George Washington University: Jackie as student at, 262
Jackie at Harriman home in, 272, 274–75, 278–79
Jackie’s home in, 278–79, 280
JFK-Jackie home in, 1–2, 272, 299
JFK visit to, 34–37
Soviet Union and, 35–36
Goldwater, Barry, 283
Government Printing Office, 276
Grassy Knoll (Dallas, Texas), 290
Greer, William “Bill”, 102, 150, 201
Grosvenor, Melville Bell, 280
Harriman, W. Averell, 272, 274
Harvard University, Kennedy Library and, 286–87
Hayden, Carl, 162
“He Had That Special Grace . . .” (Bradlee), 269–70
Hidell, Alek James
and Oswald’s arrest for Tippit’s murder, 182, 183
Oswald’s denial about use of name, 223
Oswald’s Selective Service cards in name of, 209
and purchase of Oswald’s pistol and rifle, 2, 74
questioning of Oswald about use of name of, 184, 209, 223, 224, 229
See also Oswald, Lee Harvey
Hill, Clint
bloodstained suit coat of, 161
and death of JFK, 151–52, 155, 159
Exceptional Service Award for, 272
initial reaction to assassination shots by, 134, 135, 138, 140, 142
as Jackie’s personal agent, 272
Jackie’s relationship with, 272
as Jackie’s Secret Service protection, 134, 135, 142, 152, 153, 154, 155, 175, 201
and JFK’s Dallas motorcade, 100, 109–10
and Kennedys in Fort Worth, 92–93
and Parkland Hospital, 152, 153, 154, 155, 175
Holmes, Harry D., 222–23, 224
Hoover, J. Edgar, 166–67, 168
Hosty, James, 60, 184–85, 186, 191
House Un-American Activities Committee, 26
Houston, Texas: JFK campaign trip to, 60, 77, 79–81, 82
Hughes, Sarah T., 176, 178–79
Humphrey, Hubert, 283
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts: White-Jackie interview in, 266–69
“I have a rendezvous with death” (Seeger poem), 86
“ifs” of JFK assassination, 149–50, 298
In Search of History (T. White), 294–95
Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington 1789 to John F. Kennedy 1961 (Government Printing Office), 276–77
inauguration, JFK, 2, 28–29, 104
Information Council of the Americas, 44
Ingram, Tommy, 164–66
International Trade Mart. See Trade Mart
“Irish wake” for JFK, 187–88
“iron curtain”, 26
Irving, Texas. See Paine, Ruth
Jackson, Bob, 136, 137, 234–35
Jarman, James “Junior”, 113–14, 117, 129, 131, 138, 147, 150, 207
Jenkins, Ron, 148, 155
Johnson, Lady Bird, 70–71, 102, 154, 177, 179, 192–93, 240, 268, 274
Johnson, Lyndon Baines “LBJ”
civil rights and, 34, 35
and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296
and death of JFK, 161–62
elections of 1960 and, 24, 27, 28, 60, 188, 259
and Fort Worth trip, 93
hostile reception in Texas for, 115, 240
and Houston campaign trip, 80
and initial reactions to Oswald’s shots at JFK, 143
Jackie’s relationship with, 258–59, 281–82
Jackie’s views about, 268
and JFK plans for Texas campaign trip, 60
JFK relationship with, 192, 259–60
and JFK’s arrival in Dallas, 97
and JFK’s Dallas motorcade, 102, 118
Kennedy’s (Bobby) relationship with, 188, 259, 281–82, 283, 284
Oswald’s views about, 225
at Parkland Hospital, 154
picture of, 89
return to Washington of, 162, 174–78, 192–93, 194–95
and San Antonio campaign trip, 70–71
Secret Service protection for, 154, 161–62, 248–49
in Senate, 167, 259
Texas ranch of, 60
and warnings about JFK trip to Dallas, 64
Johnson, Lyndon Baines “LBJ”—as president
address to joint session of Congress by, 263–64
elections of 1964 and, 281–82, 284–85
elections of 1968 and, 285
first public statement of, 195
