Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession Page 17

by Ann Lory

  “Forgive me for startling you, Madame Devereaux. I’m a friend of Jacques’s and arrived last night.”

  She extended her hand to shake his, smiling when he brought it to his lips instead. “Kelly Devereaux.”

  “Michael Windsor. A pleasure to meet you.”

  “What brings you to Jacques’s?”

  Michael hesitated. She noticed the reaction and watched him. “I’m here to help him with a problem he’s been having.”

  “You mean Mussek?” Michael nodded and Kelly shuddered. The words were out before she could stop them. “He scares me.” Michael seemed to give her his full attention, his gaze intent upon her face. “Jacques told me he tried to bond with me without my knowledge.” She took a few steps from Michael, then turned back, regarding him soberly. “We don’t really know each other, and I’m sorry about all this, but it gives me some relief to know that you and the others will help him. Every day I’m afraid of what Mussek might do. I love Jacques; I have for a long time. I don’t know what it will take for Mussek to understand this and accept it.”

  She brushed a trembling hand through her hair. “Have you ever been in love, Michael?”

  “No,” he said softly, his gaze wavering slightly from hers. “But I have loved.”

  “Then you know what I’m talking about.” Kelly patted his arm and smiled. “Thank you for letting me vent a little.” Kelly picked a white rose that bloomed prettily beside the bench. She gave it to Michael and kissed his cheek. “And thank you for being here for us.” Then she went in search of her husband.

  * * * * *

  Jacques sat on the couch in front of an empty hearth, face buried in his hands. The room was cold, and he let the chill of it surround his heart. He was unsure of Kelly’s earlier reaction and terrified.

  Thankfully, the Stephenses were still out sightseeing; Quintin and Marian had been given the task to help Cassie’s family navigate around Paris. It had been easy enough the previous evening to plant an excuse in their minds why the others would be unable to go with them. Newlyweds, of course, would not be expected to leave their bed, Cassie and Dimitri were supposedly not feeling well, and Damian and Christian were guests themselves.

  He tensed as his wife’s presence made itself known. Looking up, Jacques gaped as she seemed to glide toward him. She wore a sheer white night dress that hugged her curves and a matching robe. The flimsy material of the gown left nothing to the imagination as he could see every swell and curve her body had. She looked ready for seduction, which puzzled him, given what had happened in their chamber before.

  Kelly came to stand before him, nudging his legs apart; she knelt between them, studying his face with concerned eyes. Eyes that were black as pitch. Jacques held in a breath as that dark gaze roamed over him. He barely restrained himself from touching her; still she caught his hand in hers, bringing it to her lips and kissing his palm, nibbling softly. The tender gesture tore through him.

  “Kelly.” His voice was full of overwhelming guilt and sadness. Kelly touched his mouth and smiled lovingly. A blue gleam shimmered across the black depths of her eyes and Jacques was spellbound.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you, I just needed a moment. This is what I wanted and still want. The night is gorgeous, Jacques. I love it!”

  Jacques grasped her hands and gazed down into her eyes. “This will be a most difficult transition for you. Already I can feel your hunger, the pain--”

  “No, Jacques. As long as you are by my side, I can do this. I can do anything--” She touched his cheek, her fingers tangling in the locks of his hair. “-- because I have you.” She stretched and kissed him, and he read the truth of her words and her love in her passion, tasted them on her lips. Relieved, he pulled her up against his chest and into his lap, his hands roaming all over her.

  Her mouth left trails of fire along his jaw, his neck, and hovered over his pulse. Her tongue skimmed along his skin as her hands played over his chest, tugging his shirt up and over his head. Her hunger and desire beat at him, and he urged her to his flesh.

  She hesitated, looking up at him, her dark eyes blazing with desire. He could see her fangs showing from beneath her slightly parted lips. His entire body clenched at the desire that surged within him, at the exquisite sensuality that she exhibited. God, she was beautiful! Even in death, she was breathtaking to behold.

  With an instant’s thought, the study door swung shut, the coffee table behind her slid away from them, and flames burst to life in the hearth. His bride looked surprised.

