Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance) Page 18

by Julia Sexton

  Vicky let the steam of the soup warm her face. She turned to Kroido. "I was just thinking a few minutes ago that this," she gestured to her storm gear, "was what a princess does."

  He laughed his big laugh that came from somewhere in his large chest. "Balls and magic are for fairy tales. Are you beginning to understand what work there is being a public figure?"

  "It's nothing like I imagined," she said before taking another sip of soup. The hot liquid seemed to warm every part of her.

  Through her layers, she felt Kroido's thigh next to hers. His presence comforted her. His thigh nudged hers. She looked up from her soup and smiled. Yes, he made her feel safe. Safe, even in a raging storm.

  She finished her soup. Kroido kissed her cheek and went off again. Vicky made her way across the slippery deck toward the two men who were waiting for her by the rail.

  She looked out smiling and waved. Many people had gone below decks. The few that were out waved back. She saw a woman walking toward Neani's Wind on the dock. The wind howled and the brim of her hat flapped up and down making a snapping sound. The ship rocked.

  A voice came out of the wind, "Veeckee. Veeckee."

  She looked over the side. The woman was climbing the rope ladder up to the deck. As the boat rocked her body swung out into the air and back against the side of the ship. "Veeckee." The face under the storm gear was Cona's.

  "Cona," she cried. The two men hurried to the rope ladder and Vicky followed. Her foot slipped on the deck and she almost went down. She regained her balance and fought the wind to get to the top of the rope ladder.

  Cona was halfway up now and not swinging so wildly. Her dark face peered up from under her storm hat. "Veeckee, the b..."

  Vicky couldn't hear the rest as a gust of wind blew her against the railing. She tumbled into one of the men. When they separated, Vicky looked down again. Rain was pouring off her hat brim and she could barely see. Cona was nearing the top.

  The two men reached over to help Cona over the rail. Vicky reached out and found Cona's arm. As the two men pulled Vicky pulled on Cona's arm. Vicky leaned out to get a better grasp. The wind blew and the ship lurched.

  Vicky felt herself slip and then tumble over the rail. She plunged to the dark churning water below.

  My Love

  The water was cold. Vicky felt it seep into her boots and up the ankle closures. The wrist seals leaked cold water up her arm. With so many layers she could barely move. She came up to the surface and spit out water.

  She started to panic. Her feet were encased in the boots. They seemed to keep her from kicking. She tried bringing up her leg to take off a boot but it didn't work. She was encased in layers that kept her from moving. She saw a pier for the dock. If she could get over there she could hold on until someone found her.

  She kicked her booted feet and dog paddled with her hands. The water was choppy and waves broke over her head. She felt as though her body was turning to ice. At last she made it to the pier.

  But it was covered in slimy moss. When she tried to hold on her hands slipped. She could feel the water seeping up her legs and arms. Her boots were full and weighted her down. Don't panic. Don't panic.

  Cold. She was cold. She tried to form a plan but her brain seemed blank. She heard footsteps above her on the dock. "Here, here, I'm here. Help!"

  She realized that people didn't understand her language. She gave up on the slippery pier and pushed out so that people on the dock could see her. She looked up and saw a small group calling to her and gesturing. She didn't understand a word they said. Her teeth started chattering.

  The group on the dock pointed behind her. She turned to look. Kroido and the two men were rowing toward her. The small boat was bouncing on the choppy water. One of the men threw out a life preserver attached to a rope. She grabbed it. They pulled the rope and Vicky slowly floated toward the tossing boat.

  "My love, my love," Kroido called into the wind.

  Then she was hauled up over the side. In an instant she was in his arms.

  "Kroido, I am cold."

  "Shh, shh, we'll get you warm." He covered her face with kisses as he rubbed her hands.

  The two men rowed toward a ladder coming down from the dock. They tied up the boat.

  Kroido asked, "Can you make it up the ladder?"

  "I think so." Vicky realized she was shaking all over.

  Somehow she did make it up the ladder with Kroido following behind.

