Allied Mage

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Allied Mage Page 7

by Janelle Peel

  My muffin was halfway to my mouth when I froze. They’d almost had sex? What?

  “He never came to bed this morning, and I couldn’t sleep. So, I got up and hit the rec room. I wanted to practice some pool and see if I could get drunk.” She paused, waiting to see if I was following.

  I sucked in a breath and murmured, “Uh, huh.”

  “Well, I was about 2 pints in, and barely buzzed, so I decided to try Everclear.” My squeak drew her face to mine and she smirked. “Anyway, that’s when I met Zane.”

  Leaning forward in my chair, I whispered, “Zane? Like the LA Master Zane?”

  She nodded, “The very one. Only I didn’t know who he was at first. We had a couple drinks and played some pool.” Dropping her head, she buried her face into the pillow, muffling her next words, “Then Jackson came in and told Zane to please step away from his Mate.”

  Shock coursed through me. Shifting to perch on the edge of my chair with the muffin forgotten in my hand, my voice took on an excited pitch, “What’d Zane say?”

  Viv rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, “That he didn’t scent a mark on me. Jackson prowled over and put his arm around my waist. I pulled away and said I was no one’s. Then I left.” She rolled her shoulders, “Or tried too. I was trashed, Sora. I couldn’t even find my own damn room.”

  I leaned closer, knowing there was more to the story, “And?”

  She bit her lip for a moment, then rushed out, “Zane found me wandering the hall and escorted me back to my room. It’s a little hazy, but I almost threw up on him. I ran into the bathroom and prayed to the porcelain God while he rubbed my back. Then I started throwing up blood and my head hurt. I was crazy sick. He said I needed blood from another Vampire, or that a Mage could help and asked if we had one.”

  We were both quiet while I slowly digested this new information.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and hoped that I was wrong, but knew I wasn’t. “So,” I whispered, “you fed from him?”

  Viv flashed from the bed and began pacing the room in agitation. Throwing up her hands, she cried, “What the hell was I supposed to do? You’d had a bad night; everyone heard what happened with Sasha. I didn’t want to add my mess to yours.” She stopped, her small hands rubbed her face vigorously before moving to tug at her short pink hair. “I took too long to decide, so he bit his wrist and offered it to me. I latched on like a wild animal.”

  All Mother, I thought, what a clusterfuck.

  She added, “Then he left.” Rolling her shoulders, she padded over to me and met my eyes with her dark orbs. Hurt flashed through their depths before she knelt on the black carpet and placed her head on my thighs. Her voice sounded lost and confused as she uttered, “Jackson didn’t even check on me.”

  Lifting a hand, I ran my fingers through the soft strands of her messy hair. “What do you want to do?”

  Her shoulders rounded, “I don’t know, Sora. I really don’t.”

  Removing my hand, I slapped the back of her head, “Go take a shower; you smell like death. We still have the ceremony to deal with tonight. Let me know when you’re finished.”

  With a jerk of her head, she stood and padded to the bathroom without another word.

  Pulling out my phone, I shot off a mayday text to Blaze.


  After Sora had laid out the newest problem, he stood motionless near her seated form on the bed. Christ, he wondered, what the hell was going on?

  Anxiously, she fidgeted with the grey duvet, “Does this change anything?”

  With a deep sigh, he sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap. “No, Love. This is just something they’ll have to figure out on their own. I’m pretty sure that seeing Viv only increased Zane’s desire to swear fealty.”

  He really did want Viv Mated with Jackson, but it was entirely up to her. Jackson was just shy of reaching a millennium, and without a Mate by his side the possibility of madness was almost guaranteed.

  Sora snuggled closer and tucked her head beneath his chin. “She doesn’t know what she wants, and I don’t want to force her. It’s only been a couple weeks since she was turned. She hasn’t even closed out her first life yet.”

  Blaze clenched her tightly to his chest and softened his tone, “Neither have you. Has Giselle contacted you again?” He knew that Sora missed Giselle terribly. Unfortunately, she had no ties to the supernatural community, so Sora couldn’t tell her anything pertaining to her new life.