  His voice was deep and husky with his burning need. “Take from me, Kelly. I can feel your hunger. I will always feed you, and you will learn all that you need to know.”

  With the slightest pressure from his hand on her head, Kelly lowered her mouth to his pulse once more. Her tongue swiped across it; then he felt the white heat as her fangs pierced him. His entire body clenched as pleasure slashed through him. Her mouth was hot and moist as she sucked. His own craving built until he thought he might burst with the need to be one with her. His fingers clasped a hip; his free hand glided along her ribs, cupping one breast.

  As she drank, she unfastened his pants and took his cock into her hand, fondling him, running her fingers over him. He arched off the couch as the wicked sensations scorched him from his groin inward.

  She moaned as she stopped drinking, then looked at him.

  “Run your tongue along the wound, mon ange.” Kelly did he said and watched as the wounds closed. Jacques knew his desire permeated the air, combining with her lust; how could he ever deny her anything?

  She shoved him back onto the couch and brought his shaft into her mouth, loving him with her lips and tongue. Her hands stroked him from base to tip, clearly relishing his cries of pleasure and the fact that she could bring him to the heights of ecstasy.

  Kelly kissed him with passion as she straddled him and brought the full length of him within her. She moved her body to the rhythm of their hearts, which beat in time with each other’s, and moaned when he fondled her breasts. He lifted his head so that his lips could worship her sensitive mounds. When his fangs sank into her tender flesh, she whimpered. He could tell from their mental link that a warm tidal wave of pleasure rippled through her. He continued to move her hips as he plunged in and out of her, and she gripped and released him until, with a roar, he joined her over the crest.

  They loved each other with infinite passion through the next few hours, losing themselves in erotic abandon. Jacques heard Kelly’s thoughts just before he swept her up and brought her back to their chambers: they now truly belonged to each other in every way.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kelly looked at the picture on the nightstand, reminding herself to buy a frame for it. She turned and Jacques winked at her as he pulled on a shirt, quickly buttoned it, and tucked it into his pants. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to be visiting with the men for a while. Will you stay out of trouble?”

  She smiled and shrugged. “You go be macho man! I, Jane, will remain in the tree house with the other females.”

  Jacques rolled his eyes at her and left the room.

  She finished dressing and walked from their chambers in search of Cassie, finding her in the garden. Her friend sat on one of the many iron benches, reading a book. It made Kelly laugh that she didn’t need more light to see the words. Cassie’s head popped up at her approach.

  “Hi, there!”

  Kelly smiled. “Hi, yourself.” She plopped down beside Cassie. “Well, the family isn’t back yet from their day in Paris, and the men have ditched us.” She had a sudden and immediate urge to run into town. “Want to go into Paris with me? It’s still fairly early, and I want to buy a frame for my wedding portrait. Maybe we’ll meet up with the family.”

  Cassie hopped to her feet. “Of course. Let’s go.”

  Kelly found all the sets of keys to the many different cars hanging on the wall in the kitchen. Taking one batch from the hook, they were soon on th
eir way. The women teased and laughed with each another, rolling down the windows of the car as the night breeze blew into the interior and surrounded them.

  Kelly parked on a busy street where there were still several shops open. She and Cassie ventured into each one, but she still hadn’t found the right frame for her painting. It still amazed Kelly how everything was so vivid and keen to her senses, whether it was by sight, smell, touch, or sound.

  She looked at a young couple talking across the street and heard every word the male whispered to the woman; Kelly grinned at his sweet sentiments.

  “Quit eavesdropping,” Cassie scolded, laughing at her.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “It is to me but, hey, I’ve gotten used to it by now.”

  Kelly looped her arm through Cassie’s and laid her head on her shoulder as they walked down the brick sidewalk. “Was it terribly difficult for you in the beginning?”

  Cassie pondered the question for a moment. “Not in the way you mean. The whole idea of vampires was crazy when I found out about them, and the way Gabriella turned me was traumatic as you know, but Dimitri was wonderful. The hardest thing to get used to was drinking someone else’s blood, but mostly Dimitri feeds me. At different times, though, he makes me hunt on my own so that if I ever need to I can.”

