Murder Mysteries # 2

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Murder Mysteries # 2 Page 11

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Flo came in saying a call for Rory from Coquille. Rory listened and wrote down the information thanking the person. "The house is owned by, R.C. Owens. The owner's current address is Newport, Oregon. Taxes are current and no liens on the property. I'll call the power company now and find out who pays the electrics."

  Both Stacy and Ben waited while Rory talked to the power company. Ten minutes later, having been on hold, Rory hung up saying, "The power bill is paid by a bank in Newport regular as clockwork. I'd guess we'd discover that R. C. Owners is the account holder."

  "Then, who is in the house," asked Ben.

  "Let's go find out," answered Stacy.

  Parked in a narrow driveway, Rory knocked on the door. All three noticed with blown debris, dirt and sand, nobody had been here recently. Stacy begins to wonder if Mrs. Lightfoot had really seen a large woman with a camera in the backyard. With Ben's eagle eye to the ground, she followed him around the side of the house to the backyard. Rory went the opposite way. They met at the back sliding door with a cement patio. Stacy peered into the house. Ben was looking for fresh evidence someone had been there.

  Stacy saw nothing and Rory the same as he looked into the kitchen window. Ben said, "I think someone has been here, but tried to make it look unoccupied. If you look closely, you can see someone took a pine limb and lightly sweep the debris around. I think we should stake the place out. I also think we should dust the sliding door for prints, but I don't hold out much hope in that area. If someone was here, I think they have moved on."

  "Let's find out who the R.C. Owens is. I'm getting a bit angry now as we seem to run around in circles. Another thing I'd like to know about is the Indian head nickel business. The killer is leaving a message but what is it. Let's go back to the station and knock up R.C.," said Stacy.

  Curvy Beach Highway

  Rory took the job of discovering who was R.C. Owens. An information telephone search turned up nothing, no one even close. Rory a little puzzled, called the power company again for the name of the bank where the electric was paid from. A half hour later he had the bank and the bank manager telling him the funds came from an account in Los Angeles.

  A further search revealed a R.C. Owens indeed have an account with them. However, the manager wouldn't give out the telephone or address for said Owens. Rory thanked him and said the LA FBI would be in contact very shortly. The manager said, "His address and telephone number is listed in the phone book."

  Rory, after an hour had the address and phone number of R.C. Owens. He dialed the number. No answer and no voice message. Next he decided it was time to involve the FBI. He called Michelle on her cell phone. A long story was heard by both Stacy and Ben. He finally sat the phone down with a big sigh.

  "Michelle said she'd have the LA FBI find the address and search for a R.C. Owens. She too is afraid that the killer will change locations and strike again. Her boss wants her on location so first she's flying to LA and then up to Portland. There's a lot of coast along the Pacific, but not so many big cities. She'll call me soonest she knows something in LA."

  "Not much more we can today. Let's call it a day and see what develops tomorrow," said a disappointed Stacy. She thought so many twists and turns in this case. Who is the mysterious woman seen by Mrs. Lightfoot and the gravelly voice the camera shop owner heard? Was that the killer? And what about the two red heads with the same last name. Also, is this Raleigh- R.C. Owens? Never mind she said under her breath as they all walked out going to their respective homes; including a downcast Rory having to say bye to his girl friend.

  From a previous rainy day and night to another rainy day greeted Stacy as she motored to her office. Flo had hot water and the smell of coffee greeted Stacy as she said good morning to Flo. Everyone realized Flo was the center column the held up the Bandon Police Station. Without her nothing would be the same or nothing would work as smooth without Flo. For as long as Stacy could remember, Flo worked for her father the chief.

  No sooner had Stacy hung up her wet Gore-Tex coat than Flo came through the door with a mug of hot water and tea bags. "Such a nasty day Stacy. Here's some hot tea to warm the body. Rory called and said he'd be down in a half hour or so. You know, I feel sorry for him having to eat restaurant food all the time. So unhealthy and full of calories. Anyway, Smiling Sam called and said drop by for update on a guy named Raleigh."

