Allied Mage

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by Janelle Peel



  A Clutch Mistress Book

  Janelle Peel

  Amazon Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2017 Janelle Peel

  Illustrated by Elaine Newsome

  To be notified when Janelle Peel’s next book is released, follow her online at

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  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing from the author, except for brief quotations used for promotion or in reviews.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, businesses, locales or events is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15



  Sora is a highly sought-after Vampire Mage Hybrid.

  Dhampir, Daywalker… Chosen.

  The Shifter Pack wants to use her for unknown reasons…

  The Mage Council wants her as well…

  Can Sora gain the Allies she needs for the coming war?

  Was she Chosen by the Goddess? And if so, for what? Is she a weapon?

  Everyone wants a piece of her and the power she’s barely scratched the surface of. Can she stand tall and true, while protecting what is hers?

  What will she sacrifice for the family she has finally achieved, and what lengths will she go to keep them?

  Will her choices cost her the Mate she’s madly in love with, and the family she has always dreamed of?

  Clutch Mistress Series-

  Vampire Mage

  Allied Mage

  Chosen Mage

  Coming soon... Alpha Mage

  Dear reader,

  While this book can be read alone, it is recommended that you read Vampire Mage, first. Important events have been skimmed over, but not detailed. I have included a Glossary at the end of the book for your convenience.

  ~Happy reading,


  To my Husband and children.

  Thanks for putting up with my crazy writing obsession.


  Chapter 1


  Trailing my fingers along the silver veined wallpaper to my room, I released a long sigh. Goddess, this sucked. I really hated being alone. Why couldn’t the LA Clutch use a damned phone or freaking skype anyway? Why were they all hell bent on some dumb tradition crap?

  “These things need to be done in person.” Blaze had said in bed the night before.

  I pouted against his chest while he played with the tips of my unbound silver hair draped across his torso. “Why can’t Jackson go? He’s your second.”

  He chuckled at my sulking tone and kissed my crown. “If I want their Master to take my words seriously, I have to go. We may need their help with the Council.” He sighed before tipping my chin up to meet his eyes. “I would never willingly leave you, but we need all the allies we can get. You do understand, they might need us as much as we need them.” His lips turned down, “Turning females is incredibly difficult under the best of circumstances.”

  I gazed into his endless sapphire eyes; willing me to understand. He was right, I knew. I just really didn’t like it. Having successfully helped turn my best friend, even on the brink of her first shift, had been a major shock to us all.

  My voice trembled, “What if something happens? I don’t know the first thing about being a,” I raised the fingers of my left hand and air quoted, “Mistress.” My nose wrinkled in distaste. Ick, it’d been over a week and the title still felt dirty to me.

  He smirked at my discomfort. “You will be fine; the Clutch loves you.” His eyes twinkled mischievously, “I love you. Plus, you have a great ass, anyone would follow you anywhere.”

  I blushed and slapped his chest. “Funny man.” My face screwed up again in worry, “But what about-”

  He placed his index finger over my lips, “Shh. You can do this, Love. I trust you.”

  Then he kissed me and seduced me into forgetting the whole damned thing. The big jerk, I knew he’d done it on purpose.

  Now he was gone and I didn’t know what the hell to do with myself.

  Viv’s door popped open at my approach, her spiky pink hair preceded her petite face. “Hey. Fang Boy gone already?”

  I grinned at her endearment, “Yup.” I paused and frowned, “He left over an hour ago.”

  Her eyes softened briefly before hardening into firm resolve. Jerking her head to my door, she said, “Go get some gym clothes on.”

  My brows dipped in confusion. “Ummm, whhhhyyy?”

  The black spandex bike shorts made her toned legs look amazing as she closed her door and strode confidently to mine. Cocking a hip, her green flecked blue eyes squinted up at me like I was an idiot. “Sweat therapy, duh.”

  I shook my head as she turned away and let herself into my room.

  Minutes later, we were zipping down the steel walled underground tunnel to the barracks. She was perfectly silent while my bare feet scraped against the rough, concrete floor. I really needed to start wearing shoes again.

  Viv muscled open the heavy metal door with ease, and slammed it shut behind us with a clang.

  I rose a brow at the sound and she shrugged in response. Vampire strength was awesome.

  The small steel chamber was empty. The room’s only contents were a black powder coated bench and a rebar ladder leading up to the barracks through a metal tube built into the wall opposite the door.

  Before I could ask if this really was necessary, Viv grinned and flashed up the rungs.

  She knew me too well. Groaning, I followed her.

  It was strangely quiet. The tidy bunks were empty; all the Protectors were out patrolling the grounds or with Blaze. I’d only ever been in here when other people were present.

  Viv snarked from the doorway leading to the training grounds, “What the hell is taking you so long? Move your skinny ass.”

  “I’m coming!” I exclaimed, picking up my pace and rolling my eyes at her impatience. “Goddess, what’s the rush anyway? You haven’t even told me what we’re going to do.”