Jackie’s letter to, 257–62
and Jackie’s Oval Office redecoration ideas, 261–62
and Jackie’s post-funeral stay in White House, 271–72
JFK aides relationship with, 188
at JFK funeral/memorials, 248–49, 258, 275–76
JFK impact on presidency of, 282
and JFK’s Presidential Medal of Freedom award, 273–74
letters to Caroline and John Jr. from, 195, 258
national day of mourning for JFK proclamation by, 218
presidential limousine for, 294
Reston’s views about, 285
swearing in of, 164, 175–80
transition from JFK administration to, 205
Warren Commission and, 264, 284
Johnston, David, 196–97, 200
Justice Department, U.S., 41, 62, 167, 277–78
Kellerman, Roy, 102, 169–70
Kelley, Thomas, 209–10, 224–26
Kennedy, Arabella (daughter), 62
Kennedy, Caroline (daughter)
and film thanking public for sympathy letters, 278
at funeral/memorial services for JFK, 245, 249
Georgetown home of, 279
and good-byes for Texas trip, 65
Jackie’s talk about JFK’s death with, 204
and JFK body in East Room of White House, 203
JFK love for, 270
JFK playing with, 56
and Kennedy artifacts at National Archives, 292–93
LBJ letter to, 195, 258
and LBJ transition to White House, 205
and move out of White House, 272
and public image of JFK, 55
and White House school for children, 262
Kennedy, Edward “Ted” (brother), 167–68, 247, 270
Kennedy, Ethel (sister-in-law), 167, 168
Kennedy, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier “Jackie”
as American heroine, 279
arts interests of, 62, 262
Bartlett article about, 264–65
and Bobby’s assassination, 286
Bobby’s relationship with, 274, 286
and Christmas of 1963, 276–77
Communism comment of, 196, 241
Connally (Nellie) letter from, 294
courtship and wedding of, 1, 23–24
death of, 287
elections of 1960 and, 60
elections of 1964 and, 83, 93, 281–82
and film of public thank you for condolence letters, 277–78
and flight to Texas, 65–66
in Fort Worth, 90, 92–93
Georgetown homes of, 1–2, 272, 274–75, 278–79, 280, 299
Hill as personal agent for, 272
Hill/Secret Service protection for, 92–93, 109–10, 134, 142, 152, 153, 154, 155, 175, 201
Hill’s relationship with, 272
in Houston, 77, 79–81
and “I have a rendezvous with death” poem, 86
as iconic figure, 280–81
inscription on marble mantle in White House by, 272
and JFK as legend/hero, 264–65, 267–69, 284, 295, 299
JFK first meets, 23, 203
JFK’s last night in White House with, 61
JFK’s last night with, 83
JFK’s last private dinner with, 80
and John Jr.’s birthday party, 217, 254
and Kenn
edy artifacts at National Archives, 292
Kennedy Library and, 275, 286–87
LBJ’s letter from, 257–62
LBJ’s relationship with, 258–59, 281–82
McNamara gift of JFK oil painting for, 274–75
media and, 264–65, 269, 278–79, 287
as national obsession, 280–81
New York City move of, 280
in 1968, 285, 286, 287
Onassis marriage of, 287
Oswald’s (Marina) interest in, 78, 210
Oswald’s views about, 210
Oval Office redecoration ideas of, 261–62
and plans for Texas campaign trip, 60, 63
post-funeral stay at White House of, 249–50, 252, 260–62, 271–74
pre-inauguration parties and, 2
and presidential limousines, 91
and Presidential Medal of Freedom award for JFK, 273–74
public image of, 55
and refusal to visit White House, 280, 282
in San Antonio, 70, 71
in seclusion, 217
social activities of, 2, 11, 61, 62
Stevenson and, 63
Kennedy, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier “Jackie” (cont.)
