The Bodyguard

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The Bodyguard Page 5

by F F Perez

  I nodded, downing my second full glass of whatever alcohol Elizabeth had handed me. Elizabeth patted my hand before leaving the room. I gazed around the room, and then, after knocking back the rest of Elizabeth’s abandoned drink, I strode out of the room to meet my groom. Fake or not, I would tackle this wedding like I did everything else in my life: with quiet dignity, unfailing courage, and all the grace I could muster. I reached the door and stumbled a little in the stiletto heels I wore.

  So much for grace, I thought, the alcohol warming my blood.

  Courage and dignity would do just fine… or maybe just courage. After all, I was marrying a complete stranger because a greedy bastard had killed my father and was trying to kill me. I was also 99% sure I was intoxicated. Dignity and grace had left the building hours ago. Courage was all I had left, and even that had begun to fade.

  Chapter Eight: Lance

  Standing next to the minister, I fidgeted as I waited for my blushing bride to make her first appearance. During the hours my interfering mother had sequestered Nancy away, I had planned and purchased a honeymoon for us to leave on tomorrow morning. We would travel to Cairns, Australia, the available destination the furthest distance from us. Nancy would probably fight me on it, but it was too late to change things now.

  A slight commotion at the door caused me to turn around. My mother bustled toward me, and as she moved out of the way to stand next to me, I got a full view of Nancy as she strode down the aisle. Her strawberry blonde hair curled over her shoulders and flowed down her back. She wore what looked suspiciously like the dress I had seen in all my parent’s wedding photos, her large breasts straining at the neckline while she floated along on a cloud of flowing white fabric.

  It was hard not to picture her as I saw her earlier, standing half naked in a lace corset and panties, her hand on her hip and her eyes flashing. I had wanted nothing more than to throw her over my shoulder, find the nearest bed and pound into her all night long. Thankfully, my mother’s presence in the room had stopped me from doing just that.

  When she stood opposite me in all her shimmering beauty, Nancy clasped my arm and flicked a nervous look up at me through her lashes.

  “Are you sure about this?” she whispered.

  I rolled my eyes, not deigning to answer. Nodding to the minister, I pulled her closer, squeezing her around the waist, noticing the smell of alcohol wafting from her. She stiffened in my arms but accepted the embrace. There were a half dozen other agents standing witness, along with my mother who held her phone in her hand, recording the event. I narrowed my eyes at her. I would need to speak with her about exactly what this marriage was. She was treating the whole scenario as if it was a real marriage and I couldn’t have that.

  Focusing on the minister’s words, I pushed my mother’s antics to the back of my mind. Before beginning the ceremony, the minister handed each of us a copy of the wedding license and a prenuptial agreement that Malcolm had sent over, protecting Nancy’s money—and my own. I signed both the license and the agreement, handing the pen to Nancy when I was through.

  She signed the license and then scanned the prenup before signing it, too. She had barely looked at it, which was both good and bad. Good because she hadn’t seen the part about my enormous fortune, but bad because she was so trusting. She was too smart for something like that, so it must have been the shock of the day’s events—and the alcohol—causing her to be so careless.

  The minister scooped up the paperwork, handing it to my mother, and then turned to Nancy and me. After a short speech from him about the sanctity of marriage and the sacredness of two people joining their minds and hearts as one, Nancy and I exchanged generic vows.

  “Do you have rings?” the minister asked.

  “Uh…” I resisted the urge to swear in front of the churchman in front of us. I had forgotten about rings. Shit. I could have easily run out to grab a couple in the two hours it had taken Nancy to get ready.

  “I have the rings,” my mother squeaked from her position to my right.

  Throwing her a look, I walked over to her. She was rummaging around in her pockets, giving me a clear view of her phone. She wasn’t recording the ceremony. My father’s face grinned up at me from the screen on her phone. I rolled my eyes in response. With a little cry of triumph, my mother handed me two rings. The larger was a black cobalt band with no decoration. The smaller ring was very familiar to me. It had been my grandmother’s wedding ring and had always been intended for my future wife. I scowled at my mother. Her wedding dress and grandma’s ring? I really needed to talk to her. Choosing not to make a scene, I took the rings, giving the larger one to Nancy to place on my finger while I placed my grandmother’s ring on hers.

