Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

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Shattered (Dividing Line #5) Page 7

by Heather Atkinson

  Ryan, Jez and Riley had all changed into expensive suits before coming here, Riley borrowing one of Ryan’s, making them look even more like twins. Jez hated the fact that this made him jealous.

  As they had prearranged, it was left to Jez to do the talking. Ryan didn’t trust himself to keep his temper. He eyed the short fat man with disgust. No doubt this revolting piece of sweaty obese humanity regularly helped himself to the women.

  “That’s right,” replied Jez with a man to man smile.

  “Then come inside, please. We have many beautiful girls to cater for all tastes. What would you like?”

  “Actually it’s my brother here who wants to be entertained. He’s getting married in a few days and wants one last fling before he’s tied down for life.”

  “Very wise,” smiled Orlov, scratching his belly that protruded from the bottom of his t-shirt. “What girl would you like? Tall, short, curvy, flat, dark, light. We even have a girl with an arm missing for the more discerning tastes.”

  Ryan wanted to throw up all over the man. “I like tall and slender with black hair and blue eyes.”

  Orlov’s grin broadened. “I have just the girl for you. That will be two hundred pounds for one hour.“

  Ryan thought the price wildly inflated but the man had obviously clocked on to the fact that they had money so he handed over the amount requested.

  “Gentlemen, there is a bar through that door,” Orlov told Jez and Riley, pointing to a gloomy doorway. “Enjoy the best vodka while you wait for your friend.”

  Ryan’s eyes constantly moved left and right as he followed the fat man down a dimly-lit corridor. Judging by the sounds emanating from behind all the closed doors the brothel was busy. He wanted to clamp his hands down over his ears to block out the hideous noises, knowing this is exactly what Rachel had heard when she’d been abducted.

  They stopped outside a door and Ryan patiently waited while Orlov fumbled for the key.

  “If you would wait here just one moment Sir I will see that Desiree is ready.”

  The man unlocked the door and opened it just wide enough for him to squeeze through so Ryan couldn’t see inside before closing it behind him. Ryan hoped the girl in there was Sabine and that Desiree was just an alias. Through the door came the sound of raised voices followed by a loud slap then silence. Orlov reappeared. “She is ready for you, she is a very beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you. You’re not going to lock that door behind me, are you? I don’t like being locked in.”

  “No, the doors are not locked when they are being used, only when the girls are alone, to keep them safe.”

  Ryan knew that was a load of bullshit, it was to stop them escaping. He walked inside the room and the door closed behind him. He paused, listening to make sure Orlov didn’t lock it then turned his attention to the only occupant in the room and realised he’d hit the jackpot. The girl stood before him was clearly the same one in the photograph with long jet black hair and huge blue eyes. She was a girl too, not a woman, with her skinny frame and barely-there breasts. She’d hardly had time to mature before being thrust into this horrific life. She would have been beautiful if she hadn’t looked so pale and wasted. Her left cheek was bright red from where Orlov had slapped her when she’d protested that she was tired.

  Sabine for her part was delighted to have such a handsome man walk into her room. Her clients were usually old, fat and ugly, the type that could only get a woman by paying for one. This one made a refreshing change.

  “Hello,” she purred, sauntering up to him.

  She attempted to make her hips sway seductively but they were too thin and bony to pull it off. Ryan thought of Rachel, she was the queen of that move.

  “My name’s Desiree,” she went on, “and I’m here to fulfil your every desire.”

  Her Latvian accent was thick but her English excellent and he had no problem understanding her. When she snaked her arms around his neck he gently pulled them away.

  “What is wrong? Do I not make you happy?” she pouted.

  “I’m not here for sex, I’m very happily married thank you.”

  “They all say that but if you were you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Laila sent me,” he said, anxious to get out of there.

  She dropped the seductive look and she suddenly looked vulnerable and much younger. “I knew she would, she swore she’d get me out of here. That’s what you’re here to do, isn’t it? Free me?”


