Do the Gods Give Us Hope?

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Do the Gods Give Us Hope? Page 1

by Jeff Henrikson

  Do the Gods Give Us Hope?

  Book Three of A Prayer for Peace


  Jeff Henrikson

  Key Move Publications, LLC

  Copyright Jeff Henrikson, 2018

  Falls Church, Virginia

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  Dramatis Personae

  Elves of Armena

  KING TITHAS – King of Armena for one hundred twenty years, killed during a surprise attack by Talon Guild forces. Symbol of Armena is: the black silhouette of an evergreen tree in front of the rising sun

  - COREENA TITHAS – his wife, Queen Mother of Armena

  - SHANE – the Queen’s closest advisor and the King’s foreign advisor

  - DEVIN TITHAS – First Heir of Armena, fifty years old, rightful king after his father was killed, kidnapped by the Talon Guild

  - JALID TITHAS – second in line for the throne of Armena, thirty-eight years old, crowned King of Armena after his father was killed and his brother was kidnapped

  LACRUE TALISMAN – personal bodyguard of King Tithas, the King’s closest advisor, General of the Army, worshiper of Invictus, killed defending the King from the Talon Guild

  - EVISAR TALISMAN – his older son, forty-five years old, favors the sword and shield, originally slated to take his father’s place once he reaches adulthood, worshiper of Invictus

  - JEFON TALISMAN – his younger son, forty-one years old, favors the bow and arrow, worshiper of Martel

  HOLIDOR – senior member of the royal guard, elevated to personal bodyguard of King Jalid and General of the Army after Lacrue’s death

  FALON – member of the Royal Guard, captured by Talon Guild when King Tithas was killed

  ADEL – the Royal Wizard of Armena, advisor to the King

  Philosophers of Armena

  NERO – an elf, one hundred twenty-one years old, recruited by the Philosophers one year ago, specializes in assignments involving the Krone, worshiper of Venal

  - CALIM – his mentor in the Philosophers, typically resides in Stonewall

  COUNCIL OF WIZARDS – the true power behind the Philosophers, a group of wizards who guide Armena, are rarely seen, prefer anonymity and dispense orders by messenger; motto: No matter the cost, complete the mission

  INVIS – Lead Philosopher and head of the Council of Wizards

  Talon Thieves Guild

  GUILDMASTER – a human male, more than four hundred years old, leader and founder of the Talon Thieves Guild, resides in Guild headquarters in the Kentarian city of Locus

  CAM – a human male, appears to be fifty-five years old, the Guildmaster’s loyal butler since before anyone can remember

  NERO – an elf, one hundred twenty-one years old, joined the Talon Guild more than forty years ago, serves as a double agent with the Philosophers while his true allegiance lies with the Guild, elevated to the Thirteen after successfully assassinating the King of Armena

  INNER CIRCLE – also known as the Thirteen, the true power behind the Talon Thieves Guild, consists of the Guildmaster and the twelve most worthy members of the Guild, always consists of thirteen members (no more, no less). Symbol of the Guild: a dragon with its wings spread wide and its mouth held open in mid-roar

  - GASTON – a thirty-seven-year-old human thief, the Guildmaster’s most trusted aide, KILLED during the companion escape from the Old Shetley Fortress

  - GRAM – a human wizard, appears to be forty-two years old, assumed lost in the Plane of Chaos after the Shetley Fortress was destroyed

  - KETH – a thirty-one-year-old half-orc, commands the Talon Guild warrior caste

  - DANIEL – a human vampire, age unknown, resides in Locus

  - SIVAN – a fifty-three-year-old male halfling, operates the legitimate businesses of the Guild

  - RAFA – a forty-five-year-old human wizard, serves as a double agent with the Sorcerers of Kentar as their second in command, acting High Wizard

  - LIDEA – a twenty-five-year-old human female, master of interrogation and coercion

