My Lady Vixen

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My Lady Vixen Page 10

by Connie Mason

  Though Alexa’s unexpected arrival threatened to rip apart his months of planning and scheming, Adam could not help but admire her courage and spirit. His eyes settled once again on her stomach, and an unexpected surge of joy threw him into sudden panic. What was he thinking of? he asked himself crossly. It was impossible for him to marry Alexa and he must make Mac understand. Too much depended on his marriage to Gwen.

  “Contrary to what you may think, I am not completely heartless, Alexa,” Adam said tightly. “I’ll see that you and the baby are taken care of. Neither of you will want for a thing. But … tonight is my engagement party. As soon as the announcement is made my betrothal to Lady Gwendolyn Wright will become official.”

  “Then we’re not too late!” sighed Mac thankfully. “I was afraid …”

  “Mac,” Adam admonished sternly, “have you forgotten so soon the reasons behind my marriage to Gwen?”

  “Ive not forgotten, Adam. It’s just that I believe this is more important. Your child deserves a name.”

  “Then marry Alexa yourself!” shouted Adam, his eyes widening when he realized what he suggested.

  Mac’s eyes narrowed dangerously. He thought he knew Adam but he had been mistaken. Moving to Alexa’s side he gathered up her cloak and settled it about her slumped shoulders.

  “Damn you, Adam, that’s exactly what I’ll do. It’s what I wanted all along but I thought I owed you the opportunity to claim your own child. I’ll have no guilt now over making Alexa mine. Go back to your Tory friends.”

  Adam made a strangling sound low in his throat but before he could form them into words the door to the study burst open. “Adam, what is so important to keep you from your guests?” demanded a petulant voice. “Uncle James grows impatient to make the announcement of our engagement.”

  Alexa stared at the lovely blond woman, thinking she had never seen anyone so beautiful. Soft blond hair the color of ripe wheat was done up artfully atop the regal head resting on a long, slender neck. Everything about her was golden, from her hair to smooth alabaster skin that glowed with pale gold undertones. Her lips were full and rounded over even white teeth, her nose exquisitely dainty. Her totally feminine figure swayed gently in a cocoon of gold tissue silk and gauze and she carried herself confidently. In Alexa’s eyes her own dark beauty paled in comparison to this golden flower—Adam’s bride-to-be.

  For a long, tense moment Adam said nothing as he regarded Lady Gwen through slitted lids, his gray eyes murky as he balance on the horns of dilemma. “For God’s sake, Adam, say something!” demanded Gwen icily. “Who are these people?”

  Suddenly Adam came to life. “Excuse my rudeness, Gwen,” he apologized, smiling blandly. “Surely you remember Mac? You met him in my home once before I left for England. The lady,” he gestured carelessly, “is Lady Alexa Ashley. Both have just arrived from abroad.”

  Gwen nodded curtly at the pair who managed to disrupt the most important night of her life. “Can’t your friends wait until tomorrow to speak with you? I’m sure they must both be exhausted. Besides, Uncle James is waiting.”

  Flinging an inscrutable look in Alexa’s direction, Adam drew in a deep steadying breath before replying, well aware of Gwen’s temper when things failed to go her way. “Gwen, I’m afraid there can be no announcement, not tonight, or ever. I have just learned something that changes everything.”

  Red blotches of anger mottled Gwen’s lovely features and her lips twisted into a snarl of outrage, turning her face almost ugly. “No announcement! Do you mean there will be no engagement? What have these people to do with our marriage plans?”

  Mac shot Alexa a triumphant grin, as if to say, “I knew I hadn’t misjudged Adam!” Alexa could only gasp, too astounded to protest. At that point she was determined that she would marry neither Mac nor Adam. Both men were arrogant rogues but she’d show them. She would raise her baby by herself and to hell with both of them!

  “Circumstances beyond my control force me to honor a prior commitment to Lady Alexa, whom I met during my stay in England,” Adam said, startling Alexa.

  “Honor be damned!” shouted Gwen angrily, fixing Alexa with a contemptuous blue stare. “What did you do, Adam, bed the little slut and get her with child?” Seeing Alexa’s flushed face. Gwen knew she had guessed correctly.