  “And Laila is waiting?”

  Compassion for her welled inside him. “You should sit down.”

  She sank onto the bed, her eyes fixed on him. “What’s happened to her?”

  “I’m sorry Sabine, she’s dead.”

  Sabine went absolutely still, processing this information before a keen wail escaped her lips, tears starting to run down her face. “No, she was all I had left. All our family are dead. She can’t be dead too.”

  Ryan sat beside her. “I’m so sorry.”

  “How did it happen?”

  “You know Alex Maguire, who abducted you and took you to his brothel?”

  “Yes, he is a bastard.”

  Ryan found himself warming to her. “You’re right, he is. He kidnapped my wife and took her to the brothel. Laila helped her escape. In return my wife promised to free you but they were caught. Alex had Laila executed.”

  “Executed how?” she said bravely while the tears continued to run down her face unchecked.

  “Shot in the head. It was quick. My wife saw it all, she said she was so brave, that she was calm and strong. She didn’t let Alex break her.”

  “She always was brave, she kept me going when I wanted to die.” She looked at Ryan, her eyes suddenly blazing with anger. “Your wife is alive?”


  “How is she alive when my sister is dead?”

  “She nearly died too. Alex beat her, stabbed her and cut her throat, but she made it.”

  “I’m sorry, that was cruel of me.”

  “It’s alright. You’re upset.”

  “Can I speak to your wife? I have to hear it all from her.”

  “Yes you can but first things first, we need to get you out of here. Get dressed.”

  “How will you do it? Orlov has guards.”

  “I’ve got two friends with me, don’t worry, we can handle them no problem.”

  “Can my friend come too?”

  “We’re getting all the girls out then when that’s done we’re going to burn the fucking place to the ground.”

  Sabine gave him a gentle smile. “Laila always told me a miracle would come along and here you are.”

  “Your sister’s the miracle, not me. Now get dressed. Quickly.”

  When Riley and Jez finished their vodkas Orlov waddled into the bar and ordered the barman to top them up. They reluctantly sipped at the clear fiery liquid, wanting to remain clear-headed. Orlov inwardly thought they were a couple of pussies before taking a stool at the end of the bar and opening up the newspaper. Jez and Riley glanced at each other. On the front page was a photo of Ryan with Rachel, the kidnapping still all over the news. Fortunately Orlov hadn’t even glanced at it. They both took another sip of vodka, raising their glasses and putting them to their lips at the same time, causing them both another flicker of annoyance.

  Orlov got bored and closed the paper. When his eyes alighted on the front page Riley and Jez both sensed him go absolutely rigid. Slowly he looked up at them, suspicion all over his face. They’d lied to him. The man he’d just learnt was called Ryan Law was already married, but why lie?

  “What is the meaning of this?” demanded Orlov, holding up the paper. “Why are you here?”

  “Listen mate, it’s just…,” began Jez. “Fuck it, I can’t think of anything.”

  Before Orlov could call for the attention of his barman, who had his back to them refilling the optics, Riley had launched himself at him, wrapped his arm around his neck and thrown him to
the floor. He pressed one booted foot down on the man’s throat so he couldn’t make a sound. Jez whacked the barman round the back of the head with a vodka bottle and he dropped.

  Orlov’s podgy little body wriggled on the floor like a maggot on the end of a hook.

  “How much security do you have?” said Riley, releasing his foot so the man could speak.

  “Just two guards,” he replied, shaking. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Alex Maguire. You fucked him over so we’re fucking you over,” said Jez.

  “But I didn’t do anything to him.”

  “Yes you did. You burnt down his brothel. Now we’re going to do the same to yours.”

  “You’re mad. Do you know who owns this place?”

  “Course we do you wanker and he’s nothing compared to us.”

  “You are all dead men.”

  “For a man lying on the floor you’re pretty mouthy,” said Jez. “Let’s wait for my brother to come back. He’ll decide whether you live or die.”


