Word of Honor (Knights of Valor Book 1)

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Word of Honor (Knights of Valor Book 1) Page 4

by Lauren Linwood

  “Your juices flow for me, my love.”

  His fingers left nothing unexplored. Merryn began writhing under his touch, her breath coming in short spurts, her hips rising without thought.

  Then warmth exploded through her, like a thousand suns bursting into open flames, spreading through her. She rode a wave of cresting pleasure, whimpering at its intensity.

  As the waves continued, his fingers left. Suddenly, she found herself filled again. He thrust once, deeply, and she yelped as the sharp pain resonated.

  Then it quieted. And he began to move within her.

  Geoffrey pushed in and out, slowly at first, then increased his speed. The intense feelings of pleasure returned. Merryn brought her hands around him, running her nails along his back, her hips rising and meeting him as each thrust grew harder, deeper, longer.

  The ride continued, like a galloping horse given his head, racing into the wind. Harder. Faster. Harder. Faster.

  Then another round of pleasure came, more fervent than the first. She clung to him, crying, laughing, her nails digging into to him.

  Slowly, it ended. He made a satisfied sound and collapsed atop her. She welcomed the feel of his weight.

  He rolled, taking her with him. They now faced one another, lying on their sides. Geoffrey gave her a soft, long kiss and then held her close. Merryn’s cheek rested against his chest.

  “So this is love,” she said.

  He kissed the top of her head.

  “This is love,” he agreed.

  “I rather enjoying being married.”

  He chuckled. “I do, too, my sweet.”


  Geoffrey awakened and found his arms around Merryn, his hands against her stomach as she nestled close to him. Her glorious curls spilled about them. He inhaled deeply and caught the scent of rosemary in her hair.

  He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have made a love match. Unheard of in the nobility. Some husbands and wives grew to love one another as the years passed, as they shared their lives and children between them. Others might not find love, but possibly contentment or respect developed between the couple.

  Not so with him and Merryn. They’d been destined from the start. Only one night of wedded bliss had passed, and already he didn’t know how others could survive in a situation where love didn’t bloom from that first day. He realized that yesterday’s ceremony hadn’t started those feelings. He’d loved Merryn since they’d been children. He’d waited for her to grow into womanhood.

  And how she’d blossomed.

  He thought on their night together. How perfect a fit they were. How right everything felt. Geoffrey thanked the Blessed Lord that He’d brought the two of them together.

  They’d been awake most of the night, dozing off and on between bouts of lovemaking. He’d learned a thing or two from the French whores about what women wanted. He’d made Merryn’s pleasure his focus.

  She, in turn, surprised him. Once her initial shyness passed, she’d turned bold and a tad bit aggressive. He loved seeing this new side of her and knew as they became more comfortable with one another, that her confidence in her marital skills would increase.

  Geoffrey looked down on her and promised himself he’d never do anything to let this remarkable woman go. He would walk through the fires of Hell himself in her place to spare her from any pain or sorrow.

  That included keeping quiet about what had happened with Barrett.

  Merryn found the scar on his right calf as she’d explore him with her hands and tongue. She quizzed him about the injury. He’d laughed it off as being a part of battle, a mere scratch that never bothered him since it had healed. He did not want to concern her with the fact that his neighbor plunged a dagger into his flesh in their fight before the Black Prince. Geoffrey doubted Berold would make known that his son died as an executed traitor. When the earl returned home, he assumed Berold would simply state that Barrett died a hero in battle.

  He would never contradict any story Berold told nor reveal what occurred. Barrett might have been a traitor, but Geoffrey would never let gossip pass from his lips. Justice had been served, and it was in the past as far as he was concerned. He only wanted to live in the present and look forward to his future with the most beautiful women in all of England.

  Merryn had kissed the length of the scar and swore she’d never allow him to go into battle again—even if she must petition the king himself. He could see her now, riding Destiny to London, hell-bent on an audience with Edward. Already, Geoffrey felt the deep love his wife had for him and knew she would go to the ends of earth to protect him.