tributes to, 260, 263
wardrobe of, 64–65, 79
wedding ring of, 161, 244, 267
and White House renovation, 56
and White House school for children, 262
White House social obligations of, 249–50
White’s interview with, 266–69, 295
Kennedy, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier “Jackie”—and Dallas events
and arrest of Oswald, 196
and arrival in Dallas, 94–102
and Dallas motorcade, 108, 112, 119, 122–23, 138
and death of JFK, 153, 154, 158, 161
and initial reactions to shots, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 142
Jackie’s memories/reflections about, 160, 299
Jackie’s silence about, 287
and JFK’s warnings about dangers in Dallas, 85
and LBJ’s swearing in as president, 177–80
and media reports about JFK assassination, 151
and Oswald’s first shot, 125
at Parkland Hospital, 153–54, 155, 158, 160–61, 170, 175, 244, 247
pink suit of, 65, 93, 96–97, 98, 112, 119, 139, 148, 161, 176, 194, 195, 292–93
and return of JFK body to Washington, 170, 174–80, 187–88, 194–95, 202–3, 204, 205, 217, 248
and ride to Parkland Hospital, 148, 152–53, 154, 156
and roses for Jackie, 71, 77, 97, 98, 99, 160, 175–76
as witness in Oswald trial, 212
Kennedy, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier “Jackie”—and JFK funeral/memorials
at Bethesda Naval Hospital, 196, 198
and casket for JFK, 166, 198
and eternal flame at JFK grave site, 251–52, 287
farewell letters to JFK from, 242–43
final farewell kiss, 267
and funeral processions, 247–48
and “Irish wake” for JFK, 187–88
and Jackie at funeral/memorial services, 244–45, 249, 250–52
and Jackie’s visits to Capitol Rotunda, 245–47
and JFK body in East Room of White House, 201, 242–43
at Lincoln Memorial, 252
and Mansfield eulogy, 244–45
and mass for JFK, 204–5
and plans for JFK funeral, 188, 202, 205–6, 217
and return to Washington/White House from Texas, 170, 174–80, 187–88, 194–95, 202–3, 204, 205, 217, 248
Kennedy, John F.
death of, 151–52, 153–54, 155, 158, 161, 162–63, 238
eulogies for, 203–4, 244–45, 285
fatalism of, 85, 86
health of, 24, 56–57, 293
indiscretions of, 166
Jackie first meets, 23, 203
and Jackie’s final farewell kiss, 267
as legend/hero, 264–65, 267–69, 284, 285, 294, 295, 299
luck of, 86
McNamara gift of oil painting of, 274–75
meaning of life of, 299
Oswald’s (Marina) views about, 53
Oswald’s views about, 53, 67, 209, 212
personal and professional background of, 24, 25
presidential receptions and dinners of, 61
PT-109 and, 24, 151
public image of, 55–56
ship pictures of, 262
tributes to, 269–71
wedding of, 1, 24
Kennedy, John F. Jr. (son)
birthday party for, 61, 65, 217, 254
and film thanking public for sympathy letters, 278
at funeral/memorial services for JFK, 245, 249
Georgetown home of, 279
and good-byes for Texas trip, 65, 66
Jackie’s talk about JFK’s death with, 204
and JFK body in East Room of White House, 203
JFK love for, 270
JFK playing with, 56
LBJ letter to, 195, 258
and LBJ transition to White House, 205
and move out of White House, 272, 274
and photographs of JFK, 275
Powers photograph with, 277
and public image of JFK, 55
salute to JFK of, 249
and White House school, 262
Kennedy, Joseph “Joe” (father), 25, 28, 66
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier (son), 57, 60, 62
Kennedy, Robert “Bobby” (brother)
and Air Force One return to Washington, 194
at Arlington National Cemetery, 206, 254, 256
assassination of, 285–86, 298
Capitol Rotunda visit by, 245–46
Cuba interest of, 41
and Dallas ad attacking JKF administration, 85
and death of JFK, 166–67, 168
elections of 1964 and, 281–82, 283, 284, 285
elections of 1968 and, 285
and funeral procession from White House to St. Matthew’s Cathedral, 247
Harvard and, 287
Hoover’s relationship with, 166–67
