Accidentally Married To...a Vampire?

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Accidentally Married To...a Vampire? Page 26

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  “You must be joking. Since when have you cared about consequences?” Viktor said under his breath.

  Cimil perched one hand on her hip. “Reyna was His creation—she was an Ancient One. We aren’t allowed to touch any of them. Now, vampire on vampire action, well, that’s a whole other enchilada. I think it’s also a kinky website—but don’t quote me.”

  So Cimil had lied. Again. The gods hadn’t spared Reyna because they thought her death would exterminate the good vampires needed to win the Great War; they were forbidden to kill an Ancient One.

  “You used me to do your dirty work. Fucking gods,” Niccolo growled.

  Cimil sucked in an impatient breath. “Well, no duh! I also just plain used you. Wink. Wink. How could I not? Looking at your splendid nakedness standing in the jungle only inches from my sizzling-goddess body.…ummm.” She licked her lips. “That kiss, I can still taste you on my lips, my little ex-vampire.”

  Helena gasped. “Niccolo! Please. Tell me you didn’t!”

  “Dammit, no! Never. I gave her my clothes before she put me under that sleeping spell…” He frowned and then glared at Cimil. “You didn’t…with me…I mean, while I was asleep, did you?”

  Cimil winked. “That’s my dirty little secret, and I don’t kiss and tell…without a royalty deal.”

  Niccolo looked like he wanted to wretch. Helena’s fangs popped out of her mouth.

  The men around the table all stood slowly, seething and glaring at Cimil.

  “Yikes! Down boys. Down.” Cimil barked. “Just a little joke. I didn’t touch him!” She put her hand to her mouth. “Much,” she whispered.

  The men shook their heads and sat.

  “Oh!” Cimil added. “But you’ll like this! I did leave your vampy powers intact so you wouldn’t notice the change. You earned it with all that heroic behavior. You’re very trusted among the gods, you know. But boy, it took you forever to realize your body didn’t want blood. Old habits, I guess.”

  “Trust! Trust! You put me through hell! For Christ sake! I’ve been trying to survive on blood for three damned months. No wondering I’m starving! Why didn’t you just tell me the truth?”

  Helena tugged on Niccolo’s arm. “Please, Niccolo, just leave it alone. We’ve been through a lot. Let’s settle this later.” She tugged him back toward the bedroom. “Please?”

  Niccolo’s expression softened. “You are right, my love. There will be time later for settling scores.”

  “Tisk. Tisk, my little man-cake,” Cimil clicked with her tongue. “Is your bad attitude any way to show gratitude for saving your existence, your mate, and planning your wedding?”

  “Wedding?” Helena asked.

  Cimil nodded. “Everything is ready outside.”

  Helena looked down at her clothes and Niccolo’s. She realized the entire crew was dressed in white linen. Cimil hopped up from the table and led them past two French doors onto a large deck overlooking the water.

  The sun was nestled just below the horizon, and the water of the lake glowed with turquoise hues. White garlands were intertwined with small white lights which ran the length of the rail down the dock, stretching twenty meters into the water. At the end was a thatched roof structure. It was breathtaking.

  “Is this for us?” Helena asked.

  Viktor moved forward. “It was my idea. I knew Niccolo wanted a real wedding for you, but never had the chance. I also thought this would be preferable over the Klingon monstrosity Niccolo booked for you in Vegas.”

  Sentin snickered.

  Helena flung her arms around Viktor’s neck. The only thing that could make it better would be for her mother, Ann, and Jess to be with her. But they were better off being protected from this new world of Helena’s until she could find a safe way to be a part of their lives “Thank you, it’s perfect. You’re the best vampire-daddy, ever.”

  Viktor laughed and gave her a tight squeeze. She knew he wasn’t pleased about making her immortal, but hopefully now he realized it was all for the best. As she let go, there was a brief moment when she could feel his guilt, joy, and relief.

  “Oh! Was that…you?” She took a step back.

  Viktor nodded.

  Niccolo slipped his arm between them and pulled her close. “You may have a blood bond with him as well, but I’m not sharing you. With anyone.”