  With the exchange of the rings, the ceremony was over. Beaming, the minister bade me kiss my bride, which I did as chastely as I could manage after seeing her in her sexy lingerie no more than an hour ago. Her lips tasted so sweet, I could barely contain a groan of frustration. It came out as a growl at the back of my throat that only Nancy could hear. Her eyes widened, but she remained silent.

  The other agents and my mother cheered, throwing handfuls of rice at us. Most of them aimed for my face, and I glared at them.

  “Oh, lighten up,” a blond agent named Kevin yelled, thumping me on the back. He was one of the few people here who not only knew my identity but also knew that the wedding was fake. We had been friends since we were kids, so it wouldn’t have been easy to hide the truth from him.

  “Don’t make me punch you, Kevin,” I growled.

  He laughed and followed us out to a waiting car. My mother kissed Nancy on the cheek and squeezed my arm while Kevin hopped into the limo first to check that everything was safe. He would ride as far as the hotel with us, but after that, we were on our own.

  I helped Nancy into the limo, glared one last time at all the other agents, and then slipped inside the limo behind my bride.

  We rode in silence part of the way, all three of us looking out the window closest to us.

  “Where did you grow up, Lance?” Nancy asked after a little while. Her voice sounded tired, and I glanced at her in concern.

  “New York,” I answered truthfully.

  She inhaled sharply. “Oh, my god.”

  “What?” I asked, looking around wildly.

  “Your parents,” she squeaked.

  “What about them?”

  “Well, what if they find out about us marrying? Shouldn’t you call them? We don’t know how long this whole thing will take and how public it will get.”

  I glanced at Kevin who was still staring out the window, trying not to laugh.

  “My parents are dead,” I answered, wincing inwardly at the lie. “I think of Malcolm and Elizabeth as my parents.”

  Kevin snorted but said nothing.

  “Oh,” Nancy said quietly. “I’m so sorry.”

  Guiltily, I looked away. I had forgotten for a moment that both of her parents were dead. When she found out I’d lied, she would not be happy about that one.

  “When did they die?” she asked.

  I shifted uncomfortably. “A long time ago.”

  “So then who raised you?” she asked.

  I glanced at Kevin and inspiration struck I gave him an apologetic smile then turned back to Nancy.

  “I grew up in foster homes until I was fourteen. That was when Malcolm took me in. He trained me so I could go to college and work for the security company. I’ve since earned a modest place in the world.”

  Kevin threw me an amused look and rolled his eyes, not missing that I had used his backstory as my own.

  Nancy seemed to accept the story and nodded her head.

  “Why don’t you try to rest?” I suggested before she could ask any more questions. “We’ll be at the hotel soon.”

  She nodded and rested her head against the window, closing her eyes. Thirty minutes later, we pulled up in front of the hotel that Malcolm had paid for. I helped Nancy out of the car, turning to Kevi
n before heading inside. Kevin had unloaded my duffel bag of clothes and a suitcase of Nancy’s from the limo’s trunk. Nancy gave her suitcase a questioning glance.

  “We had a few agents go by your house to get a few things,” Keven explained. “Your maid, Elsa, helped them pack.” He hesitated, glancing at me. “Elsa also asked that you call her and tell her what’s going on. She seemed worried.”

  Nancy nodded, taking her suitcase from Kevin and rolling it toward the entrance where she stopped and waited for me.

  “Keep me apprised of what’s going on here,” I told Kevin quietly. “And sorry about using your past as my own.”

  Kevin shrugged. “Seeing how you look at her, Lance, I can tell you that the truth will eventually come out. I don’t know why you insist she not know. Once you’re safely away from here, you should tell her the truth.”

  I didn’t answer. He was probably right, but I wasn’t ready to admit that. Scooping up my duffel from the ground, I clapped him on the shoulder.

  “I want regular updates,” I said, squeezing his shoulder.

