Holiday in Jamaica

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Holiday in Jamaica Page 16

by Tracy Sinclair

  "Tell you what," Tommy was saying. "I'll run you home myself. A brief respite from one of these shindigs my wife is so addicted to can only come as a blessing."

  "Thank you, but I want to stay, truly I do," she told him. It was another fib, but she was afraid to invite Jason's anger any further. She knew that he expected her to stay by his side and pretend nothing had happened. That was part of her punishment and a sop to his pride.

  "Well, if you're sure," Tommy gave in reluctantly.

  Jason's cruelty was exquisite for the rest of the endless evening. His manners were impeccable as always, but he paid just enough attention to Erin to satisfy convention. The majority of his time was lavished on the other women at the table.

  When one of them remarked that it was too bad they were leaving so soon, Jason said, "Yes, it's especially sad for Erin." He turned a hard smile on her. "She thoroughly enjoyed frolicking on the beach, didn't you, my love?"

  Erin made a strangled sound and started to rise, but he pulled her back down, his fingers biting into her soft arm. Oh, how she hated him at that moment! She was like a small animal caught in a cruel trap, and he was enjoying her struggles to get free. She glared at him, and a small sardonic smile played around his mouth as his fingers increased their pressure. He was daring her to protest, and then he would tighten the noose with words that sounded innocent—except to her.

  Erin bowed her head. She was no match for this man. At her gesture of submission, the pressure of his hand lessened and he turned away indifferently.

  Through a shimmer of misery, Erin finally realized that someone was saying her name. She looked up to see Brad beside her. "Would you change your mind and dance with me?" he asked.

  "Oh, yes!" She jumped quickly to her feet before Jason could stop her, but he made no move to do so.

  "You don't mind do you, Jason?" Brad asked correctly.

  Jason turned a bland look at him. "Of course not. Erin may do whatever she likes."

  As Brad's arms closed around her, Erin regretted her impulsive acceptance. His face was flushed, and she could smell a distinct odor of scotch.

  Drawing back, she said sharply, "You've been drinking again."

  "Only two weak highballs all evening, scout's honor," he said. "You don't think I'd make that mistake again, do you?"

  She looked at him doubtfully. It was warm in here with all the people. Even she could feel it. That could account for his flushed face. And he was being a perfect gentleman. He didn't hold her too close and his speech wasn't slurred. Maybe she was being too nervous in the face of his obvious attempt to make amends.

  "Have you and Jason had a fight?" he asked unexpectedly.

  She was instantly alert. "What makes you think that?"

  "Call it intuition." He hesitated and then continued, "I don't know what there is between you two, but if something's gone wrong, I want you to know I'm waiting in the wings. I'm crazy about you, Erin."

  "Don't be ridiculous. You barely know me."

  "How long does it take?" His eyes were half closed as they fastened on her ripe mouth. "I knew it the minute I saw you."

  "Don't look at me like that! You haven't changed and I was an idiot to believe you had." She pulled away from him and would have walked off the floor if he hadn't stopped her, his expression boyishly repentant.

  "I'm sorry, Erin. You're just too darn adorable for your own good."

  "One more word like that and I'm leaving," she warned.

  "No, don't go—I promise."

  Against her better judgment, Erin allowed herself to be persuaded. Brad lived up to his word. He was a perfect gentleman and put himself out to be amusing. It was balm to Erin's wounded spirits. She badly needed cheering up, and Brad was adept at that. She was grateful for his efforts and gradually decided not to hold one mistake against him, no matter how horrendous.

  It was with reluctance that she returned to the table, and her dread was well founded. Jason was waiting for them tight lipped.

  "We have an early plane in the morning. If you don't mind, I'd like to leave." The words were polite but it was a thinly veiled command.

  Erin picked up her purse wordlessly as Brad said, "I'm going to stay on for a while. I'll see you later."

  The ride home was accomplished in complete silence. Erin opened her mouth once to ask how Bibi and Tommy were getting home, then realized that any number of people would give them a ride. She stole a look at Jason's stern profile, but it was so remote that she felt chilled. Wasn't he ever going to speak to her again? How could she bear the plane ride home?

  He stopped in the driveway, leaving the motor running. Leaning across her, he opened the car door and said, "You can go on in. I'm going to put the car away. Be packed and ready by eight o'clock in the morning. I don't expect to have to wait for you." He might have been giving a command to a servant except that his voice would have been less curt.

  She slipped out quietly and entered the big house for the last time. Walking forlornly down the hall, Erin felt terribly tired. But she knew that sleep was a blessing not likely to be visited on her tonight. As she stood in the middle of the luxurious bedroom, unanswered questions rained down on her numbed brain. She had made a mess of this whole week, and where did that leave Bob? Would Jason send him to prison now? Even delight in doing so? That way he could destroy both Bradys at once. But even in her bitterness, Erin knew he wasn't that unfair. He might despise both of them, but he wouldn't be that vindictive. What would he do, though, to teach them both a lesson? The decision, as always, was his.