  Stacy was reading the FBI reports of the serial killings back east. She really didn't see anything revealing or anything that would shed some light on this case here. She reminded self to have or ask Ben to interview Donna the friend of the victim. "Hey, morning Super S," said a cheerful Rory as he came through the door carrying a large bag of good smelling bakery products.

  "Tall Man, your glucose is going to new levels if you continue the high sugar intake," said Stacy digging around in the bag for a blue berry muffin.

  "I'm immune to high glucose and high cholesterol numbers. I'm bullet proof. Nothing finer than coffee and donuts for a morning rush. Who need drugs when you can buy them over the counter at any bakery; or drive through a donut shop. What we doing today? I heard from Michelle last night late. The R.C. Owens address doesn't exist and the phone number is a pay phone at a bowling alley. Now what do we do?"

  "Somebody has to deposit money into that bank account. However, all it takes is a deposit slip with the account number and anybody can deliver it to the bank. The real question is why all the secrecy anyway?"

  "Ben stayed behind to talk to Donna and to search the web for models who might have been contacted about a female photographer wanting beach shots."

  "Let's go see Smiling Sam. He's got something for us. It's raining so he'll be home."

  Sam was happy to see Stacy and Rory. They found him sitting on his parch watching the surf at the jetty. They went inside, sat down and after turning down coffee or tea, he said, "That Raleigh feller had red hair Stacy."

  Time Flies

  Almost a month to the day a phone call came to Flo reporting a body in a bog. When Flo reported to possible homicide to Stacy Flo saw her jump up almost knocking over a small collection of potted plants that were sitting on a table by the window. Flo told her she was sorry to scare her with the news, but Richard Burns was screaming at her saying a dead body was in his bog."

  "Have Dan go there immediately Flo. I'll stop by my house and tell the chief we've another body in the bog."

  Stacy took the time to call Rory who'd returned to other mundane tasks while the red head case grew cold. However, they kept in daily contact regardless of the daily responsibilities when personal relationships were important as well. "I'll alert Dr. Stone and me and Ben are on our way. Where is the location of the possible homicide?"

  "Right next door to the last one Tall Man. Dan will be on point like the last time," said Stacy climbing into her SUV. Father was at home watching the contractor working on the shop addition. She tooted her horn and he came to her driver's side window. She told him what was reported and he climbed in with her. "Richard is a nut case Stacy. He's prone to anxiety attacks and something like this will set him off big time. I need to calm him down if I can. When you get a minute call Flo and have her contact his wife to come to the bog."

  Dan was on the driveway next to the highway when Stacy drove up. Richard Burns was waving his arms talking a blue streak to Dan. That changed when Richard saw the chief. He moved quickly to rant and rave about a body in his bog delaying a late harvest. While the two were walking away so Stacy could talk to Dan, Dan said, "Like last time the body is face down with a red hole in her back. She is fully clothed as near as I can tell. She's a black woman Stacy."

  "Okay Dan, same as last time." She moved off to side where the chief was talking to Richard. She noticed he'd calmed down and he even smiled when she walked up. "Hi Stacy. Sorry I got a little excited, but ever since coming back from 'over there' I've been a little shaky. Then when I saw the body with the gunshot wound, I'd a flash back. Anyway, I was late this year hoping the price would go
up, but that didn't pan out. I went to work around eight am and then shortly thereafter, a strange color attracted my attention. I've never seen orange in a bog before. When walked over I saw it was a purple shirt, but inside the shirt was a dead body. I saw the exit hole and fished out my cell to call you guys."

  Richard didn't know anymore than what he'd told her. After writing down his statement, Stacy saw Rory and Ben pull in. Stacy walked over and told them what she had so far. Both detectives were less than motivated seeing that this would probably end the same as last time: dead end.

  Dr. Stone arrived with her CSI guys in tow. An hour later they reported the body was going to be taken to the morgue. Dr. Stone said, "Same as last time. Shot through the heart and the bullet exit out the back. Once again, perfect placement between the ribs. Also like last time death occurred around late afternoon or early evening. The body has been in the water about eight hours. I'd guess her age is around twenty five with the same features as the red head. She was beautiful and such a shame to die so young. Anyway, I'll see what my schedule is and call you."

