Alpha's Clarity: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Story (The Clarity Series Book 1)

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Alpha's Clarity: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Story (The Clarity Series Book 1) Page 4

by Ivana B. Kinkee

  Delicious friction against her clit, thighs spread obscenely wide just to span his body, and the deep groan that rumbled within the purr in his chest made her grind down harder. Soft grunts escaping around the flesh trapped by her teeth as she felt the tension inside, the tenderness as her core gripped tight around nothing. A firmer grip on her hips, his powerful arms moved her easily, sliding her back and forth until with a sudden jerk the shirt was ripped upward and she was skin to hot skin. Clit pounding to the racing beat of her heart, she bit down harder and felt his body bow under her. Lifting her with ease as his hips twitched into empty air.

  “Little Omega…” A throatier groan as she tightened her grip on his shirt, digging the nails of her other hand into the back of his neck, securing her position. “Karissa, let me show you. Let me show you how it can be.”

  The words were confusing, tumbling in a frazzled mind that couldn’t string them together in a pattern that made sense. All she knew was that it felt good. The hard muscle against her soaked core, the rich scent filling her nose, the spice of his skin flooding her tongue. Someone was close, too close as she heard the rustle of movement just behind her. A hand brushed her calf and she growled, tightening her jaw on his flesh as he sat up, cradling her to his chest. He purred louder and her body responded with a fresh flood between her thighs.

  For a moment he lifted and a louder rustle of fabric came and she somehow knew someone had just pulled his pants free. Hunger made her hips twitch, unable to achieve the same friction in their new position, but he was a step ahead of her. Bending forward, he guided her hips over his cock. Hot, thick flesh that pressed against her entrance and held. She’d expected him to push her down, but he didn’t. The band of steel that was his arm simply supported her, held her close, his hand splayed between her shoulder blades while the other stroked small circles at her waist.

  Another wave of purrs, more, not just him. The other males. Her hips shifted, stroking his thick cock head through the wet mess between her thighs. Slick. Rolling her body, she rubbed against his massive erection. Grinding her clit until delirium made her dizzy, her pussy squeezing, reminding her of how empty she felt. How full she could feel.

  The male groaned as she pressed his cock against his belly, pinned between his hard muscle and her desperate clit. She felt powerful, strong, and she lifted her teeth just enough to adjust for a better angle. As soon as she bit down again, his hips jerked, thrusting his cock between them, teasing her clit, promising more.


  Thinking of him inside her made her salivate, the drool spilling past her lips as she sucked in harsh breaths, soaking his shirt. Everything was wet, sweat breaking out on her skin as she fought for sanity — but sane people didn’t bury their teeth in other people, and that’s all she wanted to do.

  His hand slid from her hip, bracing against the top of her ass as he employed his strength to crush her clit, forcing his cock up and down in tiny thrusts of his hips, driving her mad with the friction that was so close to what she needed. So close, but not right. Not enough. The hunger was taking over, not able to think of anything but the smell of sex in her nose as his cock leaked pre-cum against her belly. Smearing, marking her, and when he thrust up harder the last bit of her sanity snapped and she bit down hard. Breaking through skin, copper and ambrosia filling her mouth, turning her skin to electricity as a growl shook the room. That cock was at her entrance again, pushing in and then stopping, and she whined. Bucked. Forcing her hips down, making the massive male bend to allow her body to span the distance from where her teeth clamped tight into broken flesh and his body entered hers.

  A roar, the world tilting as her back landed on softness, his arm still beneath her, holding her in place as his hips swung back and slammed deep. Growling, she swallowed the blood pooling in her mouth, and it turned into a moan as the taste turned to molten fire in her veins. He was so broad it was easier to let him bend her legs, her knees towards her shoulders as he pressed her into the bedding. Filled her, fucking her in deep strokes that ached in all the best ways. She clawed at the back of his neck, urging him with grunts, with each lift of her hips to meet his powerful thrusts.

