Cupids Enchantment

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by Cupid's Enchantment(lit)

  "You saved my life," she said in awe, staring at his handsome, devilish eyes. She instantly heated toward him at the look on his strong, proud features.

  Ilar again glanced up the incline. Giving her a smile that made her heart stop, he said wryly, "Hardly."

  Rhiannon grabbed his face with a sudden burst of energy, taking his mouth to hers in a desperate kiss that said everything she dared not. Her mouth pressed into his firm lips, remembering the feel of them all too well. She needed him, wanted him, craved him. He was so stubborn, so frustrating and proud. He made her want to scream and tear every gorgeous inch of his hair out. But, when his deep set eyes looked at her so openly, she couldn’t stop herself. She just had to kiss him. When she grew too weak to hold her body up, she fell away, panting, staring at him.

  "What was that?" he asked, awed, licking his lips still stinging with her taste.

  "I don’t know," she said, dreamily, breathless. "I just felt like doing it."

  "Do it again," he urged, tilting his head down to hers, not giving her a choice. His mouth sawed against her, passionate, demanding, searching.

  Rhiannon chuckled, grabbing his face to keep him near her, pulling at his back when she would feel more of his body pressed along hers. The thick set of his erection burned into her stomach, teasing her through their clothes. She forgot everything but the sensation of him against her.

  Seeing movement in the light shining over her closed lids, she gasped, pushing frantically at Ilar’s chest. A scream bubbled in her throat.

  "Careless human!" a small green piskie screeched. He had wide eyes that looked cute and innocent, but the look on his face was anything but. Suddenly, Rhiannon realized that she’d struck the poor being with her foot when she fell. The creature wielded a small knife as if it would stab her.

  Ilar turned, growling at the little pest, snapping his jaw as if he would bite it. The creature ran off. When he turned back to resume his kisses, Rhiannon had already withdrawn. The spell between them was broken. Her stormy eyes were fixed overhead, her body stiff, and Ilar heard the roar of a far off dragon.

  "Just get me home, Ilar," she whimpered, swallowing in fright. She’d been through too much--seen too much. Now tiny green beings wanted her dead and there was fire spouting across the sky from a giant winged beast. She cringed away from the flying dragon.

  Ilar thought she moved from him, as she recoiled into the ground. A pain ripped through his chest.

  "Please, Ilar, I just want to go home," she said.

  Frowning, Ilar rolled off her body. His limbs stung in protest. His full erection throbbed to be inside her, always inside her. It didn’t matter how often he tasted the pleasure of her, he wanted her again, each time worse than before.

  Holding his hand down to her, he watched as she hesitated, her eyes turned full to the purple sky. Slowly, her palm fitted into his and he jerked her up. Rhiannon winced in pain, her ankle folding underneath her as she tripped.

  Ilar instantly grabbed her up in his arms. Striding over the field, he leapt easily back up the incline with her gripped tightly to his chest. Rhiannon gasped and burrowed deeper into his embrace. Bringing her to a shady knoll of grass, hidden from the direct rays of the sun, he set her down. Her arms didn’t wish to leave his neck and stubbornly held their place when he would pull back.

  "Rhian," he said, his tone almost sultry. Catching himself, as he drew forward to kiss her, he scowled and demanded, "Where does it hurt?"

  Rhiannon could think of a few places. Instead, she said, "My ankle."

  "Here, let me see it," he ordered. Rhiannon released his neck to lie back on the grass. Ilar pulled the edge of her gown up slowly. After quickly assessing it, he discovered it was only bruised. "It isn’t broken."

  "It feels like it," she complained, a pout on her features. She’d been studying him as he tenderly took care of her. His gentle hands did something to her leg, making the nerves jump in wanton excitement.

  Without warning, Ilar stood, his head tilting to the side.

  "What is it?" Rhiannon asked, pushing up. "Is the dragon coming back?"

  "No," Ilar said distracted, holding his hand up to her for silence. "Malak has found Cupid’s cave. He wants us to wait here until he gets back. Then, we will go confront the little troll."

  Rhiannon gulped. So soon! As much as she hated being cursed, she hated the idea of not being cursed even more. Would all the affection Ilar showered on her be taken back? Would he recoil from her in repulsion? Her whole body shook. Weakly, she asked, "When? How soon?"

