Thug Passion

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by Mz. Lady P

  "I'm sorry. I didn't even recognize you." I held my head down in shame. My appearance was a whole damn mess. What does he think of me? I thought to myself. He held his hand out to help me off of the ground. His hands were so soft; yet, strong.

  "Your car is so nice. I'm a mess and I don’t want to ruin your interior."

  "Fuck that car, Ma! That shit is materialistic. I'll get it cleaned later. It's cold as hell out here. All you have on is a damn night gown. Not to mention nothing underneath. This is the second time I have seen you battered and bruised. Do you believe in fate?” His question made me pause for a minute before answering.

  "These days I don’t believe in anything at all."

  "That's real fucked up, Ma’. That nigga got your head all fucked up. Fate brought us together and you don't even realize it. You’re a damsel in distress and I’m your knight in shining armor. Come on get in. Let me take you to my home and get you cleaned up."

  I got inside his car and sat in the passenger’s seat. No words were spoken between us as we rode. I was shivering, so he turned on the heat. The sounds of Anthony Hamilton's soulful voice sounded so good coming through the radio. The warmth of the car and his presence made me fall asleep. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep until he woke me up to let me know that we had made it to his house.

  Exiting the car, I took in how gorgeous the exterior of his mini mansion was. The lawn was freshly manicured with beautiful rose bushes all over. The doors to his home were so massive. They almost looked like the doors that were on castles. Once we stepped inside, I was astonished at the interior of the house. The entire house was all white and gold. It was immaculate. Like some shit people have on MTV Cribs. I was so damn dirty I was scared to move. I guess he realized that I was hesitant about moving further into his house

  "Don't worry. Follow me upstairs to the guest room. My sister has her own room here, but she rarely comes over. Help yourself to her items. She doesn't mind. There are intercoms all around if you need me. I'll be in my office."

  He showed me where I would be sleeping. It was a whole damn house inside of the house. I walked into the bathroom and ran some bath water. Sitting in the tub, I relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. My whole damn body was killing me. Once I got out of the shower, I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and I wrapped a towel around me.

  I needed a First Aid Kit bad as hell. My knees had bad cuts on them from when I fell. I searched around the room looking for the intercom system. When I found it there was so many buttons, so I just pressed all of them.

  "Excuse me; do you have a first aid kit?" I asked as I spoke into the speaker of the intercom.

  I never got a response. I decided to throw on a T-shirt and a pair of yoga shorts I found in the dresser. I walked until I found his office. I softly knocked on the door and waited for a response.

  "Come on in."

  I entered his office and he was sitting behind a big beautiful mahogany desk. He looked like a corporate thug. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had a first aid kit?"

  "Yeah. Follow me."

  I followed behind him into the biggest room I had ever seen. It was white and gold, as well. He had a big ass throne sitting in the corner of the room. His bed was enormous and looked like it could fit ten damn people in it. The bed was so big you needed a step stool to get into if you weren't tall enough.

  His bathroom was all gold including the toilet. This nigga took a shit in style. I put the toilet seat down and sat on the lid. He bent down in front of me and put peroxide on my cuts. He then put bandages on them. He also lifted my feet up and rubbed Neosporin on them. He was so damn attentive. Not many men possessed that quality. That shit really had me digging on him. We were both silent and it was awkward as hell.

  "You have been so nice to me. I feel bad because I forgot your name."

  "My name is Ka'Jaire Kenneth, but I prefer to be called "Thug".

  "Why do you prefer Thug? Ka'Jaire is a nice name plus, it’s different.

  "Because I'm a thug ass nigga and I live a thug ass life." He said that shit with so much fucking confidence. That shit turned me on even more.

  "Okay Thug." I put emphasis on the name.

  "What's yours beautiful?

  "Tahari Monroe."

  He started laughing. "Why are you laughing at my name?"

  "I'm laughing because our names rhyme. Ka'Jaire and Tahari. Like I said its fate."