  “This. This is who you are. Omega. Karissa. Ours.” The rumbling voice was punctuated with sharp movements, until finally he bent her further and she felt a new pain. So deep, impossibly so, like he’d forced himself into a new place inside her. Her body shook, tripping and stumbling over sensation, taste, smell, until the orgasm rocked her. Body bowing against the heavy weight above her, teeth digging deeper as his roar deafened her and the sharp pain turned to bliss, pure ecstasy as his cum filled her in strong jets of heat and blinding light. He was everywhere. Everything she could see, everything she could feel. Every scent was him, every copper-tinged swallow spreading the pleasure to the tips of each nerve, and then he was swelling inside her. Balls resting against her ass, skin sealed to skin, he could go no deeper, and just inside her the bulge grew. Intense pressure, and she screamed against his skin, another orgasm ripping the air from her lungs as the world faded, and her aching jaw finally released his flesh so she could arch back. Exposed, but he was gentle as his tongue traced the tender skin where they’d marked her, cock rocking in short movements, because he was locked inside her. A knot. Impossible to pull out with her pubic bone keeping it in place, keeping him in place.

  Pushing deep, he stilled, and she did too when his teeth lined up over the bite mark and pressed in. Gently, slowly, breaking her skin again. The purr returned, echoed from all around her as the sound grew until her bones felt like they were vibrating, and his cock swelled further. Whimpering she dragged her nails over the short cropped hair at the base of his neck. Nothing to hold onto as he swallowed, twitched his hips deeper, rocking them together as pleasure wound tight, erasing even the memory of pain as she turned her head to the side to give him room.

  Unable to truly thrust, he ground against her clit, rubbing until another orgasm pulled her under like a riptide. Clenching him tight, squeezing the thick knot of flesh trapped inside that just made her come harder. Gasping, moaning, and completely stunned when he moaned against her bloody shoulder and came with her, again, another flood of cum that couldn’t escape.

  His teeth finally lifted, tongue lapping at the blood between kisses to her collarbone, her throat, her chin, and then he brushed her cheek with his fingers. Unbearably gentle as he turned her lips to his and took her mouth. She could still taste his blood on her tongue, now mixing with hers as he kissed her with a hunger she matched. It was wrong, some part of her mind tried to remind her of that small fact, but it meant nothing as the flavors moved down her throat. Nothing mattered as he nipped her lip, licked, shifted deep inside her… and purred. The world could have caught fire and she wouldn’t have tried to move.

  After another lingering kiss where their tongues tasted lazily, he rolled them, letting her drape across his chest as he held her close. One hand pushing into her violet hair to grip, fisting until tingling sparks scattered down her back and she shifted on his hips. Then he released her hair, blunt nails dragging over her scalp until he folded that arm behind his head.

  Chest rumbling beneath her cheek, she dozed, slipping in and out of dreams. Woken only once more by a weak orgasm as his hips pumped in shallow thrusts, one large hand squeezing her ass to grind her clit against his pubic bone. The grip of her body tightening had him hissing between his teeth as more cum spilled inside her. Soft words whispered as he stroked her sides, her back, lulling her back to sleep, and it felt right. It felt good.

  It felt like home as the beat of his heart against her cheek blended with her own, and she could have sworn she felt the warmth of his pleasure blooming in her chest before exhaustion closed back in.


  “Gently…” The gruff voice rumbled under her ear, and she buried her face into the warm chest beneath her cheek. Not wanting to wake, or move, or do anything but exactly this. So many purrs, all different, but all low, powerful. Her hips wiggl
ed and she felt the thick cock shifting, a flood of liquid rushing out around the base until strong hands stopped her. Skin pressed tight to skin again as a soft kiss landed on her head. “Move slowly, brothers.”

  Those words had her eyes opening, squinting against the yellow light around them, and there was a figure. Close. She twitched on instinct, but the purrs settled the momentary fear and she melted back to the warm chest. It was like watching through a haze as the blond male, Zeke, reached over to stroke her arm with a single finger. Touch feather-light, and he smiled when she tilted her head to find his eyes. “Omega,” he said softly, the word humming with his purr.

  “Karissa,” Mordek corrected, his powerful voice carrying the deeper purr to turn her name into music. Another stroke of her skin, this time at her waist. Someone behind her, and she could feel the males shifting closer. Warm palms skated up the backs of her legs, a set of fingers pushing into her hair, separating tangles gently.