  Cimil chimed in, “Ha! Too late. The exclusivity boat set sail minutes ago. Where two lie to sleep, three wake up! Where three sleep, they all wake up wet!” Since no one understood, they didn’t respond.

  “Okay, then. Let’s get rolling.” Cimil snapped her fingers and was instantly at the far end of the dock, dressed in a mariachi outfit. A full ensemble of mariachis holding trumpets, violins, and guitars were behind her.

  Helena turned to Niccolo and whispered, “Please tell me she’s not marrying us.”

  Niccolo shrugged. “I don’t think we have a choice.” He looked back at his men standing behind them with proud cheery faces.

  Helena looked into Niccolo’s eyes. “I love you.”

  Cimil clapped and they began to play a slow, romantic version of the Mexican Hat Dance.

  “They’re playing our song, my love,” Niccolo said. “Are you ready?”

  Helena took Niccolo’s arm and the marched down the dock.


  Six Months Later

  Helena sat curled up against Niccolo on a plush velvet cushion in front of the fireplace of their Manhattan penthouse, staring at him with large doey eyes.

  Niccolo glanced down at her with a knowing smile. “Helena, you must stop looking at me like that. I’m going to end up with an enormous ego.”

  Helena laughed. As if his ego could get any larger.

  But she wouldn’t have her arrogant ex-vampire any other way. She reached up and pecked him on the cheek. “Can’t help it. I still don’t believe I’m married to a real live deity. And your new eyes are…wow. Just. Wow.”

  Niccolo raised one brow. “I’m a demigod. Not a deity. And other than the fact I now eat normal food and can stay in sunlight all day, I am no different.”

  Helena smirked. Maybe he didn’t think so, but the change was like night and day. She didn’t know if it was Reyna’s blood that always made him so grumpy and brooding, but that side of Niccolo was gone. Arrogance, confidence, raw power—those were all traits he still carried, naturally, but his transformation gave him the ability to connect with others in a way he’d never been able.

  He now had upwards of twenty-thousand men—vampires, demigods, and…others—under his command. Helena knew the clock was ticking, but she tried not to think about the apocalypse. It was now Viktor’s job to monitor the book of the Oracle of Delphi since Antonio had disappeared without a trace.

  Niccolo’s turquoise stare was intense as he sensed Helena’s emotions. He slipped his large hand to her belly and gave her a comforting pat. “All will be well, my little vampire,” he said.

  Helena’s gaze moved to the glowing embers of the fire. “I can’t help, but worry. I’m the first vampire to ever have a baby. And with a demigod, no less. Then there’s her human grandmother, two human aunties—Ann and Jess—then there are her three dozen, vampire uncles who kill Obscuros for a living, and—”

  “Don’t forget Auntie Cimi! Goddess Delight of the Underworld! And, baby’s other god-parents! Get it? God…parents!”

  Helena and Niccolo looked up at Cimil standing next to them decked out in a bright yellow southern bell dress holding a frilly matching parasol.

  Niccolo grumbled in Helena’s ear. “Will she ever learn to knock?”

  “Well,” Cimil feigned a southern accent. “I never!” Her eyes locked on Helena’s stomach and she froze.

  Helena still couldn’t get used to Cimil’s odd quirks. Even though Cimil had shockingly gifted them a baby—where two lie down, three wake up—and permission to let her mother and two closest friends in on their secret world—though, Helena was still waiting for the opportune time to break t
he news—there was always something about the crazy goddess Helena just couldn’t trust.

  “Cimil? Hello?” Helena called out.

  Cimil rebooted and put her ear over Helena round belly. “What’s that, my sweet, sweet little dumplin’?” she asked Helena’s stomach.

  Niccolo and Helena watched nervously as Cimil listened to the baby.

  Helena’s brows knitted together. “Is something wrong?”

  Cimil laughed and shook her head at Helena’s baby bump. “Oh, you sneaky little girl! Yes. Auntie Cimil will buy you a puppy, pony, turtle, jumping bean, and whale! But you must promise not to eat them.”

  Whale? Oh, for heaven’s sake. Where the heck would they put it?