  Just as he would for her.

  She stirred in his arms. Desire for her rushed through him. He thought of the hunt his father had planned today, with the wedding guests riding out as part of the continued celebration of their marriage.

  Hunting was the last thing on his mind.

  He didn’t want to be separated from Merryn for the hours it would take. He would invite her along, but he doubted she would enjoy it. His bride had a tender heart where animals were concerned. He remembered just two weeks ago upon his return, how he’d told her of the English bowmen who’d shot the horses of the French bastards out from under them. Merryn hadn’t understood it was merely a strategy of war. He saw on her face that she could not condone men abusing the very beasts that served them.

  Because of that, he’d avoided any further talk of war in her presence. Instead, he’d shared tales of camp with her, describing different soldiers and telling amusing stories. Geoffrey hoped he would never go to war again, for it would mean leaving Merryn behind.

  He didn’t know if he had the strength to do so.

  She sighed and began to stretch, pushing back against him. His hands flattened against her stomach and began moving in circles. One moved to her breast, where he ran his fingernail back and forth, teasing the nipple to a peak. Merryn made a whimper that stirred his desire.

  His other hand slipped lower and began stroking her. More pleased noises now sounded in the back of her throat. His lips brushed her shoulders. Her soft skin was smooth as ivory. He nibbled his way along it to her throat and up to her ear. It hadn’t taken long to discover that Merryn’s ears were her weak spot.

  As a soldier, he was trained to take advantage of any weakness.

  And he did.

  Geoffrey made love to her slowly, tenderly, wishing the moment could last forever. He sank into her, loving the catch in her breath. The widening of her eyes. The satisfied smile that played upon her lips.

  Spent, he pulled out from her and fell to his back. Merryn draped her body over him, her leg over his, her hands resting atop one another on his chest as she placed her chin upon them and studied him.

  “Did I wear you out?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” she said, a teasing light in her sapphire eyes. “Mayhap we should do the same tonight and then compare in the morn. I know what I feel like today. I can see how I feel on the morrow. Then I shall decide if I’m worn out or not.”

  He laughed aloud. Life with this woman would never be dull.

  “Do you think we might stay abed all day?” she asked. “I’ve realized that skill only grows with practice. I fear I will need much practice before I am satisfied with my love skills.”

  He pinched her bottom playfully. She yelped.

  “Father has a hunt planned for today.”

  Merryn frowned.

  “I think we should head to mass and break our fast.” Geoffrey entwined his fingers with hers. “I wish you to go with me instead of remaining behind.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “I’m not much for a hunt. Frankly, my heart goes out to the animal being chased.”

  “Well, I’m not leaving you at Kinwick. For all I know, you’d find some stable boy or stray wedding guest to practice your love skills on.”

  Merryn punched him in his shoulder. “Geoffrey! You are wicked indeed!”

  He moved her aside and climbed from the bed. �
�I shall leave you to your ministrations. Your clothes have been moved to that chest. I shall meet you in the chapel. And we shall go on the hunt together.”

  He captured her hand in his and pressed a quick kiss to it. He dressed and left the room, heading straight to the kitchens.

  He found Cook, already busy with preparations for the day. He gave her a hug and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. The old woman blushed as red as Merryn could.

  “I must thank you for the wonderful wedding feast you prepared. Every dish surpassed the previous one.”

  “I thank ye, me lord. Nuttin’s too good for you and Lady Merryn, I say.”

  “I have a favor to ask, Cook.”

  “Name it, me lord. I’ll do me best to please ye.”

  Geoffrey explained how he wanted to steal his wife away during the hunt.

  “Just the two of us, you see. Simple fare is all we need. A small round of cheese. Some bread.”

  “I’ll take care of it meself. Come back ‘fore the hunt begins. There’ll be a sack awaiting which ye can attach to yer horse.”

  He gave her a hug. “Thank you, Cook. I appreciate your kindness.”

