Monster In Me: Cryptid Assassin™ Book Eight

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Monster In Me: Cryptid Assassin™ Book Eight Page 18

by Anderle, Michael

  "Oh." Taylor grunted and considered what she’d said carefully. "Okay, I’m sorry if I'm slow on this, but I'm simply making sure here. You're saying the money is what Niki would have won if she placed a bet. Her bet was taken from my account and the money was returned like it had never gone in the first place?"

  "That plus some people at your bank freaked out over the sudden massive transactions taking place. But don’t worry. I smoothed that out from their end so you didn't have to hear it," Desk explained slowly and carefully.

  "Good…job?" Niki said but didn’t sound very sure of herself. "I guess I'm a multi-millionaire now. Wow, that sounds a little weird to say out loud."

  "I guess we should go out to celebrate," Taylor suggested. "You can pay this time since you can afford it now."

  She laughed. "Yeah, I guess I can, can't I? Hold up, you still haven't explained why you might need extra hands on deck."

  "Oh, right. Well, as it turned out, Desk applied her wiles to everyone and convinced them all to bet on me in large enough amounts that their winnings are…about as substantial as yours. It’s enough that they all needed to do some thinking about what they want to do with the rest of their lives so I gave them time off to figure it out, think it through, and come back to me with a solid answer."

  "So you do need the help, I guess," Niki commented.

  "Sure. Well, maybe. I guess. And definitely."


  "Well, I had an idea. I could let Bobby buy most of me out of McFadden's Mechs so he and Tanya could become the de facto owners while I stay on as a silent partner. They would take over the day-to-day running of the company with Elisa and maybe hire outside help too."

  "And what will you do with the suddenly massive amounts of free time you'll have?"

  "Well, I thought about setting up a sister company called McFadden's Mercs."

  "Nooo. It’s a horrible name."

  "It’s a working title."

  Niki paused for a few seconds and thought about what he had told her. "So what you're saying is that you'd have an opening for someone who's able to run a suit of power armor effectively?"

  "I think you talked about your particular set of skills a little while ago? It's a dangerous job, though."

  "And I guess it might help if the pilot is a little crazy?"

  He could almost hear the smile in her voice. "Sure. So does that mean you're interested?"

  "I'll let you know when I get to Vegas."

  * * *

  Niki stared at her phone for almost a full minute after Taylor hung up with a stupid smile playing across her lips. She had so many emotions to process in such a short amount of time, but she would have to start sometime. And she felt like it was a good idea to start by having a chat with Jansen and Maxwell about her sudden change in fortunes. Quite literally.

  She put the SUV into gear but made sure to dial Desk's number and connect her phone to the car's Bluetooth so she could speak while driving.

  "How may I help you, Niki?"

  "Well, first of all, I wanted to say that I never meant what I said about what I would do to your servers," she explained. "Even though it doesn't come close to you pulling this stunt behind my back."

  "I honestly hoped that the sudden addition to your bank account would soften your attitude toward me."

  "I won’t lie, it certainly helps," Niki admitted. "But it was still shitty for you to go behind my back like that."

  "I do understand, but at the same time, my purpose of keeping Jennie, her family, and those she cares about safe are better performed if those on that list are in a financially stable place. As such and because you didn't allow me to perform that task for personal reasons, I thought it would be best if it was a gesture from Taylor and failing that, a gesture on my part."

  "Your protection is appreciated, of course," she muttered. "But I’m a little worried that my sister designed you too well."

  "That sounded suspiciously like a compliment."

  "Don't take it as one yet. I'm still furious with you. Maybe in about fifteen minutes. Can you tell me where I can find Jansen and Maxwell?"

  "They are at the same Italian restaurant you always go to when you come to Washington."

  She smiled. "Thanks, Desk. I'll talk to you later."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  She entered the restaurant and the hint of familiarity was welcoming, but there was something different about it this time. Maybe it was because she looked at it through the eyes of a financially free woman.

  Still, the sight of her two now ex-bodyguards waiting for her at one of the tables brought a smile to her face. They returned it cheerfully when they noticed her.

  As she approached, the two men stood from their seats and clapped slowly. There weren't enough patrons in the restaurant to stop them from making a scene and she wasn't in the mood to stop them herself.

  "I take it you guys heard already?" she asked once she was close enough.

  Jansen didn't answer immediately and instead, wrapped her in a tight, warm hug.

  "I'll take that as a yes," she commented as Maxwell came in for a hug as well. The larger man's was considerably tighter, and she sucked in a deep gulp of air when he pulled back.

  "Not only have we heard but we were also told that our previous superior put in a seriously good recommendation for us," the smaller man explained and gestured for her to join them at their table. "I was offered the top position on a new project, starting immediately. Maxwell is going to transfer with me."

  Niki narrowed her eyes. "A new project? You guys won’t work the cryptid taskforce anymore?”

  Jansen shook his head. "Speare said that while the cryptid taskforce you headed up was an unmitigated success, its purpose has been absorbed by other teams like Reardon's so our skills would be better used in another project. It’s one that would have a greater focus on international cooperation as well as dealing with the three-letter agencies to use their intelligence networks to keep track of cryptid outbreaks worldwide. In addition, it could hire consultant teams for jobs we don't necessarily want directly connected to the US government when push comes to shove."