  Stacy wanted a firsthand look before the victim was taken away. After a cursory head inspection finding the young woman was cast in the same mold as Rebecca, she pulled up the shirt seeing the buffalo side of the Indian head nickel. She noticed no shoes again and a close look revealed a few grains of sand. This victim would make number five for the serial killer.

  Stacy was standing in deep thought when her cell went off. She answered hearing Mrs. Lightfoot saying, "Stacy, that big woman is back again. I saw her in the back yard again at around nine am. I called you as fast as I could. I also saw a dark van drive in early this morning. I've never seen it before in this neighborhood."

  Stacy thanked her and yelled at Rory and Ben to get in the SUV they were off to 11 St. Someone was home at R.C. Owens house. Rory was driving. He turned on his flashing lights, but no siren. They were only ten minutes away, Stacy thought. She said, "Mrs. Lightfoot said a dark van drove in early this morning."

  Rory saw the black van and parked so nobody could drive away in it. With drawn pistols hanging down to their sides, Rory banged on the door with the butt of his gun. Dan went around back, but Stacy stayed with Rory. The door opened wide. A very large woman stood with a deep frown on her face. "Well, to what do I owe this rude knock on the door to," said a deep voice, but definitely female.

  "We need to ask you a few questions. Can we come in," asked Rory.

  "Sure why not."

  "We've another officer in the back. Would you open the sliding door and let him in please," asked Stacy.

  Once everyone was seated in the living room. Rory asked, "What is your name and tell us your reason or reasons for coming to Bandon."

  "My name is Rhonda Owens. I own this house and I'm a professional photographer. I came here to take a break and to take some pictures of the stormy coast."

  "Do you use the initials R.C. Owens," asked Stacy.

  "Yes, that is what I'm more known by. I really don't care for the Rhonda name as it doesn't fit my plus size body."

  "I must warn you Ms. Owens, we've two murders that have led us to believe a professional photographer is highly suspected of killing at least two models. You'll need to verify your whereabouts on the dates we have documented as when the crimes were committed," said Rory.

  Stacy saw Rhonda squirm a little, but didn't see too upset at having to find an alibi. Stacy said, "Ms. Owens, do you take pictures of models that you've found on the Internet?"

  "No, I'm a landscape photographer. I don't do people unless they happen to fit into my scene I'm taking. I've nothing to hide and if you'll give me the dates in question, I'll check my diary. I keep a very detailed daily diary."

  "I think it best Ms. Owens if you came down to the station and bring your diary with you. I must also warn you of your rights to an attorney and so on," said Rory.

  "Also, we'd like your permission to search the house and your van please, said Dan.

  "Like I said, I've nothing to hide. Just don't make a big mess. I hate messes."

  Plus Size Alibis

  Stacy thought, after a few minutes at the station interviewing Ms Owens that she was one cool customer. Rory opened up the FBI files and began with the dates of the killings back east. Her whereabouts at those times were in Mexico taking pictures of the devastating storms hitting Mexico. She had dates, hotel receipts and credit card records of those dates. Yes, she was in Bandon when Rebecca was killed, but had stayed with a female friend up in Coos Bay for a few days. The name and phone number of her friend checked out.

  Stacy thought they'd the perp, but their prime suspect was free to go with solid verifiable alibis. Stacy was baffled and perplexed. If her belly told her this R.C. Owens was the killer, then she was the killer. But later she chided herself about jumping to a conclusion. However, it couldn't be a coincidence that this professional photographer just happened to be in town when both Rebecca Tallis and now the new victim had been killed while Owens was here. One thing though, thought Stacy, Owens's didn't have a very good alibi for last night or yesterday. She'd had dinner with her friend in Coos Bay, but returned home around eleven pm. Stacy thought she looked more nervous than before.