  He nodded, and I turned to meet Nancy at the door to the hotel. Throwing her a look of exasperation, I pulled her suitcase from her hands and beckoned her to walk ahead of me into the hotel. Rolling her eyes, she obeyed, stalking off toward the front desk. It took no time at all to check-in with the clerk who had set aside one of their best suites for “the two honeymooners,” as she called us. I took the keys from her, managing a small smile, and then followed Nancy to the elevators.

  A few minutes later, we were in a suite decorated in ivory and gold. It housed a king-sized bed and opened onto a patio with a small wrought-iron table. Malcolm had chosen this hotel—and this room—because it wouldn’t be accessible to any snipers in the area. I thought about telling Nancy this to set her mind at ease, but I decided against it. I would probably be better off trying to distract her from the current situation than reminding her of it.

  “It looks like there’s a bathroom in there if you want to change,” I said, clearing my throat and pointing.

  Nancy jumped at the sound of my voice, then looked over at the door to the bathroom. “I’m a little thirsty,” she croaked, walking over to the minibar.

  In her nervous state, she knocked over a glass and then fumbled to put everything back in order. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, using the solidity of my body to comfort her.

  “What’s wrong, Nancy?” I whispered in her ear, trailing my lips along its edge.

  “I don’t know,” Nancy answered shakily. She turned in my arms, splaying a warm hand over my chest. “Everything, I guess. I’m trying to wrap my head around everything that’s happened today. I’m married, but I’m not. Someone is trying to kill me. Jim is dead.” Her voice caught on the last sentence and she closed her eyes.

  I stroked her cheek with my thumb. “I’m sorry,” I murmured for lack of anything better to say.

  She nodded, then opened her eyes, leaned up, and kissed me gently on the lips. Stiffening in her embrace, I struggled with the desire that reared up in me.

  “Please, Lance,” she begged. “Help me forget.”

  “Nancy…” I warned.

  “Please,” she whispered, cutting me off.

  With a groan of both desire and frustration, I spun her around, pulling at the laces of her gown. Slipping it over her shoulders, I let it fall to the floor around her feet. She stepped out of it and then turned to face me. My breath caught in my throat as my cock strained against my pants.

  She wore the same lacy white corset from earlier that pushed her breasts up and hugged her hips. She had on thigh-high stockings held up by lacy garters. Stepping back, she reached up and removed her veil and the pins holding her hair, letting her hair cascade down her back. She shook out her hair, running her fingers through the curls, and then kicked off her stilettos before slinking back toward me.

  When she was just a few inches in front of me, she slid a hand up my stomach and chest, grabbing my tie and removing it with slow, measured movements. My shirt came next. She unbuttoned every button without ever taking her eyes from my face. Then, it was my belt. I kicked out of my shoes, removed my socks, and then stepped out of my pants. Impatient with her slow movements, I pulled my shirt over my head but left my underwear on.

  It was her turn now.

  I trailed a finger over the top of her breasts, gazing at her intently.

  Her eyes flashed with desire and heat. “Lance,” she panted.

  “Hmm,” I answered absently, trailing kisses over her breasts.

  “Lance, I need to tell you something,” she gasped, her hands clutching at my hair.

  “I’m listening,” I murmured against her skin.

  “I’ve never… I mean… this is my first time… you know,” she stammered.

  Jerking back, I gaped up at her in shock. “You’re a virgin?”

  She immediately gained a little of her usual sass back. “Yes,” she snapped defensively. “Is that a problem?”

  I stared at her, straightening up and cupping her chin in my hands.

  Like fucking hell was it a problem, I thought, my cock twitching with the knowledge that I would be the first person to claim her.

  “Not at all,” I answered her, claiming her mouth in a bruising kiss.

  Possessive need seared through me, increasing the savage desire that was already there. I struggled to remind myself to go easy since it was her first time, but her hands were everywhere; stroking, caressing, clawing.

