Sugar Daddy: A Five Book Billionaire Bundle

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Sugar Daddy: A Five Book Billionaire Bundle Page 71

by Penny Sinclair

  An older man sat in a folding chair by the head of the passageway.

  Brandon waved down the man’s attention. “Do you know when the turtles might hatch?”

  The man shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. It will definitely happen in the next week, before the moon begins to wane. However, I can’t begin to tell you the hour. Nature has its own way, Son.”

  Brandon took a step back from the passageway and turned back to Ashlyn. “I saw a turtle’s nest hatch before, and it was right before midnight. Do you want to wait a while?”

  Ashlyn looked at the few people that were seated comfortably in chairs or on blankets. She didn’t know if she wanted to wait a few hours when there might not even be anything happening that night.

  “I don’t know,” Ashlyn replied. “I know you need to get back to take care of the dog, and I don’t want to wait if nothing is going to happen. It might be better to try another night. After all, I need to be up nice and early for filming tomorrow.”

  “That’s true,” Brandon agreed. “Well, I don’t want to keep you then.” Brandon let go of Ashlyn’s hand, and she felt a little irritated. Was he just going to stay here and let her find her own way back to the house? Maybe he wasn’t the gentleman she thought him. But now, he was just turning around and taking her other hand.

  Ashlyn smiled and shook her head just a little at his silliness.

  “What did you do before it was summer time?” Ashlyn asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you weren’t getting your housing for free, so how did you make money?”

  “I was working in a recording studio, mashing buttons. It was okay work, but it wasn’t my kind of music. I would love to record a CD, but you have to have startup funds if you’re going to do that. Even then, you need to advertise as well if you are going to sell anything other than to your friends.”

  Ashlyn nodded. “So, you’ve always worked with music?”

  “No, not always. There were times when I kind of ignored my love for music and movies. I just worked a minimum wage job and went to school. I worked as a sales clerk and at the register. That was even worse than working in the recording studio.”

  “What are you going to do in the future?” Ashlyn asked.

  Brandon shrugged. “I don’t know exactly. I can still have the hope that I’ll become rich and famous, right? Or am I too old for fantasies like that?”

  Ashlyn shook her head. “I still have them. I dream that one day I’ll be able to direct movies, but I know that won’t happen anytime in the near future.”

  The two fell silent as they continued their walk down the beach. Ashlyn saw the house where she was staying at the time, and she pointed it out to Brandon. “There’s my house. Where did you park this morning?”

  “I parked on the other side of the boardwalk,” Brandon said. “I’ll walk you to the back steps, though.”

  Ashlyn was silent again as they walked up to the steps. There were their shoes. Ashlyn had almost forgotten and sent Brandon off without his shoes. “Well, good night,” Ashlyn said, dropping Brandon’s hand and turning toward him. She was wondering if she should do something to show that she was still interested. Brandon took care of that, though. He leaned forward and took her lips in hers, his hand resting just under her chin. He kissed her gently, his lips soft on hers.

  Ashlyn’s heart thumped at double time as Brandon took her upper lip in his and pulled it toward him, gently biting down. She hungered for more, and she didn’t resist as Brandon planted a hand in her hair and pulled her further toward him. He hungrily consumed her lips, sending shivers down her body. Finally, Brandon pulled back, and they were both breathing hard.

  “Sorry,” he whispered. He cleared his throat. “See you soon.” And with that, he was gone.

  Chapter Four

  Ashlyn didn’t know what to do as Brandon quickly scooped up his sandals and made his way toward the boardwalk. He didn’t even given Ashlyn a chance to say that she hadn’t minded. He hadn’t pushed himself on her at all. She felt warm all over, and her lips were still humming from the intensity of the electricity between them.

  Ashlyn considered calling after Brandon, but neither did she want someone in the house to see their interaction and think her desperate. She didn’t want to be the center of the house’s gossip, even though she knew that the crew probably already talked about her.