  Footsteps sounded in the hall and Erin listened and waited, but they continued on and the door next to hers closed firmly. She bowed her head and a tear welled up and trailed down her pale cheek, but she was even too tired to cry.

  After a long time, she started to prepare for bed. Packing could wait until morning. The few things she had brought with her wouldn't take long to put in the suitcase, and the beautiful wardrobe he had provided would, of course, remain in the closet.

  Should she leave a note for Bibi? Erin paused. No, it would be better just to disappear. With a heavy heart, she opened a drawer, and there looking up at her was the beautiful lavender peignoir set. It seemed to symbolize the fragility of all her hopes, and she stared at it for a long moment. She had sworn never to wear it, but what difference did it make now? Almost in a dream, Erin slipped the exquisite gown over her head. It settled with a sigh of seduction around her slim body. The delicate lace top permitted alluring glimpses of her firm breasts, and the narrow satin ribbons caressed her shoulders sensuously.

  Remembering her impression when she first saw the gown—that it was meant to be seen but not slept in—Erin's mouth twisted with bitter amusement. That had been only the first of a series of mistaken ideas.

  Turning off the lights, she walked over to the window and stared out at the tropic night. It was so beautiful. Tomorrow night at this time she would be back home, and her view would be a small patch of garden instead of this romantic scene. Would she ever again be able to look at the ocean without remembering Jason's handsome face and strange gray eyes so full of conflicting emotions? And would time erase the memory of his hard, lean body pressed so urgently against her own? Erin bowed her head despairingly and the moonlight played with her hair, turning it into shifting shades of fire.

  Suddenly there was a click, and a slice of light bisected the darkened room. A man appeared in the doorway, silhouetted by the light at his back. Jason had made his decision! Erin stood completely still, her lips slightly parted. Knowing instinctively that this time there would be no reprieve, her tense body tried to prepare itself.

  Her heart beat wildly in her breast as she tried to see his face, but the light was at his back and showed the delicate contours of her wide-eyed face instead. Would she see love in his eyes—or hatred? Would it be a gentle possession or would it be a repeat of that savage night such a short time ago? Her youthful body, so provocatively revealed by the diaphanous gown, started to trembl
e as she heard his harsh intake of breath.

  Suddenly, he sprang at her like a panther and his rough hands started to explore her body. His mouth clamped down on hers in a kiss that was wild and passionate, and Erin almost fainted from the shock. It wasn't Jason. It was Brad!

  She recoiled in disgust and struggled frantically. "Let go of me, you drunken brute! What are you doing here?"

  Instead of answering, he pulled her head back, exposing her white neck. Raining kisses on her shoulders and throat, his burning lips moved down to the shadowed area between her breasts.

  "I have to have you," he muttered thickly. "You're driving me wild."

  She beat on his chest with tiny, ineffectual fists. "Take your hands off me, you disgusting beast!"

  But her struggles only served to excite him further. "Go on and fight, you little vixen. It won't do you any good, but I like spirit in my women."

  His face was swollen with desire, and Erin knew fear for the first time. At first she had only been revolted, not really believing that he would actually force himself on her once he knew she was unwilling. But the raw passion in his eyes convinced her and she was suddenly terrified. Her struggles intensified, but she was completely helpless against his demonic strength.

  In desperation, she dug her fingernails into his face. He only laughed and pinned both her hands behind her back. She tried frantically to twist out of his grasp, but he held her in a viselike grip. His heavy, determined hand tugged at her shoulder strap. As she heard the fragile fabric tear, exposing one rounded breast, Erin screamed—a high, thin cry of pure terror.

  Then, like an answered prayer, the lights went on and a strong hand grabbed Brad's collar, yanking him away. It was Jason, and, like Brad, the mask of civilization had slipped from his face. With a swift, brutal jab, his fist lashed out and Brad sprawled on the floor looking dazed.

  Jason stood over him, his face black with fury as he clenched and unclenched his fists. "Get up, you louse, because I'm going to kill you!"

  Brad was a sorry sight. Erin's scratches were visible on his cheek, and he rubbed his bruised jaw tentatively as he struggled to his feet. The blow had sobered him somewhat, and he had the grace to look shamefaced. "I'm sorry, Jase, I didn't know you and she…"

  Jason started toward him with such murder in his eyes that Erin was frightened. Putting her hand on his arm she said, "Jason, no! Please… just get rid of him."

  Brad didn't wait to see how Jason would accomplish this request. Making good use of the unexpected intervention, he scrambled for the door in a most undignified fashion.

  It wasn't until the door closed after him that delayed reaction set in and Erin started to tremble uncontrollably.

  Jason put his hands on her shoulders, looking at her in deep concern. "Darling, are you all right?" Then the tears came and he took her in his arms. "That's right, my love, let it all out." Stroking her hair gently, he crooned, "You're safe now. I'll never let anything happen to you again."

  Even after her sobs subsided, Erin clung to him. He soothed her like a little child, patting her back and murmuring little endearments.

  Finally, she raised a tear-stained face and said, "Oh, Jason, I was so scared."

  He kissed her cheek, tasting the salty tears. "Why didn't you call me?"