  “We text and she seems happy, but she’s worried about me.” Her voice lowered, “I really hate lying to her, Blaze. She’s like a second mother to me.”

  He rubbed his hand along the lines of her back soothingly, “Does she still think you’re in Seattle helping your cousins with the Estate?”

  Her head bumped his chin as she nodded. “Do you think the ward I placed on her property is still holding?”

  His brow furrowed. Moving his other hand underneath her chin, he tipped her face up to his, “Can’t you feel it?”

  Rolling her shoulders, she shook her head, “No. Honestly, I didn’t even think to try.”

  “Try,” he rumbled.

  As she closed her eyes, he examined her face. Her brows lowered in concentration while she searched internally for her magic. So beautiful. He knew he was incredibly lucky to not just have found a Mate, but to have found his own equal. Not only that, she’d risked her life for him.

  Her dark lashes fluttered open. Silver stars danced in her sapphire irises and she smiled triumphantly, “It’s still there.”

  Kissing her brow, he whispered against her forehead, “Good. When all of this is finished, we can go check on her. I promise.”

  Her soft smile warmed his heart. God, he loved her so much.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  A thump sounded on the wall, drawing their attention.

  “It’s probably Viv,” Sora sighed. “We need to get ready.”

  Shifting her weight in his lap, he rose and gently placed her on her feet. “I have some things to attend to as well. Would you mind meeting me in the ballroom?”

  “Sure,” she grinned, “and I’ll try to keep Viv out of trouble.”

  He smirked, “Good luck.”


  While Sora munched down on her forgotten muffins, I debated what to wear for the ceremony. It’s not like I could put on the black lycra number I’d worn last night. It smelled like him.

  “What are you wearing?” I called from the closet.

  A mumbled mouthful met my ears, “Mm don’t know.”

  Smiling to myself, I pulled out a simple black cocktail dress. It would bare my shoulders and hit just about mid-thigh. I returned the hanger and padded out to Sora for her thoughts.

  Licking her fingers, she grinned at my selection. “I like that one, it’s pretty close to one I have in my closet that I was thinking of wearing.”

  “Good, go get it and let’s get ready. I need a drink.”

  Sora’s nose scrunched, “Does alcohol even sound good to you after last night?”

  Rolling a shoulder, I replied, “Nope, but I need something. I’m a fucking mess over here.”

  Her eyes softened, “Okay. Be back in a minute.”

  An hour later, we were styled in much the same way as the night before. Sora’s hair was up in a braided silver twist while my pink locks framed my face in soft waves.

  “Sora,” I whispered, squeezing her arm as we made our way to the ballroom.

  She tilted her head down to my shorter frame, “Yes?”

  Finally, I’d worked up the courage to address the elephant in the room. “What do I do about Zane?”

  She stopped and pulled me off to the side of the hallway just before the staircase that led down to the ceremony.

  Clasping her fingers softly beneath my jaw, she tipped my head up to meet her blue eyes. White lights glimmered and swirled in their deep depths as she leaned down and replied, “Just be yourself. I only want you to be happy, okay

  I nodded, I could do this. Be myself. Okay.

  She tapped my nose and added, “Fuck ‘em.”

  My face lit with a grin.

  She giggled and we continued on our way.

  The carpeted staircase led down to a massive room. Gone were the teal tapestries from our ceremony; instead deep blood red panels were placed side by side with our Clutch’s standard silver ones. A new chandelier had been rehung high above the room to replace the one Sora’s magic had obliterated when she had conjured a mini sun into existence. More scarlet panels twisted around the tall silver veined marble pillars, further heightening the large room.

  “What’s with all the red?” I asked no one.

  “It’s the color of my Clutch,” a response whispered in my ear.

  I turned, pulling Sora with me, and came face to face with the LA Clutch’s Master.

  His black mohawk was slicked back to reveal both sides of his shaved head. Kohl rimmed his bright blue eyes from above his slim nose and high cheekbones. A red silk shirt peeked from beneath a tailored black blazer; buttoned at the waist, it highlighted his lithe figure. Dress pants enhanced his sinewy thighs and his shoes were polished to a shine.