  Ashlyn watched Brandon’s form until he had mounted the steps and disappeared over the bridge into the parking lot beyond. Ashlyn closed her eyes and listened to the crash of the waves on the shore. The waves receded then crashed once more. Ashlyn wondered if it was safe to sleep out on the beach. She knew that the sound of the waves would lull her to sleep in a minute. Ashlyn sighed.

  She needed to go inside and get ready for bed. The day was over, and that was that. Worrying over Brandon or trying to understand his hurried goodbye would not change anything. But even Ashlyn’s excellent advice did not help her. She knew that she would still lie in bed that night thinking over every moment of that kiss and its aftermath. When she saw Brandon again, she would kiss him hard and let him know that she enjoyed his kiss.


  Ashlyn woke up the next morning ready to see Brandon. She wasn’t sure what the filming schedule was for the extras, but she knew that it would take a minimum of three days. There were a lot of scenes with extras on the beach. Ashlyn determined that she would get a moment alone with Brandon to say something.

  Sure enough, he was at the set the next day, and Ashlyn hurried over to him. Her camera was all set up, and they still had ten minutes until it was time to film. That was plenty of time to talk.

  “Good morning, Brandon,” Ashlyn said.

  Brandon nodded at her and sipped his coffee. “Good morning, Sunshine.” Ashlyn wondered at the weird nickname and looked for signs of trouble. Brandon didn’t seem bothered by anything. Should she even mention their kiss?

  “How was the dog last night?” Ashlyn said to fill up the conversation as she tried to figure out what to do.

  “She was just fine,” Brandon replied. “She’s a very calm pup. I might bring her to the beach sometime so you can meet her.”

  He was planning on seeing her in the future. That was clear from what he had just said. Ashlyn decided not to mention anything. There didn’t seem to be any problem, at least from Brandon’s point of view.

  “I better get to my camera, but I hope to see you at lunchtime.”

  Ashlyn hurried over to her camera stand with a smile on her face. All was well. She watched as Brandon, so personable, struck up conversation with Gary. Gary was normally quite agitated on mornings like this, but he seemed fine talking to Brandon for about five minutes before he was needed to solve a problem. Ashlyn was amazed at how good Brandon was with people. She thought of a saying she had once heard that really applied to Brandon. He could sell ice to Eskimos. Brandon was excellent at making himself likeable and easy to be around. Even if someone didn’t want to like him, they probably would.

  Ashlyn certainly liked being around him.

  When it was lunchtime, Ashlyn immediately headed over to Brandon, but Mark interceded her. “Have you had a good morning filming?” Mark asked.

  Ashlyn nodded cautiously. She always felt self-conscious when she was around Mark. She could never be sure if he was really just trying to patch things up or if he only saw her someone he had slept with. She certainly couldn’t place as much trust in Mark as she could in say, Pamela. Pamela would never do something purposely to hurt Ashlyn.

  “I saw you talking to that extra,” Mark said, nodding in the general direction of Brandon. Ashlyn instantly crossed her arms and readied herself for confrontation. “Hey, Ashlyn, I’m just trying to take care of you.”

  Ashlyn raised her eyebrows. “Obviously, that’s what you want to do. Maybe I wasn’t great at judging your character, but I’m normally quite good. Brandon is a gentleman.”

nbsp; “I agree,” Mark replied. That surprised Ashlyn. She thought this was some case of ex-boyfriend’s revenge, but Mark seemed to be telling the truth. “I just want to tell you something as a friend, because I still care about you even though I know you don’t think anything of me now. How did Brandon become an extra? You told him about the spot, didn’t you?”

  Ashlyn wondered how Mark knew so much. Had he been a spy before he worked on filming? “And once he knew about the spot, he got the idea of moving up the world. Most people don’t know the acting world well. They think it’s easy. They think that once you’re in, you earn big bucks. Brandon is using you to get a higher place. He’s using you just like the lowest rung on a ladder. He doesn’t mind walking all over you if it means getting higher up.”