  - ARCHON – a seventy-eight-year-old dwarf male

  - TOMEL – a thirty-year-old human male

  - LINDA – a twenty-nine-year-old human female

  - SIRUS – a thirty-two-year-old human male, least deserving of the Thirteen, KILLED by the companions at Shetley Keep

  - CYRONE – a thirty-eight-year-old human male, priest of Seker, KILLED during the attack on the King of Armena

  Humans of Kentar

  KING RENOLD BENJIN – King of Kentar for the last forty-two years, senior member of the Benjin family, which has ruled Kentar peacefully for the last six hundred years

  - the PRINCE – twenty-four years old, the King’s only son

  SHEVAL – a thirty-five-year-old human, captain of the Kentar frontier town known as Endwood, killed by the Philosophers

  JON CAMPBELL – a twenty-seven-year-old human, lieutenant in the Army of Kentar, stationed at Endwood, battlefield promotion to captain after Sheval was killed

  GREGORY CAPSTONE – thirty-year-old human, lieutenant in the Army of Kentar, stationed at Jewlian Castle

  DARRON – corporal at Endwood

  MARC – captain of the garrison in the Kentarian city of Locus

  FORTIAC – High Priest of the Basilica to Fortuna in Locus

  VANDERHOFF – a fifty-seven-year-old human wizard, current High Wizard of Kentar and leader of the Sorcerers, trapped in a large diamond by the Talon Thieves Guild. Symbol of the Sorcerers: palm-up wizard hand with flames emerging

  FORTICA – a thirty-two-year-old human female, priestess of Fortuna

  Krone of the Underworld

  ARUN – female Krone priestess, worships Evona, First Daughter of the Matron Mother of the Underworld city of Evox

  SERIL – a male Krone general

  Other Characters

  XANDER – a half-elf thief, sixty-three years old, worshiper of Fortuna, briefly employed by the Talon Thieves Guild

  VALIHORN – a half-elf wizard apprentice, thirty-two years old, lives in the wizard tower of Wessex

  - AUSTEN – his master wizard, fifty-five-year-old human, guardian of the portal to the Plane of Chaos

  ELLEN – a twenty-four-year-old human, lives with her daughter, Faye, in Wessex

  LORD SHETLEY – a seventy-nine-year-old human, Lord of the Land, lord of the new Shetley Keep and the town of Wessex

  - WILLIAM – his son, thirty-seven years old, heir to Shetley Keep and Wessex

  - TRISTAN – twenty-eight-year-old human male, captain of Lord Shetley’s guards

  MALACHITE – enormous green dragon who was ancient when the first elves came to Tellus

  Gods Worshiped by the Mortals of Tellus

  NU – the Overlord, creator of Tellus and the gods, so powerful he does not require worship

  INVICTUS – head of the elven pantheon, creator of the elves

  EVONA – head of the Krone pantheon, evicted from the elven pantheon several millennia ago

  MARTEL – member of the elven pantheon, patron god of scapegoats and outcasts, looks after the wrongfully imprisoned and brings down those who abuse their power, despises the Krone, sponsored Venal’s ascension to demi-god status, known as the Faithful Falcon because he travels alone. His symbol is: a falcon in flight; his words are: Loneliness and despair abound; trust in the flight of the falcon and be saved

  VENAL – member of the elven pantheon, a demi-god, the only elven god to have once been mortal, fought the Krone throughout his mortal life after they murdered his family an
d destroyed his village, hates the Krone with all of his being, will not rest or smile until all the Krone have been wiped out; his words are: Death to the Krone; only then may the joy of life begin anew

  SENTINEL – human god of justice and neutrality

  SEKER – a human, God of the Dead, keeper of purgatory, all mortals must pass through his halls before they can be claimed by their god. His symbol is: a jawless skull on a red sunburst

  TIA – human goddess of righteousness and truth; her words are: May you always receive what you deserve and have the wisdom to see the truth

  FORTUNA – human goddess of luck and good fortune, worshipers are taught to flip a coin when at a crossroads so that their goddess may decide their fate, her words are: Losers whine about the odds; let Lady Luck control your destiny and good fortune will abound


  Excerpts taken from the Kentar Academy Journal

  Contributed to by each High Wizard during his time

  Today I established my wizard tower in the small village of Jewlian. I sought out Lord Kenneth Benjin and made sure I would be welcome before construction began. If anything, he was jubilant at the idea of having a master wizard located in his village. He insisted the tower be built adjacent to his fort, which is little more than a wooden keep surrounded by a wooden palisade. I was happy to do it, as my Lord’s protection will be close by if danger should ever present itself.