  “Cimil,” Niccolo said, “while we are eternally grateful for your gift, the sun will be rising soon and Helena needs her rest. Is there something we can help you with?”

  Cimil cocked her head to one side and began clapping and jumping. Her hoop skirt swayed like a giant bell. “Oh! Oh! I wanted to tell you I found the perfect nanny to help out while dad is…you know…saving the world!”

  “Nanny?” Helena didn’t want to ask. Would it be a talking chipmunk? Or, perhaps a bag of chips? Maybe a bug of some sort?

  Cimil snapped her fingers, and Andrus appeared in the room.

  Niccolo jumped up and lunged, but Cimil wedged herself between the two men. Despite her waif appearance, Cimil was a full-blooded goddess and much stronger than both men.

  Helena jumped up. “Andrus! Is that you?”

  Andrus leaned to the side, looking around Niccolo’s hulking, seething body, and smiled. “In the flesh.” He gave a quick wave.

  Helena rushed around the tangle and threw her arms around him. “I never got to thank you for saving me from Reyna! Where have you been?”

  Niccolo took a step back from Cimil. “How could you?” he screamed. “How could you bring this vile deceitful cretin into our home?”

  “Now, now.” Cimil shook her finger. “Andrus was in a very bad place. The queen was bonkers, and it wasn’t his choice to be bound to her any more than it was yours to become her general. But he’s all better now.”

  “Leave! Both of you!” Niccolo barked.

  “Niccolo? What’s gotten into you?” Helena whispered.

  Andrus’ eyes were also a sparkling turquoise. His skin glowed with a healthy golden hue. He too looked transformed by the death of Reyna. “I didn’t want to listen to Cimil when she first told me about the—” he swallowed “—job, but I owe you, Helena.” He turned toward Niccolo. “And you, too. I know what I did was unforgivable, but I am changed.”

  Niccolo growled. “Good. Good for you. Now go before I tear your head off.”

  Cimil clicked with her tongue. “Sorry, bub. Not gonna happen. I’ve foreseen the future, and while you’re away on a mission, your home is attacked. Andrus is destined to save Helena and your little girl. So, Auntie Cimil says he stays.”

  “Absolutely not!” Niccolo roared. “I’ll guard them myself.”

  Helena held out her finger to silence Cimil. “Give us one sec. Why don’t you and Andrus help yourself to some cookies I just baked in the kitchen.”

  Niccolo’s anger flared even hotter. “My cookies, too? You’re letting him eat my cookies?” He grumbled as Helena pulled Niccolo aside.

  She looked up at him with loving patience and waited for him to meet her gaze. She knew this would sooth him. “Honey,” she said. “You can’t stay and protect me. When the time comes you have to lead the army. Otherwise, what kind of world will we have for our baby?”

  Niccolo grumbled at his feet.

  “Cimil is crazy,” she added, “but if she’s seen it happen, then Andrus will protect me, and he is your family.”

  “Family?” Niccolo’s dark brows lifted.

  Helena had not wanted to tell Niccolo until the right time—which, ironically never came—but she thought he had a right to know.

  She told him how Reyna had abducted dozens of men from Niccolo’s bloodline to turn into vampire soldiers.

  Helena nodded. “Yes, he’s a descendent of your eldest brother.”

  Niccolo brushed a stray curl from her face as he mulled it over for several moments. “Fine, if he lays one finger on you, though—”

  Cimil appeared close behind Niccolo, chewing an extra large chocolate chip cookie. Crumbs tumbled down her dress. “Funny you should bring that up. Because fate has spoken, and Andrus will have another chance at love now that Reyna is dead. But, no worries. Helena’s off the table.”

  Niccolo glowered at Cimil. “Thanks for clearing that up. Now, if you don’t mind we are trying to talk, Cimil.”

  Cimil strolled away, mumbling and chewing. “Fine…but don’t say I didn’t try to warn you ahead of time. His son and your daughter’s wedding will come faster than you realize, and making a brides’ maid dress for a whale is no easy task.”

  Niccolo and Helena swallowed hard as they realized what Cimil was trying to say. Andrus’ future son and her baby?