  She didn’t answer as I walked through the open door and stopped in my tracks.

  Wow, this place was huge.

  Right, I thought. This was where Viv broke her arm.

  I turned around, taking in the rock climbing wall, catwalks, hanging ropes and numerous exercise machines on one side the room. The other wall looked like a freaking medieval armory, complete with a bright red karate mat bigger than a basketball court on the floor.

  A thumping drew my attention toward the center of the mat.

  Viv stood there, tapping her bare foot with two six-foot wooden poles in one hand. The motion made her perky boobs bounce under her black tank.

  I chuckled and shook my head as my f
eet sank into the thick mat. “Do you ever wear a bra anymore?”

  She smiled devilishly, “Nope. I’m like this forever, and these babies,” she patted each breast affectionately with her empty hand, “are too damned fine to confine.”

  Laughter echoed around the room as we both giggled at her pun.

  Jovially, I uttered, “You’re such a dork.”

  “Yeah,” she curtsied, shifting the staffs with the motion, “and you love me for it.”

  “I do.” Grinning at our banter, my brows rose in question, “What, exactly, are we doing?”

  She moved one pole to her other hand and twirled them expertly in the air before tossing one to me. Clumsily, I barely caught the staff before it hit the floor.

  “Practicing.” Her face scrunched in thought. “If we are at war, with whoever the fuck,” she rolled her eyes, “we need to defend ourselves.” She gestured an arm toward my hand, “Magic is finite, right? I mean, you can deplete it.” She shrugged, seeming at a loss for words. “Why not learn to defend yourself without it?”

  My thoughts rewound to when I’d needed Blaze’s blood to help ward around the mansion’s perimeter. Viv was right, I couldn’t rely solely on magic.

  I sent a prayer to the Goddess, please let the Clutch’s Mage come back soon to help me. I didn’t need just physical training, I needed magical as well.

  A sheen of sweat dampened my skin. The evidence of my hard work pooled beneath my sports bra, soaking the material. My once hot pink tank looked more magenta. Lifting the hem, I flapped it to get some air circulating. “Damn, Viv,” I fanned myself, “this shit is hard.”

  She smirked, looking just as peppy as ever. Apparently, Vampires didn’t sweat. “Jealous?”

  I nodded, “A little, but I can still eat ice cream, so I guess it’s a fair trade.” Being a dhampir did have its advantages.

  She motioned a finger gun at me and fired, “You got me there. You do have to admit though,” she licked her lips, “blood is delicious.”

  “I’ve only had Blaze’s,” I smiled wistfully, “but yes, yum.”

  She interrupted my reverie, “Ever shot a gun?”

  My eyes widened and my brows dipped in question. “Um, no?”

  Viv dropped her staff to the mat and slapped a hand over her heart, “Oh, you wound me!” Lifting her other hand to her forehead like a damsel in distress, she quipped sarcastically, “How can this be?”

  I poked her flat tummy with the end of my pole and chortled, “Hey now Juliet, I’ve never needed to know how to shoot.”

  She dropped her hands to her sides and snickered, “A girl always needs to know how to shoot a gun.” Waving an arm up and out, she swept the room and adopted an ominous tone, “For the night is dark and full of terrors.”

  I laughed, “That’s what we should be doing, the new season is out.”

  She shook her head, “Nope, let’s try the practice sword. You can go all Daenerys Targaryen on me.” The corner of her mouth lifted, “If you can, that is.”

  So far, she’d kicked my butt all over the mat. I had some impressive welts from my own dammed staff as I’d tried and failed to land a single hit on her pixie like frame. She was just too fast.

  Wiggling my fingers, I smirked. “I could just light you on fire.”

  Sardonically, she drew out, “Riiight, that’s a great idea. Then you’d be super-duper lonely.”

  I sighed, “I know.” My feet slapped against the mat as I plodded to weapons rack and selected a thin, wooden rapier. Adopting a fighting stance, I muttered, “Okay, try not to kill me.”

  Viv grabbed her own rapier and we squared off.

  Thwack! I successfully blocked a hit to my midsection and parried a lightning fast strike to her shoulder. Thud!

  She tipped her head in approval. “Seems you’re a bit better with swords. Let’s see if you can keep up.”

  Viv flashed a series of offensive strikes, hitting my sword repeatedly as she searched for any weakness in my guard. It was almost like a dance; the motions came surprisingly easy to me as I met her sword and forced her across the mat. My confidence soared when I landed another hit on her thigh.

  Her brows dipped in concentration and the tip of her tongue peeked out of the corner of her mouth.

  The sounds of our wooden swords clacked and echoed around the room as we each increased our speed.

  Sweat dripped down my cheek and my senses sharpened. I could almost see what she was going to do before she did it. Using that advantage, I feinted toward her neck. She brought her sword up to block while I changed direction and hamstrung her.