  “What about the smells, sounds, and sensations?”

  Cassie laughed. “I understand now. Yes, that did take some getting used to, but it won’t take long to learn how to block those things out. Jacques will help teach you to always be aware of your surroundings.”

  Kelly smiled dreamily as she thought of her husband. Husband. It still sounded a little strange to know Jacques was completely hers now, but she savored the knowledge in her heart. She pictured him now, his dark good looks playing in her mind and that heart-stopping smile that made her insides all mushy...

  “You goofy girl, you’re grinning like a teenager in love,” Cassie teased, nudging Kelly with her elbow.

  “I can’t help it, Cass. All these years I thought I would never love anyone like this. I was so happy for you when you found Dimitri, and now I know how you feel. It’s incredible, wonderful. At times, I thought the heartache after I met Jacques would kill me, but he’s mine now, and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.”

  Cassie nodded in agreement, obviously understanding all too well. Her friend and Dimitri had endured quite a bit themselves to be together. Cassie’s struggles to accept the fact that Dimitri was vampire. The couple’s ultimate fight for survival against Gabriella, who had made Dimitri, Jacques... and Cassie.

  Kelly shook off the morbid thoughts. They rounded a corner as they walked back to the car when she noticed the absolute silence that seemed to fill the street. There were no people as there should have been; even the breeze seemed to have deserted the area.

  Kelly was not yet used to her new powers, so she turned to her friend for an explanation when Cassie grabbed her hand and stopped her in mid stride. Kelly could feel the other woman’s concern; she watched as Cassie’s eyes searched the dark alley they were in front of and the one across the street, looking deep into the shadows.

  “What’s wrong, Cass?” Kelly was becoming nervous at Cassie’s alert countenance. Then she screamed as Cassie was suddenly hurtled from her and her friend slammed hard onto the dirty pavement in the middle of the alley.

  * * * * *

  Something was wrong, Jacques could feel it. He sent every sense into the castle to locate Kelly. She was in the garden with Cassie, but wait... Rising, Jacques rushed from the study, Dimitri hot on his heels. “You feel something amiss, as well.”

  Dimitri nodded, now beside him. Damian and Christian followed them.

  “Search the garden,” Jacques ordered. With preternatural speed, they were done with their search in seconds. Racing back into the castle, the men searched again for Kelly and Cassie, but there was still no sign of the women, though the sense of them still being there was strong.

  Jacques looked at Dimitri, Damian, and Christian, his gaze narrowed. “Where is Michael? He should have joined us already, as he said he would.” Increased terror clutched his heart at the immediate answer. His latest guest was gone, of course. Michael must have helped Mussek, after all.

  He still felt Kelly and Cassie’s presence, but he knew he’d been tricked, as Dimitri had been tricked. Their wives were no longer in the castle. Reaching out with his mind, he searched once more for Kelly. Jacques prayed to God they weren’t too late for the women.

  * * * * *

  “Cassie!” Kelly had moved toward her fallen friend, who was lying disoriented on the wet and smelly ground, when she noticed a shimmering mist coming toward her. Frightened, she watched the oddity for a few seconds as it wove its way into the alley. Confused at what it was, she became even more alarmed when a cold feeling filled her; the hair stood on the nape of her neck. Whatever that thing was, it couldn’t be good.

  Kelly, go to Cassie and get out of there now. I am on my way.

  Hearing Jacques’s voice combined with the overall fear she felt spurred Kelly into action. Kelly dropped to her knees by Cassie, helping her friend sit up. “Are you okay?”

  Cassie clutched her head for a moment, then looked up at Kelly. “Dimitri knows. He and Jacques are on their way.”

  Kelly nodded. “We have to get out of here. Something is coming.”

  Cassie clutched Kelly’s hand and Kelly heaved her to her feet. She wrapped her arm around her friend’s waist, supporting her as they made their way quickly to the opposite end of the alley.