and Jackie’s film at Justice Department, 277
Jackie’s relationship with, 274, 286
and JFK artifacts at National Archives, 293
and JFK autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital, 196
and JFK body at White House, 201, 242–43
JFK’s relationship with, 270
and LBJ as vice-presidential selection, 60
LBJ’s relationship with, 188, 259, 281–82, 283, 284
and Oswald’s arrest, 196
public service of, 275
Skelton letter about Dallas trip to, 64
Walker (Edwin) case and, 12
and White-Jackie interview, 268
Kennedy, Rose (mother), 192–93
Kennedy Library, 275, 277, 278, 279, 286–87
Khrushchev, Nikita, 32
Kilduff, Malcolm, 158, 161–62, 163
King, Coretta Scott, 285
King, Martin Luther Jr., 34, 35, 285, 298
Korean War, 12, 135
Latin Listening Post (WDSU radio program): Oswald as guest on, 41–44, 45
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 206, 270
Lawton, Don, 102–3
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), 80, 81
Leavelle, James, 231, 233, 234, 235–36
Lee, Robert E., 205
Lee, V.T., 50, 51
Lenin, Vladimir, 25
Life magazine
and anniversaries of JFK assassination, 284
“Four Days” article in, 270
Jackie on cover of, 279
and JFK assassination as shared event, 291
and Oswald’s funeral, 253
White’s Camelot article in, 266–69, 284
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963), 59
Lincoln, Abraham
anniversaries of assassination of, 290
�s escape after assassination of, 157
and Booth’s military tribunal, 213
Booth’s motivations for assassinating, 298
congressional memorial service for, 244
and Ford’s Theatre as museum, 288, 291–92
funeral/funeral procession for, 188, 217, 243
Grosvenor story about, 280
JFK assassination compared with assassination of, 69
JFK compared with, 276
pistol used in assassination of, 69
public knowledge about assassination of, 271
public reaction to assassination of, 262–63
relics/souvenirs of assassination of, 291–92
Second Inaugural Address of, 276
statue of, 245
and swearing in of vice president, 176
White House viewing of body of, 202
Lincoln, Evelyn, 102, 196, 205, 293
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 205, 271
Lincoln Memorial
candlelight tribute to JFK at, 275–76
Jackie at, 252
Lipscomb (David) High School (Nashville, Tennessee): reactions to JFK assassination at, 164–66
Little Rock, Arkansas: civil disturbances in, 12
Loewy, Raymond, 65
Look magazine, 270, 280, 284, 291
Love Field (Dallas, Texas). See Dallas, Texas; Dallas, Texas—JFK trip to
Lowe, Jacques, 2
MacNeil, Robert, 146
Mafia: and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296
The Making of the President: 1960 (T. White), 266
Mansfield, Mike, 244–45
map, Oswald’s, 226–27
March on Washington (August 28, 1963), 35
Marine Corps, U.S.
as honor guards for JFK body at White House, 202, 242
Oswald in, 9, 22, 38–39, 54, 59, 70, 106, 124, 136, 150
Oswald’s discharge from, 39, 40, 174, 226
and Oswald’s trips to Mexico, 186
and questioning of Oswald, 189, 226
Marx, Karl, 18, 225
Communism distinguished from, 47, 225
Oswald’s interest in, 37, 48, 225
mass: for JFK, 204–5
McCarthy, Eugene, 285
McCarthy, Joseph, 26
McCormack, John W., 162
McCoy, C.C., 220
McGraw, Preston, 253
McGrory, Mary, 204, 285
McHugh, Godfrey, 187
McIntyre, Bill, 154
McKinley, William, 69
McLean, Randy, 165
McLendon, Gordon, 163
McNamara, Robert, 206, 250, 272, 274–75, 276–77, 281, 282, 286
and confirmation of JFK’s death, 162–63
coverage of JFK assassination by, 151, 152, 156, 159, 162–64
coverage of JFK memorial services/funeral by, 240
and Curry’s press conference, 223–24
Dallas Police relations with, 217, 221, 232
and death threats against Oswald, 223
and Fritz’s “cinched” interview, 213–14, 242
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