  "Quickly, quickly," he said, holding her against his body. They walked the dock toward the yacht. The small crowd on the dock cheered. "Veeckee. Veeckee."

  Kroido picked her up in his arms and carried her along the dock. "Vicky, we'll get you warm."

  Then they were on the yacht and warm air enveloped them. He carried her to his stateroom.

  "Take off everything. Right now." He unfastened her clumsy storm jacket and threw it across the room. Then he took off her storm hat. "Sit," he commanded.

  She sat on a big chair. Kroido knelt down. His big hands tugged at a boot and pulled it off. Then the other. "Get those pants unfastened," he said.

  Vicky fumbled at the elastic waist.


  Vicky stood. Kroido reached for her waist and pulled down the storm pants. Then he pulled down the soggy fleece pants. He ripped off the fleece jacket. One by one he tossed the clothes across the room.

  "Lift up your arms." Vicky obeyed. She was shivering and her teeth wouldn't stop chattering.

  Kroido pulled up the skin clinging top and tossed it into the heap.

  "Quickly. The pants." He reached to her waist and pulled down the last layer. Then he swept her into his arms and laid her on the bed. Vicky's skin was a red as a sunburn.

  He pulled the covers up to her chin. Then he grabbed two more blankets and laid them on top.

  "The best cure for what you have is body heat." He stripped off his clothes and tossed them onto the mound of clothes.

  He pulled up the covers just enough to slip in beside her. He pushed his body up to hers and spooned her shivering back. "My love, my love," he whispered. But Vicky didn't hear him. She was asleep.

  Vicky woke to the warmth of Kroido's body. Dazed, she slowly remembered her freezing time in the water and Kroido pulling her out. She felt Kroido stir.

  "Vicky, my love, you are awake. How do you feel?" He wrapped his arm around her spooned body and snuggled even closer.

  She felt his hard body press against her and the strength of his arms, the arms that had carried her.

  "Kroido, I don't know. I remember falling and the cold water. I couldn't get out. You. The little boat."

  He touched her cheek and began stroking her face. The gentleness from his powerful body was like a comforting shield.

  "And Cona," Vicky said. "What happened with Cona?"

  "Ah, her ship lost a spar. We'll have to postpone the Regatta. She and her women are my chief competitors. But we all take care of each other. My crew is there now helping restore the boat to full function."

  Vicky turned her body to face him. She nestled her head against his powerful shoulder. She gave him a questioning look.

  "When we met on Earth I thought you were a self-absorbed power user, disregarding the feelings of others. I'm sorry I pre-judged you. Now, the trip on the boat, the hike to the waterfall, your thoughts about being a ruler. Everything has changed in my head, but I'm not sure how."

  She suddenly realized she was naked and in his arms. He could see all of her.

  Once again, as if he read her mind, Kroido said, "Look at you. Your body is like a goddess. Power and perfection."

  Vicky felt her body begin to stir under his caresses. "I feel like a goddess when I'm with you. Your personal goddess." She reached up and touched his cheek.

  Kroido’s lips touched hers with a soft kiss. Anticipation stirred in her body. She felt the heat rush to her groin. She responded with a deeper kiss as his lips became firm and pressed against hers. Kroido placed his hand on her shoulde
r. His clear blue eyes looked into hers. "We'll change that, if you are willing."

  "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Vicky asked. These days on Leka she'd experienced so many changes and reversals she needed to hear in plain language.

  Kroido took her hand. "Vicky, will you have me? Will you take me and make me yours forever?"

  "Yes," she said, no hesitation in her voice. "Kroido, yes."

  They looked into each other's eyes with amazement. It was all happening so fast.

  "And you will have my heir?" His eyes twinkled.

  Vicky was so filled with emotion she was speechless. Kroido wanted her. Not just a "mate," but her, Vicky Donovan, the round, impoverished bartender. He knew and honored her secret desire, her lifelong dream of a loving relationship. She couldn't imagine a more perfect mate.

  Kroido caressed her cheek. Then he tilted her head to his. His lips parted as they met hers. Vicky felt bolts of electricity shoot through her body.