  Laughter, malicious and cruel, filled the small passageway, seeming to bounce off the walls of the buildings surrounding them. It rang in Kelly’s ears and wound down her spine, making more goose bumps rise, if that were possible, on her flesh.

  “Ladies, why do you run?”

  They both froze, slowly turning around to face the creature who had found them. Cassie and Kelly gaped at Mussek. He levitated in the air, a long black cape flowing behind him, his auburn hair whipping around his face.

  “I will not let you have her.” Cassie moved to shield Kelly, but Kelly tried to push her aside.

  “What are you doing? Are you nuts? You can’t fight him.”

  Cassie flung out her arms, clearly in an attempt to push the vampire back with her powers, but Mussek easily withstood the attempt. Laughing, he lashed at Cassie, sending her body flying back into Kelly.

  The force knocked both women off their feet. Kelly heard Jacques cry out in her mind, knew that he was trying to get to her as quickly as he could. She watched Mussek warily from where she lay on the ground as he floated toward them.

  “Foolish girl! Your strength is no match for mine, and you insult me by trying to use it against me.” His hand came up and Cassie rose into the air. Kelly latched onto both of her friend’s hands, trying to hold her. Cassie’s eyes were wide with fear as she clutched desperately at Kelly, but Mussek’s fingers flashed opened and Cassie was ripped from Kelly and flung into the brick wall on one side of the alley.

  Kelly watched in dismay as Cassie fell to the ground, unconscious. Mussek lifted his hand again, elevating Cassie’s limp form. Kelly cried out, jumping to her feet. “Stop it! Stop it!”

  Mussek looked at her then, his smile wicked. “But why should I stop, my sweet?”

  Kelly looked at her friend’s suspended body and swallowed her fear. “Because if you do, I’ll come with you. Willingly. But you have to let her go.”

  Mussek extended his other hand toward her.

  Jacques’s cries of denial rang in her head. Do not take his hand. We are almost there.

  Kelly hesitated, wanting to wait for Jacques and Dimitri.

  “The time is now, my love, or I will kill your friend this instant.” Cassie’s body jiggled in the air. “Do you really want to take that chance with her life?” His black eyes were cold as ice as he glared down at Kelly. “Make your choice.”

  She looked at Cassie one last
time, then stepped forward, her hand reaching for Mussek’s.

  I’m sorry, Jacques.

  No, Kelly, no! Do not do this!

  But it was too late. She cringed as Mussek’s frigid fingers closed around her own. He spun her up and jerked her into his embrace, releasing his hold over Cassie, who dropped down, still unconscious.

  Mussek held Kelly in his embrace, her back pressed against his chest. She whimpered as his lips brushed her temple. “At last, my love, you will be mine.” Then, heedless of her struggles, Mussek fled into the night.

  Tears filled Kelly’s eyes as she echoed Jacques’s cries with her own. He and Dimitri flew into the alley seconds later. But Mussek and Kelly were gone.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Dimitri immediately rushed to his wife. He lifted her into his arms, his fingers brushing through her long chestnut hair, one palm caressing her cheek as the other searched her for injuries.

  “Cassandra, agapi mou, open your eyes.”

  Cassie's lashes fluttered then her eyes slowly looked into his. Dimitri kissed her lips passionately. Having her safe in his arms was an overwhelming relief. Pulling away, he stared down at her.

  “Why did you leave when you knew the danger?”

  Cassie lowered her gaze. “I'm sorry. Honestly, we didn’t think of it, only about spending time with each other. And she really wanted to get a frame for the portrait you did.” She looked over at Jacques, who stood alone, facing the other end of the alley where Mussek had disappeared with Kelly.

  His friend’s head was high and Dimitri knew he was calling out to Kelly with his mind, trying to catch her scent, anything that would help Jacques locate her.

  “Jacques,” Cassie whispered softly. Slowly he turned around to face her. The expression in his black eyes was so forlorn that Dimitri’s heart nearly broke. He knew what it was like to fear for a beloved.


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