  She leaned a little closer as the waiter came to take their order. "So you're telling me you two have already been tasked to look for teams that might help with this task force you’ll head up?"

  "Damn right!" Maxwell interjected and indicated to the waiter to deliver three beers as quickly as possible. "We're looking for a team that might or might not be staffed with a couple of crazy motherfuckers who don't take shit from anyone, especially politicians."

  "Or even cryptids, for that matter," his partner added as the waiter rushed back with three beer mugs on a tray. "They would have to have combat experience between the two of them, and we would have to believe they would be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done."

  "Them having top-of-the-line gear would be a plus," the other man added. "Skills to operate the suits that are used to kill cryptids would also help to be hired, I think."

  "No gear and fighting skills would work for us too," Jansen finished.

  "Wow, you guys look like you rehearsed that little performance." Niki grinned and took a sip of her beer.

  "That might have been most of what we did after Speare hung up," he admitted.

  She smiled and shook her head. "Honestly, I don't know what to say."

  "How about 'what's the job, Trond?'" he suggested.

  "Oh, and a name that's better than McFadden's Mercs would be a good idea too," Maxwell stated with a chuckle.

  Niki opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. "You guys have talked to Desk, haven't you?"

  He looked shocked but even he thought it was a little too theatrical and dropped the act quickly. "What gave us away?"

  "Well, not even his team knows about McFadden's Mercs or whatever the fuck we call it becoming a formal business. Taylor and I haven’t finalized the details yet, so…yeah."

  "Shit, I thought we played it a little too cute." Jan
sen growled in irritation and nudged his partner in the shoulder.

  "Wait, were you guys involved in the betting scheme Desk cooked up too?"

  The two men exchanged a quick look and nodded.

  "So you two are millionaires."

  Another look was followed by another nod.

  "Although in fairness," Jansen added, "we possess intelligence that says you've come into a decent amount of money yourself."

  "Fucking—I'll tear that AI's servers out and flush them in bus station toilets."

  "With that said…" Maxwell paused to take a sip of his beer before he continued. "I guess the question that needs asking is if you'll spend time enjoying the good life or if you'll jump into this whole consultant business. And we're aware that you might need time to think about it, so we're not looking for a decision now."

  "Soon, though," the other man said. "We'll let you know about a timeline once we get started on the task force."

  "We have a running bet on what you'll finally choose." The large man drained his mug and gestured for a refill from the waiter.

  "Oh? What kind of odds are we looking at?"

  "I can't tell you that," Jansen said quickly. "I don't want to influence you one way or the other. It's for petty cash anyway—well, what we consider to be petty cash these days."

  Niki smirked and accepted the offer of a refill of her beer. "Wow, so you guys will be the obnoxious type of rich people? Betting on the lives of people you consider to be your inferiors?"

  "Hey, you know what they say." He sipped his beer and turned down the refill offer. "Wealth doesn't change anything about you. It merely amplifies who you were already."

  "Yeah, I guess that tracks," Niki agreed. "Well, I still need to talk to Taylor about this, but I think I can say with some certainty that the services of McFadden and Banks, Consultants for Hire are available. My negotiator will be in touch with you shortly once my partner and I are agreed on the terms of our availability."

  A few seconds ticked past before Maxwell extended his hand toward his partner, who grudgingly handed him a twenty-dollar bill.

  "Fuck," Jansen muttered.

  "Well, then." She couldn't help a small grin at the man’s pout. "I suggest we get our orders in, eat and get on the plane to Vegas. You guys will have to fly me there since all our suits are still on that fucking plane and I guess you are in charge of it now?"

  "We sure are," Jansen confirmed and held his hand up to call the waiter for their order. "And if you think you're the only one heading to Vegas, you're fucking insane."

  "Yeah," Maxwell agreed. "We won’t miss this whole conversation between you and Taylor for all the money in the world."

  "You know that what we'll do won’t be suitable for a live audience, right?" Niki commented as the waiter approached with their menus.

  "Then we'll definitely not miss it for all the money in the—fuck!"

  The man rubbed his shoulder and she shook her fist.

  "Anyway," Jansen changed the subject while he studied the menu once it was placed in front of him. "Who'll be your negotiator?"

  "Desk, of course. She still has to make up for the stunt she pulled."

  "You mean making you rich? That stunt?"

  "Making me rich behind my back." She raised a finger for emphasis. "That's the important part."

  "Honestly, I'd stick with the part where she made you over three million dollars without you needing to lift a finger."

  * * *

  Niki settled into her seat, strapped herself in, and looked around the cabin. Even the plane looked a little different, although she wasn't sure how. Maybe it was different because she was different. That felt like some deep shit—the kind that only came to her after a full Italian meal topped with a heavy, chocolate-filled dessert and more mugs of beer than she had been able to count.

  They had to leave their vehicles and take a cab to the airstrip outside of the city limits so they wouldn’t get a ticket on their way.