  “Perfect,” a low voice said from above her, just before strong hands began to massage her back. Tracing each vertebrae.

  “Beautiful,” Zeke added, running a finger over her lips, grinning when her tongue darted out to meet it for a second.

  “Can we—”

  “Let her wake, Jeden.” The command held the edge of a growl, and there was not a single complaint, just more purring, more gentle rubbing, massaging. So many hands. Rough, calloused skin, warm, almost hot where her sweat had cooled in the air.

  Someone worked their thumbs into the backs of her thighs, inching higher until their knuckles brushed the round of her ass, and she couldn’t help but shift. Another rush of liquid flooding from her, and she realized that her lower belly felt taut. Firm, with the still hard cock buried deep. How? How could he still be hard?

  Male groans rose in a chorus, touches growing more confident as they squeezed gently, stroked. “The knot?” A purred question from one of them, and Mordek rolled his hips under her, erection pushing deeper only to withdraw to the limit.

  “Almost,” he answered, and she knew what he meant. The pressure was so much less, almost back to the normal — well, nothing about any of this was normal — but the original size of his massive cock. If it weren’t for the droning purrs, she knew she’d feel different, but they mixed up her thoughts. Calmed them, reassured her without words.

  “That was incredible, she’s…” One of the males, possibly Tinves, had spoken, but he trailed off.

  “Omega,” another finished. Voice rough, curt, and she squeezed her eyes shut to the accusation. She wanted to deny it again, but something inside hummed a confirmation. A tug in her chest that drew her nose back to the soaked shirt beneath her cheek, and she licked at the sweat, the dark spice of male that still smelled of sex.

  “It’s time, little Omega.” Hands withdrew as Mordek rolled them one last time, his cock pressing deep to hold the seal as he kissed her gently. “My brothers want to taste you.”

  Staring up into his hard face, she felt so many questions spinning, but the purrs silenced them, left her mouth open and her brow furrowed. Tracing his thumb across her forehead, he dragged it down the bridge of her nose, over her lips and then he held her chin softly. Pale green eyes seeking… something.

  “Speak to me, Karissa.” The command was gentle, but it pulled the words from her.

  “Will it hurt?” she whispered, and groans and purrs grew louder around her as he smiled, laughing quietly.

  “Not even a little. They want to show you what you mean to them. Will you let them?” Mordek reached between them, swiping at the inside of her sticky thigh before tracing the salty sweet liquid over her lips, dipping in to brush her tongue as she opened her mouth to receive it. Her body warmed and she sucked his fingers clean until he pulled them free. Maintaining eye contact as he gathered more on his palm. “Will you?” he repeated, and then he licked his palm, and she gawked. Feeling the rumble in his chest, the pure satisfaction at the taste of her. Of them, together.

  Speech was impossible, but she nodded as her eyes trailed along his neck to the bloody mess her bite had left behind. The mark looked small on his massive shoulders, but it was clear from the triumphant look in his eyes that he knew what she was looking at.

  “Thank you for marking me, little Omega.” Leaning down he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips and then he pushed himself up from her, biceps bulging as the other males crowded close. “No fighting, she’s still recovering.”

  The males nodded, and Mordek smiled down at her, brushing his hand between her breasts until he rested his palm flat over the small swell low in her belly. She stared, confused, until he slid from her and liquid flooded after him. As soon as he stood, there was a rush and the males reached between her thighs. So many hands, spreading it across her skin. Scooping it from under her where it pooled on the pile of cloth and bedding. Her back arched, a confused and desperate whimper escaping her lips, and then a hot mouth closed over her nipple. Sucking, drawing the taut bud into a male mouth.

  “You smell incredible,” Zeke purred and leaned over to capture her mouth, his fingers coated in slick as he held her cheek and his tongue met hers. Drowning in the taste of him, the overwhelming smell of so many males, the pleasure as fingers found her clit and rubbed — she didn’t even tense as her thighs were spread wide again.