  Ilar glanced down at her rushed words, believing she was in a hurry to be rid of him. "Tomorrow morn. It’s just as well. You need to rest your ankle."

  Rhiannon swallowed in apprehension. Ilar glanced around.

  "This place will suit us fine. You stay here. I’ll gather wood and try to catch food." Ilar looked her over. She looked up over the heavens for signs of life. Frowning, he reached down into his satchel and pulled out a knife. He handed her the deadly blade, and said, "Use it if you have a need."

  Rhiannon nodded, hugging the blade to her chest as she edged back against the rock, hiding from the sky beneath an overhang. Within a full breath, Ilar was gone, over the side of the rock face and into the valley below.

  Chapter Eight

  Ilar came back an hour later and set up a cooking fire. It was evening and Rhiannon was more than happy to see him. He eyed her warily, seeing she still clutched the knife to her breast. Without comment, he worked and soon turned what looked like rabbits on a spit.

  Rhiannon offered to help, but he told her to just relax. She was content to watch. It wasn’t like she could really cook anyway. Gingerly, she hobbled over to him when he’d finished, leaving the rabbits to roast. She looked down at the top of his dark head as she stood by his side. Ilar glanced up in surprise to feel her so near and stood to tower over her. The disarming look of his eyes penetrated into her.

  When he would turn away, Rhiannon placed a hand on his arm to stop him. She’d been given a lot of time to think about it and if she only had this one last night of enchantment, she intended to use it to full advantage. Licking her lips, as he turned back to her, she asked, "Is there a place I can bathe? I feel like I’m covered in dust and sweat."

  Ilar blinked at the question, but lifting his head in the air, he closed his eyes and sniffed. When he again looked at her, he said, "Up there."

  Rhiannon looked up the steep mountainside, doubting she could climb with her sore ankle.

  Ilar, sensing her dilemma, asked, "Would you like me to help you up?"

  Rhiannon nodded, brimming with excitement as he easily swung her into his arms. She clung to his neck. Her jaw rested on his shoulder as she hugged herself to him. Ilar’s body instantly stiffened. She ran her hands over his upper back, sending shivers over his flesh as she dipped her fingernails slightly beneath the folds of his draping blue tunic.

  Ilar carried her with ease up the steep incline. Then, reaching the top, he smiled to see the water just where he detected it. Setting Rhiannon on the ground, he heard her gasp of pleasure. They were before a little pond, surrounded with the sprinkling of flower-covered earth. The clear waters reflected the brilliance of the purple sky. It looked as if they were in the heavens, though higher mountains still rose up on each side.

  Ilar looked her over, his shaft rigid from holding her so close. Swallowing hard, he nodded once and turned to leave.

  "Wait!" she called to him, reaching her hand out.

  A brow rose on his manly features, slashing dangerously over his penetrating gaze. He shifted his weight to look at her. Part of his long hair covered half his face from view.

  "Would you stay?" she asked softly, trembling as she made the request.

  "You have nothing to fear from these waters," he soothed. In truth, he didn’t wish to put himself through the torture of watching her bathe. "You have no need of my protection. And if you do, you only have to call and I’ll be here."

  Rhiannon too
k a deep breath. Her eyes met his boldly. "I didn’t mean for you to stay as my protector."

  Ilar froze. His whole body jolted with molten desire at the huskiness of her words.

  "I meant for you to stay as my lover." Though the words were shy, she held her ground, watching him.

  A slow, amazed smile found his lips. He couldn’t speak. Rhiannon pulled at the laces of her gown, freeing herself from the dirty material. It slithered off her body, heaping at her feet.

  Ilar’s breath caught. His heart nearly stopped. She stood before him, naked and proud, outlined by the sunlight.

  Her breasts rose and fell with her deepened breathing, so perfect in shape. He itched to mold them into his palms, to bud the tips to his sucking lips. She parted her legs, revealing her hair-covered mound. Already, the scent of her was carried to him on the breeze until he wanted nothing more than to bury his face and drink from her most intimate of openings.