  For a shocker Stacy asked, "Ms. Owens are you a coin collector of old Indian head nickels?" Stacy saw her eyes pop open just a fraction. Her body language suggested Stacy had hit a nerve, but that wasn't a sure thing.

  "No, but a friend of mine does. He has a vast collection of old coins. However, I've no seen or heard from him in years. He too is a photographer."

  "What's his name please," asked Stacy.

  "Raleigh Tallis. He lives in LA, or used to. He went a little bananas a couple years ago after losing his wife to another man. We lost contact with him. At one time we had a little club of camera nuts. Raleigh was the center of attraction at all times. He had a wonderful eye for light and would bring out the best in his models. I haven't seen any of his work for a long time."

  "If you were to go looking for him, where would you start Ms. Owens?"

  "At modeling agencies or search the Internet like FB. If he's still working somebody will know where he is."

  Rory gave her a ride home as a team of CSI guys were busy with her van. Ben and Stacy sat staring out the window wondering what to do next when the phone rang. Dr. Stone said three pm would be good. Stacy told her they'd be there.

  "Ben what's your take on all of this new information," asked Stacy.

  "Stacy, I'll be honest with you and say that this is most complicated with the addition of Ms. Owens and the added Raleigh Tallis. I guess we can assume he's the father of Samantha and Rebecca and that leaves the mother of the girls. Was he married and to whom?"

  "The chief would say: 'We've a new ball game guys. Let's go get em.'"

  Hunting We Will Go

  When Rory returned he was as confused as all of them. "This makes me hungry and what's hard to believe that only a few hours ago a victim lay in the water dead shot with a big weapon. Next we interview the prime suspect who turns out innocent, but give us the lead of the red hair man Raleigh Tallis. But, get this, he went nuts and dropped off the map. How're we going to find this dude?"

  "Let's go eat Tall Man. We need to make a plan and also inform your FBI girlfriend Michelle."

  Ben noticed Rory's face turned a little red, but not because of being accused of being attracted to another woman, but just shy with the comment. Ben could see that Stacy was in fact just a wee bit jealous. He smiled following the two out the door.

  After they ordered, Stacy said, "Using baseball for a metaphor let's say we've a new relief pitcher in the game. The first batter up strikes out, that's R.C., the next batter up is Raleigh, but he's out on the disabled list so we have a pinch hitter coming in. That pinch hitter is Rebecca and Samantha's mother Mrs. Tallis or Mrs. X. She steps up to the plate and strikes out. Angry, she stalks to the dugout making plans for revenge. There're nine members on a team. So far six are dead. No I don't
know where this is going, but I do know the buffalo coin is the key to the crimes."

  After lunch they went by the chief's new addition to see how it was coming along. So far the some of the cement work had been poured, but rain was a problem. Tarps were used so that helped. Stacy brought her father up to speed and told him they were off to Coos Bay for the autopsy.

  Attending an autopsy is depressing to say the least. It helps if you know the pathologist, but that's little consolation to the body lying on the cold steel table. The three detectives watched in silence as Dr. Stone performed her work flawlessly. Afterwards she told the detectives that the body was almost exactly the same measurements as Rebecca. They'd do a search of models once again to discover the victims ID. Death was by a gunshot to the heart. Like the last one, the bullet exited the back between the ribs. This couldn't be a coincidence as the odds against that were extremely high. For some reason, the killer didn't want the bullet found. It was reasoned that the killer was being cautious. Death was around four pm the preceding day.

  Stacy filled Marsha in on what had transpired up to that point in time. "I agree the coin has a powerful message somewhere in the scheme of things. It appears if you find the Raleigh guy that will give you the lead to the killer. I've another one to go so I must bid you farewell and good hunting," said Marsha with a tired smile.

  Last Call

  With the help of the FBI the search for Raleigh Tallis began in LA and ended in LA. Actually, it wasn't hard to find him, thanks to a few camera shops that clearly remembered him. He had a good reputation and had made quite name for himself over the years. However, word came back that something happened with him and his wife that sent him over the edge and into alcohol abuse.


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