  Sora recovered before I did.

  “Hi, I’m Sora. Mistress of the SoCal Clutch and Mate to Blaze.” She lifted her hand to shake his.

  Zane’s black brows widened in surprise. Raising his own hand, he clasped her fingers, bent at the waist and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

  Confusion zipped through my body and I squeezed Sora’s arm involuntarily.

  She shoulder bumped me and widened her eyes to silently say ’cool it’. Blushing, she pulled her hand back.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Mistress Sora.” Zane replied in a cool tenor as he straightened.

  She sliced the air with her hand, “Just Sora, please.”

  “Very well, Sora.” He grinned, showcasing his perfect white teeth. “I am Zane.”

  She smiled, “Well met, Zane.”

  “Sora,” he said curiously, “if it’s not uncouth, may I ask what you are?”

  “Not at all.” She smiled pleasantly, “I am a Mage.”

  Zane’s brows furrowed, “A Mage? But, your scent...”

  “Yes,” she cut him off smoothly. “Blaze believes it’s different due to his mark.”

  He nodded in comprehension, “Ah. That makes sense. How unusual.”

  For some reason, I didn’t want him knowing too much about my friend’s ‘unusual’ abilities. I interrupted, “So, why red?”

  Zane turned and glanced at the red panels lining the room. “It is the color of blood,” he blinked, “and blood is life.”

  I cocked my head in acknowledgment, “Touché.”

  Sora pried my grip from her arm and stepped to the side. “I need to find Blaze, okay?”

  “Sure,” I nodded.

  What was I supposed to do now, I wondered, watching as her tall frame was swallowed up by the crowd.

  “Viv?” Zane questioned with a concerned note in his voice. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Fine,” I blushed in remembrance. “Thanks to you.”

  He beamed, erasing the worry lines from his face. “Good, would you care for a drink? Something mixed, perhaps?”

  I offered my hand in answer. Yes, I definitely needed a drink.

  His soft fingers clasped mine and we made a beeline for the bar at the back wall.


  A tug on his arm drew his attention from the touchscreen display. Turning, he drank in the sight of Sora. Jesus, he was so lucky. The tight black fabric of her dress accentuated her full breasts and framed her perfect hourglass figure. Purring his approval, he tipped his head and whispered into her ear, “You look amazing, Love.”

  Her ears turned pink and she slapped his muscular shoulder. “Behave. I only came to see how the music is coming along.”

  With a sigh, he stood his full height and turned back to the screen. “I’m not quite sure. Why did you want this modern monstrosity instead of our musicians anyway?”

  “Because, it’s a party. I want to dance, like really dance. Not sway to classical music.” She tapped her hand on his hip, shifting him over so she could see the display. Her fingers flew across the screen, expertly choosing songs he’d never heard of. She smiled deviously up at him, “I’m the Mistress here, dude, and I want some rock music.” Hitting the last key, the speakers rumbled to life. Electric guitars played and bass thumped through the room.

  He pivoted on his heel and looked to those gathered. Smiles lit some faces while others merely shook their heads in confusion. The grins far outweighed the frowns though, so he had to agree. It did sound better.

  Sora cleared her throat and moved to stand in front of him with a smirk on her glossy pink lips.

  “Yes,” he sighed dramatically. “You did well.”

  She giggled for a moment before sobering with a thoughtful look on her face, “So, how does this go tonight? Do you use the gold chalice and swap blood?”

  Blaze chuckled at her quip. “Yes, for the most part.” His eyes sparkled with humor, “Only we do it together this time.” Raising his hand, he wiggled his fingers and air quoted, “Then we ‘swap’ with Master Zane.”

  Sora smirked, “Oh, you’re so funny.”

  He leaned down and rumbled into her ear, “Only with you, Love.”

  Goosebumps prickled the skin of her neck while he watched, and an intense feeling of satisfaction lit through him at her physical response.

