hold didn't falter with the blow, and his former teacher sent both their bodies flying down the Eiffel Tower, toward the ground far below.

  Kelly’s scream followed their descent. Jacques tried in vain to gain the upper hand, to at least turn himself into mist to halt his freefall, but Mussek penetrated his mind, preventing him from shifting. His body crashed onto the hard ground; worse, when he hit, Mussek twisted Jacques’s body punishingly. Jacques heard and felt his spine crack, then break. He arched spasmodically, cried out in sheer agony, then came to rest beneath the other vampire.

  Mussek sneered down at him. “Let the sun have you, ingrate.” Jacques was unable to do anything but watch helplessly as Mussek slashed his talons across Jacques’s chest and swiped Jacques’s throat so that blood flowed, weakening him further. Then Mussek flew toward the top of the Eiffel Tower, back to Kelly.

  “Jacques! Oh, my God, Jacques!” Kelly rushed away from the railing and hurried to the elevator, stabbing the button several times. The door finally opened and she leaped in, but a hand snapped around her wrist, stopped her, and spun her about. She gasped as she came face-to-face with Mussek.

  “My beloved, we don’t have much time. The dawn will be upon us soon.”

  Kelly shook her head, jerked herself from his grasp, and attempted to inch her way to the iron beams nearby. “Something’s wrong with you, Mussek. I’ve told you, my heart does not, and will never, belong to you.”

  He glared at her, and she tasted fear as his eyes began to glow red. She looked away from him, afraid he would try to bring her under his control again and knowing she’d be powerless to avoid his thrall. He grabbed at her, but she thrust herself away.

  “I said no!” She lifted a cross from her pocket and held it before him, her hand trembling. He laughed and covered the cross with his fingers.

  “You watch too many movies, girl.”

  She snarled, whipping her fingers from beneath his and releasing the useless cross. Then, from another pocket, she brought forth a small silver blade she’d kept with her since Gabriella’s attack on Cassie months ago. “Maybe, but I know a few so-called myths that are true.” She didn’t think about where or how she would use the knife, focusing solely on the urgency to escape and to get both her and Jacques to safety.

  She slashed the blade up and across, shocked when she scored deeply, scarlet spilling from Mussek’s neck. The vampire’s face registered incredulity, his flesh burning and bubbling even as blood continued to pour from the gaping wound. He made to speak, but fluid dripped from his lips as well. He raised his hands and looked down at the red staining his fingers.

  Kelly gaped, horrified at what she had done. She dropped the knife, her hands shaking, and backed up. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, meaning it, but knowing she had had no other choice than to defend herself.

  He stepped toward her, and she stumbled, retreating. “Silver,” he managed to gurgle, sounding bewildered. He appeared sad, overwhelmed with grief, as if he couldn’t believe she’d actually hurt him. “Dominique, how could--”

  “I’m not Dominique!” she yelled. “I’m Kelly, Kelly Matthews!”

  His demeanor changed, and he scowled, choking further on the blood welling from his wound, staining the front of his clothing. His eyes narrowed, and Kelly knew things were not over between them.

  I’ll see you again. Then he whirled away and disappeared into the shadows of the fading night.

  Gulping in deep breaths, Kelly almost tumbled to her knees, but somehow she reached for and found strength; she had to help Jacques. She touched her mind to his and was immediately engulfed in pain. She shrieked and fell against the elevator’s iron gate. Scrambling for the penknife, she folded the blade closed and slipped it back in her pocket before staggering into the elevator cab.

  Jacques had heard everything that had transpired between Kelly and Mussek. He’d been terrified for her safety, but she’d certainly surprised him and Mussek with her secret weapon. Silver. He was incredibly proud of her for defending herself so successfully against a creature as old and strong as Mussek. The vampire had been so sure of himself that he had let his guard down ‑‑ and she’d t
aken advantage of his overconfidence to strike.

  What little energy he had available Jacques used to put up a mental block between him and Kelly. He could feel her mind try to touch his again, but he firmly kept her out. For once he cursed their bond; it was taking everything in him to hold both her and the pain at bay. He knew the link between them was strong enough that the moment he failed to do so, she would succumb under his torment.

  And yet, the bond had been an unintended result those many months ago as they’d tried to save Cassie from Gabriella; when Kelly had freely offered her blood to him, and he’d in turn given her his to help replenish what he’d taken, their exchange had not only been done because of the urgency of the situation, but also because of the love and compassion they shared. Now Kelly was more connected to him than anyone, even Quintin, whose bond was that of a servant to his master. The two men had partaken only enough blood for mutual loyalty and protection, which included communication between their minds. Thus, Quintin had received Jacques’s strength and speed, and could sense when Jacques was in danger, but nothing deeper.

  “Kelly,” he choked out, but blood spilled from his lips. Her cries and hysteria were growing; so was her fear for his life. Then she was there. Her tears fell, hitting his face, as she stared at his mangled body and tenderly touched his forehead, cheek, jaw.

  “Oh, Jacques.” Her words were broken sobs, and her hands shook. He knew she was trying to figure out how to help him without hurting him even more.

  He was going to bleed to death if they didn’t fix that first. Grab handfuls of soil and pack my wounds. She instantly did as he said, retrieving handfuls of the earth from the nearby turf. He wanted to sigh in pain and pleasure at the contact, knowing the soil would help heal him. I can't move. His breathing was labored. My back... it’s broken...I’ve lost too much blood... and the sun... will rise... soon.


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