  “It matters little what happened between Alexa and me,” Adam replied calmly. “I will do what I must. I intend to marry her as soon as possible.”

  “You little bitch!” grated out Gwen in a fit of rage. “It’s all your fault. Why couldn’t you stay in England where you belong? I’m sure Adam would support you and your brat without need for marriage.”

  “That’s enough, Gwen!” countered Adam curtly. “I’m marrying Alexa through my own choice. You ought to know by now I can be coerced into nothing. Will you tell your uncle or shall I?”

  Gwen stiffened, momentarily abashed. Never had she been treated so shabbily. It was a humiliated, deflated feeling. Her pride had been seriously bruised by Adam, but she was far from through with him. Not by a long shot! Whirling in a mist of gold tissue, she stomped angrily from the study. When she reached the ballroom, she immediately sought out her uncle, spoke a few sharp words into his ear, leaving him stunned, and together they left the crowded room amidst a buzz of speculation.

  Sensing something was amiss, Captain Lance Barrington, ever one to seize an opportunity, followed. He still was angry at Adam for taking the woman he wanted, a woman he needed in order to further his career, and if something had unexpectedly parted the couple he wanted to be on hand to console Lady Gwen. After all, he had been her second choice and still had hopes of walking off with the prize. Unaware of the drama taking place behind closed doors, the orchestra played on and the party continued.

  By the time the door slammed shut behind Gwen, Alexa was trembling with pent-up emotion. To be thrust into such an embarrassing situation was a horrifying experience, and at that moment she felt nothing but hatred toward both Mac and Adam for creating it. Suddenly, everything that happened tonight, combined with total exhaustion, began closing in on her. But it was the following exchange between Mac and Adam that finally pushed her over the brink.

  “You finally got your way, Mac,” Adam commented dryly. “I hope you’re satisfied.” His sarcasm was not lost on Alexa.

  “Adam,” Mac replied grimly. “I did not create this situation. It is one of your own making. I only did what I thought was best for Alexa and your child. But if you had insisted upon being bullheaded, I would gladly have married her myself.”

  “You can go straight to hell!” Alexa flung out. “If either of you had asked, which neither of you did, I would have refused you both. From now on I’m on my own. I don’t need you, Mac, and I wouldn’t have you, Adam!”

  Astonished, Mac and Adam appeared rooted to the spot as Alexa made for the door, fully intending to leave and see neither man again. But she had sorely misjudged her own flagging strength. With one hand poised on the doorknob, Alexa’s knees suddenly buckled and she began an inexorable slide to the floor before the astounded eyes of both men.

  Willing his superb muscles into motion, Adam reached her first, scooping her limp form into his arms only inches from the floor. Dumbfounded, he looked at Mac, his expression suggesting he had no idea what to do next.

  “What did you expect?” Mac shrugged helplessly. “The girl is five months gone with child and at the end of her endurance. No thanks to you.”

  “I’d best get her to bed,” Adam said, frightened by the waxy paleness of Alexa’s face. “Look out in the hall. Mac, and see if there is anyone about before I carry her upstairs.”

  Moving with alacrity, Mac peered out the door, then motioned Adam forward. Between them they managed to reach Adam’s room without being noticed. When Alexa lay stretched out on the bed both men stared down at the still form, each to his own thoughts. Her bulging middle suddenly reminded Mac of why he had brought her here in the begining.

  “You do mean what
you said, don’t you, Adam? About marrying Alexa, I mean. I care about her. Very much, I only want what is best for her and her child … your child,” he quickly amended. “But I won’t leave her if she’ll be mistreated.”

  “For God’s sake, Mac, what do you take me for! I didn’t mistreat Alexa before and I certainly won’t now that she’s carrying my child.”

  “I’m not speaking of physical abuse, Adam, for I doubt you capable of that,” Mac said softly. “But I’ve known you a long time and I trust you to do what’s right.” Suddenly he looked about the room knowingly. “This is your room, isn’t it, Adam?”

