Cupids Enchantment

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by Cupid's Enchantment(lit)

  "You truly believe that?" he asked, grinning. If he never let her up from him, he would be a happy man.

  "Yes," she said. "I do."

  Ilar leaned forward as if to kiss her. Rhiannon pulled her face away and tightly closed her eyes. "Please, no, do not. I can’t take anything more from you. I’ve fallen in love with you. Now, please, let me go afore it gets worse. I know you only feel the spell. Please, Ilar, have pity on me."

  "Never," he spat, forcing his lips to hers, crushing her with an all-powerful kiss that stole her breath and the rest of her heart. "I’ll never let you go. You are mine, Rhian. Only mine. I choose here and now that you are forever my life mate. Never shall it be undone."

  Rhiannon blinked in confusion, her mouth opening to protest. She saw a golden shift purpling and cementing in his eyes, knowing he’d done something to bind him to her.

  "No," she cried, closing her eyes, waiting to feel his rejection of her. "No, Ilar, you mustn’t."

  "It’s too late." Slowly, he brushed his lips to hers, licking her mouth open to him. She gasped to feel his tenderness. She barely dared to hope as she met his piercing gaze. It was full of longing.

  "Then," she sighed, "you still want me?"

  "I’ll always want you. I have always wanted you. Malak poured an immunity spell on me long ago--forgetting to mention it, of course. I’m unaffected by troll magic. Everything I have done and said has been from my heart. You, Lady Rhiannon of Weilshire, mortal, human, are this beast’s heart. Now, what I would know is can you love a nieten?"

  "No," she answered. Ilar tensed. She smiled brightly at him, grabbing his face to pull him to her lips. "But I can love a lycan. I do love a lycan."

  Ilar growled. "I love you, Rhian, my wife, my life mate, my heart. Together we shall live for an eternity."

  Rhiannon moaned as he kissed her and didn’t dare pull away as he began undoing the brooch at her shoulder, freeing a breast to his tenderly caressing mouth.

  "Argh!" came a growl. Rhiannon blinked to see a green piskie storming away from them. "Damned humans! Damned lycans!"

  Rhiannon giggled, unafraid. Ilar snapped his teeth at the critter, causing a jolt of excitement in her chest. It ambled off as fast as it could run. Ilar grinned, devilish and handsome. He began kissing her neck, and she let him, completely trusting. His teeth brushed up against her and she knew what he planned, could feel it. Lightly, he bit into her flesh, drinking from her, marking her as his as he fulfilled his primal need for her. Then, pulling back, he watched the wounds on her neck heal.

  Rhiannon smiled up at him, her eyes heavy with longing. Ilar moved to kiss her, whispering, "Now you are as bound to me as I am to you."

  Ilar lifted their tunics enough so they may join together, and still preserve some of his mate’s endearing modesty. Rhiannon didn’t care who saw them. She was only happy to be in his arms.


  "Are you sure you wish to do this?" Ilar asked, doubtful, seeing what his wife’s sister looked like. Agrona was positively horrible in her yards of white silk. He looked down at Rhiannon from where they hid, surprised that such two different creatures could be related. Cupid was bound and gagged behind them, squirming to be free.

  "Yes, my love," Rhiannon said. "Just because she lacks beauty, doesn’t mean she should lack love. Besides, this little troll owes us a favor."

  Cupid grunted in protest as Rhiannon poked him in the ribs.

  "What says you, Cupid? Do you help my sister or do you take a bath?" Rhiannon asked.

  Cupid made a grunt that sounded much like ‘help.’ Rhiannon nodded. Slowly, she stood, walking across the hall in her draping tunic attire to where Agrona sat. Agrona blinked in surprise to see her sister and quickly dashed at her teary eyes.

  "Rhian?" she breathed. "We thought you were dead!"

  "No, I’m well. Better than well." Rhiannon sat on the bench. Lightly stroking back Agrona’s wild hair, she plaited it for her as she spoke. "I’ve come to wish you happiness on your wedding day."

  "It was very wicked of you to leave without sending word," Agrona said, her voice soft. They’d never been close. "I tried to tell father that you’d run off with one of the knights because he refused to let you marry."

  "My absence couldn’t be helped," Rhiannon said, her voice wry in its tone. She looked sidelong at Cupid. The troll’s face was red with anger.

  "I’m glad you’re here, sister," Agrona put forth, truthfully. "Methinks you should marry this man in my place. He’s handsome and wants nothing to do with me."

  "I wouldn’t be so sure," Rhiannon said standing. She smiled down at her sister’s face. "I have to go now. Tell father I am well."

  "But, you have just arrived... Where have you been?" Agrona looked confused. Rhiannon handed her a missive.

  "Here, give this to father," she said. "I’m sorry I can’t stay to see you wed. But, I’m happy, ever so happy."

  "I’m just glad someone finally let you out of the tower." Agrona’s face shone with her sincerity.

  Rhiannon motioned to Ilar. He stood beside her, his body also strangely attired to the gaping Agrona.

  "This is my husband, Ilar," Rhiannon said, her love shining on her face. "With him I’m whole. Tell father when you see him. Don’t let him worry."

  Agrona nodded dutifully. Rhiannon rushed forward to hug Agrona tightly, before letting her go. Agrona grunted in surprise. When Rhiannon pulled back, a pink liquid soaked into the back of her sister’s head. She smiled a secret smile. Agrona trembled, unaware.

  "Come," Ilar said, pulling his wife away. "It works fast. We must be gone."

  Rhiannon waved at her sister. Ilar grabbed up Cupid and carried him hanging from one hand. Agrona was too dazed to notice the troll. As they rushed through the front entryway of the castle, a big man brushed past them, not seeing anything but his beautiful bride.

  Cupid grumbled. The human knight rushed forward to press his future wife with kisses. Agrona gasped in amazement, but melted easily into the man’s arms. Cupid couldn’t bear to watch as his Agrona was claimed by someone else.

  Rhiannon smiled brightly, hugging herself to Ilar’s waist. Her eyes shone with love for him, as did his for her. Without thought as to who watched them, she lifted up on her toes and began kissing him freely. Cupid grunted in disgust. Glancing down at the mournful Cupid, before turning her lips to Ilar’s once more, she said, "Now, open the portal, troll, and take us home."

  The End

  To learn more about the Cupid series, or Michelle M Pillow’s other titles, please visit her website (




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