Thug Passion

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by Mz. Lady P



  Copyright 2014 by Mz. Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.


  First and foremost I would like to Thank God Almighty because he is ahead of my life.

  To my family and friends thank you all for your continued support.

  To my babies Larry and Latrell all that I do is for you. You are the air that I breathe.

  To my extended family at Myss Shan Presents you ladies are the best. This is only the beginning for us. The best is yet to come. Let’s get it!!!!

  Special thanks to Myss Shan and David Weaver for believing in me from the start. #TBRS #Salute

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  Other Books From Shan Presents

  A Scandalust Love by Lexxi

  Chapter 1- Tahari

  Love is Blind

  One of the worst feelings a woman could ever have is rolling over to an empty spot in bed that should be occupied by the love of her life. All types of thoughts will be taking over her as she tried to sleep. Like was he dead, had he been locked up, or was he with another bitch? We always tend to go with him out cheating. That's exactly where my man Nicario “Nico” Douglass of four years was at.

  I didn't have to wonder or think twice. This shit had become a pattern with his doggish ass. I was so sick and tired of all his bullshit. I wish I would have known things would turn out this way when we first met. If I had known, I would have kept it moving when I met him at a house party.

  I was with my best friend Khia. The party was being held in the Hastings Projects. I was standing on the porch trying to get some air. Over one hundred people in a little ass apartment dancing off of House music had me hot as hell. As I stood on the porch trying to cool off, there was a large group of men shooting dice.

  They were arguing and about to fight. I knew nothing good was about to come out of that and I didn’t want to see nobody get their ass whooped or shot over no damn dice game. I took my ass right back inside, but before I made it back inside, one of the guys shooting dice called out to me.

  "Yo, Lil’ Momma! Come here and blow on these dice and give a nigga some luck!" he yelled as he shook the dice in his hand and let them go where they slid across the ground.

  "Are you talking to me?" I pointed to myself to make sure he was talking to me.

  "Yeah! I’m talking to you with your pretty ass." He had a look of lust in his eyes as he stared at me.

  I walked over and he held his hand out exposing the dice. I blew on them and he rolled them across the ground again.

  "Now, that's what the fuck I'm talking about! Stand right here, you about to help me take all these bitch ass nigga’s money." The guys around him looked like they were getting even madder now that I had come over and jinxed them.

  I stood there for over an hour. I really was his good luck charm. He walked away ten thousand dollars richer. I was on my way back into the party, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. I had never gotten a good look at him because he was so engrossed in the dice game.

  He stood about 5'9. He was chocolate brown with long braids down his back. He was on the chunky side, but not overweight. He was dressed to perfection. He was rocking an all white Sean John jean suit with the jacket to match and a pair of all white Ones. I didn't see a stain or a speck of dirt on his attire.

  "What's your name Lil’ Momma?" he asked as he counted his money.

  "I'm Tahari."

  "I'm Nico. This for helping me take all them nigga's money.” He handed me one thousand dollars and I had no problem taking it either. I walked away and went back into the party to find Khia. I prayed she didn't leave me. I went to the back of the house in search for her. I found her in one of the bedrooms giving this nigga named Dro some head.

  All I could do was shake my head at her trifling ass. This was the main reason why we were always fighting. She loves to fuck around with other bitches men. I had no idea why she does this? Especially since she was scary as hell. I was forever and always fighting her battles for her.

  It never failed after every party females and niggas crept off with someone they knew they weren’t supposed to be with. I know for a fact if Dro’s girlfriend, Keshia, would have caught them it was going to be a rumble. Shit always happened like that. Or on the other hand, all the girl cliques were waiting downstairs in the playground to fight. That was normal behavior where we came from and the next weekend we would do it all over again.

  I was ready to go, so I left her. She better hoped nothing popped off because I definitely would not be around to save her ass. I love my girl, but she was becoming more and more trifling. I decided to head home. I stayed with my grandmother, Lucy, in the Washburne Homes. I had lived with her since I was a one-year-old.

  From my understanding, both of my parents were killed in a car crash. I had no memory of them. My grandmother doesn’t even talk about my mother, Cassie. She acted as if she never even existed.

  I walked as fast as I could; it was late as hell. A car pulled up alongside of me and it was Nico. He pulled up in a candy apple red Chevy with a pair of the biggest rims I had ever seen.

  "Yo, hop in. It’s too late for you to be walking by yourself." He opened the passenger’s side door and gestured for me to get in.

  Right then and there I should have kept walking. I got into the car with him, but instead of going home we went to the damn Cindy Lynn Hotel. Damn near the whole hood was there having a after party. I had no business being with him especially since I was sixteen and he was twenty-one.

  That was the first time we had sex.

  We went on a couple of dates and had more sex filled nights. He wasn’t my first sexual experience, but at that time he was the best I ever had. The nigga had me completely gone over the D. Nico had a charming personality and fat ass pockets to go with it. I was a young ass girl being spoiled by a hustler. At the time he was just a small time hustler.