  Adam shrugged. “The guest rooms are all being utilized. The ball, you know.” Mac nodded but said nothing.

  His expression gone soft with tenderness, Mac gazed down at Alexa, as if trying to memorize her features. Stooping, he placed a gentle kiss on her smooth forehead, at the same time brushing a tendril of hair away from the curve of her cheek. “Be happy, milady,” he whispered hoarsely. Before Adam could see the suspicious moisture gathering in his eyes, Mac headed for the door. “I’ll have Alexa’s bags brought up to the house. Make her happy, Adam.” Then he was gone.

  Perplexed. Adam did not move for several minutes. He was torn between making Alexa comfortable himself or sending for one of the maids. Deciding he’d best not delay, Adam worked at the fastenings on Alexa’s gown. Soon she lay clad in her thin chemise and Adam let it remain, thinking it made an adequate nightgown. He was about to tuck her inside the covers when his eyes fell unbidden to her rounded stomach and thickened waist.

  Like a kick to the belly, Adam came to the jolting realization that it was his child swelling her slender frame. Hesitantly he placed a trembling hand on the mound sheltering his child, smiling to himself as he felt an answering thump against his palm. Until that moment all that had happened tonight seemed unreal. But the moment he felt his child move the dream became a reality. With a tenderness he hadn’t known he possessed, Adam pulled the covers over Alexa and gently tucked her in.

  It was at that precise moment that Alexa’s eyes fluttered open and she felt herself floating in a cottony void. Slowly she emerged from the suffocating mass to find Adam staring at her with an inscrutable look in his eyes. Was it concern? “Where … where am I?”

  “In my bed,” Adam replied thoughtlessly. “You fainted.”

  “Ridiculous!” declared Alexa, attempting to rise. “I’ve never fainted in my life.”

  Adam pushed her back down. “You never been pregnant before. Relax, I’m not about to climb in beside you and ravish you. Besides, I have a houseful of guests downstairs to see to.”

  “Where is Mac?” Alexa asked, aware that she and Adam were alone.

  “Gone. I’ll be taking care of you from now on.”

  I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself!” Alexa countered, rising once more only to be pushed down again. “I don’t need your sympathy or protection.”

  “Alexa, be sensible. You’re carrying my child and I won’t have you going off and endangering him or yourself.”

  Alexa eyed him suspiciously. “A pretty speech, Adam, but why this change of heart? You had no such compunction when you went off and left me. Why now? I know I spoiled your wedding plans so why are you continuing with this farce when Mac is no longer here to see that you do the right thing?”

  Why indeed? Adam wondered, his thoughts badly disjointed. From out of the blue Alexa turns up pregnant and disrupts his entire life. He had expected never to see her again. But if the truth be known, not one day went by when he did not think of the innocent girl he had ruined and left to her own devices without experiencing a twinge of regret. What is more amazing is that he overlooked completely the possibility that Alexa might become pregnant from their time together. And if the thought did lurk in the back of his mind it had been with the knowledge that it would only serve to sweeten his revenge.

  But now, seeing her helpless and swollen with his child, he felt a great tenderness well up inside of him. A tenderness not just for a tiny part of his flesh growing inside her, but for the woman who nurtured his child. Seeing her again he realized he could not let her go; would not set her adrift without protection. Alexa would become his wife.

  “Alexa,” Adam began patiently, “believe it or not I want to marry you. I want our child. I’ll see that you’re taken care of. Neither you nor my child will want for anything.”

  “I had always thought I’d love the man I married,” whispered Alexa brokenly. “And he would love me. Is that being so silly?” Alexa was well aware of the fact that Adam had not said one word about loving her. Nor did she expect it. She was an Ashley and in his eyes would never be anything other than the daughter of an enemy.

  “Love is well and good, but how many couples do you know who marry for love? Do you think I loved Gwen?”

  “Didn’t you?”

  “Hardly,” laughed Adam harshly. “It would have been an advantageous match. Gwen has much to offer.”

  “And I do not. Forget it, Adam, go back to Gwen.”