  "You know," she said and heard a hint of a slur in her voice. "You're the boss on this plane now. You'll have to stay connected and keep your eye on the stupid shit people do in this country. Or around the world now, right?"

  "Who, me?" Maxwell asked.

  "Both of you if you are partners on this little endeavor, right?"

  "Yep," Jansen replied and strapped himself in as well.

  "In the meantime, I'm merely a lowly consultant," she continued and leaned back in her seat. "That's far less responsibility. I can tune out the world for a couple of hours and catch those Z's that have eluded me. I need some fucking sleep."

  "I guess them's the perks of not being in charge anymore," the man muttered as the plane began to taxi toward the runway. "Maybe that's why Taylor dropped out of being employed by the government and elected to be in the private sector. There sure as fuck is more money in it. You know that guy pulled in more money consulting than I do as a full-time employee?"

  "Well, he put himself in a riskier position more often than the two of you," Niki reminded him. "Besides, we paid for all the experience he had from the Zoo. I think he earned that, don't you? Unless either of you would like to head into that fucking place on an army salary."

  "Good…good point," Jansen conceded as the engines whined louder and the aircraft accelerated. "I guess that's the kind of money you'll pull in now too."

  Niki didn't answer. Her eyes had already closed as they ascended steadily. After the big meal and drinks, she felt drowsy and with nothing else to do, sleep seemed the best option to pass the time.

  Even so, when Jansen nudged her awake to restore her seat into the upright position for landing, she still felt like she could use another couple of hours of sleep. She yawned as they descended to the landing strip.

  At least the flight felt shorter if she slept through it. Night was falling outside, and she could see the brilliant colors of the Strip below before they touched down lightly.

  As the plane headed toward the hangar, she noticed Liz parked outside, which meant Taylor would be waiting for her when she debarked.

  Sure enough, the massive redhead stood outside and leaned against his truck with his arms folded in front of his chest. She hurried out of the plane and walked quickly to him.

  "What's cookin', good lookin'?" he asked as she approached.

  She shook her head. "Still awkward."

  "Noted. I'll keep working on it."

  Niki moved closer and he pulled her in, his powerful hands trapping her as his lips captured hers for a few seconds that lasted forever and yet at the same time, not long enough.

  "You know…" Her voice was a little breathless once he broke the kiss, and an idiotic smile played across her lips. "A girl might be tempted to swoon from that kind of…manhandling."

  "Is that so?"

  "Sure." She patted him lightly on the chest before she looked to where her ex-teammates were already moving to the vehicle that had been provided for them. "Where will you guys be staying?"

  "The Aria," Jansen announced. "We like it there and now, we can afford it on our dollar, although I'll certainly try to pass it off as business expenses to the DOD."

  "Right," she whispered and turned her attention to the man in front of her. "How about us? I should mention that while I have every intention of ripping your clothes off, I'm not crazy about doing it at that strip mall you call home. You should think about finding a place of your own now that you can afford it."

  He nodded. "A topic for another time. For now, though, I reserved us a room at the Aria too. I trust that will be more acceptable for milady's elevated tastes?"

  Niki smirked and caught the collar of his shirt. She could feel the heat radiating from his skin beneath. "Yeah, yeah, what the fuck ever. Let's make sure there are reinforcements on the bed they gave us. They'll need it."

  "Your chariot awaits." Taylor mock-bowed and gestured toward Liz. She climbed quickly into the shotgun seat and he joined her in the driver's side. "Is it awkward for me to say that I misse
d you?"

  "No, that's more like it, cowboy. Now, let's get riding."

  It was a short drive and yet way too long. The check-in clerk was already waiting for them, having clearly been told there was a little something extra in it for him if he fast-tracked the process.

  She honestly didn’t care. Once the door shut behind the bellboy, she yanked Taylor by the collar of his shirt again, this time more aggressively, and the fabric strained.

  “I missed you too, Taylor,” she whispered against the bare skin of his neck. “And I’m about to show you how much.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  No light on her face indicated that morning had arrived, but the overwhelming feeling that she needed to get up and do something had been a part of her body for as long as she could remember. It was almost like sleeping was on borrowed time that she needed to make up for when she finally got around to it.

  Another feeling conflicted with her learned behavior this time. She didn't have anything to do when she got up and she could simply chill the fuck out for the rest of the day.

  The internal fight eventually led to her staring at the ceiling of the hotel room instead of sleeping. Even though she didn't have anything to do, there was no point in staying in bed and doing nothing. It didn't work for her.

  Besides, movement outside the bedroom had begun to draw her attention.

  Niki straightened on the bed and felt for where her clothes had landed in the rush to get undressed the night before. It had all been something of a blur. Even the shower after was a haze. She had brought luggage with her, she reminded herself, as she always did while traveling.

  "Holy shit, there's so much for me to do," she muttered and scrambled out of the bed. Standing quickly proved to be a mistake and the ache between her thighs made her regret it immediately. She groaned and clutched the bedside table to keep herself on her feet until she acclimated to the situation and tried to walk again.


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