  I smiled. After he finished nursing my wounds, I went back to the guest bedroom and laid across the California King Size bed. I felt so comfortable and safe with Thug, but I didn't even know him. However, he made me feel like I had known him my whole life.

  Chapter 4- Ka'Jaire (Kah-Ja-re)

  Thug Testimony

  As I sat there waiting for my prey to emerge from the strip club, I thought back to the first time I had to murk a nigga. I was fourteen years old living in the Washburne Projects with my mother, Peaches, my brother, Malik, and our little sister, Ta'Jay. We were one of those families that lived in the projects, but lived ghetto fabulous.

  We had all the latest fashions, video games, and one of the baddest fucking cribs. There were always a couple of families who lived in the projects and maintained nice ass shit. My mother Peaches ran a lucrative drug operation alongside my sister's father Snake. That name fit him perfectly because that's exactly what the fuck he was.

  He ruled our house with an iron fucking fist. He didn't even live there, but had total control over it. I had the hardest time following his rules, so we clashed quite often. He tried to whoop my ass with a belt, but I wasn't going for none of that shit.

  He whooped my brother Malik so much that at the age of twelve, he just stopped talking all together. I was the only one he would talk to. Snake never hit Ta'Jay. He whooped Peaches’ ass as much as he could. Sometimes he would just beat on us just for pleasure. He loved the fact that we feared him. At least he thought I was scared of his ass.

  I really hated my mother for allowing him to abuse us. She was so scared to get her ass whooped that she let him inflict pain on us. My mother exposed us to a lot. It was nothing for us to see her, Snake, Cassie, and Venom sell drugs. Venom was Snake’s older brother, who was head of the drug operation my mother worked for. Cassie was his wife and his ride or die chick.

  Cassie went hard for Venom. She was hustling and murking niggas on his command. Venom played no games in the streets. He demanded respect and niggas feared him. I think that’s what made me look up to him. He had money, power, and respect. All the things I wanted out of life. I idolized Venom and I despised Snake.

  Venom always made his presence known around the projects. It was nothing to see him and Cassie holding court in the streets. One day out of the blue, they disappeared into thin air. There was always speculation as to where they could be, but as for me, I thought they had been murked.

  In their absence, my mother and Snake took over the throne. Due to Snake having outstanding warrants in numerous states, he was unable to meet with the connect. So, instead, my mother had to do all of the drug runs. On one of her drug runs, life as we knew it was about to change.

  I had a bad feeling about her leaving us with Snake and had gotten a strap from my nigga Sarge. I just wanted it while Peaches was gone. Sarge was skeptical at first. I told him what was going on and he instantly handed it over. I hid the gun in Malik's closet. I knew if he found it he wouldn't tell nobody but me.

  Since Snake wasn't in the crib, I decided to walk to the corner store to get Ta'Jay some cereal and milk for her breakfast. I ended up running into Sarge and kicking it with him longer than I was supposed to. Once I made it back to the crib, all the damn lights were off. We never turned all the lights off. I walked towards Malik's room and he was sound asleep. Next, I walked to Ta'Jay's, but I heard her talking to someone. She sounded like she was crying.

  "Please, Daddy! It hurts every time you do it."

  "Just lay back and relax, Daddy's little Princess. I'll lick it real g
ood like always. Now, lay back and be still."

  I couldn't believe my ears. The tears that fell from my eyes were tears of hurt or anger. I had failed my sister. This bitch ass nigga was raping his daughter. Instantly, rage set in and I ran to Malik's room to get the gun then ran back to Ta'Jay's room and kicked the door open.

  "Get the fuck away from her you bitch ass nigga!" I raised the gun, cocked it, and aimed that motherfucker at his chest.

  "Ha! Ha! Ha! That's what the fuck I'm talking about. So, you do have heart little nigga. Come over here so I can give you this dick like I have been giving your retarded ass brother."

  I let my trigger finger do the talking. Without so much as a blink of my eye, I emptied the gun in his ass. The adrenaline rush I felt made me feel powerful. My sister was screaming and hollering. Malik just stood there in shock as Snake’s body hit the floor.