  Her eyes were like rain-washed cornflowers as she said simply, "You didn't believe me the first time. I was afraid maybe you'd think I'd… encouraged him."

  He groaned and folded her tightly in his arms. "I've been a real fool and it's going to take the rest of my life to make amends. How could I ever have doubted you? You're such an innocent child, and I put you in an impossible situation. Can you ever forgive me, my darling?"

  There was such tenderness in his eyes that Erin thought she would die of happiness. It was almost worth the agony of this past week to have all the misunderstandings between them cleared up like this.

  "It wasn't your fault. Brad is your friend. Naturally you wouldn't believe he'd do anything really dishonorable."

  "That wasn't it at all. I'd believe anything about Brad," Jason said grimly. "Don't you know why I was so angry with you?" When she shook her head, he explained. "I was blind jealous! I know how Brad operates. Deep down, I always believed you about that scene on the beach, but I did think you were attracted to him. You were always dancing with him—laughing with him. It drove me wild."

  She looked at him wonderingly. "I only wanted to be with you, but you seemed to prefer Veronica. You paid more attention to her," she added.

  He laughed as he looked at her full pouting lips and the masses of auburn waves tumbling around her lovely face. "Who is Veronica?" he teased, and his mouth covered hers, gently at first and then with increasing urgency.

  Sweet surrender swept Erin's body as he strained her close and she felt his lean, muscular hardness through the flimsy material of her gown. Her lips parted under the insistence of his, and he probed her mouth with a male dominance that left her weak. Her arms went around his neck and she was consumed with a longing as old as time.

  When he reached up and disengaged her arms, she looked at him blindly, her ragged breathing matching his.

  "If I don't stop now, I'll never stop," he told her. "You're very potent medicine, my little love goddess."

  Erin's long eyelashes fluttered before the flame in his eyes and she blushed, realizing how readily she had responded. He was the one who had called a halt, not she. He was being honorable, releasing her from her obligation, but she had made a promise and had to be as honorable as he. There was something she had to say and it wasn't easy, but she made herself do it.

  "I'm sorry this week didn't work out the way you expected. I know it was my fault. I told you the other night that I… couldn't go through with the bargain." Her head drooped, but she forced herself to continue. "I just wanted to say… I'm ready now."

  There was complete silence. Finally Erin looked up, her cheeks flaming from the effort her surrender had cost. He was gazing at her with such love that her heart missed a beat.

  "You poor baby! Did you honestly think I expected you to go through with it?" At her look of complete bewilderment, he took her in his arms, but only for a moment. Putting her resolutely at arms length, he said, "I've been in love with you since you came to my home in Miami and stood up to me in the garden like a small, enraged kitten." He cupped her cheek lovingly in his palm. "I misjudged you then, too, didn't I, my darling? Why do you put up with me?"

  It came out spontaneously, and she couldn't have stopped it if she'd tried. "Because I love you," she said without shame.

  "Oh, Erin, don't say that, or I'll never get the rest of the story out!" He twisted a silken curl around his fingers. "I never met a girl like you. I was in love with you and I couldn't get to first base. You wouldn't even go out with me. I installed you in my office, where at least I could see you every day, but that was a mixed blessing. You were so thorny. Sometimes I'd think you were thawing, but then you'd turn cold and distant again."

  Remembering her unfounded suspicions about him and Helen, Erin was remorseful. "I misjudged you, too, Jason." There would be time enough later to confess the reason.

  "So when this thing about Bob came up, I seized the opportunity. I'm going to take that young man in hand and straighten him out when we get back," he digressed, and Erin could only look at him gratefully.

  This week had taught her a lot about strength and weakness. As much as she loved her brother, she was willing to shift the burden.

  "I thought if I could force you to spend a week getting to know the real me, maybe I could make you love me just a fraction as much as I love you. I asked Bibi and Tommy to join us as chaperones so there wouldn't be any talk." He ran a hand ruefully through his thick hair. "It was a great plan, but then Brad and Veronica showed up. It was all downhill from there."

  Erin was having difficulty assimilating all of this information. "Do you mean you didn't expect me to… but you said if I didn't, that Bob…" her words trailed off hel

  He held her anxious face in his hands and kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. "How would it look if I sent my own brother-in-law to prison?"

  It took a minute for the words to sink in. He was asking her to marry him! She looked at him with starry eyes. "Do you really mean it? Please don't say it if you don't mean it!"

  His possessive look was answer enough, but he said, "You couldn't get away from me if you tried!"

  Impulsively, she started to fling her arms around his neck, but he stopped her. Reaching for the torn wisp of lace, he kissed her soft skin and his fingers caressed her briefly before he covered her bare breast.

  "Don't tempt me too far, little doll. I'm a very normal male and I might elope with you before the big wedding Aunt Harriet is cooking up. She'd never forgive me. She's already making out guest lists and planning the festivities."

  Erin was incredulous. "You mean you told her we were going to be married before you even told me?"

  "Do you mind?"

  Her arms stole around his neck in spite of his halfhearted attempts to resist, and her fervent kiss gave him the answer.




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