  Kroido touched her neck. He ran his fingers through her brown curls. Continuing the kiss he moved his large hand to her breast, covering it with his palm.

  Vicky felt a deep warmth as she lay naked pressed against his body. It wasn't the hot lust of her one boyfriend, it was something deep, deep in her heart. She felt an overwhelming desire to please him. He was her man. They were married. The idea of it roamed in her brain. She was ready to give him whatever he wanted.

  He ran his hand up her thigh. "So soft," he murmured. "Your skin is so soft." Kroido wrapped his other arm around her and pressed her closer against his long body.

  "Vicky," he murmured in a husky voice. "We are going to make a fine family."

  She felt his cock push against her. She broke their embrace and kissed his chest, covering it with tiny, soft kisses.

  She took his shaft in her hands and caressed him. He gave a soft moan of pleasure. He ran his fingers through her hair. She felt her nipples harden as he ran his hands down her neck to trace the outline of her collar bone.

  Something deep inside awakened in Vicky. She felt her body, every inch of it, was his. She was ready to please him. Her desire rose inside warming her vagina. She felt her wetness.

  "You are beautiful," Kroido whispered breathlessly. Vicky felt beautiful for the first time in her life. His strong hands caressed her breasts. He fingered her nipples. She felt waves of passion surge through her. Her loins were on fire and wet with wanting.

  Then his hands brushed her abdomen and trailed down to her dark patch. His fingers combed her lightly, then pressed in to caress her labia full with the want of him.

  His fingers pushed inside and Vicky trembled. She felt the waves take over her body as he continued to press and probe. His thumb gently caressed her nub in tiny circles and as her waves built the circles became more vigorous.

  Vicky moaned and then cried in pleasure. "Kroido, I am all for you. There's no one but you." Then she was lost in coming.

  Kroido raised his body over hers. His shaft found her eager opening. He gently pushed in.

  "Oh, yes," Vicky murmured. "Yes, I want you inside me."

  He pushed deeper as her walls pulsed around him as if pulling him in. His whole length entered deep. Vicky gasped in pleasure as she burst around him.

  Kroido's thrusts became rhythmic and deep. She moved her hips in perfect rhythm to match his thrusts. They were long and deep. She had never experienced such intense pleasure. Her entire body was his and yet matched him, male and female.

  She felt her arousal build with his thrusts as his balls paced a rhythm against her.

  "Kroido," she cried in delight. "I'm going to come."

  "So am I," he growled into her neck.

  Their passion built to a frenzy of movement. She felt him erupt inside her. She felt the hot drops explode inside her as her passion peaked.

  "Kroido," she murmured his name.

  "We seem to go together," Kroido said with that laughing smile on his lips as he rolled to her side.

  Vicky felt her heart swell.

  They explored each other's bodies with wonder. She ran her hand up his long, strong leg feeling the power. He caressed one breast and then the other. She traced patterns on his broad chest and roamed down to the taught muscles of his abdomen. He gently stroked her round abdomen.

  Vicky felt her passion begin to stir. Kroido's shaft pushed gently against her, then harder.

  Suddenly they were united in passion. They rolled on the bed as Kroido's shaft pushed deep inside her. He lay under her. She rose on her knees keeping his shaft in.

  She rose and fell on his shaft, feeling it glide inside her wet, pulsing vagina. As her rhythm rose faster she pushed down and felt the full length of is shaft plunge into her depth. With a cry of pleasure Vicky moved against him bringing him to full arousal. Once again she felt him burst inside her, as her spasms peaked.

  She fell on top of him, feeling the warmth of his body. He wrapped his big arms around her as they kissed gently. Vicky felt she could ask him anything, could talk about anything with him. But her first thought was about Leka.

  "Tell me the story of Neani," Vicky asked as she rolled to his side and nestled into his arms. "The long one, the one the priests told at our wedding."

  Princess and Prince

  "Oh, oh," Vicky cried as she moved under Kroido's arm on the bed. It was over three months later and she was definitely pregnant. "He kicked." She took Kroido's hand and placed it on her belly. "Can you feel it?"