  She leaned closer and pressed her budded breasts against his chest. He inhaled sharply when her thigh slipped between his legs and grazed his member.

  “Mmm hmm,” she whispered before stepping back with a sultry smirk.

  “Vixen,” he barked with a wink.

  Her eyes flashed mischievously and she lifted a brow, “Only with you, Love.”


  Ceremonial cup in hand, he arrived unnoticed through the side door.

  He’d taken extra care in choosing his attire for the evening. The black blazer accentuated his muscular biceps and buttoned at the waist. He paired it with an emerald green dress shirt that matched the flecks in Viv’s eyes in hopes that she’d notice. The dress pants fit well with the blazer, showcasing his long legs and corded thighs. Uncomfortable matte black dress shoes rounded out the ensemble.

  Tipping his head to the side, he listened for the musical notes of her voice. There, he smiled as he spotted her and made his way to the bar.

  Her creamy skin was exposed to the middle of her back, drawing his gaze to her petite figure. The black dress barely covered her luscious rear as his attention became distracted by her toned legs. Legs that were wrapped around his waist just the other night. He was so entranced by her perfection, he failed to notice that she had company until he was by her side.

  Biting his tongue to fight off a growl, he gently touched her shoulder. “Good evening, Viv. You look absolutely stunning.”

  Turning, her lagoon colored eyes widened with shock as she took in his taller form. Her nostrils flared and the delicate lids of her lashes fluttered while she took in his scent. A small smile curled one side of her pink bow shaped lips.

  He smiled inwardly, enjoying her reaction to his nearness.

  Recovering, she cocked a hip and replied, “Thank you. You clean up nice, too.”

  Zane leaned over Viv’s shoulder. His chin nearly touched her bare skin as he said, “Jackson, nice of you to join us. Would you like a drink?”


  Jackson fisted his right hand beneath the bar for a moment until the rage passed.

  “Sure,” he rumbled in a gravelly tone and nodded to the young bartender. “Whiskey, neat.”

  Viv shifted, removing herself from Zane’s slightly taller form and leaned against the bar. “Zane was just telling me about LA. It sounds exciting.”

  Jackson lifted his glass to his lips and said a short prayer to anyone listening that he could get
through the night without killing the younger Vampire. Swallowing the drink in one go, he replaced the glass on the bar and signaled for another. “It is very fast paced,” he agreed.

  Zane lifted a brow and tipped his head toward Viv, “I’d love to take you sometime, if you’d like.”

  She bit her lip in thought before answering, “Maybe later down the road. I’m still settling in here.”

  “Viv,” Jackson interrupted, “Do you have any questions about the ceremony?”

  “No, Zane explained it to me.” She said.

  Just then, the Rolling Stones blasted through the rooms’ sound system. Ah, he thought with a grin, it seemed Sora had gotten her way with the music selection.

  Viv swayed her hips to the beat with a soft smile on her face. “Did you set this up, Jackson?”

  He leaned down close to her ear and replied, “Yes, at Sora’s insistence.” Lowering his voice to a purr, he added, “Do you like it?”

  A small shiver shook her shoulders as she nodded in approval.

  Featherlight, he brushed the shell of her ear with his lips, “I’d hoped you would.”

  Viv inhaled sharply before tilting her head to side. Meeting his gaze from the corner of one eye, she whispered breathlessly, “Thank you.”

  He breathed deeply, drawing in her scent. Fresh sun ripened cherries interlaced with the delicate notes of a tropical ocean breeze. Delicious.

  Her eyes sparkled and she smirked mischievously, “Zane, would you like to dance?”

  Jackson froze in shock.

  “Of course,” Zane replied as she hooked her arm through his and pulled him toward the dance floor.

  After they’d left his sight, he clenched his teeth, trying to calm his possessive instincts. He knew she was paying him back in kind for his previous dismissals, and he didn’t like it one bit.

  Rumbling a low growl to himself, he turned back to his whiskey.

  Chapter 7


  Watching Viv lead Zane onto the dance floor left zero room for doubt. She was going to make Jackson pay, whether he wanted to or not. Poor bastard.


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