  I constructed my tower out of stone of course, as is customary. Not only does stone project power, it also prevents a wizard who mixes potions and works with the mysteries of fire from burning down his home. I look forward to setting up my laboratory and continuing with my experiments. Of chief interest are my explorations of the Plane of Chaos, which I have discovered leads to the realms of the gods themselves. Quite by accident, I happened upon the realm of …

  Apparently, I have made quite a name for myself over the last twenty years. I have gathered so many apprentices that they have become multi-generational. Elijah, Declin, and Sophia were the first. They were exceptionally capable, and I taught each of them to the best of my ability before they struck out on their own. I now have new apprentices, but these first pupils have attracted apprentices of their own. Each of them has built his or her own tower next to my original. Never have I seen four wizard towers in such close proximity. I believe this situation may be unique in all of Tellus. This arrangement has several downsides of course, but it has also created a unique academic environment where we can build upon each other’s successes. Already I have explored questions to a depth I never thought possible. Chief among these successes has been …

  I have lived a full life exploring the power of the cosmos, but now I am old, and soon I will die. I can hardly make it up and down the stairs of my tower any longer. I have been forced to move my chambers to the first floor, relying more and more on my apprentices to carry on with the work in my laboratory.

  What started as a single tower in the small village of Jewlian has grown into much more. Now, as my life draws to a close, there are no fewer than seven wizard towers inside a single square mile. Jewlian has grown by leaps and bounds as well, its seaport being the best within a thousand miles. What was once a few wooden huts and single-room dwellings has evolved into a going concern. Hundreds of families now call Jewlian home. I have but to enquire about some whim or gadget and there is most certainly a shopkeeper in town who carries the item.

  There is no question I have done more good than harm for the people of Jewlian. However, when a man reaches his end, he wants to know if his legacy will survive him. I fear if I die tonight, my fellow wizards will disperse to the far corners of Tellus and the unique academic environment we have created here will disappear.

  I have discussed this at length with Lord Jonathan Benjin and he has supported my decision to create a grand Academy – the first of its kind in all of Tellus. We have decided to call it the Sorcerers Academy. The idea for the name was my own, I must confess. The first meeting of the three elected Administrators is tomorrow afternoon. It is my fervent hope that this Academy and Jewlian will grow up together and always have a mutually beneficial relationship. These are the wishes of a dying man.

  Now I will turn my attention to matters of foreign affairs. Lord Benjin received an emissary from the Elf Kingdom of Glenmyr Forest today. There are of course many elven kingdoms in Tellus, but none so large and prosperous as our friends to the east. It is an honor to trade with their caravans and it is a much happier affair than when we receive caravans from the town of Sena to the south. Their pirates …

  Written by Viscom the Clear, Founder and first High Wizard of the Sorcerers Academy

  The human population surrounding Jewlian has grown substantially over the last five hundred years. What started out as a smattering of villages across the countryside has grown into several major cities, spanning hundreds of miles, with outlying villages of their own. Unfortunately, the enemies of humanity seem to have grown more powerful and more concentrated as well. Hardly a moon’s turn goes by that I do not hear about some village on the frontier being wiped out by orcs, or giants, or some other foul beasts. Reports that Goldguard was burned to the ground by a red dragon have recently been confirmed. It has therefore been my recommendation to Lord Darnel Benjin that we combine our power with the other great human cities ranging from the sea in the south to the Unyielding Marsh in the north, and from Glenmyr Forest in the east to the Seven Sands Desert in the west, in order to form one nation that will stand united and indivisible before our enemies. This is prudent for the following reasons …