  "Don't just stand there, Malik, help me! Go get that carpet out of the living room!" I yelled causing him to spring into action.

  We wrapped Snake's body in the carpet and drug his ass down the stairs. We had a back stairwell that no one ever used. It took everything inside of us to put him in the trunk of his car. I knew how to drive, so we drove his car to the warehouse district by the Lake. I hated the fact that I had to expose Ta'Jay to this shit. We had no other choice but to bring her with us.

  On our way, we stopped at a gas station and filled up a gas can. We doused the entire car and set it on fire. We stood there and watched as the car engulfed in flames and burned to a crisp. I guess we all wanted to make sure his ass was dead. From that night forward, it had been us against the world. I would kill a brick for them and they would do the same for me.

  Peaches had a fit when she came back and found out what Snake ass had been doing. She was happy as hell we got rid of his ass. We all played it off real good when the police came around asking questions. We never even mentioned Snake's name these days. It was like he never even existed.

  With Snake being dead, Venom and Cassie missing, my mother had no choice but to takeover. She taught my brother Malik, Ta’Jay, and myself everything we needed to know about the drug business. I know her parenting skills were in question, but Peaches just had her own way of parenting.

  Peaches was still the hustler she’d always has been. My mother is considered an OG. The majority of these niggas walking around getting money in the hood because my mother taught them how to cut and cook their dope to perfection. That was exactly why my siblings and I were rich as fuck.

  My mother taught us everything we know about the hustling game. We went from selling ounces to moving Kilos. Once word got out that I had murked Snake, I became a hood celebrity. I started doing hits for the OG's. They started calling me "Thug" and the name stuck.

  Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Ka'Jaire "Thug" Kenneth and I'm a beast at this murking and hustling shit. I'm twenty-five-years-old and I'm married to the streets and I won't be getting a divorce any time soon. That's why I don't wife these bitches. These hoes ain't loyal. Don't get me wrong I have a stable of bad bitches, but nothing serious.

  All these hoes wanted nothing but money. Hoes will drop whatever to get the D. Yeah, I’m a cocky ass nigga and I have every reason to be. I worked hard for my status. No nigga or bitch would ever get a chance to fuck my family or me over again and live to tell about it.

  This brings me to my current situation. I knew I should have never started fucking with these Italians. Those motherfuckers think they can go around doing whatever the fuck they want without consequences. This fat pasta eating motherfucking Don Santarelli had yet to pay me for my five kilo's I fronted his ass. So, I guess it was just fuck me and my money.

  It had been over a month and he had been dodging all of my calls and since he wouldn’t see me, my hollow points was about to see his ass.

  I sat out in the parking lot dressed in all black for about four hours. Finally, he emerged with two of the ugliest bitches I had ever seen in my life. I was parked right beside him. He was so drunk that he could barely stand. I had already murked his driver and put his ass in the trunk.

  As soon as him and the bitches got inside the car, I exited my car holding my AR-15 and tapped on the window. One of the bitches let the window down and I raised my gun and aired that motherfucker out. They never saw it coming. He was my target, but the bitches were just casualties of war.

  I hopped back into my ride and sped off in my Bugatti. As I was leaving the scene, I passed the police that were headed toward the scene of the crime. I got off of the main street and went down a side street and that was how I ran into Tahari with her beautiful, sexy ass.

  One thing I didn't do was allow bitches in my home. I didn't trust no bitch to stay where I lay my head. A man's home is his castle. I wanted to be comfortable at all times. It was something about females that made them go crazy after getting the dick, but I never gave a bitch a title. That shit only complicated things. Just do this dick, let me nut, and get the fuck out. That's it and that's all.

  Tahari was an exception, though. I could tell she was different from most females. She had some shit going on in her life, but I wasn’t the type to pry or ask questions. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that some nigga was beating her ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Her ass and breast is what caught my attention when I first saw her.