  Karissa expected a cock, but it was a swipe of tongue that made her moan against Zeke’s lips. Hips jolting as her clit was teased, tongue lapping at her soaked entrance, and as she squeezed another flood left her and a low growl rumbled against her cunt as the male swallowed, licking her until she was gasping. Turning away from Zeke she looked down to see Jeden with his huge shoulders pressed to the backs of her thighs, his dark head moving as he pushed his tongue deep.

  He was tasting her and Mordek.

  Zeke caught her chin, pulling her back to his mouth, and she heard a rumble and then felt Jeden leave the space between her thighs. Then someone new, a male that pushed one knee up and out, caught by hands that rubbed, stroked, and then she felt the rough texture of a beard against her most sensitive skin. This male nuzzled her cunt, breathing deep, growling as he dragged his chin over her clit, sending tingles of friction up her spine to have her moaning against Zeke’s lips.

  Another mouth on her other nipple, the two males sucking in unison, her back arching, core clenching to spill another wave of slick that was met with a wicked tongue. Aggressive, the male between her legs nipped her clit, tasted her with an intensity that had her unable to be still. Especially when he pushed his thumbs inside and spread her wide, catching the liquid rush and growling loudly as he devoured her.

  “Gods!” she cried, unable to even buck with the weight of so many male hands, and she looked down her body. Tinves’ blue head busy at one breast, Parel at the other, his green eyes flashing as he caught her gaze and bit down on her nipple. Sending a rush as she gasped, unprepared for the threat of another orgasm. The male between her thighs had shaggy brown hair, long enough to brush his eyebrows as he stared up her writhing body. His gaze was intense, overwhelming, and there was a vibrating rumble just before he sucked her clit hard.

  “FUCK!” she screamed, slamming her head back to the bedding under her as her body tried to come, but failed to crest.

  “Donvin, gentle. Let your brothers taste her.” Mordek was sitting in a chair to the side of the strange palette that formed this massive pile of bedding. Watching, his cock no longer completely erect but hanging heavy between his thighs. Another hard suck to her clit and she clenched her eyes tight, wishing she could just snap and let go, but then Donvin released her. Dragging his beard through the slick between her thighs before he moved.

  The other huge male shifted into the empty space between her thighs, instantly pushing three fingers inside her, and then a fourth as she whimpered and rocked her hips to meet him. “What do good Omegas get?” he asked, thrusting as he summoned a fresh wave of slick.

  “Don’t tease her, Halyrion,” Jeren chided. “Now is not the
time. She was just knotted for the first time.”

  Knotted. His cock had been locked inside, unable to pull out as he came again and again. A knot of flesh, a part of them… meant for her?

  The word repeated in her head as Halyrion leaned over her, offering his soaked fingers to her lips and she lifted to suck them in, not even caring as he stretched her mouth to feed her the lingering taste of Mordek. As soon as his fingers disappeared, Zeke fisted her hair and kissed her hard, hungry for the same taste. Then Halyrion’s tongue traced her from ass to clit. Nipples were nibbled and sucked, teeth nipping her thighs, her waist. She was lost in a sea of pure sensation, raw lust, hunger, and there was nothing to be done for it.

  Nothing to fight. No will to fight, or struggle.

  They moved over her, changing places, growing more confident as they licked her. Eventually, they started stroking themselves. No one tried to fuck her, to thrust into her throat even though she wanted to taste — and as if they knew, they scooped up their seed where it landed on her body and pressed it between her lips. Coating her tongue, pushing it to the back of her throat as she hungrily drew their fingers in. Each of them tasted similar, but different. Like each of their purrs, their growls, the small things that made them all unique… but all the same.

  As the furor calmed, her body so far beyond sated that it was a struggle just to blink her eyes open every few minutes, she felt her pulse calm to the rumble of purrs. Her head rested on Jeden’s arm, his nose buried against her hair as he slept. Halyrion was to one side of her, warm and strong, Parel on the other, his silken, dark hair tickling her chest. Tinves slept with his head on her hip, a hand splayed over her belly. Zeke was half lying on Halyrion, her leg entwined with his, and Donvin had chosen the oddest place of all. Tangled with Tinves, her other leg across his chest, his arm braced around her calf like he was holding on in his sleep. They were all completely asleep, or dozing, and she blinked up as Mordek’s shadow fell over them.


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