  “’Tis a pleasure, me lord.”

  Geoffrey hoped the day would be as sunny and cool as yesterday’s had been. He’d thought it the best of weather for a November wedding. Now he needed two days of flawless skies in a row. He made his way from the kitchens and through the Great Hall. Several people greeted him with a sly smile, knowing what he’d been up to last night.

  He stepped outside and found the day cold but clear. By the time the hunt began, it might even warm up some.

  And if it didn’t? ‘Twould be a perfect excuse to hold his wife extra close.

  Geoffrey headed to the chapel, a grin breaking out across his face.

  His first mass as a married man. He couldn’t wait to sit next to his wife.


  Geoffrey sat stone still next to Merryn, his shoulder touching hers. He longed to take her hand, but he knew that would be frowned upon.

  He couldn’t fool himself. He wanted more than to take his wife’s hand. He fought the urge to put his hands all over her. And his mouth. Especially in the most intimate of places.

  Fighting the carnal urges, he truly tried his best to focus on good and pure thoughts. Time and again, though, all he wanted to worship was Merryn’s body. He planned to do plenty of that later today.

  He gave up trying to push aside such wicked thoughts. An all-knowing God would understand. He made such a beautiful creature—especially for Geoffrey—so He would forgive him the sin of daydreaming about being in the arms of his wife. After all, God forgave a sinner his sins. Surely, it couldn’t be a huge one to want to love one’s wife.

  Mass ended. They left the chapel and made their way to the Great Hall. He noted his mother already had fresh rushes placed on the floor after last night’s feast. He imagined more than a few spilled cups of wine and ale had graced the floor.

  He shared a trencher with Merryn. She seemed quiet this morning. He didn’t know if it came from last night’s bouts of lovemaking that tired her or if she truly were upset about accompanying him on the hunt.

  Still, he wanted to surprise her. He said nothing of his plans. They finished the small meal. His father announced the hunt would begin shortly. Cheers went up, and a ripple of excitement passed through the room.

  “I think I shall go beg Cook for an apple each for Destiny and Mystery. I’m sure they’d like a treat along the way. Would you see both horses are saddled? I shall meet you at the stables.”

  Merryn gave him a small curtsy. “Of course, my lord husband. Your wish is my command.” She gave him a saucy smile.

  She might not be eager to hunt, but he saw her eagerness to please him. He was happy he had this surprise planned for her.

  He was also pleased that she had affixed the sapphire brooch to her clothing. He’d taken it out and stared at it every day after he purchased it. The blue stones reminded him of her eyes and how much he missed seeing them. Now he could gaze upon them in person each day. Looking at Merryn would never grow old.

  He went to the kitchens and snatched two apples from a barrel. Cook met him with a heavy bag.

  “Everythin’ ye could possibly want, me lord.” Her eyes disappeared into slits as she grinned at him.

  “I thank you in advance, Cook. I foresee a pleasant day spent with my lady wife. And your food.”

  Geoffrey slipped the apples inside the sturdy bag, wondering what it contained. He hurried to the stables and found Mystery ready to ride. His hands went round Merryn’s waist as he lifted her into the saddle. He mounted his steed, and they joined the large group gathering in the inner bailey.

  As they rode out, Geoffrey breathed in deeply. It was as if the crisp air and warm sunshine had been specially sent down from Heaven so they could soak up this day. They followed the others, winding deep into the forest for an hour. He hung back till they became the last riders in the party.

  Then he motioned Merryn to follow him as he rode in the opposite direction of the hunting party. He enjoyed seeing the quizzical look upon her face.

  They rode close to half an hour in silence until they came to a clearing where a small abode stood. He trotted Mystery over to it and dismounted, looping his reins on a post to secure the animal. He pulled Merryn from her horse, letting her body graze down his before he did the same with her reins.

  “What is this place?” she asked.

  Geoffrey wrapped his arms about her. “I know you don’t like to hunt and that you don’t like to chase a beast.” He paused. “All I wanted to do today is chase you.”