  I surveyed the rest of her body and I was impressed. The all white Victoria Secret Pink jogging suit and matching Air Max 95 looked great on her. It hugged all of her curves. I had a thing for females with big asses. I needed something to grab on.

  Her light skinned tone showed the bruises on her face. Her hair was jet black and draping down to the middle of her back. It was the real deal. Underneath the bruises and the cuts, she was a beautiful woman. When I pulled up and saw her, I really felt bad for her and I never give a fuck about anyone outside of my family before. She looked like she needed some help. Whoever the nigga was that was tagging that ass is a coward. Hopefully, she was done with his ass.

  It had been two day now since I’d brought Tahari to my home. She had yet to come out of that room. It was like she was avoiding me. My maid Marta had been making sure she eats and got everything she needed. I had been making a lot of moves and I didn’t mean to just leave her here alone.

  It was check out time, though. She was cool as hell, but I’m a nigga with a bad case of trust issues. I was going to take her to her granny’s crib. I knocked on the door before I entered. "Yo, baby girl. Can I come in?” There was no answer, so I walked in. She was gone, but to my surprise she left a note.

  Hey Thug,

  I'm sorry. I left without telling you, but you were sleeping so peacefully. Slobbing and everything. LoL. Thanks for helping me out. I promise I will pay you back for everything. I need to go to my granny crib to check on her and let her know that I'm okay. I need to figure out my next move. I'm literally assed out and have nothing. I couldn't stay inside your beautiful home and have nothing to contribute to your household. Hopefully, the next time I see you I could treat you out to dinner or something.

  Thanks Ka'Jaire (I mean Thug)

  Tahari had a nigga thinking harder than a motherfucker now. If I would have brought a basic bitch to my home, I would have never been able to get rid of her ass. Tahari leaving my crib for not having anything to give me let me know that she was a cut above the rest. She wasn't a gold digger. Reading this letter made me start to defrost the ice I had in my heart for wifing females. Tahari was starting to break a nigga down and I had to shake that shit off. It would always and forever be money over bitches.

  Chapter 5- Tahari

  Woman to Woman

  I was getting so comfortable at Thug's house that I had to leave. I knew I couldn't stay, so I left before he had a chance to tell me to leave. I went and checked on my grandma. As soon as I walked in the door, she ripped me a new asshole. It had been years since she cussed me out. I was wrong though for leaving and not being truthful about my whereabouts.

; She was happy once I told her I had been staying with Thug. I had intentions on staying in the house because I needed to see Khia. This shit with her and Nico had me going crazy. Fuck his woman beating ass. That nigga would get what was coming to him in due time. God don't like ugly. Thug's housekeeper Marta helped the bruises on my face to heal a little faster than usual. I was glad because I looked a mess. She was a really nice woman. I’m glad she kept me company. Thug’s ass was always gone. I didn’t want to see him anyway. I wanted my face to be healed first.

  The last couple of days I had been thinking about Khia. How could I not know that her and Nico was messing around? I decided that I needed to confront her. I felt I deserved an explanation from her. I had to know what I was going to say to Khia once I made it to her apartment. I just hoped Nico was nowhere around. He probably wanted to whoop my ass some more.

  As soon as I walked into the building, Lisette was standing in front of the building.

  "Hey Ta-baby. What's up?" She was high as a kite, scratching and digging all in her arms. I walked right past her without even acknowledging her presence. I had no words for her ass. She gave birth to that devil Nico. I wanted no parts of anything that had the same blood flowing in their veins as him. Plus, that bitch has been phony with me from the jump.

  She had known the entire time about Khia and Nico. I know that’s his mother, so her loyalty was to her son, but she didn’t have to act like she was for me if she wasn’t.

  I walked up the stairs and knocked on Khia's door. She opened door without even asking who it was. As soon as her face came into full view, I hit that bitch with a quick left and a hard ass right. She went down like a ton of bricks. I sat on top of her and started banging that bitch head to the floor.


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