  Ashlyn opened her mouth to protest. She was not going to let Brandon walk all over her like she was some piece of trash. “I know what I am doing thank you very much. You’ve already taught me one lesson, and that’s all I need from you. I won’t get drunk, and I’ll keep making intelligent decisions. You don’t know the conversation that has passed between Brandon and I before he even knew where I worked. You don’t know anything about him. So just move on and ruin someone else’s day.”

  Ashlyn turned away from Mark, but she already didn’t have an appetite. She saw Brandon jovially talking with a few crew members. Ashlyn just wanted a few moments by herself to think. Mark wasn’t right. He couldn’t possibly be right. He was just jealous, but Ashlyn couldn’t keep the doubt from creeping into her mind.

  Chapter Five

  Ashlyn felt grumpy. She hated the feeling of distrust, and right now, she didn’t know who she could trust. Mark had obviously done something to break her trust. She wouldn’t trust herself in his hands again, but did that mean that she should trust his words? Brandon hadn’t done anything to break her trust. He had been the joking, considerate gentleman that she had always wanted to find. But Mark’s claims could be true. There was always the possibility. How was she going to be able to get rid of her doubts without ruining her relationship with Brandon?

  Ashlyn felt tears pricking at her eyes. No fantasy could ever really be a fantasy. Something always shattered her hopes of a romance like there was in the movie. Ashlyn hurried over to her camera and forewent having lunch, preferring to call her mom.

  “Hi, Ashlyn!” her mom answered in a perky voice. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. How is Aunt Jennifer?”

  “She’s doing much better. I wish that you could have come out to see her, though. I think she would have really appreciated it.”

  “I know, Mom. I wish I could have too, but by the time I would have gotten there, she would have already come out of the hospital. I will fly back to see you guys at Christmas if all goes well.”

  “That’s a long way away.”

  “I know, Mom. I miss both of you.”

  “I miss you too, darling.” Ashlyn had been planning to ask her mom for advice when it came to the guys, but now just talking to her mom seemed to make her feel better, even without having a solution to her problem. Besides, how would she be able to privately explain what was going on when anyone nearby would be able to hear here?

  “What were you calling for?” Mom asked.

  “I just wanted to talk to you. My schedule is so crazy that I hardly have a free minute,” Ashlyn was trying to make an excuse for not calling earlier.

  “I understand, Sweetheart. You’re an adult now. You have your own life.”

  Ashlyn smiled bittersweetly. Suddenly, she wanted her mom to tell her exactly what to do, so she walked away from all the cameras and poured out everything that had happened in the last few weeks, not leaving out anything. She even told her mom about the confusing situation with Mark. She ended with, “I don’t think he would hurt me. I think Mark cares for me, but I don’t know if I can trust what he says.”

  “Sweetheart,” her mom sighed, and Ashlyn waited impatiently for her mother’s wisdom. “I can’t tell you what to do.” Now Ashlyn was copying her mom’s sigh. “I know you want me to, but I don’t know either one of these men. I can’t make the decision for you.”

  “I know, Mom. I want to trust Brandon, and I don’t have any reason not to trust him. But then again, Mark could be telling the truth.”

  “And Mark could be exaggerating. Tell me this, if you really trust Brandon, why do Mark’s words bother you so much?”

  Ashlyn thought over her mom’s question for a few minutes. “I guess it bothers me, because I am scared that he’s right. I don’t know Brandon very well. I think we’re going on day four or something. I’ve known Mark longer.”

  “Exactly, if you’ve only known Brandon for four days, then you can’t expect yourself to know everything about him. Give it some time.”

  “It’s just that I don’t know how much time we have,” Ashlyn told her mom. “We’re only filming here for two weeks. Is that enough time to really get to know someone?”

  “You have to ask yourself what your plans are after the filming. Will you try to work on filming another movie? Where is that movie going to be filming? Are you willing to give up a chance at filming to stay at the beach near Brandon?”

  “At some point, I have to be willing to give up something,” Ashlyn replied softly. “I can’t keep going against guys who show interest in me just because it doesn’t fit into my plans right then. In the future, it might fit perfectly.”