  In the eyes of a naïve sixteen-year-old, that meant he was the man and I was glad that he chose me. Now, he has moved up in the ranks and was selling his product on a larger scale. He just sits back and collects the money.

  My grandmother couldn't deal with the fact that I was keeping company with a drug dealer. She let it slide as long as she could until she had to pick me up from the police station for possession of a controlled substance. I was riding around with him and the police pulled us over. He put his drugs inside my purse. He promised that they wouldn’t check me, but they did and took my ass right to jail. My grandmother came and picked me up.

  On our way home, she told me if I didn’t stop messing with him I had to get out of her house. I wasn’t about to leave Nico alone, so I respected her wishes and I moved in with Nico. A decision that I was now regretting. We went from living in a small ass apartment to living in a big ass condo on the West Side of Chicago. When I met Nico, I was a sophomore in high school with good grades. I became so caught up with him and his lifestyle that I dropped out of school.

  Now at the age of twenty all I had to show for myself was materialistic things. In the beginning of our relationship, he spoiled me rotten. He had no problem with giving me money or buying me nice things. Nico gave me anything my little heart desired. There was a time when we were truly in love.

  All that was a distant memory now and like pulling teeth trying to get him to give me money
. It was him who didn't want me to work or go to school. He was too damn scared for me to be around other niggas. I was too damn young and naive to realize that was his way of having power over me. Even though he’s the one that felt I shouldn’t work, he’s constantly throwing the fact that I don't work in my face.

  I barely see him anymore. I could take him not coming home from time to time, but what I couldn't take was the constant ass whoopings he’d been dishing out lately. The smallest things set him off. I had gotten to a point where I was glad he didn't come home. I didn't have to deal with him or his bullshit.

  Despite all that I was going through with Nico, I was still so in love with him. I just kept telling myself in time we will get back to the way we were. I looked in the mirror quite often and wonder could it be my looks that made him act so ugly towards me. My smooth, caramel colored skin had no bumps or blemishes. I wear my own hair and it’s draping down my back.

  I'm 5'2 with gray eyes. I’m on the heavier side these days, but I'm glad the weight is in all the right places. I blame Nico for my rapid weight gain. He doesn't want any kids, so he has me on the Depo shot. He made sure he took me every three months to get my dose. I have been pregnant by him three times. Two of the times he made me get an abortion and the third he simply beat the damn baby out of me.

  He was adamant that I got pregnant on purpose, so he kicked me in my stomach repeatedly until I miscarried on the bathroom floor. I know you're wondering why in the hell am I still with this damn fool? I was still trying to figure that shit out myself.

  The sun was finally coming up when Nico finally staggered into the house. He entered the bedroom and took off his clothes. He got in bed and turned his back to me. This nigga acted like I wasn't even in the room.

  "Where the fuck have you been, Nico?"

  "Minding my business. I'm a grown ass man. How many fucking times do we have to have this conversation?" he spoke with his back towards me with the nastiest fucking attitude ever.

  "As many times as I want to. You need to start having more respect for this relationship!"

  Nico sat up in bed and turned around to look at me before he spoke. "Tahari, I don't have time for this shit! I'm tired. I have been out all day getting this money. I have shit to do in a couple of hours. Take your stupid ass to sleep!"

  "I really don't give a fuck what you have to do in a couple of hours. If you would have brought your ass home at decent hours we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

  "This is my last time telling you to shut the fuck up. Before I walk out the door and you won't see me for a fucking month!" he said through gritted teeth with fists balled up.

  At that point, I knew to shut up. He would leave for a month. He wouldn't call or text. He would just have some of his flunkies bring money to me. I know arguing with him was a losing battle, so I rolled over and cried myself to sleep as usual.

  Later that morning, I woke up to him pulling my legs roughly apart. He climbed on top of me and forced his dick inside of me. At first I tried to squirm away from him, but the look in his eyes told me to be my ass still. It had been a minute since he even touched me, so I just lay there and let him have his way with me.

  We used to have the most mind-blowing sex. Now, I feel like I'm fucking the Energizer Bunny. I was surprised he put a little effort into this session. It actually felt good to me and I decided to get into it. After about an hour of straight fucking, he got up to take a shower and I joined him.

  I soaped up a towel and I was about to wash his back. That's when I saw all the scratches on his back and hickies on his neck. I was surprised I didn’t see them while he was on top of me. I know for a fact I didn't put that shit on him.

  "What bitch have you been fucking that's leaving scratches and hickies all over your black ass. I know it isn’t me. All I get is a five minute fuck out of your ass!"

  Before I knew it, Nico had punched me right in between the eyes. I felt my eyes starting to swell up. I knew I was going to have two black eyes. The impact caused me to slip onto the shower floor and I hit my head on the shower door. I felt the blood gushing from my head.

  Every time he got caught cheating I got my ass whooped for it. He stepped over me and threw some dry towels on the floor at me.

  "Get the fuck up before you stain the tiles!"