  I have successfully worked my magic, figuratively speaking of course, by securing a guarantee that Jewlian and the Sorcerers Academy will continue together in perpetuity as the capital of this new nation. After corresponding with the other great lords of the other great cities for nearly a year, my work finally paid off earlier this afternoon when all of the great lords knelt down before Lord Darnel Benjin, now King Benjin I, and swore him their fealty. In return, King Benjin agreed to protect the borders of this new human Kingdom of Kentar from all who would oppose us. It is worth noting that the Lord of Locus took the most convincing to accept King Benjin’s rule and the Sorcerer’s protection. I fear this city will require much handholding and many resources in the coming years in order to secure its loyalty. Of particular interest was a man named Lester Rogan. He had an intelligence and cunning about him that caught my memory. I heard he controls much of the criminal element in Locus. Our scouts tell us he resides in …

  It is unfortunately that while Jewlian, the Academy, and, by extension, the Kingdom of Kentar have remained on friendly terms with our elven brethren, the same cannot be said of the other human kingdoms in Tellus. I continue to hear disturbing reports that several elven strongholds have been wiped out by either the expansion of humanity or by the arrival of other powerful creatures. This is most disheartening since the elves were here long before we came to the shores of Tellus. Fortunately, Kentar signed the “Treaty of Glenmyr” with the Elves of Glenmyr Forest directly to our east. I have high hopes that this will guard …

  Written by Braiden the Traveler, High Wizard during the Formation Time

  It is to my everlasting shame that I was taken unawares and trapped inside a gem by a Talon Guild operative during Kentar’s hour of greatest need. No man is irreplaceable, but in this case my disappearance led to the Benjin family being placed in mortal danger and the beginning of the Talon Guild War. I have often wondered how things fell into place so neatly for the Guildmaster, that he was able to annex half of Kentar and Armena, manipulating them each into destroying the other, ultimately giving rise to the first Thieves Guild Kingdom. The strategic situation was so perfectly orchestrated and executed that I have often wondered if a higher power was at work …

  While imprisoned in the cursed gem, I was witness to many exceptional events surrounding the Talisman elven brothers. Now household names etched in Kentarian history, I participated in their trav
els for a time via a rogue named Xander, before being forcibly returned to the Guild, where my part in history is well known. I would surely have remained imprisoned in the gem for centuries had it not been for the bravery and foresight of the elven brothers. In our darkest hour, it was our elven allies that ultimately brought about …

  Written by Vanderhoff the Imprisoned, High Wizard during the Talon Guild War

  Chapter 80: Stranger on the North Shore

  Evisar boarded the sturdy twenty-foot by twenty-foot raft after Xander and waited for the rest of his companions. Xander stashed the magnificent diamond carrying the High Wizard of Kentar away in the pouch around his waist as Mestel revived Nero from his deep sleep. Evisar was indebted to Nero for saving all of their lives, but there was no telling what Nero might think if he knew Xander was carrying a diamond the size of a clenched fist. No, Evisar needed Nero to be thinking about rescuing the First Heir of Armena and nothing else. That was the only way Evisar was ever going to return to Armena with his brother and restore their family name.

  Evisar laughed softly to himself once again at how Xander had beaten Gram’s truth spell with a play on words, misdirecting one of the greatest wizards on Tellus, while all the while the gem lay hidden in a tree on the northern edge of the forest.

  Nero seemed groggy once awake, but Mestel led him onto the raft easily enough. Valihorn walked sheepishly onto the raft behind Nero and said, “Sorry I had to put you to sleep. I hope you understand.”

  “Of course. You only met me a few days ago. Trust is earned, not given away. Don’t give it another thought.”

  Valihorn nodded at the friendly words. “You look a little shaky. Are you sure you are all right?”


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