  “That’s what you have to work through, Ashlyn. Maybe you have to do a long distance relationship for a while. But get to know him as much as you can. Use your common sense.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Ashlyn said, noticing the others hurrying over to their cameras. “I think I need to go. I’ll let you know how everything works out.”

  “Have a good afternoon, and I hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye, honey!”

  Ashlyn pressed the end call button and stuffed her phone in her pocket. Her mom hadn’t really cleared anything up. She hadn’t told Ashlyn to listen to Mark or to go against everything that Mark said. She had simply told Ashlyn to get to know Brandon more.

  Ashlyn looked over to where Brandon was joking with one of the other extras. He was so naturally kind to everyone that there was no way he could just be using this as an opportunity to get higher up in the world. Then Ashlyn realized something. That could very well be what he was doing. After all, the more friends he made on set, the more a chance he would have of getting another part. Ashlyn swallowed hard. Why were men so complicated?

  Chapter Six

  That evening, Ashlyn didn’t approach Brandon. She wanted to observe him a little and see what he would do. Was he only interested in spending more time with the crew? Would he be interested in spending time with her? They hadn’t really had a conversation since the night before. Ashlyn was worried to let her guard down in case Brandon might turn around and stab her back. At the same time, she was also nervous to have her guard up and lose an amazing guy.

  As Ashlyn started down the beach with her camera in tow, Brandon hurried to catch up with her. “Do you want to walk with me again tonight and see if the turtles are going to hatch?”

  Ashlyn was quite interested in the turtles, and going to see them would give her a chance to talk to Brandon one-on-one. “Sure,” she replied. “What time?”

  “It needs to be dark. What about nine o’clock? I’ll go home first and let old Slippers have her dinner.”


  “Yeah, that’s the dog’s name,” Brandon smiled. “Hey, like I said, she’s not mine, so you can’t blame me if she has a silly name.”

  “Okay, I’ll come out to the beach at nine o’clock.”

  Brandon seemed to realize that Ashlyn was carrying her camera. “Do you want me to carry that for you?”

  “Oh,” Ashlyn looked down at the camera. “No, I’m fine. I don’t mind. But, thanks.” Letting Brandon do things for her would be the first sign of weakening. She couldn’t let
herself be swept away by his gentlemanly ways. She had to be strong.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight then,” Brandon said. He headed off down the beach, and Ashlyn wondered if he was going to swim in the ocean before he went back to his house. She almost wanted to join him. She hadn’t had a swim in the ocean since she had first met Brandon, and that swim had been quite a bit less enjoyable than most were.

  As soon as Ashlyn had finished cleaning off her camera, she showered and carefully applied a fresh layer of makeup. She didn’t pick anything too fancy, but her clothes clearly gave the message that she was interested in him. Because, Ashlyn decided, no matter what Mark said, Ashlyn was interested in Brandon. Besides, maybe the only way to find out his real intentions for spending time with her would be to show him that she was interested.

  Ashlyn’s mind floated back to their previous kiss, and she smiled. There was nothing like tasting Brandon’s lips. Now if only their kiss wouldn’t scare him off if it happened again!

  A few minutes before nine, Ashlyn headed down the steps to the beach. She left her shoes and began walking toward the boardwalk where she assumed she would find Brandon. The sun was just sinking over the horizon, and the moon was already high in the sky. This would be a perfect night if the turtles were coming out.

  “Hi,” Ashlyn said, coming up behind Brandon as he stared out across the ocean. She naturally slipped her hand into his, her heart beating rapidly.

  “Hey,” Brandon said, turning to her with a smile. “It’s good to see you.” He took a step closer then seemed to hesitate. It was as though he wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t want to. Fear started pounding through her. Why was he hesitating? Maybe he really wasn’t interested in her, but he felt like he had to keep up the charade. Maybe the whole reason he had apologized the night before was that he felt bad for taking advantage of her.


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