  I was dizzy as hell, but I managed to crawl out of the shower. I finally got my balance and I walked into my bedroom. I looked in my vanity and I had a small gash on my head and then knew I needed stitches to repair the wound. I hurried up and threw on some clothes and called Khia to meet me at the emergency room.

  I really wasn't in the mood to hear her mouth. Lately, she had really shown her dislike for my relationship with Nico. I knew she was about to encourage me to leave him, but I didn't have anything. He was my only means of income right now. Khia was always there when I needed her.

  I really didn't trust too many bitches, but Khia was my best friend. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on she listened. I knew she was getting tired of the back and forth between me and Nico being she had been there from the very beginning of our relationship.

  She hated the way he treated me and practically begged me to leave him all the time. I think I needed to start taking her advice. I snapped from my thoughts as I felt the wetness from the blood dripping on my forehead. Nico saw the blood coming from my head. He didn't even try to see if I was okay. He just got dressed and left out of the house.

  Something definitely had to give. I didn't know how much more I could take. I gathered myself and went to the hospital to get my head checked out.

  Chapter 2- Nico

  It Ain’t Nothing to Cut that Bitch Off

  There was a time when Tahari was everything to me, but I had simply outgrown our relationship. I prayed that one day soon she would get the picture and just leave. If she didn't, I was going to put her ass out. She doesn’t cook, clean, or work. I'm out here hustling day in and day out and I couldn't even come home to a hot meal or some half decent pussy.

  She made it a habit to talk about my sex, but she needed some more experience herself. In the beginning of our relationship, she was giving me head on a regular, but that shit was sloppy as hell. At first I didn't trip because she was younger, but she’s about to be twenty-one years old. After all these years, her ass should be a pro at sucking a dick.

  I stopped asking her because my new bitch gives me head on a regular and has the best pussy ever. I canceled Tahari’s ass and she too blind to see that. As much as I put my hands on her, you would think she would just leave. I was out here getting money in these streets and I needed a down ass bitch that was willing to put in some work. Tahari refused to touch drugs.

  It had been that way ever since she got locked up for a minor drug possession. However, she had no problem with spending my drug money. The nerve of that bitch. I had been making a substantial amount of money over the years. Strictly with a couple of bricks of heroin here and there, but I was ready to step my game up.

  I wanted to be able to cop bricks by the boatload. The only nigga I know who could help me was this cat “Thug”. He’s a young getting money ass nigga. Imagine that, a twenty-five-year-old cat being one of the biggest cocaine suppliers the Chi had ever seen. He never really hung around his spots so it’d been hard to catch up with him.

  I just happened to be cool with this nigga Black, who knows his right-hand man, Sarge. He told me that he would put in a good word for me. It had been hard getting the shit off that I recently copped from this Jamaican cat. The fiends say it was whack as fuck and my cash flow was dwindling and fast.

  I used to cop from these niggas Rahmeek and Markese, but they are out of the game. I had a little over five hundred thousand to cop from this new plug, but that’s nowhere near enough for me to cop the amount I was trying to get from his ass. I was waiting to get the word from him to find out if and when I could meet up with him.

  Since I left the house this morning, the narcs had been out in full force.
They had been locking niggas up left and right. The last thing I needed was to be sitting up in a jail cell.

  I decided to go chill at my baby momma’s crib. Monae was my high school sweetheart and we still fuck around from time to time. One night I forgot to strap up and the bitch ended up pregnant with my now six-month-old daughter, Nicaria. Tahari had no idea about her. She doesn't even know about Monae. Tahari thinks that I don't want kids. The truth was I just didn't want kids with her ass. She wouldn't make a good wife or mother. I think it's her age that I had a problem with.

  I feel as if she is too childish and needed to grow up. I was older and more mature and was out here in these streets. I didn’t have time to sit around and play house with her fat ass.

  I arrived at Monae's crib and went in with my keys. Her or my daughter wasn't there, so I decided to just chill until she came back. Once I got rested and was ready to doze off, I got an incoming text from my mother telling me she needed to get high. My mother, Lisette Douglass, is another reason why my stash was dwindling. I gave her large amounts of cocaine for her own personal use. I know that's fucked up, but I had my reasons.

  I refused to have my mother out turning tricks for a fucking high. I'm an only child who had always taken care of my drug-addicted mother. I was born addicted to cocaine. The effects of being born addicted to drugs were evident to this day. I couldn't keep up in school because I had ADHD and Dyslexia. I hated getting teased, so I fought a lot.

  I was eventually kicked out of the Chicago Public School System in the ninth grade. Since I was kicked out of school, my mother was unable to receive Food Stamps or any money from the state. She insisted that I get a job, but I had no education. I did the only thing I knew to do. I started hustling and I was damn good at it.

  I had always made sure I had enough money to pay our bills, keep up with the latest fashion, and always make sure Lisette had a supply of drugs to keep her from hooking. Lisette had the potential to be a good mother; she just loved drugs more than she loved me. That's what addiction does to a person. I really hate being around her and just love her crack head ass from a distance.


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