  Rhiannon forced herself not to move as he looked her over. Even as his eyes heated a blush to her cheeks, they caused a fire to scorch her inner thighs until they nearly dripped with the power of her longing. Slowly, she took a step back, edging to the pond.

  Ilar’s gaze stayed with her. He saw her vulnerable eyes, amazing him still with their almost innocent quality. He grabbed the brooch from his shoulder. Without thought, he tugged the clothing from his body until he was as naked as she.

  It was Rhiannon’s turn to look and she did, taking in her eye’s fill of him until every dip and flex was well ingrained on her mind. The hair sprinkling his thighs rose around his erection. She’d seen him before, but never had she been so bold as to actually take in every detail of his arousal. The globes beneath his shaft looked larger, heavier than she remembered.

  She backed away, her feet hitting upon cooler water. A shiver worked its way up her spine. "Would you swim with me, Ilar?"

  Ilar forgot all about the cooking rabbits over the fire as he stepped into the water after her. Rhiannon continued back, keeping her gaze steadily on him as the water rose around her hips. The curly length of her hair floated around her on the glass surface. The reflection of clouds rippled as she moved. Ilar was sure he’d never seen anything so stunning in all his life.

  Lowering herself into the pond, Rhiannon swam back. She dipped her face beneath the water, resurfacing to stroke backwards as she watched him dive in to join her. He glided beneath the waves and in one large push of his arms he caught up to her. He slithered his hands over her flesh beneath the water, finding her hips as he moved to stand before her.

  "Would you make love to me, Ilar?" she asked, breathless with anticipation. She knew if he denied her, she’d surely die.

  He pushed the long length of his hair from his dark features with a growl. His eyes were a molten gold as he looked at her. Her weight was lightened by the pond and he had no problem lifting her up against him, burying his face in her breasts as he licked and teased the nipples into erect points. Her legs found hold around his waist, slipping over his taut buttocks and firm hips.

  Rhiannon’s head arched back on her shoulders and she cried out in gasping moans of pleasure. He drank from her flesh, licking her with his tongue as he sent shockwaves all over her limbs. She practically melted around him.

  She delved her fingers into his hair, pulling the length back from his face so she could see his masculine beauty. His eyes rose to meet hers, heavy-lidded with pleasure. Her head dipped, wanting more than anything to kiss him. She moaned into his mouth, drawing heat from his skin. His hands felt like they were everywhere at once. His thick erection pressed near her backside as he lowered her along his solid frame. Her thighs pressed into his stomach, the hard ridge of his muscles rubbing against her wet slit.

  "Is this what you want?" he asked. His kiss deepened, probing and claiming every corner of her mouth, stealing inside her to grab at her soul.

  Rhiannon shivered, knowing she was branded by this man in more ways than one. Her legs worked along him, urging his hips closer as she tightened her hold. He pressed into her, his arousal seated along the cleft of her butt.

  "Yes, Ilar, yes," she said, urging him on. Her toes curled, her back flexed, frenzied by the feel of him. Her butt tensed, hugging his thick shaft in frustration, as she wiggled. She tried to pull up, wanting to force herself down onto his erection.

  Ilar held her firm and she was no match for his strength. He kept her body from claiming him, continuing to kiss her throat, her collarbone and finally the valley of her breasts.

  "Ilar, please," she begged, growing fevered as she rubbed herself to his stomach, searching for release. She pulled insistently at his shoulders and arms, loving the slick texture of his skin.

  "Tell me you want me inside you," he demanded.

  "Yes, I want you inside me." Her hips pushed faster in her frustration. The water splashed them, rippling at her movements.

  "Tell me I’m the only man you’ll ever want."

  Rhiannon shivered, looking deep into his eyes. She knew it was the enchantment making him speak, but she couldn’t stop herself from answering, "You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted inside me, Ilar. The only man I’ll ever want."

  Ilar’s body leapt with hope at the soft admission. Instantly, he slid into her heated folds, fitting himself firmly to her core.

  "Ah," she whimpered, surprised that each time they came together he could fill her so completely. His length stretched her, pulsing inside her. Her mouth opened with wide pants along his lips. She darted her tongue to lick playfully at him. He growled, sucking her tongue into his mouth as he moved within her. Her hair trailed wet and clinging around her shoulders.