  Ryan waited impatiently, his back turned as Sabine flung off the stained nightie and pulled on a jumper and jeans. Then she shoved a few bits of clothes, toiletries and what appeared to be a small photograph album into a backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

  “I’m ready,” she said, experiencing an odd mixture of grief and excitement. This was the moment she’d been waiting for but it wasn’t as she’d pictured it because her big sister wasn’t here. Despite the presence of her saviour, she felt so alone.

  Ryan opened the door a crack and peered out into the corridor. Although the noises were still coming from the surrounding rooms, it was empty. “Let’s go,” he whispered to Sabine.

  When he started to make his way back towards the exit, she tugged at his shoulder.

  “Please, my friend, she is that way.”

  “Fine,” he sighed. “But make it quick.”

  “There is a man with her, he’ll be hurting her.”

  “Which door is it?”

  “That one,” she said, pointing at the last door on the right.

  Ryan could hear loud grunts coming from inside the room and steeled himself for what he was about to see before kicking the door open. He was confronted by an overweight brunette lying face down on the bed while a tall skinny man sporting a pair of thick old fashioned glasses and a dodgy comb over thrust between her legs. However it was the expression on the girl’s face that was the worst thing; she looked dead, completely devoid of expression, no doubt in an attempt to detach herself from what was being done to her.

  The man paused and looked angrily over his shoulder, scrawny chest heaving with exertion. “Get out, I’ve not had my hour yet.”

  “Oh yes you have,” said Ryan before laying into the man with his fists.

  “Hurry up Daina, we’re getting out of here,” Sabine told her friend.

  “Who is he?” replied Daina, pushing herself up to a sitting position and covering her breasts with her arms, gritting her teeth against the pain between her legs.

  “My sister sent him.”

  “You can trust him?”

  They both looked at the skinny man lying on the ground in a pool of blood, Ryan stood over him, furious, hands bunched into fists.

  “Yes,” said Sabine.

  After Daina had dressed and gathered up her things, Ryan peeked out into the corridor but all seemed quiet.

  “Where’s security?” he asked the girls.

  “Probably watching television,” replied Sabine. “They have a little room a few doors down. You have to get the other girls out too.”

  “I will but first I need to find my friends.”

  The three of them crept down the corridor, the girls keeping close to Ryan, afraid if he got too far ahead he’d leave them behind.

  “Oh look at that,” giggled Daina when they walked into the bar to find Orlov sprawled on the floor. “There is a God.”

  With a screech of rage Sabine delivered three hard kids to Orlov’s ribs, making him squeal, his considerable belly wobbling. “You fat filthy pig, I will kill you for the horrible things you did to me.”

  “Sabine, Daina, these are my brothers, Jez and Riley,” introduced Ryan. “Let’s get this over with, Rachel will be wondering where I am. The girls told me there are two guards upstairs but they mustn’t be very good at their jobs because I’ve not seen them yet. Let’s put Sabine and Daina in the car, get the rest of the girls out then burn the stinking place to the ground. I don’t care what happens to the punters, the bastards can burn with the building for all I care.”

  “You’re right, it does stink in here. It stinks,” Sabine screamed at Orlov before kicking him again.

  “I admire your spirit,” said Ryan, “but it’s time to go.” He’d been certain he’d find some wreck of humanity but on the contrary Sabine was still full of fight. From what Rachel had told him about Laila it seemed to be a family trait. “Riley, take them to the car then fetch the stuff from the boot.”

  Sabine and Daina gripped each other’s hands, afraid it was some sort of trick as the strong silent good-looking man led them outside. To their relief he took them to a gleaming Mercedes and settled them in the back. They watched through the rear window as he opened the boot, took out a couple of jerry cans then went back inside.

  “Do you think we should run while we can? It could be a trick?” Daina asked Sabine in Latvian.

  “No, Laila sent them. We’re safe, trust me.”