  “I’m going to kill him!” Niccolo flew from Helena’s grasp, but when he reached the kitchen, it was empty.

  Cimil’s laughter echoed from some unknown place in the room. “See you at the big kick off!”


  If you enjoyed this novel and want to let me know, please click those fantastic little stars on the ebook retailer’s website! I see every one of them and do a little disco dance when they’re good. Now, if you read this and hated it, please blame my mother. She’s the one who keeps making me write. She can be reached at [email protected]. She’ll be the first to tell you…if you have nothing nice to say, then you just might need a hug!

  Special Thanks:

  Valjeanne Jeffers for helping with the final typo-control and words of encouragement. Thank you!

  You awesome people who bought a book from me! (I hope I got you to laugh?)

  The fabulous people who posted reviews and gave me those happy little stars or sent emails! (You know who you are! You’re soooo cool!)



  Book Three of the Accidentally Yours Series

  Twenty-four-year-old Penelope finds herself in all sorts of hot water, vaporous and otherwise, after agreeing to become a surrogate for an eccentric, wealthy, and devastatingly handsome man who isn’t exactly a man.

  Chapter GLOSSERY

  (In No Particular Order Because Cimil Said So)

  Yum Cimil – Goddess of the Underworld, also known as Ah-Puch by the Mayans, Mictlantecuhtli (try saying that one ten times) by the Aztecs, Grim Reaper by the Europeans, Hades by the Greeks…you get the picture! Despite what people say, Cimil is actually a female, adores a good bargain (especially garage sales) and the color pink and has the ability to see all possible outcomes of the future. She’s also bat-shit crazy.

  Cenote – Limestone sinkholes connected to a subterranean water system. They are found in Central America and southern Mexico and were once believed by the Mayans to be sacred portals to the afterlife. Such smart humans! They were right. Except, cenotes are actually portals to the realm of the gods.

  (If you have never seen a cenote, do a quick search on the Internet “cenote photos” and you’ll see how freaking cool they are!)

  The Pact – An agreement between the gods and good vampires which dictates the Do’s and Don’ts. There are many parts to it, but the most important rules are: vampires are not allowed to snack on good people (called Forbiddens), must keep their existence a secret, and are responsible for keeping any rouge vampires in check.

  Obscuros – Evil vampires who do not live by the Pact and like to dine on innocent humans since they really do taste the best.

  K’ak – The history books remember him as K'ak Tiliw Chan Yopaat, ruler of Copan in the 700 AD’s. Really, King K’ak (Don’t you just love that name? Tee hee hee…) is one of Cimil’s favorite brothers. We’re not really sure what he does.

– Also known by many other names depending on the culture, Kinich is the Sun God. He likes to go by “Nick” these days, but don’t let the modern name fool you. He’s not so hot about the gods mingling with humans. Although…he’s getting a little curious what the fuss is all about. Can sleeping with a woman really be all that?

  Votan – God of Death and War. Also known as Odin, Wotan, Wodan, the God of Drums (he has no idea how the hell he got that title; he hates the drums) and of Multiplication (Okay, he is pretty darn good at math so that one makes sense.) These days, Votan goes by Guy Santiago (it’s a long story—read Book #1), but despite his deadly tendencies, he’s all heart. He’s now married to Emma Keane.

  Chaam – The God of Male Virility. He’s responsible for discovering black jade, figuring out how to procreate with humans, and kicking off the chain of events that will eventually lead to the Great War. Get your Funyuns and beer! This is gonna be good.

  Black Jade – Found only in a particular mine located in Southern Mexico, this jade has very special supernatural properties, including the ability to absorb supernatural energy, in particular, god energy. When worn by a human it is possible for them to have physical contact with a god. If injected, it can make a person addicted to doing bad things. If the jade is fueled up with dark energy then released, it can be used as a weapon. Chaam personally likes using it to polish his teeth.

  Payal – Though the gods can take humans to their realm and make them immortal, Payals are the true genetic offspring of the gods but are born mortal just like their human mothers. Only first-born children inherit the gods’ genes and manifest their traits. If the first-born happens to be female, she is called a Payal. If male, well…then you get something kind of yucky!


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