  The surface of the water undulated around them. Rhiannon clung to his shoulders, driving herself onto him with desperation and fear. She never wanted these feelings to end. She wanted to pull him with her and hide away forever in the mountains, keeping him enchanted by her spell. Tears came to her eyes as Ilar rocked his hips up into her. He firmly grasped her backside, digging at her flesh, as he moved inside her--sliding against her wet core.

  Heat shot through her limbs, crashing over her like the rippling water, moving along her trembling skin as she climaxed. Rhiannon cried out, bucking powerful and strong. She pulled her body next to his hips, imbedding him deep.

  Ilar howled, feeling the spasm of her muscles hot against his erection, milking the release from his body. His legs weakened, bringing them both down into the pond. They dipped beneath the surface, kissing before they broke above water. Rhiannon wrapped her arms around him, holding him close, glad that the water washed away her tears before he could see them.

  Ilar’s weight shifted. Thinking he meant to pull away, she begged, "No. Not yet. Don’t go just yet."

  Ilar growled, pulling her closer, letting his mouth gently kiss her. His body was sated from her lovemaking, but as she continued to touch him, running her hands over his hair and shoulders like she needed to feel every inch of him, he felt himself stirring once more along her stomach.

  Rhiannon’s eyes widened, growing excited at the intimate press of him. Her gaze dipped shyly to his mouth, pressing wet kisses along his firm lips to his neck, only to nibble at his ear. He hugged her closer until not even the water could slip between their bodies.

  Rhiannon shivered at the strength of his embrace. "Will you make love to me again, Ilar?"

  Ilar growled, turning to devour her neck and shoulder. Sweeping her up into his arms, he carried her over to the shore. Rhiannon shivered as he tenderly laid her on the grassy banks, surrounded by flowers. The purple, magenta, and orange sunset was all around them. The water lapped gently at the pond’s shore.

  Rhiannon looked up at him, offering her whole body to him. Anything he wanted, she would give him. It was too late for her. She was forever enthralled by the lycan warrior. Without him she would be hopeless and lost. She had a feeling that the rest of her life would be spent in a tower, remembering this moment.

  Ilar’s eyes dipped leisurely over her fl
esh, stroking his hands in little passes over her neck, her chest, her aching breasts. His mouth soon followed to trail over her flesh. He took his time savoring her feel, her taste. Only after he’d touched and kissed every inch of her quivering body, did he rise above her.

  Ilar looked deeply into her eyes as he came up on his hands. He tensed as he stroked within the slick fires he’d started. Almost desperately, Rhiannon clung to his arms, rocking her hips up into him, pushing him deeper, urging him harder, faster. The beast took over, claiming her, untamed and vigorous. Rhiannon screamed, loving this animalistic side to him. As the last of their violent tremors subsided, they both instinctively knew that this could very well be their last night together.

  * * * *

  Ilar made love to Rhiannon so many times that her limbs were sore and twisted from his endless stamina--and positions. During the middle of their love play, Ilar carried her down to the campfire. The rabbits were burnt, but they didn’t care. Instead, they drank wine--Rhiannon from the pouch, Ilar from her breasts and neck. Only when her body refused to move more than the effort it took to keep breathing, did Ilar gather her naked body into his arms and wrap them in the large square piece of his draping tunic. It was there they slept.

  The next morning, Rhiannon awoke to a feathery kiss along her temple. Groaning, she covered her yawning mouth and peeked up into Ilar’s solid brown eyes. Even with his hair disheveled, he was devilishly handsome to behold. The soft golden rays of morning cast his skin beautifully in it folds. Without thought, she smiled, reaching to touch him.

  Suddenly, his head jerked away, looking into the distance. Rhiannon stiffened as she heard a deep, masculine chuckle behind her head. In horror at being caught, she whimpered pitifully and burrowed her naked body into Ilar’s, trying to hide.

  Ilar wrapped a protective arm around her, wondering at her sudden shyness, before glancing up to where Malak stood. When Malak spoke, Rhiannon couldn’t understand his words and what she imagined him to say was much worse than what he said.


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