  I thrust my tongue into her mouth, reaching around her to pull at the laces of the corset. When I finally got them all untied, I stood back a little to let the garment fall past her hips to the floor. My feverish gaze landed on her pert nipples and, bending over, I took one into my mouth. Nancy cried out, grabbing at my hair again and throwing her head back. That movement pushed more of her breast into my mouth and I flicked my tongue over the little bud, making her cry out again and stagger against me.

  Sweeping one arm around her waist, I lifted her into my arms, releasing her nipple so I could claim her mouth again. I carried her over to the bed, dropping her onto the soft covers and admiring the way her curls spread over the duvet. I reached down and unclasped the garter, pulling it off. Then, I trailed my fingers up one leg from ankle to thigh, rolling the white stocking down her leg before moving to the other. I kept my eyes on hers the whole time, watching as her breathing became ragged and her skin flushed with desire.

  By the time I pulled her panties off, leaving her naked on the bed, she was panting, and I took a few moments to drink her in before kneeling down and trailing kisses up her legs. She quivered on her elbows, watching me as I paused at her upper thigh for two beats and then licked her warm, wet folds in one smooth, slow motion. Her eyes rolled closed as a low moan escaped her and she fell back against the bed, clutching the sheets in her hands.

  Smirking against her, I continued to lick and nip at her folds and her clit, making her squirm against the sheets. When she began sobbing my name, I thrust my tongue deep inside her, using my thumb to pleasure her little bud with small circles. It wasn’t long before she caught onto the rhythm, moving her hips in time to my thrusts.

  I slipped my tongue from her, replacing it with two of my fingers, getting her ready to take my shaft in a few moments. She twisted and squirmed against my hand before her muscles clamped down on my fingers and her whole body shuddered its release. I kissed my way back up her body, shucking off my underwear as I did so. She watched me with hooded eyes, not nearly sated enough for my taste.

  “My turn,” she whispered, placing a hand on my chest and pushing me back.

  Confusion turned to raw desire as she slipped off the bed and knelt at my feet, grasping my erection in her warm hand. Gazing up at me, she licked my cock from base to tip. Shivering, I buried my hands in her hair and guided her mouth toward me, pushing in slowly. She sucked a little before twirling her tongue around as I pushed in and out of her hot mout
h, never taking my eyes from her. The pressure built within me, and I tugged on her hair so I could slip from her mouth.

  My hands still in her hair, I tugged again, urging her to her feet. I pushed her back onto the bed and climbed over her. Reaching down, I rubbed the tip of my cock on her clit until she was writhing against me. I slipped inside her, feeling her body stretch to accommodate my size. I paused when I hit her barrier, gazing into her eyes.

  Leaning down, I kissed her deeply as I plunged into her in one swift thrust, swallowing her gasp of pain with my lips. I forced myself to stay still as her body adjusted to my presence, peppering her face with soft kisses. Reaching down between us, I moved my finger in a circle over her bud, kissing her lips and exploring her mouth with my tongue.

  She moved her hips in a slow circle, telling me she was ready. I thrust my hips rhythmically against her, pounding into her with steady precision. She writhed against me as her eyes fell closed and her breath came in sharp bursts between moans. I grabbed her chin, forcing her face toward mine.

  “Look at me.” I wanted to see her desire-filled eyes as I fucked her.

  Her lashes fluttered open and her aquamarine gaze met mine. “Lance, please,” she begged, lifting her hips to meet mine.

  “Please what?” I teased, dragging my cock out of her before pushing back in just as slowly. “Tell me what you want, Nancy.”

  “Fuck me,” she growled. “Harder! Faster! Now!”

  I covered her body with my own as I obliged her, quickening my thrusts. I buried my hands in her hair, gripping it tightly in my fists, and took her mouth in a punishing kiss, claiming her as my own. She wrapped her legs around my hips, pulling me deeper inside her. Her muscles clamped down in hard spasms as she dragged her nails down my back, clutching me in desperation.

  I broke our kiss, growling as the pressure inside me boiled over, and I spilled inside her hot centre, her muscles still milking my cock. Collapsing on top of her, I waited for my pounding heart to slow down and the feeling in my own muscles to return. Never in all my many sexual encounters had a woman sated me this well.


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