  Ryan, Jez and Riley kicked open the door of each room, pummelling and kicking the men inside, who ran out pulling on their clothes. Some were too scared to bother and exited stark naked. The girls all let up a terrified wail until they realised the men were here to hurt the customers and not them. Some, exposed to years of violence, curled up into shaking balls, crying into their hands. Others shared Sabine’s vengeful spirit and assisted them in attacking the clients.

  The two security guards ran out of their tiny office, baseball bats at the ready. When they saw the three big men coming at them they dropped the bats with a simultaneous shriek and shoved the clients out of the way in their haste for the exit.

  “Does anyone speak English?” called out Ryan.

  One girl stepped forward, a beautiful brunette with huge dark eyes. “I do.”

  “Tell the girls to get dressed and pack their things. They’re free,” said Ryan. He noted her left arm was missing at the elbow. He had heard this was sometimes done to the girls on purpose, to cater for the freaks and weirdoes.

  As she repeated his command in a loud excited voice the others shrieked with delight and rushed about throwing on clothes and shoving personal items into bags. In under ten minutes the whole place was empty, the braver girls bestowing kisses on their saviours’ cheeks before running out.

  “Kinda makes you feel good, doesn’t it?” grinned Jez.

  “Yes it does. Let’s get to work,” said Ryan.

  The three of them doused the place in accelerant, including the bar where Orlov and the still unconscious barman lay trussed up. While Riley smashed the optics, splattering vodka about the room, Jez and Ryan dragged the two men outside. They moved to a safe distance as they waited for Riley to emerge, who doused the doorway with more accelerant. Once he was outside he ignited it and jogged over to them. They watched as the building went up like a Roman candle.

  Orlov hung his head and started to cry. “That was my job and my home,” he wailed.

  “Shut the fuck up,” said Ryan, producing a gun and pressing it to the top of the man’s head, Sabine and Daina watching wide eyed from the back of the car. “You run to Vladimir and tell him Alex Maguire is coming for him. He’s fucking dead. No one touches the Maguires’ businesses.”

  “I’ll tell him. Please don’t kill me,” he sobbed.

  “Not so tough now you’re dealing with someone your own size. You can only beat up on scared, innocent women,” he said, whipping him across the face with the butt of the gun. “Now go
and tell Vladimir. Take this piece of shit with you,” he said, shoving the confused barman at him, who was just starting to come round.

  Orlov caught the man, slung his arm around his shoulder and staggered away, his little legs moving as fast as possible.

  “Maybe we should have run while we could,” said Daina, eyes bulging as they watched the three men stride back towards the car, the fire raging behind them mirroring the rage that burned in their eyes. “They are very dangerous.”

  “Yes they are but we can trust them. Laila wouldn’t have sent them if we couldn’t.”

  “You’ve only their word that she did send them.”

  “Why would they lie? I’m not important enough for them to go to all this trouble for.”

  They went silent when the doors opened. Jez took the driver’s seat, Riley beside him and Ryan climbed into the back with the girls. They both retreated to the far side, eyes locked on the gun sticking out of his belt.

  “You’ve nothing to fear from me,” he told them, handing the gun over to Jez. “Let’s get to the hospital,” he told his brother. “Rachel will be waiting.”

  When he lapsed into thoughtful silence, gazing out of the window, the girls relaxed. They relaxed even more when they pulled up outside the hospital. They got out of the car with Ryan, who ducked down to the window to talk to the two men up front.

  “Find out how Mikey and Frankie got on,” he told them. “I’ll get Battler and Bruiser to take the girls back to the hotel once Rachel’s spoken to Sabine until we can send them somewhere. I don’t want to take them back myself in case my staff think I’m playing around behind Rachel’s back.”

  “Will do,” said Jez, exhausted but knowing there was a long way to go before he could rest.

  Sabine and Daina let Ryan lead them to the Intensive Care Unit. Rachel was awake when they entered, Battler by her side, gently stroking her hand as they spoke. Ryan saw the fatherly tenderness in the big shaven-headed man’s eyes. Bruiser was sat in the chair by the door, on high alert.


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