  Kroido puffed his chest in pride and gently pressed his hand on her abdomen.

  She felt another kick.

  Kroido asked, "That little butterfly movement?"

  "Butterfly, that's exactly what he feels like. But inside it is like a little thump."

  Kroido pressed his hand again, the baby kicked, and Kroido burst into a giant grin of pride.

  "He is moving! I felt him." His delight was so apparent and charming Vicky gave him a kiss.

  Kroido kissed her back. She felt his shaft responding to their intimacy.

  "Is it OK?" He asked.

  Vicky laughed, "For aeons, people have made love while the woman was pregnant. The baby survives." She stroked his thigh.

  "And we've been making love all along with the baby growing inside. Now that you can feel him, you are getting cautious?"

  "Now that I can feel him, he's more than a concept. I don't want to hurt him. He is a miracle for Leka."

  "He is a miracle of life," Vicky corrected, nestling up against Kroido. Every time they were together like this she felt that safety net surround her. Just the touch of his hand calmed her as she learned the way of life on Leka and the way of being a ruler.

  "Zostug keeps asking when we will make the official announcement," Kroido said.

  "Dr. Guloo says if we get past the first three months we can make it any time. Are you ready now that you can feel him?"

  "Yes, I will tell him...later," Kroido said as he stroked her breast and brought his other hand to her groin.

  They started in the slow way that people who know each other do, knowing how to pleasure the other. Vicky ran her hands over his massive chest feeling the soft blonde tiny curls beneath her fingers. She fondled his nipples and then sucked each one.

  She felt his shaft grow against her thigh as Kroido moaned in pleasure.

  As his hand probed her opening, he sucked first one nipple and then the other causing her womb to contract in desire. Her areolae puckered under his lips and her nipples hardened against the ministrations of his tongue.

  His hand caressed her thigh slowly working up to her entrance. His fingers parted the hair above her swollen lips and plunged into her wet hole. She moved her hips slowly in pleasure as his thumb found her nub.

  Vicky cried out in pleasure, "In me, in me."

  Kroido's strong arm pushed up so his long body was over hers. His other hand never stopped caressing and exciting her.

  She felt the tip of his shaft push against her below his hand. He pulled out his
fingers, increasing her desire.

  "Yes," she cried. "Yes." Her breathing quickened as she lifted her hips to meet his shaft. He guided it in, pushing gently.

  Kroido moaned into her hair as he plunged deep inside. Her wet walls contracted around him, pulling him deeper. He moved up and down with intensity as her passion grew. Then pushing her to extreme desire, he pulled out. Every fiber of her body wanted him back in. His fingers moved her nub in tiny circles causing her waves of passion to peak in intensity.

  He pushed his shaft deeper and began to move rhythmically. Her hips moved in time to his rhythm. He took her hands in his and pulled her arms over her head, holding her hands there as they moved in unison.

  Her waves of desire turned into a frenzy of motion that spurred him on to higher peaks. She could see the passion on his face as his body moved with hers. He was close and so was she. She reached down and gently touched his balls as they moved against her. His taught shaft filled her and as her waves peaked she felt him jerk with passion and felt the hot spurts fill her.

  He collapsed on top of her, spent. She ran her hands through the soft hair on his head.

  She whispered, "I never dreamed it could be so pleasurable and intense time after time."

  Kroido whispered back, "I'm making up for all those years of thinking that mating was just a physical act. Now I’m learning that the more I love the greater the passion."

  "Mmmm," Nicky said. "So am I."

  Three days later, Vicky dressed in her official maternity dress. Red was the Lekan color for celebration. Her dress was soft silk fabric, "imported" from Earth.

  Women had worked embroidery of fish and flowers and wheat and trees once again all in silver but this time the embroidery covered the entire garment. Vicky wondered how many women and how many hours it had taken to make such a magnificent dress.

  Kroido helped her slip into the dress. His hands smoothed the soft fabric over her body as it fell from her shoulders.

  "Let me look at you, my love." He stood back and eyed her from top to bottom. "Now turn around."


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