  He loved the blush that tinged her cheeks.

  “I’ve brought you to what I hope will become our special place. ‘Tis a small hunting lodge my father built years ago. I’ve brought food along for a meal. We can sit under yon tree and enjoy this peaceful day and one another’s company.”

  “Oh, Geoffrey!” She leaned up and kissed him with enthusiasm. “Let’s go see what it looks like.”

  Hand in hand, they walked to the lodge and went inside. It only contained one large room on the bottom floor and two small bedchambers on the second. He had fond memories of the place, which didn’t see much use.

  “I adore it,” Merryn declared.

  He had a thought. “Then why don’t we stay a few days? We can return to the castle for a few items and have private time to ourselves.”

  “A few days?” She twirled about, her arms wide. “I wish we could stay here forever.”

  He caught her in his arms and danced her around the room. “You would grow tired of how small the place is, my love. Especially with several children and a dog or two underfoot.”

  She stopped, a serious look upon her features. “I cannot wait to bear sons and daughters that look like you.”

  “They must have your spirit,” he said.

  “And your honor,” she added.

  “Not to mention your intelligence.”

  “And they must possess your bravery.”

  He laughed. “No matter what they are like, our children will be perfect in every way.” He kissed her soundly. Then his stomach growled. “I planned on making love to you here and now, but let us dine first on food before dining upon one another.”

  “’Tis a beautiful day outside. You’re right. We can spread a blanket under the tree you mentioned.”

  Geoffrey did as she asked. He went to his saddle and pulled the apples out. “Cook provided us with not only treats for our horses but for ourselves.” He handed Merryn the sack.

  “Give them their apples. I shall set out what we have.”

  He fed first Destiny, then Mystery, their apples, telling them what good horses they were and how pleased their master and mistress were with them.

  By the time he returned, Merryn had the food spread out. They took turns feeding one another until he thought he might burst. She yawned.

  Geoffrey leaned back against the tr
ee trunk and pulled her into his lap. He’d been ready to feast on her, but he saw how tired she looked after a night that had seen little in the way of sleep. She curled up against him. His arms went around her. Soon, her breathing evened out.

  “Sleep, my fair lady,” he told her softly. “I wore you out last night. You deserve a bit of rest.” He stroked her chestnut hair, shades of red coming out in the sun. “But I promise you I shall do the same to you tonight. And every night I can, God be willing.”

  His thoughts drifted. He wondered what Merryn would look like when she carried his children in her belly. How many they might have. He started thinking of names for both boys and girls. His last thought revolved around not caring which they had, as long as they proved happy and healthy.

  Geoffrey fell into a deep sleep.

  And awoke to searing pain.


  Merryn awoke with a start, unsure where she was. A low moan sounded in her ear. She sat up.

  And saw Geoffrey pinned to the tree.

  An arrow penetrated his right shoulder, holding him fast in place.

  “Sweet Jesu!” She jumped to her feet.

  “Must be a stray shot from the hunt,” he mumbled. He strained his neck trying to look at the arrow.

  She looked around. “No one’s within sight. Surely if ‘twas an accident, someone would step forth to render aid.”

  His eyes met hers. “Not if ‘tis a coward. A true man would live up to his mistake.” He looked into the woods that lay beyond them. “Only a coward would run after such an accident.”

  Merryn leaned in to examine his shoulder and felt about the wound. Her fingers gently pressed around the injured flesh.

  “’Tis gone through the fleshy part of your shoulder. Not the bone. That is good news.” She thought it awful, but she wanted to keep his spirits up as she watched the agony growing on his face.

  “In war, I learned to break off the shaft, then the arrow should be pulled out in the same direction and the wound seared with a hot knife.”

  He tugged on it. “My left hand is too weak to dislodge it.” He grimaced at the effort. “I swear I shall build up the strength in that hand to equal my right. Whether in sword play or love play, my left will do whatever the right can.”


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