  Viv landed on her back with the force of my blow with a shocked expression on her face.

  Embarrassed, my face reddened, “Shit, Viv!” I reached a hand out, “I’m so sorry!”

  She shook her head, “Nothing to be sorry for.” Grabbing my hand, she pulled herself up. “That was perfect, Sora.” A huge grin lit her face, “I mean it, that feint and strike were flawless.”

  I blushed at her compliment and mumbled, “Thanks.”

  Releasing my hand, she grabbed our swords and placed them back in the rack. Turning toward me, a broad smile lit her face. “Okay. I think we’ve earned drinks and a bit of Game of Thrones. Always end on a good note,” she winked, “keeps you coming back.”

  I nodded my approval.

  A slow clapping drew our attention to a weight bench on the other side of the room.

  Jackson stood as we noticed his attendance. His normal black fatigues paired well with his usual shitkickers. The dark blue shirt drew out the bright azure of his eyes. High and tight dirty blonde hair, like all the military ads I’d ever seen on TV, rounded out his mercenary look. “That was brilliant,” he rumbled, tipping his head toward me. “How long have you practiced the sword, Sora?”

  I shook my head, “This was the first time.”

  His eyes widened in comprehension, “Ah, a natural then. Very good.”

  Viv cocked a hip, seeming annoyed at the interruption and snarked, “What are you doing in here, Jackson?”

  His face closed down immediately, “Just came to check in. Blaze has arrived at the LA Clutch’s Compound. He couldn’t get a hold of Sora.”

  “Dammit! I left my phone in my room.” I looked to Viv, “Meet you in the rec room in five?”

  She nodded her head without meeting my eyes.

  Looked like Jackson was still in the doghouse. Poor guy. Viv was like a Pitbull when she was pissed.

  “Thanks, Jackson!” I called out before flashing away to my room; leaving them alone to hash out their drama.


  He hated waiting. Pacing the length of the gaudy blood red carpet in the grand foyer for the hundredth time, he checked his phone. Still nothing from Sora. She was probably in the kitchen eating, again. He was relieved that her appetite had returned after her Vampire half emerged, but he worried at her near constant need for calories. On the other hand, it had been almost a millennium since he had eaten anything other than blood, so it was possible that he’d just forgotten such things.

  Mentally, he went over everything that he would say to Zane, the Master of LA’s Clutch. Zane was roughly half his own age, and obviously very arrogant. Why else would he make him wait?

  Sora was right, he thought with a sigh. Stupid Vampire politics.

  His boots carried him around the room in another circuit, bringing him to examine a hideous painting hung in a gilded frame on the matte black wall. Two cloaked Vampires feasted on two nude women, their faces hidden from view and buried between creamy, white thighs. Blood stood out in stark relief upon each woman’s skin as it trickled down their calves and pooled onto the marble floor. Their bared breasts had multiple unsealed fang marks; intentionally left to draw the eye to their rosy peaks.

  Massive double doors opened, gaining his attention as a butler peeked out into the hall in search of him.

  His gaze immediately dropped as he found Blaze in front of the painting. “Master Blaze,” he
whispered in deference. “Master Zane will see you now.” The butler stood in front of one open door and issued a half bow while the tips of his penguin style blazer brushed the backs of his knees.

  Annoyed at the pomp, Blaze growled his reply and brushed soundlessly past him, “Thank you.”

  The doors closed softly behind him and his boots sank into the never ending plush carpet. More unsavory paintings filled the black walls of women in various stages of undress, always accompanied by multiple hooded figures in black robes.

  He panned the room. A raised dais had a single empty chair with heavy gold adornments covering its high back in a childlike attempt at simulating a throne. Looking up to the vaulted white ceiling, he wondered how long he’d have to wait in this gothic style room.

  The pocket of his pants vibrated. Reaching in, he grabbed the small phone and brought it to his face. The screen lit up and revealed Sora’s name. Some of the tension eased from his large shoulders. Leaving her was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. Swiping the green phone icon with his thumb, he held the phone up to his ear, “Hey.”

  Her abashed tone filled the tiny speaker, “Sorry I missed your call. Viv insisted on hitting the Training Grounds and I forgot it in our suite.”

  He smiled, “It’s okay. How was training?”

  “Not so good at first. Got my butt handed to me with the staff,” her voice turned chipper, “but I totally rocked with a wooden rapier.” Her giggles made his lips lift as she continued, “I knocked Viv on her ass. It was awesome.”

  “That’s good. Jackson is a very good teacher, you should spar with him next time.”

  She groaned, “I’ll try. Viv seems to still be upset with him.” She paused and curiosity colored her voice, “Why haven’t they Mated yet?”

  “It’s complicated,” he said. “Jackson isn’t very good with women. They’ll work it out though, I promise.” He changed the subject, paranoid that someone might be listening to the inner workings of their Clutch. “I was just invited into the throne room.”


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