  “You carry my child, Alexa. As difficult as it may sound, given our inauspicious beginning, we can still become friends. For the sake of our child. If you’re willing to forgive me, I’m willing to forget you’re the daughter of a man I’ve sworn to hate.”

  Alexa swallowed convulsively. Could she and Adam become friends? Somehow she doubted it. Lovers, perhaps, but never friends. Yet, if he was willing to try, could she do differently? At least for the sake of their child, she added hopefully.

  Adam watched the play of emotion upon Alexa’s expressive face, thinking how beautiful she looked lying in an ebony pool of her hair. Mac was right, he, Adam, had used Alexa foully and she deserved better than being relegated to the role of unwed mother.

  “I don’t know, Adam,” Alexa finally said.

  “Is there someone else in your life? Charles, perhaps? Or Mac?”

  “Charles is a weakling. Not only did he turn to another woman the moment he learned what happened to me, but he created further scandal by talking too freely about it. As for Mac, he is my friend, nothing more.”

  “Then it’s settled,” Adam said in a firm voice that brooked no argument. “We’ll be married within the week. Now I’ll leave and let you rest while I attend to my guests. Many of them will be staying over. Goodnight, Alexa.”

  “Adam, what will your friends think? Weren’t they expecting an engagement between you and Lady Gwen?”

  “It doesn’t matter what they think. When I go downstairs and inform them I am going to marry the daughter of Sir John Ashley there won’t be a man down there who won’t envy my luck in snaring the daughter of such a lustrous man.” Try as he might Adam could not keep the mockery from his voice.

  “Tell them? Now?”

  “Aye,” he nodded solemnly. “Goodnight, milady.” Then he was gone, leaving Alexa trembling in his bed.

  True to his word Adam marched boldly into the still crowded ballroom, rapped for attention and announced his engagement to Alexa before one and all. A stunned silence met his words and each person present suddenly became aware that Gwen Wright, the lady who had commanded Adam’s constant attention these past weeks, was suspiciously absent. And so was her uncle, the governor. No one knew what had happened, but the Ashley name was every bit as prestigious as that of Wright.

  Almost timidly, some brave soul called out. “Where is the lady, Foxworth? Why are you hiding her?”

  “Lady Alexa arrived just a short time ago. Her journey was long and arduous and she begged to be excused tonight.” Loud groans met his announcement. “But to make up for the lack I cordially invite each and every one to witness our marriage vows one week from today.”

  Had Alexa heard his words she would have swooned for the second time in her life. For what woman five months gone with child would wish to have every prominent family in Savannah show up at her wedding?”

  His face purposely blank, Adam stared down at the sleeping form of his wife-
to-be. He had spent an uncomfortable night on a narrow cot in his dressing room, the only bed available to him last night, and arose at dawn to see his guests off and make some hurried arrangements. Now, nearly noon, the house was empty except for servants and Adam took it upon himself to arouse Alexa from her deep sleep.

  How exhausted she must have been, Adam thought as he watched the steady rise and fall of her chest beneath the covers. How easy it would be to love her. But it was impossible. John Ashley stood like an insurmountable barrier between them.

  If the truth be known, Adam had not originally planned to keep Alexa with him for three months. After he had taken her from her home his intentions were to keep her a week or two in his bed and then send her back in disgrace to the man who had killed his father and the woman who had brought it all about. Of course he had not known then that Alexa’s mother no longer lived. It might have changed things but somehow Adam doubted it. At that point he had lived too long with the memory of his father’s untimely death for it to matter.

  Adam hated to admit it even to himself but the thought that Alexa might become pregnant did enter his mind but only in a vague sort of way. When he was faced with the actuality of Alexa growing large with his child, something snapped in his brain and he offered marriage, knowing full well it would never work. Yet, oddly enough, he wanted the child despite the fact that Ashley blood flowed in its veins.

  Alexa was another matter altogether. How exactly did he fell about her? He enjoyed making love to her, that much he knew. More than any other woman he had ever bedded, despite her inexperience. He knew she hated him. What kind of future could they hope for?


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